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Redbone 3

Page 2

by T. Styles

  Placing one arm around her neck he kissed her on the cheek and looked into her face from the mirror. “That’s not it. I just want you to feel excited about our way of doing things. And if you’re worried about the Bakers, know that I will always protect you. Do you remember the last man who tried to hurt you?”

  “It’s diff—”

  “Do you remember?” He asked louder.

  “Yes, Bones.”

  “Well just like I didn’t allow Theo to hurt you it will be the same for anybody who comes into the mansion. And that includes a Baker. As long as you and your family stay behind these doors you will forever be safe. I put that on my life.”

  Farah looked away. Although she could care less about most members of the Baker family she wanted Slade to remain untouched. Luckily the prison walls were doing the job for the moment.

  These days Slade was in jail for killing one of his cousin Markee’s soldiers. The melee, which included the Baker Boys and Markee’s men, started in Markee’s apartment and found its way into the hallway.

  The Baker Boys had beaten Markee’s crew so badly that night that all Markee could do was lean against the wall and shake his head. Instead of begging his cousins to stop, he resorted to saying, “Please don’t kill ‘em, ya’ll. Don’t kill ’em. They some good dudes. This going too far now.”

  Slade and his brothers didn’t hear a word. Although two goons were able to get away after Audio, Killa, and Major granted them freedom, Slade, on the other hand, snapped.

  He held Tornado up by his shirt and repeatedly hit him in the center of the face with a closed fist. Everyone watched as Tornado’s eyes rolled to the back of his head and his teeth cut into the flesh of Slade’s hand. And now Slade was arrested for murder— for a case that had yet to be tried.

  “Killing Bakers won’t be as easy as it was with Theo,” Farah said to Bones. “Theo had nobody but the Bakers have many. Just when you kill one, another comes up from Mississippi. They piling in from down south as we speak.”

  “Well let me—”

  When they heard a scream Mia was standing in the doorway, a look of dread etched across her pudgy face. “Oh my God, Farah! I…I just got word that grandma is in trouble. The Baker Boys are waiting on her. She needs help!”



  “Doesn’t Need To Be More Trouble Than It Is Right Now.”

  The meager courtyard with its penny colored brick building looked too haunting to be a church and yet it was. The atmosphere took on a much darker shape when Bones and the other members of The Fold pushed open the wooden double doors.

  Bones’ face contorted as he took inventory of all those present for the regular Sunday worship. It didn’t take him long to spot Elise, Farah’s grandmother. She was sitting in the middle wearing a large yellow church crown. After the original search yielded benefits he scanned the congregation again and spotted the Baker Boys standing in the back of the church glaring his way.

  Bones smiled sinisterly at Audio who was flanked by Killa and Major, Slade's brothers, along with Grant and Judge, their cousins. Also in attendance was Della Baker, the family’s matriarch who looked as malicious as ever.

  “Sit next to Elise,” Bones whispered to Zashay and Mayoni. “I don’t want anybody on the same pew as her so have everybody move.”

  Mayoni strutted toward Elise with Zashay next to her. An Asian and African American, their sleek frames and seductive walk seemed out of place as they nudged everybody off the bench who was next to her, causing a little controversy in the process.

  Elise was embarrassed but knew what had to be done and as the congregation settled down, the pastor continued.

  Bones winked at Audio, which enraged him as he tried to approach. Luckily for him Killa held him back or things would’ve gotten animated.

  When service was over, Elise stood up and grabbed her bible. Her sexy bodyguards, Mayoni and Zashay followed closely for protection. When Elise finally made it toward the back she gasped when she saw how many Vampires and Bakers were present. Her failing eyesight didn’t allow her to see clearly before.

  The back of the church looked like a war was about to ensue and she wondered if it was smart to contact Mia after all. Although she had been lying and telling her grandchildren that things were okay outside of the mansion, the Bakers had been bothering her incessantly about Farah’s whereabouts and she couldn’t take anymore.

