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Page 12

by Sarah Havan

  “And my stomach,” he said, sniffling. “In just the past several days, I swear my stomach has gotten larger.”

  “It does look larger. I don’t know much about pregnant people, but you look further along than three months.”

  “What if I am further than three months and this freak wolf DNA speeds things up?” he asked, staring forward into the mirror, standing there in his sweatpants folded down around his hips and a bra.

  “I think they would’ve told us about that.”

  “You’re right.”

  “Look at my pregnant man.” I stuck my chin on his shoulder and smiled. Mason wiped at his eyes with his fingertips.

  He tried on a couple more bras and put back on his shirt. Walking out of the changing room, we passed a table full of panties.

  I picked up a pair and smiled. “Do you need matching undies?”

  Mason vigorously shook his head. “That would be a no.”

  I held the pair and stared at them, biting the corner of my lip. They were light blue and lacey.

  “Your junk would never fit in those, Conrad.”

  He was right on that.

  My cock was porn star worthy.

  “Why don’t they sell stuff like this for guys?” I asked, thinking I wouldn’t mind wearing a pair.

  “They do.” Carly stood right behind us.

  I jumped and tossed the underwear into the air.

  “Here?” I asked.

  “No, unfortunately not, but there’s plenty of online stores that do.” She looked me up and down. “I bet you could find something that would fit you comfortably.”

  My whole face flushed with warmth.

  “You guys ready to be rung up?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” Mason said.

  We paid and headed back to our dorm room, and I thought how I might’ve had to look up one of those websites.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “Hello, I’m Dr. Garcia.” Conrad and I sat in a medical office on the bottom floor of The Pine Woods Falls Health and Education Center. I was in a paper gown, sitting up on the exam table, and Conrad stood next to me.

  “No Dr. Matthews?” I asked, looking over at Dr. Garcia. He stood a bit taller than Conrad with a broad chest and had a short beard, but as imposing as his size was, his smiled helped calm my nerves some.

  “No, she’s not an OGBYN,” he said, plucking a pair of gloves from one of the boxes on the wall.

  “Oh. Sorry, it’s not like there’s anything wrong with you.”

  “Understandable. You’ve built a rapport with her. And just lay back for me.”

  “So many people keep looking at my junk.”

  “At first, yes. I’m going to start with a breast examination.” He took my arm and lifted it above my head and opened my gown. He felt all under my armpit and then started to squish my breast around.

  “Is this normal?” I asked.

  “At regular pre-natal checkups, no. But since you have unique biology, I’m checking to make sure your mammary glands are functioning properly so we can make sure you’ll produce milk. Depending on the omega, some breasts don’t develop or develop fully, but yours feel perfect.” He went and did the other arm. “And now scoot your buttocks to the end of the table.” And he pulled out the stirrups. I blew out a breath, and him and Conrad helped guide my feet into them. And he went through the same routine as the other OGBYN. “Everything appears great.” He pulled off his gloves and slipped on a new pair. “Want to hear some more of that baby’s heartbeat?”

  “Love to,” Conrad said.

  Dr. Garcia pushed aside my gown and started scanning my stomach with the little portable device he held. “Hear that? There we go.” We heard the soft thumping of our baby’s heart.

  “It’s just as amazing as hearing it the first time.” Conrad smiled so huge it looked like he’d explode from happiness.

  “As I suspected,” Dr. Garcia said with a smile forming.

  “That sounds worrisome.” My chest began to tighten.

  “Hold on one moment.” He moved the monitor a bit more. “Hear that?”

  “We already did.”

  “No, not this one,” Dr. Garcia said, looking from me to Conrad and back over to me.

  “What do you mean not this one?” I asked, gulping.

  “There’s a second baby in there.”

  “What?” There was no fricking way.

  “You’re having twins,” he said in a way too happy voice.

  “Jesus Christ. Are you serious?” First, I found out I’m intersex. Then I found out I’m pregnant. Then I found out I have some freak wolf gene, and now, I found out I’m having more than one baby. It just kept piling up.

  “We’ll do a quick internal ultrasound to confirm it, but yes.”

  “I don’t know how I feel about this.” I rolled my head to the side and squeezed my eyes shut.

  “This is one of the main reasons we like to do the first prenatal exam here also. So many times, the doctors and nurses are so in awe that they have a pregnant male as their patient, they tend to miss things.”

  “But we saw on the ultrasound, and they listened,” I protested.

  “Sometimes, these things can be missed, but they probably weren’t looking at them much because they were—”

  “So preoccupied my with all the other stuff,” I said as Conrad petted my head, a small gesture that I appreciated.

  “Essentially, yes. It’s quite rare for an omega to have a singleton.”

  “Really?” Conrad asked.

  “It traces back to that wolf gene. Wolves generally have four to six, but mixed with human DNA, it gets watered down.”

  “So, if I ever get pregnant again, I’ll have another set of twins?”

  “Well, or more,” Dr. Garcia said, bobbing his head from side to side.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Triplets are also quite common, and the occasional quad gets thrown in there, too.” Dr. Garcia’s face lit up with a smile. I guess since it was his job, he lived for that kind of stuff.

