Satan's Breath

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Satan's Breath Page 19

by Temple Madison

  Where the hell is everybody? he asked himself. Something isn’t right, he thought. There should have been people with headsets on, leaning over consoles, working the instruments.

  Creeping along very slowly, Barry made his way down the hall, still looking around. About halfway down, he tripped over something and without thinking, he muttered a curse. Afraid someone might have heard, he stopped suddenly, and pushed himself as flat against the wall as possible.

  Just then, Greg looked around and happened to notice the repairman. A sharp edge of fear crawled up his spine, and he nudged Wade. “What the hell is he still doing here?”

  “He’s working.”

  “After two friggin’ hours? What the hell is he doing, installing a new sound system?”

  Wade grinned. “I think he likes watching Blaze.”

  “Look, jerk, he’s not here for a free show. He should have been out of here hours ago. Are you sure he’s okay? You checked his ID, didn’t you?”

  “Sure. What in hell are you worried about, Greg. I promise you he’s not the one they’re looking for. If he was, he’d have made his move by now.”

  When Barry finally reached the end of the hall, the sight that he saw almost took his breath away. A pyramid of shimmering light surrounded Blaze. He looked at her wild, free-flowing hair, her dress that sparkled in the lights, and her bold red mouth moving intimately against the microphone, and his groin burned.

  She was an offering on an altar.

  His for the taking.

  That mouth was calling to him.

  That body wanted him.

  He saw her eyes close as another vulgar, obscene sentence escaped her lips.

  She was talking to him.

  Just to him.

  No one else.

  She wanted him.

  She wanted him now.

  She was on fire.



  Suddenly, their eyes met.

  It gave him a jolt, and he stopped in his tracks. He wanted to turn and run away from Blaze, from the empty station room where he knew he would meet his doom. Instead, he stood listening, her deep whispery voice hanging in the air between them. Her siren’s song piercing his ears, pulling him mercilessly into its web of doom.

  He struggled against it, but he’d waited so long, how could he turn away now when he was so close? She was right in his path, calling for him. As he heard his name being mouthed by those bold, red lips, he knew it was too late. He had been captured, held tight in her web. He tried, but couldn’t pull his gaze away from her seductive movements beneath the shimmering light.

  Blaze stood slowly, reached up, and took her headset off, lifted her arms, and began beckoning to him. “Barry,” she purred, stretching out her arms. “Come to me, Barry. I’ve waited so long.”

  When Blaze stood, everyone’s gaze turned to follow her reaching arms and saw the dark, looming figure standing in the shadows.

  “Oh, God,” the chief said as he moved swiftly, taking his phone off his belt and punching in a number. When the ring was answered, he said, “Get in here, on the double. What the hell is the matter with you guys, are you blind?”

  Barry watched as her arms, soft and pale, motioned for him to come to her.

  Inviting him.

  Wanting him.

  “Barry,” her deep, whiskey voice rasped. “Come to me, my darling, come and take me. I’m a prisoner of the light, and only you can save me. All you have to do is rescue me from this light and I’m yours.”

  He visualized the knife sinking into her throat.

  The blood.

  The feeling.

  Oh, God, he had to have her.

  He could see it.

  Feel it.

  Taste it.

  If he could have her, then he could die happy.


  Even in hell!

  The men kept their eyes on the shadowy figure that advanced on Blaze slowly.

  All at once, the dark figure began running, and attacked the squared console that held her within its protective space.

  Blaze felt a chill when she saw his eyes blazing at her from the other side of the sea of controls.

  The husky, black shape began clawing at the panel, and then climbing over it, trying to get at her.

  Blaze couldn’t keep it back. She began screaming and backing up until she bumped into the wall while the wild, maniacal man clawed at her with an evil gleam in his eyes.

  “Here I am, you little slut,” he growled, “and I’m gonna make you sorry you were ever born!”

  Just as the chief and Scott Sanders began running down the stairs, an unidentified man lunged from behind the sound system and confronted the dark figure. The two paced around each other before Barry produced a knife, lunged, and ripped the knife through the air, barely missing him. With one hand, the repairman tore his glasses off, and then threw his cap aside, allowing his long, blond hair to tumble to his shoulders.

