Ryder's Salvation: Dragons Fury MC Series Book 4 (Gay Motorcycle Club Romance) (Dragon Fury MC)

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Ryder's Salvation: Dragons Fury MC Series Book 4 (Gay Motorcycle Club Romance) (Dragon Fury MC) Page 1

by M. T. Ossler

  Ryder’s Salvation


  Book 4

  M.T. Ossler



  I grew on in the motorcycle club, my father was Vice President, and it’s all I know. I’ve been a patched member for 14 years. But my brothers, my family, don’t know my deepest, darkest secret. I have a life outside my club. I'm into men; not women.

  Then, Cesare walks into my life, and all my boundaries go out the window for him. He’s been through hell at the hands of the monster, and no one can help him but me. He is my forever, a forever I never thought I would ever have. I’m an Outlaw, and it’s time I play by my own rules.


  I have no family, just my girls; Jules and Bella, and their brothers have become mine. Bella’s parents took me in has their own. They loved and accepted me from the first day, even knowing I’m a gay man.

  Then, my world gets turns upside down. My Bella's parents are killed, brothers are missing, and she gets brutally hurt. All this is done by the same man that kidnaps me because her lost Love, Beast, comes back to save her. For months, I’m beaten and tortured until Beast’s friends find me and rescue me. They take me to my girls as a broken, beaten down man.

  Once my eyes meet Ryder’s, I know he’s the one, but he’s still in the closet.

  As the months go on, he helps me get better, and our feelings can’t be hidden.

  What the future holds no one knows, but I will have Ryder through it all and all our brothers.

  Ryder’s Salvation Copyright © 2018 by M.T. Ossler. All Rights Reserved.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  Cover designed by Maria Ossler

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing: June 2018

  M.T. Ossler Publishing

  WARNING: This book contains emotional triggers, sexual situations, violence, and other adult themes. Recommended for 18 and older.


  Club Officers

  President –Gator (Colt Sadler)

  Vice President – Ace(Hunter James McNally)

  Sergeant-at-Arms – Beast(Giovanni Sebastiano Valentino)

  Secretary – Snake(Blake Larson)

  Treasure –Skull(Max Eriksson)

  Road Captain –Cowboy(Zane Wilcox)

  Snipper / Enforcer – Shadow(Tanner Dimarzo)

  Table Member –Blaze(Jaxson Karlsson)

  Table Member –Wolf(Slade Nilissen)

  Table Member –Hawk(Jason Anders)

  **Gator’s Blood Brothers – Animal – President of Miami,

  Blade – President of Pensacola**

  **Maddox, President of Daytona is Gator’s good friend.

  Patch Members

  Ryder (Jesse Blackwell), Throttle (Lyndon Dalton), Bones, Crash,

  Dawg, Rock, Smokey, Red Dog, Iceman, Bull, Crutch, Tally,

  Tweeker, Twitch, Weasel, Bear, Scorpio, Fritz, Gopher, Gunner.

  Prospects (Name & Road name)

  Dusty – Knuckles, Zackary – Red, Bo – Whiskey,

  Brian – Torch, Mason – Tiny, Alex, Noah, Liam, Mark, & Taylor.

  Bella’s Brothers

  Val – King Pin, Lorenzo - Chains, Romeo – Colt 44,

  Bash – Gears.

  Ol’ ladies and kids

  Iceman & Rosie 2 - Sons Jack & Johnny

  Bull & Cassie 1-Daughter– Emma

  Beast & Bella 2 – Sons- Dominic & Lorenzo

  Ace & Jules 1-Son- Zander

  Blaze & Brook 1-Daughter-Aria (Angel)

  Gator’s Girlfriend, Sam. (No kids)


  Sargent – Gator

  Team –Ace, Beast, Blaze, Snake, & Hawk.




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 1


  Itry to open my eyes, but it’s hard to see much of anything through my swollen lids. My head is about to burst from the hard hit to the back of my skull. My body aches from being beat, and my muscles are sore from the position I’m in. So many fist and feet came flying at me I couldn’t defend myself from them all for long. Now, I’m hanging from the fucking ceiling. How the fuck did I end up in the Castellano’s basement, tied up and hanging spread eagle, upside down?

  This happened last night after I tried to call Jules and Bells for the millionth fucking time. I haven’t heard or seen hide nor hair from them in almost a week. I can’t get in touch with Val, Lorenzo, Rom, or Bash either. I know they are in Italy, but after the news of their parents, I thought they would be back here by now.

  My girls - my loveys as I call them - have just... vanished into thin air. This is not like them not to contact me, at all. I knew something was wrong immediately after I found out the news about the murders at the Estate. It’s not like them to not contact me when something this big happens. They’re going to need me to get through this, both of them.

  We talk every day, and they always accept my calls. Once I heard about Uncle Dom and Aunt Amelia, - my lovey, Bella’s parents - I tried to contact them and got nothing. After two days of radio silence, and being worried sick, I went to Jules’ apartment for some answers. The guard wouldn’t buzz me in or call her. Even with my key and access code, I was banned and escorted out by order of the new Family head. I decided to go to the Estate and found Antonio and some Mexican dudes there, none of the Families’ security was around. He threatened me and told me to stay away. He told me that it was La Familia Business – the Italian Mafia, New York - and I was to never come back or contact my girls, or he would kill me.

