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Five Reasons To Go (The Risky Hearts Duet Book 2)

Page 23

by Candace Knoebel

  Graham stirred, and then a small cry escaped his lips.

  “Oops… bet he’s hungry.” Jack took him from Ciana, who looked a little spooked.

  “Bring him here,” I said, eager to feed him.

  “You’re awake.” Jack walked Graham over to me. “Hey there, Momma. Little guy has been waiting for you.”

  I nuzzled my nose against his sweet face for a moment. Moved to hold him to my chest, waiting for him to latch on, his eager mouth trying desperately to find me.

  When I lifted my eyes, I found the room staring at me. I broke out in giggles. Nic looked so confused.

  “This is how a baby is fed,” I said, grinning.

  “Come on, bud,” Jack said. “How about we go explore the gift shop?”

  Relief passed over poor little Nic’s face as Ciana sidled up next to the bed.

  When they were gone, she said, “I love you, Mom.”

  “I love you, baby.”

  She reached for my hand, peering down at the ring. “Sooo…”

  “What do you think?” I hadn’t expected to be nervous. It was obvious the kids adored Jack, but marrying him… it was a big step. A new step. Already, their little brother had a different last name than them. How would they feel if I changed mine?

  She ran a finger over the sparkling diamond. “This is a nice rock,” she said, smirking.

  “It is, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah.” She continued holding my hand. “You deserve this, Mom. To be happy.”

  Tears pushed behind my eyes.

  “You are perfect for each other. And you’d be crazy not to marry him.”

  I pulled her to me, hugging her as I kissed her cheek. “I just want us all to be happy.”

  “We are, Mom. Dad is healthy now. Jack keeps Nic on his toes. And now we have this little guy to spoil,” she said, wiggling his hand.

  “How did I get so lucky?” I said as she leaned back.

  Her head tilted to the side.

  “My bright, beautiful, mature daughter. You’ve always been my strength, you know that? My rock.”

  She cupped my hand against her cheek.

  “I love you,” I said.

  “Love you more.”

  It took about two weeks for everyone to settle in around each other after we were released from the hospital. Jack was by my side the entire time, getting up with me every time the baby cried. Staying up with us as I fed him. Bringing me coffee in the mornings. Handling all the emails and decisions needed for the shop and shelter.

  When Ciana got out of school, she’d rush home and take Graham from me, giving me a little time to myself to get things done around the house. Nic loved being an older brother. I watched a change taking place in him, a maturity filling out his bones as he walked around the house with his head held a little higher.

  I knew then we had finally come full circle. All of my dreams had finally come true, and it was all because of the man I loved. The man who thought he wasn’t worthy of love.

  Those were the best kinds of people. The broken. The scarred.

  We were each other’s saviors. Each other’s warriors.

  Together, we would continue to build our love because, after all, there were no reasons left to go.

  Nothing to run from.

  Only an unwavering need to stay.


  Four Years Later

  Graham ran around the playground, his little legs trying to keep up with the young girl he followed around. It was hilarious, watching him try with all his might, but her legs were twice his size and she had a knack for winning.

  I suspected she got it from her father.

  “Being a dad looks good on you,” Corinne said as she leaned forward on the bench, peering over at me.

  “What she means to say is you’ve got a dad bod,” Cole piped in, chuckling as he rubbed his own stomach.

  Jess placed her hand on my stomach. “Hey, now. You know how many bottles of wine he put into this look? It doesn’t come cheap.”

  I stood, spinning on all three of them. “I resent that.” I lifted my shirt, flexing as hard as I could. “I still have my abs.”

  Corinne and Jess squinted, and then busted out in laughter. “Yeah, I think I see one or two there,” Jess said with a snort.

  Cole got up, then patted me on the back. “Don’t let their laugher fool you. Dad bods are all the rage.”

  “This coming from the man with abs of steel. You sure you aren’t related to Clark Kent?”

  “Mommy!” Olivia shouted from the top of the slide. “Can Graham sit on my lap?”

  “Just be careful,” Corinne shouted.

  “Sit still for her,” Jess yelled at the end of Corinne’s agreement.

  Cole and I were already beside the slide, one on each side, waiting for them to go down with our hands out. Jess and Corinne snickered to each other. Yes… I was a nervous father. It seemed Cole was, too.

  Once they were down the slide and running after each other, Cole walked beside me as we followed them around the playground.

  “You know… you still owe me that beer.”

  “I know,” I said. I’d lost a bet against who would win the ball game.

  “Sally is going to watch Olivia Saturday night. If you can get a sitter, want to go out with us?”

  “I can talk to Jess.”

  “Sounds good, man.”

  Corinne and Jess came up beside us. Corinne wrapped around Cole’s arm. Jess wrapped around mine.

  “Who’d have thought we’d be here?” Corinne said as we watched our little ones play.

  “I sure as hell didn’t,” Cole admitted.

  “It’s because of them.” My chin rose in the direction of the children. “Those little miracles.”

  “Awe… you’re so sappy,” Corinne said, swatting at my shoulder. “Jack Swanson, a sentimentalist. Never thought those words would go together.”

  “Me either,” I said with a chuckle.

  “Olivia!” Corinne called. “Come on, love bug. We have to go.”

  I watched as Cole scooped Olivia up in his arms, flying her around, laughter spilling past her lips. I’d never seen Corinne so happy.

  I’d never felt so happy.

  “What do you think she’ll have?” Jess asked as she pushed Graham on the swing.

  “I don’t know,” I said with a small shrug.

  “She wants a boy.”

  I grinned. “Could you imagine another Cole running around?”

  “What about you?” She peered over at me. “Do you want another one?”

  I glanced down at Graham, my heart full. “Why wouldn’t I?”

  She giggled. “I think the kids would lose their minds. Probably strangle us.”

  “Probably.” I put my arm around her. “You ready to go home?”

  She grinned. “Home,” she said, picking Graham up. “There’s no other place I’d rather be.”

  The End.


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  ♥ Candace knoebel

  Also by Candace Knoebel

  The Night Watchmen Series:

  The Gramm Curse (Night Watchmen, #0.5)

  Everlasting (Night Watchmen, #1)

  Evernight (Night Watchmen, #2)

  Everlost (Night Watchmen, #3)

  Everdeep (Night Watchmen, #4)

  Evermore (Night Watchmen, #5)

  The Born in Flames Trilogy:

  Born in flames (Book 1)

  Embracing the Flames (Book 2)

  From the Embers (Book 3)

  Steamy Standalones:

  The Taste of Her Words
  The Roots of Us

  Ten Reasons To Stay

  Five Reasons To Go

  Co-Authored Novels

  Love Always

  Runaway Heart

  When Two Hearts Collide

  Game of Hearts Novels Boxed Set




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