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Hitting It Big

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by Shawn Lane

  Hitting It Big

  By Shawn Lane

  Published by JMS Books LLC

  Visit for more information.

  Copyright 2018 Shawn Lane

  ISBN 9781634865418

  Cover Design: Written Ink Designs |

  Image(s) used under a Standard Royalty-Free License.

  All rights reserved.

  WARNING: This book is not transferable. It is for your own personal use. If it is sold, shared, or given away, it is an infringement of the copyright of this work and violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

  No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts used for the purposes of review.

  This book is for ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It may contain sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which might be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and/or are used fictitiously, though reference may be made to actual historical events or existing locations. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Published in the United States of America.

  NOTE: This book was previously published by Amber Quill Press.

  * * * *

  Still the One

  By Shawn Lane

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 1

  Former local high school football star, Mitch Crestfield, hits it big. Wins lottery.

  Billy Grant studied the black-and-white photograph on the front page of the small town paper. It was an old one from Mitch’s senior year. A high-school-senior-aged Mitch, dressed in the school football uniform, smiled from the photo.

  The winning numbers were 8 15 28 31 34 2.

  “It was just a quick pick,” Crestfield told this reporter. “Spur of the moment kinda thing while I was getting gas.”

  Crestfield bought the ticket at the Chevron Quik Mart.

  Billy glanced at his watch. He was due to meet his brother, Andy, at the parking lot of a popular bar soon for Mitch’s party.

  He wondered again if he should even be going. He hadn’t faced Mitch, really, in years, but Andy had insisted.

  And now Mitch had won the lottery. Literally. Last Saturday’s Lotto had been nearly fourteen million. Split between two tickets, so Mitch would get half. Well, minus the government’s chunk of course.

  He set the newspaper down and went to the front hall of his small, one bedroom apartment and grabbed his leather jacket.

  From outside, the sound of cars on the street in front of his apartment reminded him he couldn’t delay this any longer. It was now or never. He could call Andy and tell him he changed his mind or he could go to the party and see Mitch again.

  * * * *

  “Woo hoo!”

  “The man of the hour!”

  “Fucking fantastic!”

  Billy knew by the screams and cheers coming from the front entrance of the bar that Mitch Crestfield had arrived. His gut clenched in that familiar way it did whenever Mitch was near. As it had been doing for a good six or so years now.

  “I’m going up there.” His brother, Andy, and Mitch’s best friend since grade school got up from the table. “You coming?”

  “No, he’ll make his way here eventually. I don’t want to seem like a groupie.” Any more than normal, he silently added.

  “Suit yourself.”

  He watched his big, muscular older brother go off to greet the hero. What else was new? Some people had a perfect life. Back in high school when Billy had been a nerdy freshman, in his junior year, Mitch had been named quarterback for the school, while his best buddy, Andy, played tight end. Total jocks the two of them.

  Mitch had received a scholarship to a prodigious university. He’d been very close to signing a big contract with the NFL when an injury to his shoulder had put an end to that dream. Still Mitch was smart as well as gorgeous and talented so he’d gotten his degree and opened his own restaurant supply business.

  It wasn’t as though Billy’s life was total crap. He made a decent living as a graphic artist, had a nice car. Usually had no trouble picking up lovers when he wanted something.

  “I shouldn’t have come,” Billy mumbled into his beer. When Andy asked him if he’d wanted to come tonight for the celebration, which was made up of a bunch of jock types just like Andy and Mitch, he’d reluctantly agreed. Mostly because he hadn’t really seen much of Mitch since shortly after Billy had graduated high school.

  Mitch came into Billy’s view at that moment, surrounded by adoring fans. Women, his buddies, workers from the bar. He wore a white T-shirt that could have been painted on his muscular chest. His biceps peeked out from the short sleeves, his washboard stomach evident beneath the tight cotton. Dark blue jeans hugged his thighs, and Billy would bet, his tight round ass.

  A blonde draped herself over his arm, laughing. One arm reached up to cling to his neck, while her manicured fingers threaded into his silky dark hair.

  Billy sighed. He knew only too well how silky the man’s hair was. Or had been when Billy had felt it six years ago. When Mitch had been his first lover.

  It had been stupid to come tonight. Mitch wouldn’t notice him. And even if he did, it would only be as Andy’s dorky younger brother. The one time he’d seen Mitch since that night six years ago at a Grant family function Andy had included Mitch in, Mitch hadn’t even let on to anyone that he’d once pounded into Billy’s ass. Judging by the woman all over Mitch, he hadn’t even bothered letting anyone know his sexual preferences. Or he could be bisexual, Billy supposed.

  “Grumpy, grumpy.”

  Billy rolled his eyes as his own best friend, Sebastian Murata, plopped down on the chair recently occupied by Billy’s brother.

  “When did you get here?” he asked.

  Sebastian, his black hair streaked with blue and his dark eyes lined with blue kohl, smiled, and held up a drink Billy guessed was a piña colada. “A few minutes before Mitch. I’ve been trying to get a drink ever since.”

  The Japanese American man had dressed all in black and had the attention of both men and women in the bar Billy noticed.

