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Element, Part 1

Page 11

by Doporto, CM

  “There are only three interns working in the lab?”

  “No. There’s a total of five. Two stayed on from last semester. Come on, I’ll show you how to get into this place.” He motioned for her to follow him.

  They walked up to a large turnstile, located next to the side of the front desk. “You scan your badge and then press your thumb up to the scanner.” Sean showed her by doing his first.

  She followed his instructions. A green light illuminated on the display. “You can walk through now.” A guard standing to the side informed her.

  “Thanks.” She gave the guard a friendly smile and walked through. He didn’t smile back. She hoped her coworkers would be friendlier. Everyone seemed so tightlipped and serious. “That was easy,” she said to Sean, while straightening out her badge on the lapel of her shirt.

  “Yeah, nothing to it.” He led her through the main common area. “Did you get a tour of the facility?”

  “Yes, during orientation. This place is amazing. It feels like I’m walking through a scene from Star Wars or something.” She gawked at all the transparent computer screens displaying information and videos along the walls.

  “Yeah, it kind of feels like that or a scene from Iron Man.” Sean led her down a long corridor and then made a right turn. A set of clear glass double doors marked with the words ‘Clearance Required’ greeted them. She watched Sean scan his badge and the glass doors slide open.

  “All you need is to dress the guards like Imperial Stormtroopers.”

  Sean broke out in laughter. “Now that would be cool. Speaking of dressing up, next Friday is Kronberg’s big annual masquerade party. Everyone’s invited. You don’t want to miss it.”

  She followed him down another hallway to the main laboratory area. “My roommate, Lise, is working in Marketing. She told me all about it last night. Sounds like it will be epic.”

  “Man, you have no idea. They go all out. It’s like a Vegas show on steroids. I’m sure Lise’s head is spinning trying to get everything prepared for next week.”

  “That’s an understatement. She’s already stressed out, worrying how they will get everything done in time.”

  “Sounds like you have the scoop on it. So are you going?” Sean scanned his badge again which opened a set of opaque glass doors. They slid open diagonally, disappearing into the wall.

  Natalie followed Sean in to the lab. Her jaw dropped. “Wow, this is impressive.” She stumbled around in a circle. High tech gadgets surrounded her, lighting up in neon colors. Transparent computer screens hung along the walls, scrolling data and showing different video clips.

  “You’ll get used to it. Come on, I’ll take you to your workstation. Franz left early and asked me to show you around.”

  “Okay.” She followed him slowly, trying to assimilate everything around her.

  “Let me introduce you to Dr. Kronberg.” Sean ushered Natalie over to a short older man standing in front of a computer screen.

  “Excuse me, Dr. Kronberg.”

  The white headed man turned around. “Yes, Sean.” He spoke with a heavy Swedish accent and it was exactly how she imagined him sounding.

  “I’d like for you to meet Natalie Vega, one of the new interns.”

  Dr. Kronberg’s thin lips parted into a flat smile. He stuck out his hand. “Hello, Natalie. It’s nice to meet you.”

  She shook the ingenious scientist’s age worn hand. “Hello, Dr. Kronberg. It’s an honor to meet you.”

  “Thank you. We are glad you are here. This will be a great learning opportunity for you. If you need anything at all, I’m here. Please don’t hesitate to ask me any questions. Remember, there is no such thing as a dumb question, only those not asked remain unknown and a mystery to all.”

  Natalie smiled. Not only was he intelligent, but kind too. “Thank you. I’m looking forward to learning everything I can while I’m here. This is a dream come true.” The doctor pulled his hand back and she realized she hadn’t stopped shaking it. She retrieved her hand, feeling like a complete rambling fool.

  The doctor adjusted his thin metal frame glasses. “I’m glad to hear that. We’ll talk later.” He gave a slight nod to both of them and turned back to his work.

  She followed Sean to the back of the lab. “He is so cool.”

  “I told you. Over here is your locker to store your things. You’ll need to make sure you put on your lab coat before going to your workstation. There are some areas that are designated as clean room only. I’ll show them to you later. What you do is swipe your badge in the slot right in front of the lock and it will open.”