  Antonio doesn’t scare me; he’s a weak piece of shit. He’s a nobody, and I’m under The Families’ protection. His men, on the other hand, scare the shit out of me cause I don’t know them. They’re not from our Family, they are not even Italian, they looked Spanish. I left but ignored his instructions. I texted the girls when I got home and called many times and still didn’t have any answers.

  The news reports had nothing on Bella or the guys. They have been hush-hush on things. I’m sure that’s the Families doing. The not knowing, though, it’s killing me. I need to know they are safe, and my gut tells me they are not.

  Until last night that is, I was standing in my kitchen drinking a cup of coffee, staring out my back window at the lake, and thinking. That’s when my phone rang, and Luigi’s – Jules’ personal bodyguard – name popped up on my screen. He was calling with some intel for me about the girls. The girls and Gigi are out of New York and with someone that will keep them all safe for a while. Bella
was apparently hurt the night her parents were killed and in the hospital. Gigi was staying with Jules. Three days ago, she dismissed Luigi, saying it was her time of the month and with all the stress, she needed time alone with Gigi to mentally unwind. That’s not unusual, Jules does this often to all of us, but always warns us first. He gave her two days, and when he returned, they were gone along with their things. All the security footage had been wiped clean, and no one in the building saw anything.

  Bella vanished from the hospital the other night, and again, there was no footage of her leaving. It’s a mystery. Bella’s blood brothers – Val, Romeo, and Bash – close friend/brother – Lorenzo – are missing. The guys are like my brothers as well, since I was an only child. When I met the girls, our first year of high school, I didn’t only get them in my life, I got a new family, brothers, sisters, aunts, and uncles. (That’s another story you’ll learn about soon enough.)

  After talking to Luigi, I got in touch with an old friend, Josh. He’s a private investigator and computer genius, and I had him trace their phones. He found nothing except for Bella’s hospital records and e-mailed them to me. I cried reading them, my poor girl had to go through all that shit without me or her family. She’s all alone, and I need to find her, I just don’t know how. So, I continued to call and text their phones.

  After getting off the phone with Josh, I stood there, stunned. They left me, and the only reason I can come up with is they did it to keep me safe from all the Family drama.

  While I was contemplating all that shit in my head, out of nowhere, I felt something hit the back of my skull, hard. Multiple fists and feet came at me from every direction as they ganged up on me, beating the shit out of me. That’s when I felt a sharp pain in my head, and like a bomb went off inside, causing me to blackout.

  Now, here I am, hanging upside down, alone in the cold, dark, dingy, smelly basement. With no shirt on, but at least my jeans are still on. I don’t know how long I’ve been down here or what’s going on. My head is throbbing, I can’t think straight or see well. I think I’m going to be sick. Yup, here goes everything in my stomach onto the cement floor.

  “He’s awake. Get the boss,” I hear a man yell with a Spanish accent, not Italian. What the hell is going on around here?

  I can’t move; my hands are tied behind my back and around my waist. Blood has started to run down my face to the floor mixed with my stomach contents. I must have reopened a wound. The place smells like urine, sweat, and mold, certainly not helping my rolling stomach. And that would all be coming from me, except the mold, that’s the old basement. God, I need a shower and my bed, stat.

  During my revelation, I’m disturbed when I hear the pounding of feet on the stairs. Then I see with my blurry vision, twelve pairs of legs in Italian suit pants and Italian leather shoes in front of me.

  “Okay, fag boy, where the fuck are they?” I hear Antonio growl from above me, causing my body to shiver.

  I never liked him, there was always just something off about him and the way he looked at Bella unnerved me. He must be the reason I’m here. He’s the asshole leading this shit show now with the guys missing.

  “What the fuck are you going on about up there, asshole? I don’t know shit. Maybe you should enlighten me,” I growl back at him the best I can with my dry throat. That earns me a punch to the gut, no, make that two and a kick to the face. I groan from the pain, closing my eyes, willing myself not to get sick again. He just broke my nose.

  “I’ll fucking enlighten you, fag boy. Your bitches are missing, and I want to know where my property is. You’re their best friend, and I know you three are inseparable, so where the fuck are they?” he barks and throws more punches at my gut, face, and sides. My stomach turns again, and this time his shoes get the brunt of my rage. I wish my hands were free, so I could kick his goddamn ass.

  “I don’t know shit. I haven’t heard from them in a week. What the fuck did you do to my loveys, asshole, and the guys? Why are you attacking me, huh?” I grunt out through my heaving breaths. I think I’m going to pass out.

  He starts to say something, and it’s like I’m in a tunnel far away. Then, everything goes black.

  I wake up again at some point to more questions. When I don’t answer the way they want, I get another beating.

  I’m still hanging from the ceiling, but now I’m upright with my hands tied up to the hanging bar.