  “Who the hell is that, and where did he come from?” the chief asked when they saw the confrontation taking place.

  “I don’t know,” Scott said, “but thank God he’s here.”

  Suddenly, Barry made a wild slice through the air, and Erik, coming out of his crouched, wide-legged stance, let out a loud grunting sound and kicked Barry’s hand, hurtling the knife through the air. Barry lunged for Erik, and again Erik threw his foot out and kicked Barry in the face. Barry went down but managed to get back up. Erik brought his hands up and lunged forward, battering Barry’s face until the blood from his nose and mouth spurted wildly.

  While Barry staggered around with the pain, Erik kicked him in the stomach, then spun around, and kicked him in the face once more. Erik was like a freight train that wouldn’t stop, hitting him with everything he had, but still Barry refused to give up. Finally, Barry reached out to strike Erik with his fist, but Erik skillfully avoided his fist, and then grabbed his hand, turned, and hurled him to the floor.

  The men were looking on with awe as Erik made a show of his expert kick boxing movements. He kept hitting Barry with everything he had, and even though he had made sausage out of Barry’s face, Barry hadn’t managed to place one blow on Erik. After several minutes of continued struggling, Erik knocked him down for the last time, and then stepped on his neck with his foot to keep him from getting up again.

  In his weakened condition, Barry didn’t even try.

  The chief hurried over and once again slapped handcuffs on Barry’s wrists. He looked down into Barry’s eyes and smiled. “Well, I’ll be ding-donged if it ain’t Barry Schorr. We do meet in the strangest places, don’t we? Just for your information, creep, the next place’ll be the gas chamber.”

  While Barry was being hauled away, Blaze came running toward Erik and flew into his arms. In their excitement of seeing each other again, he lifted her up off her feet and they kissed and held each other for a long time.

  Greg looked on bitterly, feeling like a prize fool. He remembered the many times he had arrogantly dumped on Erik, and how Erik had held his temper. Greg saw the looks on everyone’s faces, and knew what they all knew. If Erik hadn’t been here, Blaze might be dead now. Instead of going over and congratulating Erik as the others had, Greg turned and walked slowly back to the sound station and put a tape on to run the remainder of Blaze’s show. He looked up when Wade walked over.

  “I’m sorry, Greg, but I couldn’t tell you the truth. If you’d have known the repairman was Erik, you wouldn’t have allowed him in the building. No one knew. Not Blaze, Mr. Sanders, or even the chief. It was just something Erik and I cooked up together.”

  Greg looked up at him and gave him a cold look, a little hurt that Wade hadn’t taken him into his confidence. “Cooking up something with the janitor. Those are words I never thought I’d hear coming out of your mouth.”

  “Hell, man, if you’d just loosen up a bit, you’d realize that Erik’s a great guy. There are reasons why he—”

  “Yeah, I’m
sure there are. Now, since the excitement is over, why don’t you just go home and get some rest. I’ll finish up here.”

  “You mean I’m still employed?”

  Greg turned a frowning look toward Wade. “You mean you cooked all this up thinking you’d be fired for it?”

  “Greg, Blaze’s life was in danger. I had to do something, but I didn’t know who to go to. I couldn’t go to you. Ever since your experience with Blaze on the couch, you’ve been different. Hell, man, don’t you understand? Erik was the only one left. You were always worried about your job, trashing Erik or Blaze, or kissing the boss’s butt. You’re quick on the trigger when it comes to trashing about other people and their problems, but what about your own? I don’t know where the hell all this hate you got bottled up inside you comes from, Greg, but I think you need to find out. I think you need to see someone, a therapist maybe.”

  Greg pretended he wasn’t listening as he stayed busy moving dials, pushing levers, and setting frequencies.

  Understanding Greg’s silence, Wade finally left, his heels making a decided click on the tiled floor as he left the angry young man alone.

