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Tarik: Entry Level Warfare

Page 12

by K. A. Kerr

Tarik gave a look to the bell, only a few feet away but while he was locked in his pod it may as well have been outside of the airlock. He pulled up an entertainment vid just to get his mind going in a different direction.

  Tilla came to see him early the next morning. Tarik was going a bit stir crazy from being in the pod and conscious for so long. She was upset that the doctor had moved the bell so she did one better. Tilla loosened the restrictions on his voice inhibitor. She knew she wasn't supposed to go against the doctor but since he said he was done with Tarik there was no real harm.

  “Thanks.” Was all Tarik could manage to say to her. His throat felt like he had swallowed a handful of sand.

  “I would not normally say the doctor dislikes anyone but you appear to be a special case Tarik.” Tilla said.

  Tarik only grunted in reply, the feeling was mutual.

  “You should keep your speech limited to one word replies for now. If no damage is shown I will loosen it more tomorrow. You have many people who wish to visit you today.” She smiled and went about the physical checks.

  Tilla opened the sides of the medical pod and looked over his surgery scars. Tilla was much more comfortable looking at Tarik nude; he still wasn't great with it but didn't say anything. This was her job and he had caused her enough trouble.

  After Tilla left, Daze came to see him. With his new vision he could see her energy even more. Her animated hand movements accented her stories. Her sound effects could be seen and felt now which really put Tarik in the moment. Daze told him that Rye was still in a bad place and was rarely seen after work hours. Everyone was sure she wasn't drinking anymore but she hadn't chosen any other outlets which could be worse.

  Scout Three came by and told him about the new pilot. The new pilot was another hybrid but his wounds were too new to even him call him by Fighter Two. Tarik really enjoyed the visit but he felt so bad that he didn't know what to say. He felt like he was being distant but he also was not sure what topics were safe. Tarik did his best to just be a good friend; someone for Scout Three to talk too.

  Mange and Goddess came in later that day. Mange said he was going to train Tarik how to fire a sniper rifle. They teased him about having eyes better than Mange and almost as good a body as Goddess. Goddess still looked beautiful, there did not seem like there was a way to change that. They were both excited to see what his new capabilities would be. Tarik had to admit that he was excited too; he was hoping to keep up with Goddess on a run. The only concern raised was from Mange and the problems Tarik would have finding a mate. Tarik wasn't sure what to say, it never really occurred to him. His changes were also not genetic so he did not see how it would relate either.

  When the day came for Tarik to get out of the medical pod he wanted to jump out and streak through the halls naked. As Tilla released him he tried just that; the only thing to greet him was the floor and many cramped muscles. After a few hours physical therapy he was able to walk slowly. When Tilla was satisfied that he wouldn't fall down on his way to the Dome she wished him well and gave him the bell as a gift. Tarik thanked her and went to the Dome for first meal.

  It took some time but his new balance system helped get him there without injury. Upon entering and looking around he noticed only a few pilots and Razor were there. Razor in a surprise move nodded a greeting to Tarik before returning to his roost. Tarik was actually thankful some his friends were not there. They would want to talk and tease him but his throat still hurt and he didn't want to be rude.

  Tarik pulled up his log. His training with Lamb, Goddess and Dav resumed today but no bathrooms to clean.

  Before he left the new Fighter Two came in and introduced himself. He seemed like a nice enough guy, but he felt weird calling him Fighter Two. That name he felt was reserved for another man.

  On his way to meet Lamb he felt almost back to normal. He could walk fine but he had to keep adjusting his vision. Whenever he walked by a large conduit his vision was filled with the orange associated with electricity. The neural implant started to preempt this and do it automatically which took some of the stress off of him.

  When he entered the range he had to turn off his EPS. The range was nothing but projected electronic enemies and terrain. His EPS would be counterproductive here.

  “Finally decided to come back to work?” Lamb asked.

  “Company paid vacation.” Tarik joked. His throat hurt but he couldn’t pass up a zinger.

  “We have a problem.” Lamb said as he pointed to the range. “Your last contract doesn't make much sense. We are going to run it a few times. Maybe one of us will have an idea.”

  The range came alive. The drop ship in the middle, green figures depicted Rye and Daze. A large green triangle floated above pointed towards the end of the valley. Tarik took his place and the simulation began.

  There was no way to change what the fighter did but Tarik was able to correct his own moves. The green blob that was supposed to be Rye still moved painfully slow. Tarik was still pinned down and Fighter One still blew up a mountainside. Tarik did manage to not take the kidney shot and went up the ramp backwards with his shield raised. As soon as he dropped his shield he was hit in the chest.

  “What the hell?” Tarik said when the simulation ended.

  “Baffling isn't it?” Lamb asked back.

  “So no matter what I take that last shot?”

  “It would appear so. I've run this simulation every way possible and you still get hit. The shooter's location is never revealed but it always happens.”

  “So, a long range sniper and a perfectly timed shot?”

  “I still think that is unlikely. The shooter would have needed to be four miles out to not be revealed. The flight time for the burrowing round makes it impossible to time that shot.”