  “Never again, Conrad.”

  “There’ll be an again,” Dr. Garcia said.

  “Oh God, I’m not going to force him to get pregnant, am I?” Conrad’s mouth dropped open, and his eyes went wide.

  “No, but the instinct in omegas to bear children is very strong.”

  “So, I’m going to become a breeding machine?” I asked, imagining my future of constant tiredness, giant bellies, and crying babies.

  “You won’t. You just might become a couple with a good number of children, though.”

  “Let’s go with the might and keep the hope alive for the not,” I said. I had finally come to accept the fact that I was pregnant, but now, having two kids, and who knows how many in the future, I needed a bit of hope for normalcy.

  Dr. Garcia laughed. “I’ll be back in one moment. We’ll go get the ultrasound machine.”

  “Twins, Mason.” Conrad kissed my forehead.

  “I’m pretty sure I’m in shock.”

  Dr. Garcia came back with a computer on a cart and held what looked like a large dildo in his hand. Turns out, it was a wand to stick up my ass.

  “I’m going to have you hold your legs back so I can get proper access.” He put a condom on the wand looking thing and lubed it up. “There’ll be a bit of pressure and maybe some spotting afterward. Here we go.” He slowly pushed it in, and I grunted as he applied some force to push it all the way inside. Man, it felt weird.

  “Sorry,” he said. “When you’re not in heat, the opening to your vaginal canal becomes quite tight. Even when pregnant.” I didn’t ask for further explanation. I was too preoccupied with everything else going on at that moment.

  He twirled the wand one way and then another. “Okay, and there we go. Here is baby number one,” he said, pointing at the screen with his pinky as I had a giant wand shoved in me.

  “Our baby,” Conrad said.

  “See, here’s the head, arms,
legs.” He turned the wand some. “And here is baby number two.”

  “Please tell me there’s only two,” I said, suddenly worried.

  “Just two. And here is baby number two’s head and look at those little feet.” He clicked some buttons and typed on the keyboard a bit while twirling the wand more. And after a minute, he printed something out of a small printer on the cart. He pulled out the wand and patted my knee. After he washed his hands, he helped me sit up. “Okay,” he said. “These are for you.” He handed me the paper he printed out. “There are your babies.”

  “Wow,” Conrad said, looking at the ultrasound pictures I held.

  “Holy crap,” I said after we checked out and made my next appointment. We walked out to the parking lot and stood next to the car. I took in a few deep breaths, and Conrad rubbed my back.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  I nodded and looked down at my stomach sticking out of my winter coat that I couldn’t zipper over it. “There’s two in there.”

  “There sure is.”

  “How are we going to do this?”

  “We’ll figure it out. Okay? We’re going to make it work.”

  “Okay,” I whispered, getting into the car.


  “If you want, feel free to lounge around in your bra,” Conrad said the next afternoon after we finished our classes. I lay on my bed thinking about taking care of two newborns at once, feeding them, changing their diapers, and then probably feeding them again.

  “So you can give me those lustful stares?” I asked Conrad.

  “Exactly.” He came over to my bed and sat down next to me.

  “I feel so, ugh. I don’t want anyone to see me with my clothes off right now.”

  “What do you need?” he asked, his voice in that soothing tone he used when he was concerned or wanted to comfort me.

  “To not be pregnant.”

  “Do you wish you weren’t?”

  I sat up and leaned against the headboard.

  “No, only comfort wise. I have our babies growing inside me. Those are our babies in there.” I rubbed my pregnant belly. “I’m growing people.”

  “You are.” He placed his hand on top of mine.

  “But what are we going to do? How will we live? Go to school? Raise twins?”

  “Like I said, we’ll figure it out, Mason. I’m going to take care of you. I don’t exactly know what my plan is, which sounds scary, but I know I’m going to give you everything you need, want. I’m going to make sure you don’t have to worry about anything besides being pregnant.”

  “Okay. I’m still scared.”

  “So am I, but we’re in this together. You are my life now, Mason.”

  “Ugh, these pants,” I said, tugging at the waistline of the sweatpants I wore, totally ruining our sweet moment.

  “I think you need to update your wardrobe to fit your new body.”

  “My huge body.”

  “You’re not that huge yet.”

  “Ha, yet. Oh Lord, I’m going to be ginormous.”

  “With two in there, I’m sure your stomach will get pretty large.” He kissed my belly.

  “Just look at it already. I look like I’m six months pregnant.”

  “Your clothes must be suffocating you. Let’s go get you some maternity clothes.”

  I shook my head. “Yeah, that’s out.”

  “But they’ll have what you need. You’ll be so much more comfortable.”

  “I suppose. I mean I am already wearing a bra. What are the store employees going to think, though? I’ve been wearing hoodies to school.” My hands began to tremble a bit.

  “Let them think whatever they want.”

  “For class, I can still kind of hide it, but if I’m in there trying stuff on…” I pressed my tongue to the roof of my mouth, trying to suppress my urge to vomit.

  “Let’s not worry about what they think. You deserve to be comfortable.” He gave me a gentle kiss on my lips and looked into my eyes.