  “Thanks, Sean. I appreciate everything. Really, I do.” She scanned her badge and waited for the locker to open.

  “No problem. You’re going to do great here. I know it. By the way, you didn’t answer my question.”

  “I’m sorry, what question?” She put her purse in the locker and took the white lab coat off the hook. She struggled to get her arm through the sleeve.

  Sean helped her. “The masquerade party, do you think you will go?”

  “Thanks.” She fixed her collar and stopped when a weird vibe struck her, making her feel uncomfortable. Why was Sean always helping her out? Oh no. Did she give him the wrong impression and now he liked her? She closed the locker door. More than anything, she wanted to crawl inside and tell him to go away. She couldn’t coward down. She turned and faced him. “Probably. Lise won’t let me back out of this one. That’s for sure.”

  “If she doesn’t go or she’s too busy you can go with me and some friends.”

  She smiled, not wanting to be rude. “Thanks, but I’m sure I’ll go with Lise and …” What was Ryan? Her boyfriend? They were going out so he must be her boyfriend, right? “My friend Ryan, who’s also interning in marketing.”

  “That’s cool. We can get a table so we can all sit together.” He shoved his hands in the pockets of his lab coat and rocked on the back of his heels.

  “Okay. That sounds like a good idea,” she agreed, unsure of his motives and slightly confused. But she’d worry about it later.

  “Ready to get started?”

  Natalie nodded. “I sure am.”


  Natalie motioned for Lise to stop. “That’s good. It looks great.” She pulled away, not allowing Lise to curl any more of her hair.

  “I know. I just want Ryan’s mouth to drop when he sees you. By the way, I noticed you haven’t been wearing your glasses.” She twirled a few more strands of Natalie’s hair around her finger, spraying it with more hair spray.

  “Yeah, I’ve been wearing my contacts. By the way, thanks for helping me. I know you’re tired from working all week.” Natalie got up and stepped into the bathroom to change her clothes.

  “No problem. I think it’s sweet that you’re inviting him over for dinner. Besides, I didn’t mind cooking in your aunt’s gourmet kitchen.”

  “It’s awesome, isn’t?”

  “It’s a chef’s dream come true.” She yawned. “I think I’ll sleep in tomorrow. Wow, this bed feels great.”

  Natalie peeked out the door to see Lise lying back on the big overstuffed bed. “You’re not going out with Sal tonight?”

  Lise let out a long drawn out sigh. “Tomorrow. I’m way too tired tonight. Don’t get me wrong, I love my new internship but this event planning is so much work. I can’t believe I put in thirty hours this week. I’m not supposed to work more than twenty hours. Besides, I have homework and reading to catch up on, that’s if I can stay awake to do it.”

  Natalie checked herself in the mirror, making sure the underlining of her dress was not stuck in the back of her panties. She didn’t need that embarrassment. “Ryan told me he worked about thirty hours too. I hope they don’t expect you all to continue working that much.”

  “I hope not either. After all, school comes first. All I can say is this is going to be one epic party. Kronberg is going all out for this event. We should go shopping Sunday for our costumes.”
  “That works for me.” Natalie’s cell phone chimed. She stepped out of the bathroom to get her phone. Lise was still lying on the bed with her eyes closed. She checked the message. “That’s Ryan, he’s on his way.”

  Lise opened her eyes and sat up. “Wow! That strapless dress looks great on you. The fire orange color makes you look hotter than hell.” She motioned for Natalie to turn around. “Let me fix your sash.”

  “Thanks. Aunt Sharon bought this for me, along with a few other outfits. I guess her way of saying thanks for keeping an eye on her place.”

  “What? You didn’t show me what she bought you.”

  Natalie shrugged her shoulders. “Sorry, I forgot. They’re in the closet.”

  Lise got up to take a peek. “Nat, you are so lucky. You know that?” She stepped out holding a denim romper up to her. “I may have to borrow this.”