  Sleep comes easily from the pain, but then they wake me with cold water baths on my face and electric shocks on my chest. I get more beatings, then I’m out again. That’s a new development. They hooked me up to an electric car charger to shock me awake.

  I can’t tell you how long I’ve been down here, the days and nights have blended together. Broken ribs are a definite, and I’m sure my tibia and fibula are both broken on my right leg. In more than one spot.

  I don’t know why they have kept me alive or why God hasn’t taken me. I wish for death all the time. These men’s faces haunt my dreams, and this basement too. I want this all over with. I can’t take anymore. I’m at my breaking point and praying for death. I want this over with now.

  They feed me very little to keep me alive and give me some water here and there. I’m living in hell because of this bastard, and I know nothing. He won’t take my word for it, though.

  When I wake next, I’m strapped to a hospital bed, and I see blood on my chest. Now, they have resorted to cutting me up. My sides and stomach burn from the surface cuts. More questions today and more cuts. None to my face, just my chest, abdomen, sides, and back.

  Today, Antonio has six of his guys in the room, leaning against the wall, watching him work on my body.

  “I don’t know shit, asshole, so either kill me, or let me go home already,” I screech out. That earns me a slap across the face and a loud growl from Antonio.

  “Fag boy, still thinks he can play hardball with the big boys,” Antonio says laughing.

  “Well, today you’re going to learn some hard facts about those bitches.

  “First off, I own those three bitch’s asses. I have plans for Gigi and Jules that have now been interrupted, and I need to get them back on track. Soon.

  “Second, Izzy was supposed to be my wife, not his. Giovanni abandoned our Family for the military, then those dirty outlaw bikers. He had no right to come back here and take my property from me.

  “You see, fag boy, I fucked the shit out of Izzy to make her mine, all fucking mine. She’s supposed to be pregnant now with my kid. That’s why I fucked her bare, to own her ass completely and have her be submissive to only me.

  “I gave it to that bitch so good she couldn’t stop screaming my name. She took me from behind like a goddamn slut. I even popped her sweet cherry. Did you know that she was a virgin? Of course, you did, she is one of your best friends. I had that bitch begging me as I filled her up with my seed. I planned on doing it more once I got her to my home to ensure I knocked her up and tied her ass to me for good. Filling her up every day until Izzy had my kid growing inside her and would never be able to leave me,” he says fuming and spitting in my face.

  My Bella hates it when he calls her Izzy, he’s the only one that does. The way he says it is evil.

  She would never let any man willingly touch her, especially him of all people. She despises him, for good reason, he’s a fucking creep. Uncle Dom and Val ordered him many times to stay away from her. Which means... No, no, no. my poor lovey. He couldn’t have, but I can see it in his devious eyes, he raped my lovey and hurt her. He stole from her and wanted to continue to do it.

  Wait, did he say, Giovanni, as in Gio, the man my lovey has loved since she was a little girl? She’s with him, which means she’s safe. Antonio won’t be able to hurt her again. Oh, thank fuck, for small miracles. Antonio can torture me or kill me all he wants, he’ll never get to her again. From what I’ve heard about the man, he’s loyal to a fault, and Bella has always been a weakness of his. Jules told me once she thinks that’s why he left th
em because of Bella. She thinks he had feelings for her and didn’t think he could do anything with them. I guess he really did love her all these years. It’s like the old saying; if you love someone enough to let them go, if they are truly yours, they will come back to you. Seems to me that’s what happened with them. True love conquers all.

  “I am to be head of this Family, and I needed her to do it. I should kill you now, but I think I’ll keep you around a little while longer. You may be of use to me after all, as leverage. I own your ass now, fag boy,” he says with a devious chuckle. Evil bastard is up to no good; I can smell it.

  With that, I get my daily dues and then some peace. I think a lot about my loveys and Gigi. Poor little Mini Principessa, she’s lost her parents, her brothers, and her big sister was hurt in the most horrific way. My lovey, Jules, must be having a hard time keeping things together by herself. She is the best at holding everyone together, though. My lovey, I wonder what is going on with her? A part of me hopes Antonio lets me live and I get to see my girls again one day. I miss my family tremendously. I haven’t felt this alone and fearful in a very long time. I want to feel safe again with my family.

  Soon after ‘our talk’ I’m out for a long while. Antonio left to go handle business, the tool down here with me tells me. He gave it to me good this time. I think I’m dying, slowly. I hurt so bad I just want to die now.

  Please God, end my misery. I can’t take any more of his ‘talks’. I need peace, sweet peace on a beach with hot guys to ogle. Eye candy to look at sounds like heaven. Sexy bodies, tattoos, strong arms, six-pack abs. Smooth, sexy voices and smelling of leather, motor oil, woods, spice, and whiskey.

  Oh, yeah, sweet whiskey. I could use a bottle of that to take the aching away. The burn would be welcomed down my throat right now.

  I will my eyes to open and see three sexy leather-clad men before me. Smelling of real men and cleanliness. I’m lying in a soft bed in a room with brown walls and brown ceiling. I must have died and gone to Heaven.


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