Satan's Breath

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Satan's Breath Page 18

by Temple Madison

  “She’s bait, Chief! She has to look inviting. Don’t worry, she’ll be perfectly all right.”

  “But, Sanders, she’ll be a sitting duck!”

  “I realize that, but don’t you see? We had to get things out of Barry’s way. He’s got to see a clear path to Blaze. That’s why we had to remove the booth, and dress her up. It’s all for him.”

  “But what about sounds? Any kind of outside interference will be heard. A cough, a sneeze, breathing for God’s sake!”

  “No problem. The usual crew has been given the night off, and Wade and Greg will be at the controls in the other booth. With the exception of you, me, and Blaze, the station will be vacant. Not even a whisper will be uttered.”

  “For four hours?”

  “Believe me, it won’t be that long.”

  The chief began wiping his head with a handkerchief. “I’m worried. The open area, the light.”

  Scott looked down at the pyramid-shaped cone of light that was so powerful, it was like a blinking neon sign, saying come and get me. “The light is necessary, Chief.”

  “Hell, I know the light is necessary. I mean, Blaze’s got to see to operate the console, but does it have to be so damned bright? It spotlights the area. When Barry sees that, it’ll be like waving a red flag in front of a bull.”

  “Which is exactly the reason it was constructed that way.”

  “It won’t work,” the Chief said. “It’s too damned obvious. Schorr will know he’s being set up.”

  “Only if he’s smarter than we think he is.”

  “Hell, Sanders, any moron would know.”

  “Chief, like any trap, we have to make it inviting for him, otherwise why bother? I know it’s taking a chance, but we can’t afford to let him see Blaze surrounded by any protection. It might put him off. Believe me, I’ve worked this out to the smallest detail. You see, the darkness attracts him, and the light reveals his prey. When he sees her there for the taking, his demented mind will become mesmerized. That’ll be the noose around his neck. At that point, a bomb could go off, but it wouldn’t matter. All the old feelings will begin to emerge, and if he’s in the crazed tailspin I think he’ll be in, he won’t notice the brightness, or care.”

  “All right, but if you’re wrong, Sanders—”

  Suddenly the chief’s cell phone buzzed. Without moving his worried gaze away from the expanse of the shadowy chamber, he took it from the holster on his belt.

  “Yeah,” the chief said with a soft mutter.

  “Chief, Barnes and Sutton here. Just wanted to check in. We drove in a few minutes ago.”

  “Right, Barnes,” the chief rasped into the instrument. “You and Sutton sit tight and let me know the minute you see or hear anything. I have a feeling something will happen soon.”


  The chief snapped his phone back together and replaced it in his holster while his gaze slid around suspiciously. “I don’t doubt you know what you’re doin’ Sanders, but this place looks like the setting of a horror movie. I keep expecting to see Dracula pop out at any minute.”

  Scott smiled. “I appreciate you letting me do my thing, Chief. The L.A. Police will hardly give me the time of day. Here, I feel like I’m on the set of a Hitchcock episode.”

  Now, with only minutes before Blaze’s show was to begin, she felt the heat of the shimmering, deathly light as it hovered over her. She looked at the exposed console, and listened to the deep hush. There was only one other time she had heard a hush so intense. It was the night her aunt and uncle died. The night she stopped crying and made herself walk down that dirt road with her ragged suitcase at her side. Would it all end here? Was this the night she would die? Would her body slump over the console, her slit throat bleeding all over?

  She felt a chill as she looked at the scene, and knew that this set had been constructed just for Barry. Along with everyone else, the deejay before her was given the night off, and a tape played in his place. Except for her area, the rest of the station was black with darkness. Wade and Greg were operating with as little light as possible, and she could see only the merest shadow of concerned faces as she sat behind the console, waiting.

  As the minutes, then seconds were slowly counting down, the four men looked over at Blaze with apprehension. Pulling the earphones down over her kinky red hair, she was about to begin. Radios all over the city were being turned on, fans listening patiently to the canned commercials while waiting for the deep, sexy voice of the Queen of Steam. The second hand on the large overhead clock made an echoing click, click, click in the quiet room, and every gaze traveled up to it, waiting for the long, thin hand to reach the midnight hour. While butterflies raced around in her stomach, Blaze looked over at the sound engineer. When she got her signal, suddenly her voice came through, loud and clear.

