Book Read Free

Lessons Learned

Page 2

by Amy Lynn Steele

  I snapped out of my daydreaming in time to see Christina gliding down the aisle in a form-fitting pale yellow dress. There was a smile on her lips and tears in her eyes, but she still winked at me when she reached the front of the flower filled church. Suddenly, everyone was on their feet blocking Allison from my view as she and her father entered the back of the church. Heads turned as she slowly made her way to me, every step sealing our future together. I anxiously stood on the tip of my toes trying to get a glimpse of my bride and Robert smiled at me.

  All of the air left my lungs when Allison finally stood before me. She was breathtaking. Everything stilled inside me and I was lost in the moment, lost in her. Her dark chocolate eyes were wide and shining with unshed tears, making them look almost liquid. Her cheeks were rose petal pink and her smile was almost as big as mine. Her slim figure was wrapped in a delicate ivory cloud of fabric. The top of her dress hugged her curves and slowly billowed to the ground. She looked soft and inviting. For a split second, I thought about the moment I would be able to take this magnificent dress off of her tonight.

  Her cheeks bloomed to a deeper shade of pink and I know that somehow she was reading my mind. She mouthed Hi and I wanted to sweep her into my arms and never let her go. Hi I mouthed back as Robert placed her hand in mine. She was the most beautiful bride I had ever seen.

  “I love you daddy,” Ali whispered and kissed her father on the cheek.

  “I love you, baby girl,” he said back as a single tear slid down his face.

  He turned to face me and we shook hands. I know what his little girl means to him, and he knows what she means to me. Over the years we have become more than friends, he has become a father to me too.

  “Who gives this woman to marry this man?” the pastor asked. I couldn’t help but notice the way Robert’s eyes drifted to the photo of Allison’s mom that had been place on a small table near the front of the church. The table, and the candle burning next to it, were a small, but meaningful tribute to the woman they had both loved so much.

  “I do,” he responded. And, with one last glance at Allison, he took his place in the front pew. The rest of the congregation took his cue and sat back down in their seats. Our ceremony had begun.

  “You have both written your own vows,” the pastor stated.

  Allison handed her bouquet to Christina, who was daintily crying. My bride turned to face me and we, squeezed each other's hands in excitement.

  “Where there has been cold, you brought warmth,” Allison’s voice was confident and soft. “Where my life was dark, you brought light. When I was weak, you brought strength. I, Allison Marie, pledge before our family and friends to be your wife, your partner, from this day forward. Let us make our two hearts one.” Allison took my left hand and slipped a wedding band on my ring finger. “I love you,” she whispered, blinking back tears.

  “Allison, where there has been cold, you brought warmth. Where my life was dark, you brought light. When I was weak,” my voice broke and I needed a moment before I could finish. “You brought strength. I, Cooper Ryan, pledge before our family and friends to be your husband, your partner from this day forward. Let us make our two hearts one.” I placed her wedding band on her left ring finger, then brought both of our hands to my chest so that she could feel my heart beat. Two crystal tears tumbled over her dark lashes.

  And in that moment, it was just me and Ali. Nobody else existed. I could hear waves crashing in the back of my mind, the sun burning my skin. She was more than the beautiful stranger on the beach. I stared into her incredible eyes and let myself run a finger over her flushed cheek. Her eyes grew a shade darker and I snuck a look at her pink lips. The pastor cleared his throat, and we were brought to reality, standing in front of our family and friends.

  “With the power vested in me by the State of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife.” A cheer went up from the audience. “Cooper, you may kiss your bride.”

  You don’t have to tell me twice. I held Allison’s perfect face in my hands and pulled her smiling mouth to mine. People were clapping and whistling, but all I could think of was how lucky I was to call this woman my wife. Ali pulled back and smiled, then pressed her lips to mine once more.

  “Tonight,” she said against our kiss. A chill of anticipation ran its way up my spine. We had waited to be together until tonight. At times I didn’t think we’d make it, but somehow we found our way to being virgins on our wedding night. Tonight couldn’t come soon enough. Unfortunately for my libido we had the photos and reception to get through.