  She passed everyone in the aisle that were all offended by Elise’s strong body odor due to her avoiding soap because of Porphyria. A rare hereditary disease in which the blood pigments hemoglobin is abnormally metabolized. The illness causes mental disturbances and extreme sensitivity of the skin to light and she and Farah suffered from it the most.

  Elise advanced toward Bones, whom she’d never met although she was given slight information by Mia who told her to look for the people dressed in black hoodies with the letters ‘TF’ on the front pocket in red.

  But somehow she knew the one with the dreadlocks belonged to Farah because of her tendency to appreciate men in charge. And he certainly looked powerful.

  “You Bones?” Elise asked clutching her bible in front of her sagging breasts.

  “Yes, ma’am, I am.” He gazed at The Fold. “And this is my family.”

  Elise glared at them with disdain. Something told her his family was nothing but trouble for her grandchildren. “You’re here…now what?”

  Bones looked at the Bakers who walked out of the church but he was certain they weren’t gone. “We’re going to walk you to your car and follow you home if you’d allow us. I don’t think things will end here.”

  Elise inspected him from his feet to his eyes. “You are trouble. The type of man that can get my granddaughter all tossed up.” She raised her nose. “And I don’t like you already.”

  “That maybe true, ma’am. I won’t deny that. But today I’m the trouble who’s coming to save your life.”

  Elise gasped. “Young, man—”

  “Ma’am, you don’t have to like me. Most mothers don’t and they each have their reasons. But without me, the call you made for help would’ve fallen on death ears. Now I care about Farah.” He gazed at his family again. “We all do. And we want to make sure you get to where you’re going safely.” He stepped back and pushed the church’s door open. “Now can we please get on with it?”

  Full of attitude, she stormed directly into the Baker huddle Della assembled in front of the building. “Elise,” Della said softly. “I figured we’d meet again.”

  “So this is how you raise children?” Elise spat. “Huh? You tell ‘em to come down on the Lord’s Day and threaten an old woman?” Bones and the members of The Fold stood behind Elise like an iron wall. “I got to tell you, if this is your way of handling things no wonder they don’t have no respect.”

  “Don’t know if it make much difference. How I raise my boys that is.” She eyed Bones and the vamps. “Looks like you’re fully protected to me.”

  “Where is Farah?” Audio blurted out staring at Elise. “Huh? Where she at?”

  Bones stepped forward causing Killa, Major, Grant and Judge to do the same. Now things were certainly heated. “I don’t know where she is,” Elise said. “And I don’t want any drama from you either. Especially in front of my church.” She focused back on Della. “So do yourself a favor and call off your dogs.”

  Della looked at her children and then at Elise. “She won’t be able to hide forever. It’s important she knows that.”

  “Whether she hides or not is her business.” She adjusted her yellow hat. “She’s grown. All I want is for you to leave my church. Because at this rate you got me feeling a little violent myself.”

  “Until next time, tell Farah we’ll be waiting.” Della laughed and her boys followed, all except Audio.

  “Betta listen to you mother,” Bones warned. “Doesn’t need to be more trouble than it is right now.”

  “Yeah, get out of here before you get your feeli
ngs hurt, fuck boy,” Lootz said staring at him. The sunlight highlighting his bleached curly hair.

  Audio focused on Lootz a bit longer, careful to study each aspect of his face. Only then did he bop off.



  “My Mistakes Are Mine Alone.”

  Audio stormed into their apartment within Platinum Lofts as members of the Baker family trailed him. When the door barred he laid into everyone like a losing coach at a Super Bowl Game. “I don’t fucking get it! We had them right where we wanted them.” He raised his hands and clutched them into fists. “If you ask me this family’s getting soft.”

  “Son, you have to be careful about your rage,” Della said as she took a seat at the dining room table. Killa, Major and Grant remained standing while Judge spoke to his wife, whom he was obsessed with, over the phone. “There is a time and place for every emotion and now is not the time for the type you bringing. We have to be smart.”