  “Ohhhh, it’s dark outside and I’m achin’ for love. This is Station WSCX, 103.5 on your radio dial, broadcasting from deep in the heart of Savannah, the city that loves to go to bed with Blaze Alexander!”

  The magical voice once again began to spin its sexy web. Hers was the voice that turned cold bodies hot, causing them to burn with desire in the soft lamplight of their bedrooms. Couples all over the city hovered over their radios listening for the redhead to speak the words that would make their love blaze through the night.

  “I’m searching for a man. Blaze began in her usual dark, sliding, whiskey rasp. His name is Barry Schorr, and he wants to kill me. Barry, baby, why don’t you lighten up, huh? We’d both have a lot more fun if you’d just fuck the hell out of me, or can’t you get it up without killing a woman? I—”

  “What in hell is, mmnffff—” Suddenly there was a hand covering Greg’s mouth.

  “Hell, man, you want to ruin this?” Wade whispered close to Greg’s ear. “Blaze’s microphone will pick up every little noise!”

  “We’re in a friggin’ booth!” Greg hissed.

  “It doesn’t matter!” Wade whispered close to Greg’s ear. “Her microphone is sensitive. Without the booth around her, it’s strong enough to pick up every breath.”

  Angry, Greg shoved Wade’s hand away and turned, his shadowy figure disappearing up the side steps to the balcony.

  “I know what you want, Barry. You want me to lie in your arms struggling. Remember the last time I did that? You slid your hand up my leg and then pushed it under my panties.” Blaze laughed softly, her voice sounding breathless. I have a secret, Barry. I loved it, and I want you to do it again.”

  Greg barged into the dark, hanging shadows of the balcony, and found the chief and Scott. “What the hell is going on?” he asked in a hissing whisper while looking from one to the other. “Who told her to throw a challenge in the face of a friggin’ nutso serial killer that he can’t refuse? She was supposed to draw him out, not drive him over the edge. I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes in here and blows the whole goddamned station away.”

  “Oh, quit your whining for God’s sake,” The chief said.

  “Oh, so you’re the creep?” Greg fumed.

  “Yeah, I’m the creep. So what are you going to do about it?” The chief stood up casting a threatening shadow down over the station manager, his looming frame slowly walking toward Greg and punching his finger into his shoulder. “Just get this straight, pretty boy. I’m gonna get this goddamned woman killer, see? And if it takes your license, your job, and every freckle on that stupid, conceited face of yours, then that’s just too damned bad!”

  Downstairs, Blaze cast a worried look up at the confrontation taking place, her words ringing out, trying to shield the loud whispers.

  “Remember the way you stroked my leg and held me against you, rubbing harder and harder? Ohhhhh, God, it felt so good. Hmmmmm, Barry, come to me, baby, come to me now. I want your hands to touch me and caress my body until I shout with delight. Ohhhhhh, God, Barry where are you? My body is aching for your touch. I want your burning cock to enter me and make me blaze with desire.”

  “Do yo
u realize the whole damned city is hearing this?” Greg practically shouted. “Besides, how the hell do we know he’s even listening?”

  “You may be right,” the chief said sarcastically. “I don’t think he’s gonna turn his radio on if he’s got some poor woman under his friggin’ knife!”

  “I think we should stop it!” Greg’s voice became louder. “Burning cock for God’s sake? I tell you she’s killing us!”

  “Hell no!” The chief grabbed Greg’s collar. “If you try to stop this show, I’ll arrest you for obstruction of justice and make sure they put you in a hole so deep, you’ll be babblin’ in Chinese!” He angrily slammed him against the balcony railing. “Now I’d advise you to get the hell outta here before I lose my temper.”

  Scott saw Blaze look up with pleading eyes, so he jumped up and stood between them. “Will you two put a lid on it for God’s sake? You can kill each other later. Can’t you see that Blaze’s struggling down there?”