  “Congratulations,” Sean said as he clapped his hand on my shoulder. “Congratulations Book Girl,” he said to Ali causing her to laugh at the nickname he’d given her on our first date.

  “Thanks Sean,” she giggled. That giggle was one of my favorite sounds.

  “Thanks man,” I said looking away from my wife. Wife!

  Christina handed Ali her bouquet of yellow and pink flowers and whispered something in her ear. Allison let go of my hand and embraced her friend. Over Ali’s shoulder, Christina’s grass green eyes locked on Sean and he didn’t miss it. I couldn’t help but look back and forth between them, wondering if something was going on between them again. Probably another “on again” since their “off again” a few months ago. I shook my head, not my problem. Ali turned back to me and kissed me once more before we made our way down the aisle as husband and wife.

  “And now I would like to introduce to you for the first time,” the DJ’s voice boomed over the speaker, “Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Perez!”

  Everyone was on their feet and we made our way to the dance floor to share our first dance as husband and wife. Our first dance song, A Thousand Years by Christina Perri, started and I took Ali into my arms. Her skin was soft and smelled like coconut, like my Ali. My nose brushed the sensitive skin under her ear and I heard her sigh a happy sigh.

  “I love you,” she said and kissed me softly.

  I pulled her closer to me, wishing we were alone already. “I love you Allison Marie Perez,” finally able to say my last name as hers.

  Thankfully the night passed quickly with dinner, cake and as many kisses as we could get in. Allison tossed her bouquet and Aunt Trudy caught it. I took my time getting her garter off and flung it over my shoulder. Sean, being ultra competitive, made a dive and grabbed it right before the guy next to him had a chance. He threw both arms up in victory and received some slaps on the back as he cheered.

  I couldn’t help but laugh while I shook his hand. “This night keeps getting better and better,” he told me.

  “Are you having a good time?” I asked him.

  At that moment Christina walked by us and smiled at Sean. “I think it’s about to get even better,” he said and took off after Ali’s best friend. I watched as he puts his hand on the small of her back and gently led her away from the party.

  “Did Sean and Christina just go somewhere together?” Allison appeared next to me looking like she just might follow them. I slipped my arms around her narrow waist.

  “Who cares about them? Come on, isn’t it time to go yet,” I teased and kissed her neck.

  “Cooper, I care,” she quipped right back, swatting at me. “Christina likes Sean a lot, but he doesn’t want a serious relationship. He’s played with her heart too much over the last couple years.” One of the things I loved about my wife, wife, was her compassion.

  “I know, babe, but they are all grown up now and we have to let them make their own mistakes,” I told her. “Today – tonight -this is about us. Not them.”

  “I know, it’s just,” I didn’t let her finish her sentence, cutting her off with a searing kiss. She quickly forgot our friends and returned the kiss with just as much passion. I pulled back enough to see her dark eyes.

  “You were saying?” I whispered.

  “I think it’s time to go,” she said as her lips connected back with mine.

  This night is perfect. My life is perfect.

Chapter Three


  Cooper lightly stroked the back of my hand, causing both my anticipation and my nerves to soar. Yep, I was on my own personal hormone roller coaster in a black stretch limo. I turned to look at my husband, husband, and found him studying my face. His summer sky blue eyes were filled with a mix of emotion and I knew he was on the same roller coaster I was. We smiled at each other and I could feel my cheeks and neck flush under his gaze.

  “You are so beautiful,” he murmured his voice so low and husky that I momentarily thought I would combust.

  “You aren’t so bad yourself,” I squeaked.

  Cooper smiled and moved closer, his lips grazing the sensitive area below my ear, and my eyes responsively closed. “Don’t be nervous,” he whispered, his breath warm against my already heated skin. I wanted to respond, to say something sexy, but my breathing was becoming loud and uneven.

  “Okay,” I finally managed. I took Cooper’s hand in mine touching the cool metal of the ring around his finger. Mine, I thought. And now everyone will know it.