  “He’s surrounded by his entourage,” Billy said, eyeing the people surrounding Mitch.

  “Sure, a millionaire. They’re hoping he’ll share his fortune.”

  “Are they all that shallow?”

  Sebastian laughed. “You have to ask? Of course they are. And getting more so by the second. Hopefully he’s smart enough to realize it. Still I bet he takes advantage of the abundant sex he’s sure to get for a bit. I know I would.”

  “Horn dog.”

  His friend shrugged. “Why not? I’m unattached. What about you?”

  “I’m unattached, too.”

  Sebastian rolled his eyes. “I meant are you going to talk to Mitch?”

  “And what should I say? Remember me? I’m Andy’s little brother who you fucked the snot out of a few years ago.”

  “You never have been subtle.”

  Billy scowled. “The point is I’m just a nerdy little nobody obviously not worth remembering.”

  “You aren’t even close to being a nerd. You’re very attractive, Billy. What’s that expression? Cute as a button.” Sebastian smiled triumphantly.

  “Is that supposed to make me feel better?” Billy couldn’t totally deny when he went clubbing he never went short on offers. And at five foot four, he’d been told too many times to count how cute he was. He supposed his wavy auburn hair a
nd green eyes made an appealing combination, but still he was way out of Mitch’s league and always had been.

  “He wanted you once, didn’t he?” Sebastian pointed out.

  “He was drunk.”

  Billy remembered it only too well. Mitch’s father, who Mitch had worshipped, had been killed in a botched carjacking. Billy had gone over to Mitch’s house a few nights later to see if there was anything Mitch or his family needed. He’d felt like he had to do something. Mitch was alone and drinking. One thing led to another and soon they were kissing and moved on to Mitch’s bedroom.

  “And grief-stricken. I was just an available vessel.”

  Sebastian shook his head and finished off his drink. “Only one way to find out.”

  Billy opened his mouth to ask his friend what he meant when a shadow fell over their table. His stomach did the weird clenching thing and he knew even without looking who loomed above him.

  “Hi, Sebastian,” Mitch said, flashing a grin. “How’s it going?”

  “Good. Not as good as you, though. Congratulations, man, so awesome.” Sebastian got up and wiggled his glass. “I need another one.”

  Billy wanted to call his friend back the minute he headed to the bar, but he knew Sebastian had done it on purpose.

  “Where’s Andy?” he asked when Mitch sat across from him and flashed another knock-’em-dead smile.

  “Talking to one of the guys up front. Hey, Billy, haven’t seen you for a while.”

  “Yeah. Been busy.” He felt his cheeks heat. “I can’t believe you won the lotto.”

  “I know.” His smile showed his two adorable dimples. “Who would have thought?”

  “I don’t know, I would…never mind.”

  Mitch frowned. “No, what?”

  Billy sighed. “I guess to me you’ve always had a charmed life.”

  “Charmed life? You’re kidding, right?”

  He winced at the sharp tone. “No.”

  “Which part was charmed, Billy? My mom dying of cancer when I was ten? My dad being murdered? Being unable to play ball like I wanted to? Or is it my stepmom being diagnosed with lung cancer last year?”

  Billy lowered his gaze and stared at the grooves in the bar table. Okay, yeah, he was a big jerk.

  Mitch sighed. He reached out and covered Billy’s hand with his. “Everyone has shit happen, Billy. No one lives a charmed life. Don’t go by the surface stuff. It’s meaningless.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. Winning the lottery was pure luck. Owning my business, that was hard work. What about you, Billy? What are you up to these days?”

  Billy dared a look at him but Mitch was all smiles again. “Well, I’m a graphic artist for a company downtown.”

  “That’s great. I remember you were always into art in high school.”

  “You remember that?” Billy tried not to get too happy Mitch remembered the geeky artist.

  “Of course I do.”

  Billy cleared his throat. “Are you going to close your business now?”

  “No, my employees depend on me. I can’t do that to them. It’s going to make the operations a lot easier though. And I’ll do some fun things. Travel maybe.”

  He nodded. “Going to take your girlfriend?”

  Mitch laughed. “I don’t have a girlfriend.”

  Billy glanced toward the bar where the beautiful, slinky woman who’d been all over Mitch now stood talking to one of Mitch’s buddies. “What about her?”

  “Crystal is an ex. Just a friend now.” Mitch had brought a beer with him and took a long swallow from the bottle. “What about you? Are you seeing anyone now?”

  “Not consistently, no.”

  Mitch’s eyebrow shot up. “What does that mean? You sort of have a boyfriend, but only when you want to?”

  “No, that’s not what I meant,” Billy said, crossing his arms. “I mean I’ve had on and off lovers but no one I’m seeing all the time.”

  He’d been this close to saying it was none of Mitch’s business anyway, but since he’d just asked Mitch about Crystal he couldn’t really say that, could he?

  Mitch nodded. “So, we’re both unattached then.”

  Billy had a feeling Mitch had a point but he wasn’t sure what. He couldn’t be suggesting they hook up again, could he?

  He opened his mouth to ask just what Mitch wanted when the bar’s band headed up to their instruments and started a song.

  “Want to dance?” Mitch asked, leaning toward him to be heard over the loud music.


