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Alpha Howl (A BBW Shifter Werewolf MC Romance) (Sons of Thunder MC: Book 2)

Page 5

by Deva Long

  “Don’t worry, I remember how to push the buttons.” I raised my eyebrows and glanced at the front of the store where Pablo was holding forth to a gaggle of bikini clad girls and Jack.

  I turned to see Karl grinning at me.

  “You sure you know how to push my buttons?” Karl made his eyes big and pursed his lips, making a great fake worried face.

  “It’s not hard. You pushed mine.” He could take that either way. “What are you doing here?”

  “Maybe I need a paddleboard.”

  “I don’t recommend them, they can be dangerous. You could find yourself kidnapped by coyotes.”

  And getting rescued by a sex freak wolf.

  He met my eyes, and held my stare.

  “Here are some things I need.”

  He put his items on the counter. Nylon rope. A two foot fiberglass lobster tickler. Wetsuit bottoms.

  “Lobster season’s not for a few months, you know.”

  “Right.” He picked up the lobster tickler. It’s a two foot rod with a strap you can Velcro to your wrist. You use them to poke into holes and get spiny lobsters to come out into your net or your hands. We have both fiberglass and aluminum ones. Karl held a fiberglass one, long and flexible.

  “I can use this now, though.” He swatted his palm with the tickler.

  I gasped. A trickle wet my panties. How does this man have such an affect on me?

  “What is the rope for?” My voice cracked from my suddenly dry throat.

  Karl’s sky hued eyes twinkled with sparks of emerald fire. He twisted his mouth into lopsided grin.

  “I’ll show you later.” He tapped the wetsuit bottoms. “And these too.”

  A moment passed where I just stared at him. My mouth hung open. “Do you have a problem with my order, Grace?”

  I heard orders in plural.

  “No sir. Let me put your things in a bag.”

  He flashed a black card.

  “You should probably charge me first,” he laughed.

  My face blazed hot as the summer sun.

  “Uh, yeah. Charge you. Right. We don’t give things away here.”

  “Not lobster ticklers and rope, you don’t.” He handed me his card. “Other things, maybe you do.”

  I covered my mouth with my hand.

  Pointing to an empty margarita glass on the counter, Karl winked.

  “I’ll see you at the end of your shift.”

  Bagging his purchases, I said, “You sure you don’t want a top to go with your bottom?”

  My voice went throaty. I was thinking about what he might want to do with the lobster tickler and the rope. I couldn’t think of anything he might want with the wetsuit bottoms.

  “I just need a bottom to complete my set.” He smiled at me, showing me his mouth full of shining white teeth.

  “Yes Sir.”

  “I enjoy it when you say that Grace.”

  Karl grabbed his bag and his card, and left me there, dripping on the floor like I’d just come back from a swim.

  A handsome monster who needs to torture me to get turned on is taking me to dinner. I should’ve been calling 911 and asking for SWAT. Instead, I danced around like a schoolgirl at her first dancehall show.

  twenty one

  Dinner at Blue was fantastic. I ordered grouper and Karl wolfed down a steak. He drank red wine and I had white. Leslie and I had an ongoing ad campaign with Blue, and the owner let me charge the meal against our payment. Leslie would kill me when she found out, but the surprise on Karl’s face when the waiter mentioned that our three hundred dollar check had been paid made my stunt worth every penny.

  “A friend has a condo down the beach a bit. A beautiful place.”

  He ran his finger along the chiseled line of his cheek.

  “Why don’t you come by for a drink?” Karl’s cerulean eyes caught and held mine.

  Decision time. The night would end with another wild sex scene unless I ran home now.

  Karl picked up his bag of purchases from the hostess stand.

  “We can walk there.” He pointed down Sand Road to the beach.

  I glanced at the three inch heels I’d thrown on with my little black dress before running out of Pablo’s to meet Karl for dinner.

  “These shoes are so not made for the beach.”

  “No problem. I’ve got a fix for that.”

  Thinking with the brain between my legs, I nodded.

  twenty two

  The pavement ended and a sandy trail through the sea grass glowed like a magic path in the moonlight.