  Turning away from the two men, Greg muttered, “Mr. Farewell, I’ve got to talk to Mr. Farewell!”

  * * * *

  Barry stood in a shadow, watching the building across the street. Taking out a cigarette, he turned his back on the wind to light up. After touching the tip of his cigarette to the flame, he took a deep draw, snapped the lighter closed, and pushed it back into the pocket of his jeans. He happened to look up at the sign in the window, and through a cloud of smoke, he noticed that he was standing in the doorway of a liquor store. He decided to go in and get a bottle to keep him company while he made plans for a murder. A murder he’d been putting off. A murder he was going to enjoy. A murder that was long overdue.

  When he pushed the door open, a bell jingled softly overhead. He began walking slowly down the aisles, looking for a good brand of scotch when suddenly he heard a soft, husky voice.

  “Barry, I want you to fuck me, Barry. Fill my dripping cunt with your cock before I die from loneliness.”

  He whirled around, looking to see where it came from, but didn’t see anyone. Thinking he must have imagined it, he slowly turned back around and continued looking for the scotch. Again, the voice spoke, and his head jerked up.

  “Oooooh, Barry, it will be so good with us. It’s not too late, Barry. Come to me now, and fill me up with your rampant cock, so big it can easily touch my soul. Deep, Barry, plunge deeper and deeper until I scream from the excitement. Your lips, Barry, your hands, I must have them on me. Now, Barry, Now!”

  Again, he looked around, but still no one.

  “I can almost feel your red hot cock pressing into me. I want to take it into my mouth, and suck the juices from it, and then let it do naughty things to me. Ohhh, God, ohhh Barry, my nipples are getting hard, and I’m so wet, I feel like I’m bleeding. Please, I can’t wait much longer. Come to me, Barry, and make my fantasy a reality.”

  He stood still for a moment, listening to the familiar deep, sexy sound, and knew it wasn’t his imagination. He reached out and jerked a bottle of scotch from the shelf and then walked slowly up to the counter and set it down in front of the clerk.

  “What’s that you’re listening to?”

  “It’s the Queen of Steam. You know, Blaze Alexander? Station WSCX? If you haven’t heard it, oh man, are you missin’ it! It’s a late night…I’m not sure what you’d call it exactly. Talk show, I guess, but she does all the talking, know what I mean?”

  “Who’s name is she using tonight?”

  The clerk grabbed the bottle and put it in a bag. “Some guy called Barry. It must be that man that threatened her life not long ago. She started out by makin’ a big case out of him not being able to make it with a woman unless he kills her.”

  Barry’s smile fell. “Why would she do that? Everybody thinks…I mean I heard that Barry Schorr was dead.”

  The clerk shrugged. “Nah, I don’t think so. I mean, why would she talk like that to a dead guy? It don’t make sense.”

  Barry frowned, trying to figure out what was going on.

  “Wow, the things she says.” He punched the keys of the cash register, and then pushed the bag toward him. “She’s just got this way of sayin’ things, you know? She’s got this deep, whispery voice, and the music in the background she uses for sound effects is so sexy, it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.”

  He leaned back against the counter, and propped his foot on an empty liquor crate. “Hell, I even get a pad and pencil out and write some of the things down sometimes.” He looked concerned. “I mean, that’s not plagiarism, is it? I don’t think it is unless you make money with it, or whatever. Anyway, the next time I’m with my girl, I say ‘em to her.” He looked at Barry and grinned. “She thinks I’m really hot.”

  “What if she listens to the show?”

  “Nah, she couldn’t. She’s away at school, and except for the weekends, she’s knocked out by ten o’clock. By the way,” the clerk continued with a big smile. “She used my name not long ago. Ted, you know? God, it was hot. I was stuck here, so I couldn’t do anything.” He smiled like he was remembering. “Man, I thought I was gonna come in my pants!”

  Barry was silent for a moment, his anger rising as the deep, whispery words came drifting out of the radio.

