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Tarik: Entry Level Warfare

Page 15

by K. A. Kerr

“Fine. I will sell you a Chrys gun. Twenty thousand points and it’s yours.” The dealer laughed.

  “This is no joke, thief. Give me my points or my gun, now!” Mange yelled at the dealer. Some of the other stalls had gone quiet. Tarik wanted to step in but it looked like he had this covered.

  “We struck a deal. Take your points and your pet out of here before we have problems.” The dealer said as he signalled his business partner.

  Tarik really didn’t mind being called a pet, it was a lot nicer than the things he had been called recently.

  “We have problems then. I am not leaving until this is resolved.” Mange got into a fighting stance.

  A Granuala stepped out from behind the tent. It was a creature most feared. Standing at nine feet, weighing a solid thousand pounds, it was bipedal with two arms that had six joints. It had tough green leathery skin and a blue mohawk for hair. The beasts were smart but they were also slow. They made up for this with the pads on its hands that once they grabbed you sent electrical shocks to kill. They had a language that most of the native translation programs couldn’t handle so it would produce odd results, especially when it came to slang terminology.

  “Leave from the arena non-thinking being. I am the result for the end of your life.” It said as it took its place towering over Mange.

  Mange was still puffed up and ready to take the thing on when Tarik stepped in to pull him away.

  “Follow the ugly monster. For the end will crush life from both of you.” It said.

  Tarik stopped and let the word monster ring in his ears. He was so tired of being called that. He almost had Mange away from the tent when he turned to size the Granuala up. His EPS system picked up the building charge in its pads. Mange had stopped fighting him and was coming to his senses.

  “Why did you call me that?” Tarik asked.

  The Granuala didn’t answer but just looked at the Flarr who had cheated mange.

  “Why in the fuck did he call me a monster?” Tarik demanded of the Flarr.

  “Because you are, now leave before I have him kill you.” The dealer replied.

  Tarik looked at Mange, he was rational now and looking at Tarik like they’d made a mistake coming here.

  “Come Tarik, it is not a huge loss.” Mange urged him.

  “I will make you a deal then.” Tarik said addressing the Flarr. “I will beat your beast in combat, after which you pay my friend here thirty thousand points.”

  “And what do I get when you lose, little monster?” The dealer asked.

  “If I lose, you get my rifle.” Tarik said as he pulled the rifle off the locks on his back.

  “No weapons? Just monster versus beast?” The dealer asked ready to take the wager.

  “Just me versus him.” Tarik said pointing to the Granuala.

  “You have a deal then, I have always wanted a Kami rifle.” The dealer said.

  Mange pulled at his arm advising him to not do this, Tarik just winked at him. The gesture was lost on Mange as he let go and held onto Tarik’s rifle in escrow.

  A circle of onlookers spread out to give the fighters room. Tarik tilted his neck from side to side and shook the nerves out of his body. He was the most deadly human on this station and he was ready to prove it. Bets were starting to be placed on how long it would be before Tarik was electrocuted.

  “The monster may not be mentally of use to know the sum of his death. I am to end his days with the pinch of lights. He will make to the night for the rest of time.” The Granuala proclaimed.

  Tarik felt he could talk trash much better than this thing could so he asked “What’s your name big ugly?”

  “I am Grash, the destruction of the small.”

  “Well Grash, I am Tarik and I am going to beat you until you piss yourself. When I am done with you your loved ones will not recognize what is left.”

  Grash took a moment to process the words. When he figured it all out he snarled and produced a mouth full of sharp teeth.

  Tarik took his fighting stance and focused his EPS on those gigantic hands. Tarik figured no creature had unlimited energy, if he could get the big guy to waste some of it he wouldn’t be nearly as deadly.

  Grash stepped a huge left foot forward and started to bring down his left paw, he wanted to smash Tarik like a bug. Tarik had plans of his own, he slipped to his left and dodged the paw as it smashed to the ground. He gathered as much strength as he could and kicked at the joint closest to him. The kick caused the Granuala’s arm to buckle and the pad to expel its charge. Grash used the moment to come down and bite at Tarik’s face. Tarik took two hurried steps backward and almost tripped on an observer behind him.