  Karl bent to my feet. His hand grasped my ankles.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Your shoes.”

  His fingers on my skin sent sparks up my leg. He undid the clasp at the side of my right shoe and lifted my calf. His other hand traced along the back of my left leg, and then clamped on my upper thigh, supporting me.

  Karl ran his fingers over my instep, searching for the buckles of my black leather heels. My skin shivered wherever he touched me. He tugged at the straps and eased each shoe from my feet.

  The sand warmed my toes.

  Dropping my shoes in the bag from Pablo’s, Karl ran his hands up my legs and under my short cocktail dress, caressing my ass.

  Far down the beach, a fire flickered. The spring night air blew cool from Gulf. The sea heaved with long rollers making a tender murmur on the flat beach. The moonlight shimmered in a silver path to the west. Sleepy Key’s white sands shone under the full moon, Karl held my hand with his paw.

  Just like two mundane evening lovers, we walked.

  twenty three

  “Let’s have a little fun.”

  Karl’s commanding tone sent a thrill along my spine.

  “What do you have in mind?”

  He pulled the bowline out of the bag from Pablo’s. He’d purchased eight feet of soft nylon rope.

  “No, Karl, not here.”

  He put his finger to my lips. “Trust me.”

  What if someone sees? Even though I was freaking out inside, I was also dripping. Being tied on the beach where anyone might see got my juices flowing.

  Karl took full advantage of my frozen indecision. He gripped my wrists and quickly bound my hands behind my back. Then, he took off his light dinner blazer and draped it around my shoulders. His jacket hung long enough to hide my bound hands from anyone’s view, except for the six feet or so of rope dangling between my legs. I gave him a ‘what the fuck’ look.

  Unflappable, Karl bent and grabbed the end of his rope.

  With my hands bound behind my back, the rope passed between my legs and grasped in his huge paw, he had me well controlled.

  Karl yanked the rope.

  “You like?”

  “Someone will see,” I gasped. The line between my legs pressed into my pussy, and when he tugged it, the taught line rubbed my clit most deliciously.

  “People will just notice a gentleman who gave his jacket to a friend to keep her warm.”

  He’s right. People don’t look too hard at couples strolling along Sleepy Key beach at night. Despite the huge moon, there wasn’t enough light for anyone to see more than a drunk couple leaning on each other.

  At least that’s what I told myself.

  Karl pulled again, making me gasp.

  “How far are we going?”

  Moonlight glinted off his wolf eyes as he gave me a ‘how far do you want to go’ look.

  “My friend’s condo is about a mile,” he pulled the rope taught. “But, I don’t want to hold out that long.”

  He cast his eyes down and I followed his gaze.

  His khaki’s bulged.

  “You like having me on your leash.”

  His grin split his face.

  “Just a bit further are some tall dunes we can hide in.”

  With me giggling and Karl keeping my tether tight, we stumbled down the beach.

  twenty four

  “This is far enough.”

  A steady stre
am dripped down my thighs and Karl walked like he was smuggling cucumbers in his pants.

  Sleepy Key curves westward toward Mexico and parts covered with dunes and beach grass are protected for seabird nesting. We had arrived at one of those areas. Warning signs and plastic temporary fencing blocked off spots where nesting plover pairs set up house. Karl led me through a narrow path between two fences and into the dunes, which peaked about twice the height of Karl’s sandy head.

  Between the grass-covered sand hills lay private hollows. A few dunes in from the beach was like another world, with the murmur of the sea and the occasional distant roar of a Harley, the lone sound from civilization. The starry night arched above our heads.

  Karl walked in front, leading me by the rope between my legs. I half-trotted to keep up with his long strides. Of course, every time I dropped behind, the rope twanged into my slit. My light cloth dress hung, front soaked by my drippings. Karl’s leash forced my thong well up between my legs.

  Three dunes from the beach, Karl stopped. He spun around to face me.

  “This is good.”

  Before I could think of any witty rejoinder, Karl pulled my dress over my head, leaving me clad in my thong and bra under the stars. My bound arms destroyed my balance and I stumbled. Karl hooked a hand around my back, catching me. I stared wildly around, my hair flashing in the moonlight.