  “Then when is the time for rage? Huh?” He asked louder. “We should’ve snatched that bitch a long time ago and now look. She has protection and we’ll—”

  Killa was so close to Audio now he couldn’t move or complete his sentence. Audio’s body was plastered against the wall like a painting. “You better lower your voice, little man,” He whispered, warm breath slamming into his face. “I think you’re forgetting where you are and who you’re talking to.” He pointed at Della. “That’s our mother. Respect!”

  Audio looked at Della and stormed to the other side of the apartment to get away from his older brother. Ever since Slade was arrested and they discovered that Farah was accountable for Knox’s death he was consumed with finding her whereabouts. Unfortunately, all attempts ended in loss. Defeat kept him hourly, filling any free time with thoughts of squeezing the life out of her. And he was paying a toll so hard that the twenty something young man, looked thirty.

  “What’s the plan then?” Audio roared. “Because as of now ain’t shit working.”

  “Farah is going to want to see her grandmother soon,” Major said. “And when she does we’re going to yank her by her roots.”

  “We been keeping up with that plan for almost a year, Major!” Audio yelled. “And still nothing! Meanwhile Slade in jail rotting.”

  “Slade being in prison don’t have nothing to do with Knox or what that whore did to our brother,” Killa corrected him. “He earned that body fair and we were all in the hallway to see that happen.”

  “It doesn’t make any difference,” Audio fired back. “We would’ve been left this fucked up town if Slade was home and our brother was alive. And now look.” He raised his hands in the air and dropped them at his sides. “Mothafuckas protecting Farah and every nigga in this room letting it go down.”

  “Audio, nobody is about to let you declare war without a plan,” Grant said. “Now I want vengeance for Knox like the next Baker but we have to be smart.”

  Audio frowned at all of them and felt hate. Things were moving at a snail’s pace and as far as he was concerned it was time to do a little research of his own.

  “Son, come here,” Della said with an outstretched hand.

  “Nah, ma, I’m just—”

  Killa, forced him in Della’s direction with a shove to the back of the head. Audio rubbed his sore dome and stood in front of his mother. “Yeah, ma.”

  “I know you care about your brothers,” she gripped his hand, “I know you do. But you’re forgetting what’s kept us together for so long. Up until this moment, when we moved to DC, we never lost a member of our immediate family, while those around us have lost many. And our success is a direct result of not making hasty moves and what you’re doing now feels hasty, son. You need to slow down. Before you run into a brick wall and it’s too late.”

  Audio looked down at her and then his cousins and brothers. “I want blood, ma. And if I have to do it alone then so be it but I will have what’s mine.”

  “Then you’re making a mistake, Audio.”

  “My mistakes are mine alone.” He stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him.

  Della immediately started coughing and Killa and Major ran up to comfort her. “You okay, ma?” Killa asked lovingly. “You should’ve let me smash his jaw for the disrespect. With a mouth that reckless the boy can handle a blow or two.”

  “I’ll be fine, son,” she placed a fist against her lips and coughed again. “Just…just get me some water.” She pointed at the sink.

  Judge who just ended his call, stuffed his cell phone in his pocket and went to fulfill the request while they remained attentive.

  “This is the problem I have with everything, ma.” Killa started. “He jumping in your face and don’t even know you have cancer. How is that supposed to make us feel? It’s like unconsciously he can tell you’re getting weaker and taking full advantage. He would never talk that way if you were stronger.”

  “Weak body but not mind. There’s a difference,” she said.

  “So why we not letting him know again?” Major asked. “Maybe that’ll be the thing to slow him down.”

  Della drank the water and sat the glass on the table. “Have you ever heard of gasoline putting out a fire?”

  “Can’t say that I have,” Major said.

  “Me either, so why would it work now?”



  “They’re Looking For Me And They’ll Take You As A Start.”