  Grash threw out his right arm with the palm towards Tarik’s chest. Tarik danced to his right to avoid the electricity packed palm. The observer behind him did not get that warning and took the full brunt of not only the palm strike but the built up charge. The strike and the charge sent the creature back through a tent behind him.

  Grash followed him and stood up to his full nine feet in height, turning his body ready to smash when he saw the chance. Tarik’s EPS saw that his left palm was charged up with another deadly shock, the right palm was build up a charge quickly.

  When Tarik was almost at a full circle it was evident that the Granuala was waiting for him to make a move. Tarik took two quick steps forward and Grash started to bring down his right hand to smash him. Tarik retreated before the hand could touch him and it landed on the ground like a hammer striking metal. Tarik used the wasted blow to kick another joint and then move in towards the hulking body. Grash swiped at Tarik but the palm sailed over Tarik’s head. Tarik was standing inside of his arms now ready to inflict his own damage. He did not know if Granuala kept testicles in the same place he did but he sent and upper cut to that area and slipped through its legs.

  Grash let out a deafening roar which caused most of the crowd to back away. Tarik could not afford to lose any momentum so he went to work on the back of Grash’s legs. He kicked and punched with everything he could muster. Grash was on one knee when it managed turn and smack at Tarik. Grash couldn’t get a palm facing him but got a backhand powerful enough to send Tarik sideways and away from the creature’s exposed back.

  The flying Tarik was stopped by the crowd, although he was pretty sure stopping the weight of a full grown male human had crushed some of them. He quickly got up and back to the ring that had formed. His EPS and neural implants worked to assess the damage he had done.

  The Granuala was limping and it’s right palm seemed like it was not getting enough energy to produce a full charge. On the other hand he now had an extremely pissed off Granuala with a left hand capable of killing him on its own.

  Tarik saw a bag someone in the crowd was carrying in front of him. He thought back to his first meeting with Lamb.

  As Grash moved in to get at him he grabbed the bag and ripped it away from the person. Tarik tossed the bag into the air. Grash followed the bag with his eyes which gave Tarik his opening. He sprinted full speed and landed a powerful kick on Grash’s good leg. Grash was still distracted by the bag and he started to fall sideways. Grash twisted and stuck his hands out to stop his fall. That’s when Tarik leapt onto the Granuala’s back.

  Grash tried to turn his head to see what the small human was doing but was not fast enough to get a hand on him. Tarik put his knees on the massive shoulder blades and grabbed the mohawk in his left hand. When Tarik had a good hold he pulled back on the hair and set punch after punch to the side of Grash’s face.

  Grash panicked and thrashed about, Tarik held on like a bull rider at a rodeo. Grash got to his feet with Tarik on his back but he couldn’t get his hands far enough around to stop the vicious blows. Grash jumped into the air and tried to come down on his back, hoping to pin and squash the human under him.

  Tarik’s Statoconium implant knew what was happening before his mind processed it. Tarik’s body reacted instinctively and he let go of the mohawk and he pushed off with his
knees. Tarik’s body flipped but the enhancement had him land on his feet like a cat.

  Grash’s heavy body crashed to the ground. Grash had thrown himself backwards so hard his head bounced from the impact. Grash was dazed and threw his hands around like he was blind, which given the impact he may very well have been. Luckily he had not yet located Tarik with his giant hands.

  Tarik took the opportunity to stand at the top of Grash’s head and stomp down with his boot. He stomped seven times when Grash stopped moving at all.

  Tarik did not want to kill the beast so when it was clear it lacked the drive to fight anymore he stopped himself. Tarik was breathing heavier but still nowhere near he would normally be. The crowd hung around but nobody moved towards him. Urine formed a large puddle under the Granuala.

  “Transfer the points.” Tarik ordered the dealer.