  “Okay,” I said.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Walking into the store, it looked like Mason had to vomit. I took his shaking hand in mine and squeezed his fingers.

  “C’mon, you got this,” I said, leading him into the shop.

  His eyes darted all around the store. “I can’t wear any of this stuff. I don’t want to look like a woman. I want to look like a man. A pregnant man.”

  “I’m sure we can find you something.” I walked over to one rack and started flipping through some stuff. He came and stood by my side as I pulled a few things out. Mason grabbed one shirt from my hand that looked all scrunchy on the side.

  “I am not wearing a top with ruching.”

  “You know what it’s called, though,” I said, putting the shirt back on the rack.

  “Shut up.”

  Mason went to try stuff on, and I sat in a chair outside the fitting room. We went shopping at the perfect time. No other customers were in the store.

  “You have to come out and show me,” I said.

  “I don’t know. That girl behind the counter keeps staring at us.”

  “You’re going to have a lot of people staring at you until you give birth.”

  “That makes me want to cry.”

  My heart dropped. “Don’t cry, Mason. You don’t have to show me.”

  He stepped out of the dressing room and looked adorable. He had on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, but they hugged his body, showing off his round belly. It looked so much more pronounced than when we wore his baggy hoodie. In his hoodie, you could tell he had some kind of pooch going on, but as he stood there, his pregnant stomach stuck out screaming to be looked at.

  “I look so pregnant. Look at me.”

  “I think you look great,” I said.

  He came and stood in front of me, and I leaned forward and kissed his belly.

  “I think so, too.” The girl from the counter stood near the dressing room. “You guys doing that whole role-playing thing?”

  “What? No,” I said. “People do that?”

  “You guys aren’t the first.”

  “We’re not roleplaying, and I don’t think it’s any of your business anyway,” I said.

  She shrugged. “Sorry, was just curious.”

  “I’m actually pregnant,” Mason said, surprising me. He was so worried about people seeing him, but yet, he stood there telling someone he was pregnant. Pride washed over me.

  The girl looked at him and crossed her arms. He pointed to his swollen abdomen.

  “Wearing some kind of fake stomach?”

  “You don’t have to put up with this, Mason. Let’s find another store,” I said, my blood boiling.

  Mason put his hand on my shoulder. “It’s okay. Let’s just get this stuff and go.”

  “You’re for real?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” Mason said.

  “You transgender?” she asked, quirking an eyebrow at him.

  “No. Intersex.”

  “Really? I didn’t think … yeah, I don’t know what to think.” She scrunched up her nose and tilted her head, staring at Mason’s abdomen.

  Mason let out a laugh. “Well, you know.”

  “Let me help you guys out.”

  The store clerk came back with a smile and a pile of clothes. “I bet you guys are so excited about being dads.”

  Mason looked at me, tears welling in his eyes. “We are.”

  “Yeah, we can’t wait.”

  The store clerk left, and as if she thought we couldn’t see what she was doing, she pulled out her phone and took a picture of Mason as he popped out of the dressing room in a pair of jeans and a gray sweater.

  I had to hold myself back from running across the store and smashing her phone.

  “This one doesn’t show off my boobs,” Mason said. “Did she just take my picture?”

  “Those jeans look nice, too,” I said, trying to distract him.

  He took in a quick breat
h and closed his eyes. “She took my picture.”

  “I’m going to talk to her. She’s invading your privacy.”

  “No, Conrad, don’t. I think that will happen a lot whenever I’m out.”

  “I can get a hold of the manager or something.”

  “Conrad, no. But I do want to ask you a question,” Mason said, a serious expression on his face.

  “Of course.” I put my hands on his shoulders.

  “Are we together?” Mason asked in a whisper.

  “Forever.” I smiled thinking about it.

  “But like a real couple and not because of our biology?”

  “What? Of course. I like you so much, Mason. I love you.”

  Wetness built in his eyes. “You do?”

  I nodded. I was such a dumb ass for never saying it to him until that point.

  “How can you like this?” he asked, waving his hand up and down his body.

  “I started having feelings for you before you were pregnant. And what’s not to like about you like this. You look beautiful.”

  “Really?” he said, sniffling back tears.

  “Yeah. I don’t know why I haven’t said anything. Since we first got together, I’ve been trying to get the words out. You’re my boyfriend. My mate for life. My omega.”

  “Is that the only reason? Because I’m an omega.”

  “You know it isn’t.”

  He wiped at his eyes with the heels of his hands and nodded.

  I grabbed him by the waist, pulling him to me. I placed my palm on his cheek. “I’ve liked you since the first day I met you. This is sort of a dream come true for me.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Very much so.”

  He wrapped his arms around me in a hug, his belly smashed between us.

  “Yeah,” I said with a smile. “We’re in this together, no matter what. I won’t ever leave your side, and together, we’re going to have a set of twins.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  I knew it wouldn’t last, but I had so much more energy. It was great not being so tired. We were going to a get-together, a mixer, but not one of those other get-togethers that Mr. Jones mentioned. A sort of meet and greet. Mr. Jones said anyone at the party would be more than happy to talk to us and answer questions.


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