  The suddenly too short limo ride took us to The Omni Hotel in the Gaslamp quarter of San Diego. Its bold logo backed with white lights stood out in the dark San Diego night. Courtesy of Sean and Christina, our honeymoon bags were already in our room waiting. The driver opened the limo door and a cool burst of sea air filled the overheated space. Cooper slipped out, holding out his hand to hoist me and my dress out of the limo. The heels of my shoes seemed to be the only sound in the night, besides my heartbeat. Heads turned as we made our way through the lobby and to the elevator in our wedding clothes.

  Our anticipation rose with every floor we ascended. Cooper still held my hand, though now I could feel a slight shaking in his fingers. My skin felt too warm and my dress too tight. Finally, the elevator beeped letting us know we had reached our floor. The corridor was, thankfully, abandoned on the way to our room. The fabric of my dress whispered unspoken promises with every step I took, causing butterflies to bounce in my stomach. Coop slid the key into its slot and waited until the light turned green to push the door open. The suite would’ve been dark if it hadn’t been filled with dozens of white pillar candles twinkling in the darkness.

  “Sean.” Cooper said with a smile.

  I was instantly swept back to the romantic night on the beach that Cooper had planned for us. That was the night I thought we would be together for the first time. It was the night I threw myself at him and admitted how truly inexperienced I am. I turned toward him to make a joke about it, but something else happened. Unexpectedly ruled by need, I launched myself at him and our bodies collided. My bead covered torso scraped against his tuxedo lapel and my hands twisted into his sun lightened brown hair, pulling his shocked mouth sloppily to mine.

  It only took a stunned moment for Coop to react. His hands hastily wrapped around my waist and up my back, pressing me flush to his chest. It had taken me weeks to find my wedding dress, carefully picking out in anticipation of this moment. I had imagined the moment he would slowly unzip it, following with kisses down my back. The gentle, slow night we both had imagined now seemed to be off the agenda. Years of waiting and wanting pushed us into a near frenzy. I pushed Cooper’s jacket from his shoulders until it hit the floor, the zipper of my wedding dressing protesting under his impatient fingers.

  The room was filled with eager groans and the sound of muffled breathing. I hadn’t realized we had moved until the wall pressed coolly against my back. Cooper lifted me, pressing me into place, working to get me free of the ivory organza and lace. However, it didn’t take us long to realize this wasn’t going to work. He set me back on my feet and I put an arm’s length between us, Coop stumbling back in lustful confusion. The dress pooled at my feet and I stood in front of my husband wearing a white lace corset with attached thigh highs and high heels. Cooper’s eyes lazily wandered over my revealed flesh as I took three deliberate steps in his direction.

  “I am the luckiest man alive,” Cooper’s voice was raw with emotion as he approached me. For a moment I felt self conscience under his stare and wanted to cover myself. But his bright blue eyes burned with love and desire and it filled me with trust. His hand was steady as it traced my puckered incision peeking up from under my corset. The sensation created a fiery burn that started in the pit of my stomach. The wanton feeling had returned and my body started to react before my brain could.

  The night seems to unfold in flashes. My corset falling to the floor followed by his tuxedo shirt, naked skin pressed tightly together. My now bare leg hitched around his hip pulling him closer, urging him on. My hair veiling my face before Cooper pushed it behind my shoulder, following the motion with his lips. Everything that had concerned me about getting to this point seemed to melt away in the fire of our burning love. Cooper’s gemstone eyes locked on mine as we became one. It was utterly life changing. My heart beat powerfully in my chest, stronger with this new meaning of love. I felt completely full and yet I wanted – no I needed – more.

  Cooper pressed me gently into the soft bed treating my body with such reverence that it felt like I would come apart at the seams. Maybe I had come apart, because when I surfaced I wasn’t the same person I had been when the night had began. I had been stitched back together and, for the first time in my life, I felt whole.