  “I’ve got them, let’s go Tarik.” Mange called out.

  Mange and Tarik made their way back to the Beetle, nobody seemed to know or care what had recently transpired.

  “That was truly incredible, Tarik.” Mange said as they neared the ship.

  “Thanks, I’m sorry if I ruined any future business for you back there.”

  Mange laughed a deep grumble. “They are thieves, I would not do business there again. You did not have to stand up for me.”

  “It wasn’t just for you, I’m getting tired of people calling me a monster.”

  “You should use it Tarik, make it your battle sign. When people call you a monster perhaps that is the time to unleash a monster upon them.”

  Tarik thought about it. He preferred to think of himself as a gentle giant. It was true however that he needed to have a different persona when it was time to be violent.

  “That’s not a bad idea.” Tarik said as he thought about it the rest of the way back.

  When the ship pushed away from the station Tarik decided he would use ‘Monster’ as his battle sign. It made sense for him to be two different people, and he sure wasn’t going to allow anyone to call him Jimmy again.

  11 - One of Us

  * * *

  Over the next few days things had gone back to normal. The crew no longer stared at him like they were waiting for him to become unhinged. He went back to his bathroom cleaning duties and did not find any bodies. His workout sessions were filled with personal bests of both weight and endurance. He took up running the double marathons with the pilots. Dav was teaching him incredible advanced moves, putting all of his enhancements to the test. Tarik felt great but he knew every time he did that is when life hit him hard. Things hadn’t gone back to normal with Daze, she kept him at a distance. He could not really blame her; their friendship had implicated her as an accessory to murder. How could any friendship recover from that? Regardless he did miss her and wanted to her some of hear goofy stories again but could not fabricate a good enough reason to go see her.

  Tarik checked his schedule for tomorrow and only one event presented itself early that morning. He was due in medical for a final reassessment, the one he needed to pass to get off of probation. This also meant he’d have to see the doctor. He only hoped the doctor heeded Dav’s warning about treating him fairly.

  The next morning he had undressed and was about to enter the showers when Goddess came out of her stall. She was as nude and beautiful as ever. She did not even make an effort to conceal herself and Tarik did not make an effort to avert his gaze. He was growing tired of her games. She knew what he wanted and he was not going to hide anymore. When she walked past him she stopped just behind him. She did not turn but simply smelled the air around him. Tarik knew he hadn’t showered yet but he did not think he smelled that bad. After pausing for just a few seconds she went to the dressing room without looking back. Tarik only shrugged and dismissed it as another strange Dereft thing she did.

  Tarik had showered and changed into his assessment jumpsuit. He was walking up the corkscrew when he got a message from Lamb.


  Tarik thought about it but still wasn’t sure what he was trying to say. Was he saying he didn’t have to do the assessment? That did not make any sense.

  Tarik pushed it from his mind as he entered the testing facility. Stripping and entering the examination pod without being told. The doctor said nothing to him but just went about his business, noting Tarik’s new alterations. After the examination, which included the unwanted anal pinch, Tarik hopped out and went right to the calisthenics.

  The doctor did not reveal any inclination of what he was giving Tarik for his new scores but Tilla could not hide her joy at seeing the new Tarik at work. After the run timer she was taking off the breathing mask and must have got a whiff of Tarik’s scent. Her shoulders puffed up involuntarily; the doctor glared at her in disgust. Tilla couldn’t hide her sexual arousal, his scent was far too strong so she walked to the other side of the room. Tarik was waiting for the doctor to say something so he could punch the man in the face.

  The doctor did not tell him to go to the vacuum pod but Tarik knew that it was next. He walked over and was about to jump in when a thought occurred to him. Tarik turned and faced the doctor.

  “I’m not going in there.” Tarik informed the doctor.

  “Get in there so I can get your scores. I have better things to do.”

  “Just put down what’s in the brochure for my lungs. I am not going in there.”