  “Ohhhh, Barry,” Blaze purred, her sexy voice echoing out over the twinkling city, “before you take me with your rod of fire. Let me hold it. Let me hold it and caress it before you plunge yourself into me over and over again, lover, and make me scream with delight! I’m ready! Do it to me, now!”

  “See, man? Is that wild, or what? I bet a lot of guys out there wish their name was Barry about now. But you know, since she said what she did in the beginning, it’s like she’s mocking him with her words or something. You know, knowing that he can’t do anything, she’s making fun of him by egging him on like this.” The clerk looked at Barry curiously. “Has she ever used your name?”

  Barry didn’t answer, but listened intently as her words continued to haunt him.

  “What is it?”

  Barry came to life. “Uh…it’s uh…Sonny.”

  “Sonny, huh?” The clerk frowned. Naw, I ain’t never heard her use that one.” Suddenly, a smile broke out on the clerk’s face. “Hey, man, all you gotta do is send in a card or letter requesting her to use your name, and she will. The only thing is they have to put you on a waiting list. When your name comes up, the station writes you back and tells you when your name is gonna be on, so you’ll be sure to listen.”

  Barry was barely listening to the young, babbling clerk. Instead, a growing, heated anger blossomed inside him, and he knew what he was going to do.

  It was time.

  She’d gone too far.

  He would do it tonight.

  She couldn’t insult him before the whole city and get away with it. He’d show her. He’d show them all. He’d show the whole city of Savannah!

  “They say this kind of show comes out of L.A., and you know how it is out there. Real loose. Well, I’ve been thinking about it, and Savannah ain’t Los Angeles, you know? It’d be just like Savannah to try and muscle in and take it off. Just let one lousy thing come into this city that people enjoy, and before you know it, it’s outlawed. If they do, though, I know a lot of guys who are gonna be awful unhappy.” The clerk, finally silent, waited for Barry’s opinion. “Well, what do you think, wild huh?”

  “Yeah, wild.” Barry slapped the money down on the counter, grabbed the bag, and left the store. When he got out on the street again, his gaze fell on the building across the street as he unscrewed the top of the bottle and began drinking. “That little bitch,” he muttered, “what in hell does she think she’s doing, calling out my name so the whole damn city can hear?” He knew what was going on inside. She’d be sitting in front of her microphone calling out to him, her red lips almost eating the microphone. His anger grew as he lifted the bottle, his eyes narrowing in anger. The burning liquid sizzled on his throat while he thought of her perfect body.

  Another gulp brou
ght her beautiful face to mind.

  Another gulp reminded him of her long, red hair.

  Another gulp and he saw her winding it around her finger.

  Another gulp revealed her cute little pursed lips.

  Another gulp brought to mind her naked aerobics.

  Another gulp and he remembered her cute little butt.

  While walking along the street, the wind blew cool. No hint of a stagger, no cobwebs fogging his brain. He reached into his pocket and fondled the knife that would pop up into sudden death with a press of a button. He felt a sudden jolt of power—power over a certain redhead.

  All at once, he saw the station as it came into view, but stopped suddenly when he noticed the bright lights in front. His gaze darted around until he spied an alley at the side. He slowly turned, allowing himself to be swallowed up in the darkness.

  A dog barked in the distance.

  Dry grass and bushes thrashed as Barry circled the building, hoping to find an open window. He couldn’t have known that earlier Greg had gone around and unlocked, even opened some of the windows. When Barry saw them, he thought he was dealing with screwballs. The building was so unprotected, he felt as if they were practically handing him an engraved invitation. “I’d fire somebody’s ass if they did such a stupid thing at my station.”

  If he had taken time to think instead of letting his anger control him, he might have figured out that it was too easy. Instead, he just pulled himself up and climbed in the first open window he saw. As soon as he was in, he heard the familiar sound of Blaze’s voice, so he knew he must be close to the station room.

  “Barry, come to me now. I want you. I’m waiting for you. Take me, Barry, take me, and make me writhe with passion! Hold me close, my darling, and let me feel you moving deep inside me.”

  Barry crept along quietly, pressing himself against an inside wall, and slowly inching himself up to a door. Beyond that door and down a hall, he saw a clear path to where he knew Blaze would be.


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