  “Yeah, dance. Come on.” Mitch stood and grabbed Billy’s wrist, pulling him up out of his chair and onto the dance floor where other couples had already started to dance.

  To say he was surprised Mitch would openly dance with him would be an understatement. Billy was so shocked he almost stumbled as Mitch pulled him close. The song playing wasn’t exactly slow but it lent itself to intimacy. He noticed the other couples were also dancing close.

  When Mitch’s hands slid down Billy’s back to cup his ass, Billy had to ask, “What the hell are you doing?”

  Chapter 2

  Mitch grinned, his lips not too far from Billy’s ear. “What’s that saying? If you have to ask, I’m doing it wrong?”

  “Ha ha. You know what I mean. What are you doing, Mitch? Why all of a sudden are you coming on to me?”

  “Is that what I’m doing?”

  “When someone puts their hands on my ass, that’s what I’m thinking,” Billy said. He’d noticed Mitch’s hands hadn’t moved from their grasp of Billy’s cheeks.

  Mitch’s grin was impish. “Okay, so yeah, I am.”


  “Maybe we should talk about this elsewhere.”

  Billy pushed at Mitch’s shoulders, but the man wouldn’t budge. “Talk about what? We had a one-night stand years ago. What else is there? You want another one?”


  Billy blinked, stunned into silence. He hadn’t expected Mitch to admit to it.

  Mitch pulled Billy so close he nearly crushed him. He lowered his mouth to Billy’s ear, hot breath caressing Billy’s skin, and whispered, “I want to fuck you, Billy. I want to take you home, get you naked, and fuck you for hours, until you’re too exhausted to do anything but moan my name.”

  His cock instantly hard, shivers went up Billy’s spine. He closed his eyes and sagged against Mitch. So unfair that he could melt so easily for this man.

  “Billy?” The whispered words stirred the auburn hair at the nape of his neck, goose bumps covering his skin.


  “Let’s get out of here,” Mitch growled. His hand closed over Billy’s hand and he tugged him off the dance floor and past the crowded tables of the bar.

  “Hey, where are you going?” Andy called after them.

  Mitch barely paused as he shoved open the bar door and yelled over his shoulder, “Talk later.”

  The cool night air hit Billy in the face and it almost had the same effect as a glass of ice water being thrown on him. “We probably shouldn’t.”

  Mitch pushed him against the nearest wall, framed his face with his big hands, and smashed his lips over Billy’s. Doubts flew from his mind as the lips he’d tasted only once before covered his. Billy moaned into the kiss, opening his mouth and letting Mitch’s tongue invade.

  Why shouldn’t they? He couldn’t remember now. And didn’t want to. His cock throbbed hard against his jeans. He was tempted to crawl up Mitch’s body.

  Mitch broke the kiss. “Come on. My place is closer. We’ll take my car.”

  And Billy found himself hesitating again. He didn’t want to get stuck there without a way home once they’d finished having sex.

  “Maybe we should take separate cars,” he ventured.

  For a second, Mitch seemed like he wanted to argue, but then he nodded. “Okay. You need the address? Or you want to just follow me?”

  “I’ll follow.” Billy hurried to his car,
not wanting to take too long or give it too much thought. He knew it would be easy for him to back out of it. Still unsure if he wanted to revisit his feelings for Mitch. He’d never really gotten over his crush before and sleeping with Mitch again wasn’t going to help. Not at all.

  Still, Billy was going to do it.

  He started his small sporty coupe and followed Mitch in his truck the few blocks it took to reach Mitch’s modest ranch style home. He realized quickly this was the same house Mitch had lived in back when he’d known him. Back when he’d come to see him after his father’s murder. Billy vaguely wondered if Mitch would buy a new home now that he’d won the lottery.

  After parking at the curb in front of Mitch’s house, Billy jumped out. Mitch had parked his pickup in the driveway and was already at the front door, opening it.

  “This was your folks’ house,” Billy said.

  “It was. I know, kind of sentimental of me to still live here.” Mitch’s grin was a bit sheepish. “It just feels like home.”

  They stepped inside.

  “So, not planning to upgrade?”

  “Not immediately, no.” Mitch shrugged. He locked the door behind them. “Want anything to drink?”

  Billy shook his head. He saw no reason to delay what they both wanted. “Nope, just want you to fuck me.”

  Mitch’s eyes widened, his nostrils flared. “Great. That’s what I want, too. This way.”

  Back when they’d had sex before, they’d started kissing in the kitchen, feeling each other up until they’d eventually made their way to Mitch’s room. Now, he noticed Mitch led him to a different room, no doubt the master bedroom.

  The moment they walked through the doorway, Mitch attacked. He grabbed Billy around the waist and made his way to the king-sized bed. Covering Billy’s lips with his, Mitch devoured him, barely giving him time to breath, to think.

  Billy landed on the bed, even as Mitch’s hands went to the hem of Billy’s shirt, pushing it up, revealing bare skin inch by inch. Quivering, Billy attempted to help, but Mitch pushed his hands away.

  “Leave it to me,” Mitch said against his lips. “Close your eyes. Just feel.”


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