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Lessons Learned

Page 17

by Amy Lynn Steele

  I let out a little yelp, but instantly relaxed against his muscular chest. “He’s starting to get suspicious,” I told him.

  “I know and I think it’s about time I have a talk with him and tell your dad how I feel about you.”

  “Maybe not just yet, it would really bother me if he killed you.”

  He turned me around in his arms and pulled me to my toes for a kiss. His lips were warm against mine and I let my fingers tangle in his shaggy blond hair. He opened his eyes, the color of grass in the summer, and put his forehead against mine. Both of us were breathing as if we just ran a marathon.

  “I am falling in love with you Araceli,” he said against my lips.

  I kissed him for a long minute before pulling back to look in his bright green eyes. “And I am falling in love with you, Joel.”

  “I bet our parents never really thought this would happen,” he smiled.

  All the years our moms would jokingly refer to us as being betrothed had seemed to push us away from each other. But then a few months ago, something changed for both of us. I just looked at him and knew. Joel was the one. He had felt it too. The bad part was that we were on a double date with two other people at the time. However, when we left the restaurant he grabbed my hand and the look in his eyes had said it all. That night we both ended it with the other people and have been inseparable ever since.

  I couldn’t help laughing. “Well, this should teach them a lesson.”

  “They should understand,” he explained convincingly. “You know those two, their lessons were learned by living life the way they wanted.”

  “So deep for a surfer boy,” I teased him. “Now, kiss me again.”

  And he did while the warm air cocooned us in a bubble of happiness.

  Special Thanks and Acknowledgments

  There are so many people that make my writing possible and I am forever grateful for you.

  My high school sweetheart and best friend, Joel. Thank you for your support and level head. Without you none of this would be possible. Thank you for giving us the best daughter in the world, she motivates me in all I do and just makes life better. My mom. Mom, thank you for being my constant cheerleader and encouraging me. Thank you for watching my little treasure so I could write this story.

  My Red Pen club. You all are so amazing for being willing to read and re-read my drafts. There are not enough words to express my gratitude. Andrea Estes and Cori Ciocon. Thank you for all your kindness and encouragement. Thank you for always having a kind word to say and positive feedback to give. You are both priceless assets to me.

  Thank you to Kirstin Gilchrist for your professional insight. Thank you for your time and help, it’s greatly appreciated. Creative liberties were made and I apologize if any of the information isn’t 100% accurate.

  My editor, Stacy Armstrong. You are a genius! Thank you for your hard work and amazing mind. I couldn’t have done it without you!

  And of course I need to thank my readers. Without all your emails and messages I don’t know if this story would’ve continued. Because of all your encouragement Allison and Cooper’s story was carried on. Thank you all so much!




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