  Greg was glad of the heavy darkness that hid him. He was glad of being alone as he stood over the console and stared out at Blaze’s silent corner. With her engineered voice echoing through the darkness, he could see her ghostly presence as she sat there, her hair gleaming, her lips bold and red, and felt an ache for all that he had lost.

  Chapter 16

  After sweeping her up in his arms, Erik burst through the front door and ran along the path around the station.

  She jerked around, looking. “Where are you taking me?”

  “My place. You’ll be safe there.”

  She struggled to get free. “No!” Blaze cried. “I need to finish the show.”

  “Blaze, you’re not in any shape to stay on the air. Look at you, you’re about to pass out, for God’s sake. Now, quit being stupid, and let me get you to a bed so you can rest.”

  “I’m all right, really,” she said, a dazed look on her face. “Let me go.” She wiggled out of his arms, pushed his hands away, and staggered along the path down toward the front door. “I’ve got a show to do.”

  “For God’s sake, Blaze, your fans are not going to miss you for one night!” Suddenly, his eyes widened when he saw her collapse, and rushed toward her. He could barely hear her mumbling, and leaned down to hear what she was saying.

  “Hi there, Savannah, it’s Blaze Alexander, your Midnight…”

  Afraid she was becoming delirious, Erik grabbed her up in his arms when he saw Wade coming out of the station.

  “Is she all right?” Wade asked, running toward them. “Do you need a doctor?”

  “No,” Erik said, hoping he was right. “I don’t think so.” He looked up at Wade. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of her, she’ll be all right.” Erik quickly turned and made his way down the path to his apartment until he got to his door, and then pushed himself in. With hurried steps, he placed her gently on his bed and pressed a wet cloth to her forehead.

  She lay there a while, still mumbling until suddenly her eyes fluttered open, and she saw Erik.

  “Are you all right?” Erik asked, concern darkening his eyes as he stroked her face.

  “I think so,” she said weakly as she lifted her head and looked around. “Where are we?”

  “My place.”

  She laid her head back down and closed her eyes. “I can’t seem to stop shaking. Thank God you were there, Erik. Where did you learn all that—?”

  “Oh…as a kid. It was nothing.”

  “Nothing? I don’t think so. You were great.”

  Ignoring her praise, he rose from the bed and turned away from her with a look of dread on his face. “Blaze, we need to talk.”

  “I thought we were talking.” Blaze looked at him puzzled.

  “You know what I mean, dammit. We have problems.”

  “I know, Erik, but you have to be patient.”

  He turned to her quickly. “My God, haven’t I been patient? How long, Blaze? How long will it take, for God’s sake? A week? A year? How long?”

  “Erik, I’m getting treatment. What else can I do?”

  “Blaze,” Erik said softly, kneeling beside her on one knee, “do you love me?”

  “You know I do.” She looked at him, her eyes full of love.

  “Then why won’t you let me touch you?”

  “Erik, please. Let’s not go into that again.”

  “It isn’t going to change, is it, Blaze? Not in a million years. No matter how long I wait, it’ll be the same old story. I’m just about on the verge of penetration when you suddenly start fighting me as if I’m raping you.”

  Blaze turned her face away, guiltily.

  Slowly, he lifted himself from his knee and sat down on the edge of the bed. He started to say something, but as he looked at her, anxiety filled his eyes, robbing him of his words.

  “You might as well say it,” Blaze said softly.

  He was silent for a moment, and then looked at her. “Blaze,” he began, taking a deep breath, “unless we can get our problems worked out, I’m leaving.”

  “But you’ve already left.” Blaze snickered. “How many times are we going to play this scene?”

  He stood up. “I don’t mean out of your apartment, dammit, I mean out of your life! Don’t you see that I had to leave? I couldn’t stand being around you and not having you.” He hesitated, feeling like a fool. “I don’t know what in hell I was thinking. Every friggin’ woman out there looks like you. Every damn corner I turn, every club I walk into, I see you.” He shrugged. “How the hell can I forget you in a city full of Blaze Alexanders?”

  “What are you saying, Erik?”