  “Sure.” Natalie put on her matching earrings and bracelet, also from her aunt. “Hey Lise, Ryan’s on his way.”

  “Okay, I’m leaving.” Lise grabbed her purse. “Have fun and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Lise winked and let out a huge smile.

  “Lise, you know me better than that.” Natalie shook her head and walked her to the door.

  “See you tomorrow.” Lise waved bye as she walked out the door.

  Natalie shut the door behind her and dashed into the kitchen. She checked the food, making sure it was still warm. She lit a few candles and turned on some music from her MP3 player. It sounded awesome on her aunt’s state of the art sound system. She did a quick scan, making sure everything looked just right. It didn’t take much in Sharon’s lush condo; from the sleek leather couch to the chic platinum upholstered arm chairs and the glass accent tables decorated to match the Pottery Barn catalog. She rearranged a few of the cushions on the couch and stopped when she heard the doorbell ring.

  Her heart raced and she had to slow her steps as she walked to the door. It had been almost a week since she saw him, thanks to the demands of his new internship and summer school. She literally couldn’t wait any longer. She did one last check in the mirror and fixed a stray strand of hair. Lise had her more self-conscious now and she caught herself paying more attention to how she looked. Before opening the door, she checked the small surveillance screen. Leave it to her aunt to have high tech gadgets. Ryan waited outside the door with his hands behind his back, wearing a pressed button down shirt, faded jeans and cowboy boots. So he did remember to wear his jeans and boots.

  She opened the door and leaned against it. “Hi handsome.”

  “Hi there beautiful.” He pulled out a dozen red roses wrapped in soft pink tissue from behind his back.

  “Thank you, they are gorgeous.” She took the bouquet from his hands and raised them to her nose. “They smell wonderful too.”

  “You’re welcome,” he said, stepping inside.

  She bit down on her lower lip, trying to keep herself under control. It was pointless. She threw her arms around his neck. He embraced her, picking her up off the floor and swinging her around. She clung to him as the room spun around them. Her forehead touched his and their eyes locked. Like magnets, their lips drew together. They shared a deep long kiss that made her heart soar and her body swirl with butterflies.

  He stopped spinning her around. Slowly his lips pulled away from hers. “I’ve missed seein’ you.”

  She kept her fingers buried in the back of his hair. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.”

  He lowered her to the ground. The second her feet touched the floor a wave of dizziness hit. She buried her head against his chest and closed her eyes. This habitual nuisance would not ruin her evening with him. She took a silent deep breath and shook it off.

  He glided his hands down her bare shoulders, sending chills all over her body. “Are you okay?” He eased back, trying to see her face.

  She hugged him tighter. “Yes. I missed being in your arms, that’s all.” She looked up at him, hoping she sounded believable this time.

  Ryan’s eyes narrowed and he forced a smile. “Alright, if you say so.”

  She shut the door and he followed her into the condo. “Gee, you did all this yourself?” He checked out the place and stopped in front of the table set for two. “I’ve never had anyone do this for me.”

  “I did have a little help from Lise.”

  “That was nice of her to help you. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I’ll just put these in some water.” She walked into the kitchen and pulled out a tall chrome vase. She filled it up and arranged the roses.

  She placed them on the dark walnut canaletto dining room table. The silver accents along the top drew her eyes to the center of the shiny vase. “Now the table’s perfect.”

  “You weren’t kiddin’ when you said the view was awesome. Your aunt’s place is kickin’.” Ryan walked over to the tall pane windows in the living room.

  She walked up behind him. “I told you.” The setting sun reflected a warm glow off of Lady Bird Lake into the condo. It set the mood perfectly for a romantic evening.

  “So what’s for dinner? It smells wonderful.”

  “Pasta. Ravioli, filled with chicken, spinach and feta cheese. Which I need to check on,” she said walking back into the kitchen.

  “Sounds delicious.” He followed her and then stopped and picked up her MP3 player. She heard him change the music to a romantic country ballad. He had to be the most romantic guy ever. He walked over to the kitchen and leaned against the black granite bar, right behind her. “Thanks for cooking. I really appreciate it.”