  “So we still have no idea who shot me, or from where the shot was taken?”

  “I have an idea but you’re not going to like it.” Lamb changed the simulation and froze it to when the round struck Tarik. “We can see the round comes in at a sideways angle, judging from the way it strikes. So the shooter was over here.” Lamb highlighted and circled an area in the valley. “The problem is nobody is here, at least not according to any of the probes.”

  “So whoever shot me was not only invisible to all light but also suppressed the muzzle flash?”

  “That is the only conclusion I’ve been able to draw out of this. Tarik, someone wanted to shoot you and only you. That sniper could have hit Rye or Daze much easier but only picked you.”

  “But why me? I’m a new guy here. Why not kill Daze? Not that I want her dead but being the boss's daughter that would have hurt the company more.”

  “True. So either you're hiding something from all of us which grants you an assassination or they want to kill you specifically for other reasons.”

  “You have my bio, it’s been verified. The only people I’ve made mad were the Gorrex but they would have no idea where we travelled after we left.”

  “I agree Tarik, but someone wants to hurt you. Who and why are the questions we don’t have enough data to answer.”

  “So I’m being targeted? Well that’s just great.” Tarik said sarcastically.

  “Let us hope that your new abilities allow you to escape another trap. On a separate note, I’m cutting our training time back to once per week. I’ve seen the work you did on the courses while you were in the medical pod. You’ve got this down. I want you to just keep rules one and two in mind the next time.” Lamb looked away. “This was a tense situation, people were hurt so I understand why you did this without question but you need to place a higher value on your own life. You corrected your mistakes in this run, but let’s not have to do any more of these through hindsight.” When he looked back he seemed equal parts proud and disappointed.

  Tarik agreed he would execute as close to perfect as he could from here on. If he did poorly the next time he may not be around to see his mistakes. If he were actually being targeted he would need to be extra sharp.<
br />
  Tarik went to his meeting with Goddess. He was ready to get running again even if he hated it. He hoped that he hadn’t spent too much time laid up but he felt great.

  Goddess stood in the middle of the walkway and allowed Tarik to get within ten feet before she took off on her run.

  Tarik kept pace just the ten feet behind her; every time she increased her speed Tarik did the same. She still had an advantage with her longer stride but he now had better breath control. His new balance assisted him with the rise and fall of the track but really helped as soon as he hit the water. Even if he dove in head first there was no disorientation, his body knew which way he needed to go before he even opened his eyes. With his improved senses he knew where he was in the water. He could feel the water shift with each stroke. He could sense the edges of the pool and Goddess in the water with him. He knew what it was like to be an apex predator, hunting his prey down with control and confidence.

  After the ninth lap around he felt like he was getting just a bit closer to her. At the twelfth lap he was almost to the back of her feet. At the fifteenth lap they were running and swimming side by side. At the nineteenth lap he was ahead of her by a good twenty feet. His muscles burned but he could still power on, he was not fighting for breath anymore. At the end of the twentieth lap, just as he was nearing the end of the pool to start another round he did not sense Goddess enter the pool.

  Tarik got to the end of the pool and looked back. Goddess was standing at the edge breathing heavy and gradually making her way to the walkway. Tarik slipped out of the pool and stood at the end of the walkway waiting for her. When it was evident that she would be a while he grabbed two towels and started to dry off.

  It took her longer than normal but she came to him at the end of the walkway. Tarik extended a dry towel to her. Having so recently been in the reverse position Tarik smiled but did not want to rub it in.

  “You move so fast now. Even through the water I could not lose you.” She said when she finally caught her breath.

  “I think we could say my enhancements have had the desired effect.”

  “I have no other way to train you. I am going to cancel any further runs but I do think you should run with the pilots now.”

  Tarik was a little disappointed; this was the only time he really got to spend with Goddess. He felt like she still had some things to teach him. At the same time running with her could actually hinder him more than help him.

  “I understand. I will run with them until it is no longer in my best interest.” He told her.

  “You were making good progress on your own but your alterations have pushed you into a realm possibly years ahead. I look forward to working with you in the field.”

  Goddess extended a hand to him; Tarik grasped and shook with the same force she gave him. Just like that their time training together was over.

  When Goddess left he spent a long time looking out of the floor to ceiling window at the end of the pools. The ship was moving away from the station, already in ball form, ready to take them to the next contract. He watched as the ship transitioned to the next membrane. The white shimmer that went across the window was still white. He had expected it to be orange. Tarik thought that was odd but left it at that, physics was not his forte.

  When Tarik sat for end of day meal he was by himself when Rye had come in. She did not look at or acknowledge him which was fine by him. He did notice that she seemed off, not drunk but certainly not sober. He pushed it from his mind, ship discipline was not his job and so long as she didn’t bother him he didn’t really care.

  He put away his tray and went to meet with Dav. He found himself hoping that Dav would not cut back his training time. As it stood he’d already had his training time cut down so much that he wasn’t sure what he would do with his days.

  When he got to the training room he saw Dav waiting for him a big smile on his face.

  “Come on in Tarik.” Dav said happily.