  He turned to her with resolve. “I’m saying, my darling, that this is goodbye unless we can work out our problems. I may hate myself for it, but I have to find out which of your fears are greater. The one of your uncle, or the one of me leaving.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  He looked at her, not saying anything for a moment, and then spoke softly. “I have to find out, Blaze, and there’s only one way that I know of to do it. Please forgive me.” With a look of determination, he slowly lifted his hands to his shirt.

  Fear rose in her as her eyes moved from his face to his hands and she saw them fumbling with his buttons. “What are you doing?”

  “What in hell do you think?” he rasped, his desire for her already affecting his speech.

  “I c-can’t, Erik, I…just can’t,” she whispered desperately.

  “I’m through asking your permission, Blaze, because I know I’ll never get it.”

  “Erik, please! I can’t!”

  “Yes, you can, Blaze…and you will.”

  She watched him, her fear growing. “Erik,” her voice shook, “you can’t expect me…not after what I’ve been…Erik, please—”

  “It’s an excuse, Blaze. Just like all the other excuses.”

  “But, Erik, surely…”

  He forced himself to ignore her fear, releasing one button at a time, while their gazes fused.

  Suddenly, her fear turned to anger. “You bastard! If you lay one hand on me, you won’t have to leave, I will!”

  With a cold, steely look in his eyes, he rasped, “Then go, but before you do, you’re going to get a taste of Erik Grant you’ll never forget!”

  She jumped up, but he lunged toward her and caught her, throwing her back on the bed.

  “Someone should have taken you and made a woman out of you long ago. What in hell would your fans think if they knew that you, the great Blaze Alexander, the fantasy of every man in Savannah couldn’t make a man happy?”

  Hearing his harsh words, tears rushed to her eyes. She brushed them away and moved suddenly to get up, but Erik stepped in front of her.

  He looked at her with a serious, no nonsense look on his face, and his voice hung soft and ominous between them. “Sorry, but you�
��re not going anywhere tonight.”

  She felt the familiar fear she’d known as a child rise up in her. She watched him come toward her pulling his shirt open, and unbuckling his pants.

  “There won’t be any refusals tonight, Blaze. No tears, no begging or pleading, and no pulling away. This time, what I begin, I’m going to finish.”

  She watched him walk toward her with his eyes burning. Fresh tears spilled down her cheeks as she saw pictures of her uncle Ralph flash before her. She held her hands out against him. “Erik, no! I can’t,” she sobbed. “I’ll die, I know I will!”

  Again, Blaze tried to get past him, but Erik pushed her down on the bed and then lay down beside her. Grasping her face roughly, he turned her head toward him and spoke impatiently. “Blaze, look at me. I’m not your uncle, I’m Erik Grant, the man you’re supposed to love. Baby,” his voice became husky, “I need a woman who can love me all the way.” His voice became a seductive whisper. “All the way.”

  When Blaze looked up, she didn’t see Erik’s handsome face. Instead she saw the leering face of her uncle staring down at her, his eyes glinting with desire. She cried out, and then began struggling.

  In his anger, Erik caught her hands and pinned them to the bed. “If you can’t be that woman, then I’ll leave and you’ll never see me again. Is that what you want?” He reached down and began trying to remove her dress, but fumbled. His arousal grew when he saw her cleavage strain against the material. Suddenly, his large hands grasped the low neck bunched it up in his hands, and ripped it open. Leaning down, he opened his mouth and began kissing and licking her breasts as she struggled beneath him. His arousal caused his voice to take on a guttural tone and his hot breath burned her cheek. “You know what it would take to get me to stay, so how about it, babe. Just a nice little roll in the hay, huh?”

  Tears filled her eyes as she tried to turn her face away from him. “Why are you doing this to me, Erik?”

  He knew what she was thinking, and it was hurting him, but he couldn’t stop. He took her face in his hand, turned it to him, and kissed her softly, but Blaze was stiff and unresponsive. When his hands began to gently move over her, squeezing and stroking, Blaze tried to move them away like a virgin that had never been touched.


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