  “Time to wake up,” Cooper whispered in my ear. I squeezed my eyes tighter as if this gesture would magically transport me into a land where I could sleep all day. Cooper’s soft laughter filled the room before he kissed my shoulder. “I thought you might want to eat before we head to the airport.”

  Food was what forced me back to consciousness. Well that and the thought of fitting in more than breakfast before the flight. I pounced on Cooper before he had time to realize what I was up to, but he was already thinking what I was thinking. His arms wrapped around my naked body, as he quickly twisted until I was on top of him.

  And that’s when room service knocked on the door. For a moment we were so lost in each other that we would rather starve than answer the door. But then Cooper sighed as his head fell back onto the pillow. I begrudgingly unwound myself so we both could get somewhat decent before we opened the door. Making my way to the bathroom through the strewn clothes, I couldn’t help but blush.

  “Don’t shower without me,” Cooper demanded before opening the door to let room service in. If I was blushing before, I was burning now. Who knew life could be this amazing?

  Chapter Four


  “Stop undressing me with your eyes,” Ali murmured from under her almost comically large beach hat. We had been in Tahiti for a week and were heading home tomorrow. Allison insisted that we spend some time in the sun so it at least looks like we had left our room.

  “I’m not using my eyes,” I told her smugly. “I’m going from memory.” And oh the memories I had of this incredible woman. Ali sat up and lifted the brim of her hat, her cheeks rosy and a smirk on her perfect lips. She slowly picked up her frufru boat drink and deliberately placed the straw in her mouth, sucking the cold beverage through the straw. So she’s not the only one thinking of all the fun we had last night.

  “Why do we have to ever go back?”She asked. The longing in her voice to stay in this sexual alternate reality all but had me purchasing a cottage here on the island where I could hide forever with her.

  “Work, school, family,” I started to list. Ali scrunched her nose.

  “Oh yeah,” she sighed. “All of those things. Well, I rather like it here in paradise with my husband.” Will I ever tire of her calling me that? No, I didn’t think so.

  “So, are we done sunbathing now?” She asked setting her drink down and turning toward me.

  I had to resist the urge to toss her small body over my shoulder and carry her back to our bungalow like a caveman. Before I could stand up to do just that, Ali bounded into my lounge chair. Her warm mouth was on mine and I could taste pineapple, coconut and rum in her kiss. Her legs were o
n either side of my thighs and she was cradling my face in her hands. She was in control. This week had been a back and forth of finding who we were intimately, and it had been the best kind of discovery. Ali’s skin was warm from the sun as I let my hands explore her almost bare back. A tiny bikini string is all that was keeping her from being topless, but I wouldn’t expose her out here. She shifted her weight and her hands traveled down my naked torso. Alarm bells went off in my head.

  “Whoa,” I said into her kiss, trying to clear my mind. Ali’s mouth moved down my neck, undisturbed by my interruption, her hands and mouth in constant study of my body. Marveling at what a lucky guy I was, I briefly forgot why I was trying to stop her in the first place. Oh, yeah.

  “Sweetheart,” my voice strained to get the words out. “We have to wait.” This got Ali’s attention and she sat up, staring at me with confusion.

  “Why?” Her pink lips, swollen from kissing, forming into a pout.

  “I didn’t bring anything for protection.” Because I am an idiot. Because of Ali’s heart condition, she was considered to high risk to be on the pill. Together, we had decided that condoms were our best option.

  “Oh,” my words sank into her lust filled brain. She let out a sigh and moved to sit in a more appropriate manner for public, though the beach was mostly deserted. “But back in our room…” her hopeful voice trailed off.

  We barely made it back to the room before we picked up where she had left off. In fact, the wall right inside seemed to be the farthest into the room we could make it before we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. Hot bare flesh pressed into the wooden walls and into each other. Breadcrumbs of beachwear dotted the bungalow’s floor leading to the oversized bed. Ali’s dark brunette hair was starting to escape from her ponytail and it lightly framed her face. I was lost in her chocolate brown eyes, which were filled with excitement and love and couldn’t help but her delicate face in my hands. She gently leaned into the gesture, letting her eyes slide shut.


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