  The black and gold elaborate foyer was massive and seemed to swallow Farah, Shadow and Mia as they paced the floor. The tension was high as they waited on Bones to reappear with news on their grandmother.

  “I should’ve gone with him,” Shadow said cracking his knuckles. “Instead I’m held up in here like a bitch.” He pointed at them. “If something happens to Grams…”

  “Shadow, they’re looking for me and they’ll take you as a start,” Farah said. “So the best thing you can do is keep your black ass right here.” She pointed at the black and gold marble floor.

  “You fit in so well here don’t you?” He frowned, looking at his sister with disdain. “You got the nigga you want and the lifestyle you love. Drinking blood and shit like some weirdo.”

  “I’m going to leave that alone because I see you’re baiting me.” Farah rolled her eyes.

  “Well I don’t want to hear all that dumb shit.”

  “Shadow, let it go,” Mia said. “The last thing we need to be doing is fighting with each other.” She pulled down the front of her shirt, doing her best to hide her growing belly due to eating so much.

  Shadow scratched his neatly cut hair and sighed. He hated waiting.

  The mansion had all the trappings of a Hollywood style home, including a barbershop that he visited regularly. “It’s not about letting it go, Mia. It’s about realizing that at some point we can’t hide forever. We have to get on with our lives. And if this nigga don’t tell me that Grams okay I’m out! With or without you two.”

  The front door opened and Bones, followed by the rest of The Fold piled inside. Farah rushed up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist, holding him tightly. Mia and Shadow hung behind her as they braced themselves for the news. “Please…tell me she’s okay,” Farah begged gripping his hands. “I’ve been calling you like crazy but no answer.”

  Bones eyed her for a moment, breathing in the desperation she felt. It was intoxicating to be able to do something she couldn’t— save a family member and for that he felt powerful.

  “She’s fine, Farah.” He kissed her on the lips, causing Zashay who stood next to him to roll her eyes. “I told you I would always protect you and your family.” He gazed at Mia and Shadow. “Maybe now you’ll believe me.”

  “Thank you,” Farah said happily. “Thank all of you.” She eyed Zashay who folded her arms over her chest. It was clear she had an attitude.

  “Not a problem…glad we could help,” she whipped her red hair over her shoulder and sighed.

  Mia pic
ked up on Zashay’s rigid posture even though Shadow and Farah missed it. There was nothing about the chick she was feeling.

  If time could speak it would be easy to see why Zashay was so jealous. Before Farah it was Zashay who held position in Bones’ life and bed. An original member of The Fold she and Bones had enough history to write a saga. She may have wanted to remember their relationship but Bones demanded that she forget, even forbidding her from telling Farah. The reasoning for summoning her to secrecy was his concern that Farah would not stay in the mansion if she were aware. To the day the only thing Farah knew was that Zashay was an original member of The Fold.

  Nothing more, nothing less.

  The other members of The Fold left Farah, Bones, Mia and Shadow alone in the foyer. They’d already done as much as they could for the Sunday morning and needed a rest. Besides, vamps partied late and slept all morning. It was a way of life.

  “Well did she at least accept the hotel room?” Mia asked.

  “No,” Bones shook his head disappointedly. “We tried but she said the same thing she always does. ‘Nobody running me from my house.’”

  “Fuck,” Shadow yelled wiping his hand down his face. “I can’t believe she don’t get what’s going on in DC right now. She can’t stay out there alone.” He pointed at the door. “I might have to leave and watch her.”

  “So you think you can make grandma do anything she don’t want?” Farah asked.

  “Yeah, Shadow, since when did that ever happen?” Mia added.

  Farah approached Shadow. “I know you want to help grandma but the chances of them hurting her are low. They would’ve done it by now. But you are another story.”

  “Dr. Weil just called a meeting,” Mayoni said interrupting the conversation. She looked at the tense group and focused on her leader with concern. “Everything okay, Bones?”


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