  “Sure, no problem.” She stirred the pasta sauce and turned off the heat. She dipped her finger into the sauce.

  “Hey, be careful, that looks hot,” he said as she tasted the sauce. He took her hand and examined her finger. “You didn’t burn yourself or your tongue?”

  She shook her head. “No.” Then realized what she did wasn’t very smart. Steam swirled up from the pot and the spoon she held in her other hand. She could have burned herself. But she didn’t. Why did her mind turn to mush when she was around Ryan?

  “Is it ready?” He placed her finger in his mouth, sucking off the rest of the sauce.

  Her body clammed up and the spoon slid out of her hand back in the pot. “Ummm…” The slickness of his tongue and the grip of his lips around her finger made her body quiver and shake.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.” He winked and then kissed the top of her hand.

  She smiled, still unable to speak. Why did he insist on teasing her like this?

  He kept her hand in his and placed her other hand around his neck. He swung her around and gazed into her eyes. “May I have this dance?”

  “Ummm… sure.” Natalie nodded, completely awestruck by the way he was sweeping her off her feet. “I hope I remember how to two-step.” Her feet stumbled as she tried to recall the steps. She had only danced with him that one time at the bar, but it didn’t take long for her to follow his lead. Their bodies synced perfectly together, sliding across the tile floor.

  “Well Miss Vega, you do know how to two-step.” He danced with her, around the kitchen island, holding her body close to his.

  She followed his every movement, not missing a step. “I guess.” She tilted her head to the side. Her heart beat wildly as they danced around the kitchen and into the dining room. He drove her absolutely crazy.

  He spun her around and then dipped her. He held onto her and sang along with the song, “All I can think about is gettin’ you home.” His deep raspy voice sent a tingling sensation that flowed down to her toes. Not only was he a great dancer but a great singer too.

  Her body cried out for him and she struggled to fight off the forbidden thoughts and temptations. The emotions from her heart took over and she sang back. “Honey, there sure ain’t nothing like you loving me all night long.”

  Ryan’s eyes gleamed in pleasure. “Tonight’s all about giving you what you want.”

whimpered low in her throat. “You’re killing me.”

  “And you’re torturing me.” He pulled her up and swept the strands of hair away from her face. She couldn’t stand the tension any longer and apparently, neither could he. Their lips crashed together. His lips devoured hers and she responded feverishly, swirling her tongue with his. He made her hot and filled her body with fire. Never had she felt like this before. There was something different this time, a desire, an attraction, and a need beyond control.

  “Oh my God… your body feels incredible.” She glided her hands over every inch of his well-defined body. She couldn’t get enough of him. He trailed sensual kisses from her neck down to her bare shoulders, giving her tingles from head to toe. She buried her face in the nape of his neck. The sweet and spicy smell of his cologne intoxicated her. She wanted him, despite what they vowed not to do.

  Ryan slid his hands down her back as he continued to caress her shoulders and her neck with his lips. He gave her butt a gentle squeeze and then spread his hands over the sides of her thighs, running his hands up and down. He whispered in her ear, “Your body’s amazing,” and then trailed his tongue down to her collarbone.

  “Oh Ryan…” She whimpered out, running her hands up and down his chest, eager to touch his skin. With one quick sweep she ripped open the pearl snaps from his shirt. She dragged her palms across his hard pecs and up his chest. His skin felt tight and smooth and she wanted to run her tongue up and down him. With little effort he lifted her off the ground, allowing her to wrap her legs around his waist.

  They kissed, tongues fused together until they panted for air. He stumbled around the kitchen and dining area, fighting to keep upright with her clinging to his waist. He pinned her against the wall, pressing his body firmly against hers. His kisses scorched her skin and she moaned in pleasure. He took her hands and braced them up above her head. She throbbed from head to toe and could barely breathe. The sensations were amazing and she thought she might explode at any moment.

  “You are so hot, baby.” He panted, continuing to dominate her with the flicks of his tongue.


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