  Lightning bugs flashed for mates, crickets sang for mates and I wiggled for my mate, to the beat of the song of the wild.

  Karl eased my bra’s filigreed cup aside and bent his head to my chest. His lips brushed my nipple with tantalizing possessiveness. He his fingers worked behind my back, and my bra fell open, un-latched. He kissed his way from my nipple around to my back and then nibbled his way to the back of my neck. He worked at the knot binding my wrists and the rope dropped to the ground.

  Free, I reached behind me and caressed his solid thighs.

  “Can’t you make up your mind?” I whispered, squeezing him.

  “Since I first saw you,” Karl growled.

  He took my hands and moved them to the front of my body. He put my left hand on my breast and my right hand between my thighs.

  “Play with yourself,” he grunted into my ear.

  Seeming to have a will of their own, my fingers pinched my nipple and my other hand grasped my sex. Pushing my thong to the side, I worked my forefinger up and down my slit. From behind me I heard the delicious sound of a man undressing.

  Karl moved behind me.

  He pressed his muscled torso into me, and pulled me close with his hand around my belly.

  “What should I do?” I wanted him to stop teasing and get on with the sex before a police helicopter popped over the dune top with searchlights blazing and megaphone ordering is to put our hands up.

  “Submit,” he whispered in my ear. “Do what I tell you to do.”

  I relaxed back against him. He’s a wolf shifter. He could hear an approaching helicopter or police dune buggy in plenty of time for us to make ourselves decent. Heck, he could probably hear a mouse if one planned to run up my leg.

  I breathed in, trembling. His last command was to play with myself, and I did, making my fingers a V with one on each side of my clit, and rubbing them up and down. He held me against him and his simmering skin and hard cock burned between the cheeks of my ass.

  I wanted him to throw me to the sand and take me. I wanted him to tell me I was his to do what he wanted with. I didn’t want any part of the decision, no safe word. Here, under the stars where drunken revelers might stumble over the dune at any moment, I wanted him to force me and ravish me. Without asking me any questions.

  While Karl’s left hand held me against him, his right hand moved along my side. He made a claw with his hand. Rigid fingertips pressed into me, running up my side. Sparks cascaded to my pussy from the hard tips of his digits.

  Then, he pushed my fingers off my breast and tweaked my left nipple.

  Karl squeezed, firing a shot of pleasure and love that splashed into my brain.

  “Kneel and spread your legs.”

  “In the sand?” He pinched harder.

  “Down,” Karl growled.

  Getting what I wanted, I dropped to my knees.

  “Put your hands behind your neck.”

  “Karl, I…”

  “You want to stop?”

  I shook my head.

  Karl bent to me, his sizzling breath torched my neck.

  His rope, he grabbed his rope.

  He picked the line up, trailing one end along my side, sending shivers through my skin.

  Karl bound my upraised hands. The word stop danced on my lips when he put the rope around my neck after tying my wrists.

  “Trust me,” he whispered.

  If I couldn’t trust him with a knot, how could I trust him with the teeth and claws he would grow when he came?

  I leaned back against him, his hard cock parting my hair.

  “Put your head down.” Following his order like a slave, I blushed from my hairline to my heels. My head going down made my ass go up, in public, for all to see. I lay my cheek on the soft sand and the breeze cooled my naked sex. And my bottom, exposed below the sky’s bowl full of stars.

  Karl’s bag rustled behind me. Something long and thin projected between my legs.

  The lobster stick.

  “What are you going to do with that thing?”

  “I’m going to tickle you with it.”

  “Just tickle?”

  “You sound disappointed.” He whacked the flexible rod on the inside of my right thigh. A fiery line burned up my leg and my pussy gushed in response. With this man my pain turned to pleasure and when he pinched me, when he spanked me, all I could do was open my legs. I wanted more.

  He hit me again the soft flesh on the inside of my left thigh. My softest spot, the one no one knows about except me and Apollo. The next strike slammed me harder and I gasped. Sand coated my lips.

  “Do you think I would just tickle you, Grace? I’m not that kind of man.”