  Tarik met Dav in the center of the round room. With Dav so happy he was waiting for an attack.

  “I’ve read the reports and talked with Goddess. Your new systems are operating at maximum from what I can tell.”

  “They sure have helped.”

  “Well let's put them to the test. I’m going to have your perform some of the old exercises then if I’m satisfied we are going to bring in some new things. Sound good?”

  “Sounds great, I am already pleased with the results but want to know where the upper limits are.”

  “That is exactly what I am wondering myself. I’d really like to see what five million points has bought me.”

  Tarik’s mouth dropped open. He knew these improvements were expensive but five millions points? That was enough to buy exclusive rights to an entire world in some cases. Dav could have retired and lived on his own planet.

  “Oh, don’t be surprised at the number. It was an investment; I expect a great return on it.” Dav said as he produced a steel ball. “Catch.”

  Tarik snagged the ball out of the air; as he did so a post rose from the floor.

  “Toss up in your left hand, jab with your left hand, then catch in your right.”

  Tarik did as he was instructed, it was so simple he felt like he was waiting for hours by the time the ball came back down to his hand.

  Dav gave him more instructions, more posts, and then more combinations. Tarik felt like he had total control of his body. It got to the point where he looked more like a circus act than a student. He would toss the ball, throw multiple combinations, sometimes incorporate a flip and then catch the ball with ease. His upper limit seemed to be eighteen strikes before the ball had to be caught. But he felt like he could add in another five if he let the ball get almost to the floor before he caught it.

  “I’m happy so far.” Dav said as the posts started to drop back into the floor. “Turn off your EPS system.”

  Tarik did as instructed and stood ready for Dav to send him on his way.

  “I just wanted to see if you can defend yourself now. Stand still and only block, do not counter strike.”

  Dav threw a punch and Tarik felt the hand coming to his face before he saw it. He threw up his right hand and knocked it away.

  Dav struck again and he was able to deflect it. Then a combination of punches, followed by a combination of punches and kicks. It seemed like Dav was really throwing everything he had at him now maybe even getting mad. Tarik held himself back, controlling his urge to fight back. Tarik had to keep telling himself that he was winning and not even having to strike. After a few minutes Dav wasn’t winded but frustration showed on his face. Leg sweeps and kicks to the face came at him which he did not even block but stepped out of the way.

  “Fuck.” Dav said as he stopped the assault and forced himself to calm down. “Well I guess when you pay for the best you get the best.”

  “You're not going to cancel our training time are you?” Tarik asked.

  Dav looked at him showing that he had considered it. “No, not yet. You are faster than me but you still need to learn a great deal of technique. How are you dealing with everything?”

  “I’m good; the systems aren’t hard to navigate.”

  “That’s not what I mean Tarik; emotionally how are you dealing with the changes?”

  “I’m okay I guess. I’m a little put off that nobody wants to train me, like I skipped too many steps.”

  The table rose out of the floor with two chairs. Dav pointed to the chair he wanted Tarik to sit in.

  “So you feel like you're being pushed too fast?” Dav asked.

  “It’s not that, I feel like I’m at the level I’m at but I wanted to keep training with Lamb and Goddess.”

  “Do you think they still have things to teach you?”

  “Of course they do. They have years of experience that I lack.”

  “Do you think they need to teach you all of that? How much of it do you need to know?”

  “Not all of it but enough to prepare

  “Tarik some things can’t be taught. You need to experience them for yourself.”

  “But what if I mess up?”

  Dav let out a laugh. “I’m sure you will at some point. If things went the way they were supposed to we wouldn’t be in business.”

  “So everyone is fine with me screwing up and costing lives?”

  “People would be okay with you screwing up because that is how you learn. Lamb was good with cutting back your training time because you took your first mission and found your flaws. If you didn’t change anything you didn’t learn.”

  “It just seems like people want me to do this all on my own now. Like the alterations I received made me a different person. Or in the case of the doctor they made me a monster.”

  “So you think they don’t like you now?”

  “No, more like they think I’m as good as I am going to be. Well, except for the doctor but he’s never liked me.”

  “Tarik, your good is enough to get you by but nobody thinks this is the best you will ever be. In fact, I’m banking on your improvement.”

  Tarik thought about it. He still wanted to work with Lamb and Goddess but maybe them holding his hand would do more harm than good.

  “I can see where they are coming from; I guess I just expected more to it.”

  “Tarik you're not graduating from school, you're becoming a trusted co-worker. Sure, you may have skipped some steps but it wasn’t from lack of hard work. You would have gotten here in a few weeks on your own. You just got a bit of a boost.”

  “Yeah, a five million point boost.”

  “You let me worry about the points. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Dav got up and headed back to his duties.

  Tarik resumed his bathroom cleaning jobs the next day. He was happy that he still had something to do. He also felt great; if he were even a little bit musically inclined he would whistle a tune.

  He walked in the second bathroom of the day. Smiling wide as he pushed his bucket with the mop sticking out of the top and a ring of spray bottles attached to the sides. He first went to work scrubbing the sinks then moved on to clean the toilets.


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