  The doctor let a shock stick slip from up his sleeve. “Listen here you vile monster, you will get in that tube or I will make you get in there.”

  Tarik put a big smile on his face. The doctor hid a shielded shock stick up his sleeve because he was afraid of Tarik. The doctor clearly did not have the upper hand here. “Doc, I’d put that thing away before you get hurt. Don’t call me a monster unless you want me to show you one.”

  Tilla started moving over to stand between the two men but she would clearly not make it in time.

  The doctor activated the shock stick and thrust out in Tarik’s direction. Tarik grabbed the wrist that held the shock stick and squeezed until the doctor dropped it. Tarik put his other hand on the doctor’s throat and lifted him off of his feet. Tarik spun around and deposited the doctor into the pod which automatically activated.

  “I assume that thing will release him when he’s blacked out?” He asked of Tilla.

  “Yes, it will.” She answered.

  “Great! Well you have a good day I’m going to go to midday meal.” He said then headed towards the door.

  When he looked back the doctor was thrashing around wildly trying to get to the sides of the tank. Tarik felt like skipping all the way down to the Dome.

  Tarik had eaten midday and then end of day meal expecting to get a nasty message from Dav. He now sat in his room with his EPS off and enjoyed his asteroid belt view. He was still practicing his defense speech when his new assessment came in. Tarik stifled a laugh, if he got something other than all zeros he would be shocked. He went into full immersion to review what he thought would hilarious results.

  Subject: Tarik

  Species: Human

  Sex: Male

  Traits: Northern European lineage

  Chronological age: 35.4

  Biological age: 24

  Life expectancy without combat: 194

  Height: 73 inches

  Weight: 215.2 lbs.

  Body fat: 9.6%

  Water weight: 69.3%

  Alterations: executive class left and right lung, statoconium enhancements, management grade neural upgrade, electronic pulse sensors, retinal implants, repaired right leg, replaced femoral artery, surgically repaired right shoulder, and surgically repaired left hand.

  The video showed Tarik nude and floating in the air. The newest changes were glowing a bright green.

  All scores based on a maximum score of 100 for human males

  Flexibility: 81

  Endurance: 97

  Strength: 95

  Tactics: 99

bsp; Intelligence: 75

  Recall: 76

  Oxygen Retention: 100

  Social Skills: 71

  Life expectancy with combat at current scores: 78.2

  Conclusion: Subject is ready for field duty.

  “What in the fuck?” Tarik asked of the empty room.

  Before Tarik could even wonder what the hell was happening he got a new message from Lamb.

  I knew you would figure it out. Meet us in the training room for a drink. - Drang

  Tarik couldn’t shake the look of confusion off his face. He was still thinking he should be getting his ass chewed off by Dav, not having a drink with the man. He stood up and headed to the training room hoping that one of the men could tell him what the hell was happening.

  As Tarik neared the doorway to the training room he could hear laughing coming from the room. His walk there did nothing to clear his mind, if anything he was more confused.

  In the center of the room was a large round table with seating for sixteen. The entire combat team was sitting and talking loudly. Five of the pilots had joined them and one of the pilots was telling a story that looked like it was about tap dancing. Daze and Dav were talking to Lamb and Goddess. Daze was talking about something that required her to be on all fours but crane her neck up and stare at the sky.

  Lamb was the first to notice him and shouted a loud. “Hey, there he is!”

  The room looked to Tarik and erupted into cheers. Scout Three was the fastest and embraced Tarik in a bear hug.

  “You did it!” he shouted over everyone. “I knew you would!”

  “Let the man in the door for fucks sake.” Dav yelled. “Tarik get your ass over here and get a drink.” Dav motioned him forward.

  When he got to Dav he had a cup filled with alcohol placed into his hands.

  “What did I do?” he asked Dav.

  “You kicked ass kid! You passed your assessment, you’re a full member of the combat team!” Dav said as he held a bottle of liquor high above his head like a trophy.

  “You sure showed that doctor not to fuck with you.” Lamb yelled already slurring his speech.


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