  “Please Karl, don’t hit me too hard. I don’t want to scream.”

  Grabbing my thong, he tore at the delicate cloth. The elastic band dug into my waist for a second before breaking with a “pop”.

  “Open up.” He pushed the wadded ruins of my two-hundred dollar Eres thong into my mouth.

  “This will keep your screams from waking the neighbors.”

  “Ass hole,” I tried to shout. But all that emerged was a muffled, “awwwl.” Like Karl said, no one would hear me with my mouth full of lace.

  Having secured my lips and tongue, Karl slapped the fiberglass rod sideways across my ass. With my posterior stuck skyward and my face in the sand, my generous cheeks couldn’t hide my labia, and the shocking blow sank into the flesh of my ass and then only slightly diminished, slashed my sensitive lips.

  “Ewwgh,” I screamed, but hardly a squeak escaped my panty stuffed mouth.

  Five more times he slashed me with the lobster tickler, each slash blistering my flesh and blasting into my pussy lips. Each shocking blow drove my breasts into the sand, scraping the tight skin of my erect nipples. A barbed seed pressed into my right breasts, sharp burning points cutting into my soft flesh. My right nipple inched toward this spiky hell with each blow and I both dreaded and anticipated the strike that would bring the evil seed into contact with my erect and pulsing bud.

  I could feel welts growing on my posterior and labia. In my ecstatic state the swollen skin expanded the expanse of my erogenous flesh. Nerve endings fired light lightning bolts each one targeting my clit. My solid nubbin throbbed with each blow, growing like a fern seeking sunlight, reaching for the source of the biting sensations.

  Reading my mind, Karl ran the solid tip of the fiberglass stick up my slit and tapped my popped up bud. Shots of pure ecstasy fired off in my head. Each tap crashed harder, but my eager clit transformed the pain of this intimate beating into jolts of orgasmic joy. My thong’s musky taste filled
my mouth. Helpless, I drooled on the sand.

  My legs trembled and shook with the rhythm of Karl’s ongoing blows to my sex. I pulsed my ass in the air in time with the beat.

  “You’re so sexy, Grace. I need to take you now.”

  “Mmppysh!” I shouted into the cloth and sand blocking the path of my voice. I wiggled my rear end like a wanton to communicate what my mouth could not.

  He dropped his stick and then his pants. Hanging between the arch of my legs, his penis surged like a rocket raised against the sky. Karl gripped his shaft with one hand and guided his missile toward my swollen and dripping hole.

  Juices cascaded down my leg from my happily tormented pussy. Karl pressed his massive knot against my swampy gates and eased himself in. A ring of pain shot up from my entrance, and I gasped and sucked air around my panties. The scent of my pussy filled my senses and I dug at the sand with my bound hands.

  “Owsheieowsh,” was all the sound I could make. Karl leaned into my back and moved his hips back and forth, getting his cock well lubricated.

  With one hand he reached under me and ran his fingers from my belly to my right breast.

  He grasped my boob with his fingers and ran his thumb over my stiff nipple, sending sparks through my body.

  When the sparks reached my sheath they helped me to stretch, and the circle of muscle surrounding my vulva relaxed. Karl’s steel-hard dick entered spreading me open and filling me. He pushed with small forward motions, inch by inch. I bit the sandy cloth filling my mouth. A firefly climbed a beach grass stem before my eyes, shining his light in time with Karl’s gentle thrusts.

  I’d been holding my breath. I breathed out, moaning and blowing the powdery sand around the firefly, who shook his hind legs with annoyance.

  “Oh Grace, you feel so good.”

  “Mmmyoutoo,” I sighed through my gag.

  “Are you OK?” Funny question from the beast who caned me to get in the mood and then shoved his swollen member inside me while I lay bound and gagged on a public beach.

  “Mmmk,” I moaned. Again, I wigged my waist to show him. I pushed back against him to let him know what I wanted. Karl’s fingers dug into my hips and he pulled me into him and then pushed me back. His motion sent shots of lust and pleasure through my body, radiating from my sex like the cloud-to-cloud lightning arching above us in the night sky.


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