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Broken Kei (The Broken Ones Book 4)

Page 8

by Jen Wylie

Baelan's worried voice stabbed her between the eyes. She winced, pressing her lips together tightly. Him she would lie to. He was the last person she wanted to see right now. I'm fine. Just woke up and Kei wasn't here. Panicked a little.

  I'll head back.

  No, she snapped. I am fine.

  Do you need anything from the market?

  Closing her eyes, she pictured a few choice ways she might kill him. No, I don't!

  The Elf looks like he just got kicked, Garen said with some amusement.

  Thunking her head back on the floor, she closed her eyes against the growing pain tearing through her insides. She knew pain. She could deal with it for a while. Hopefully Bo would bring Kei up soon. Such a wonderful reunion it would be. "Hey, I need your fury or I might die."

  Time always moves so slowly when you actually want it to go by fast.

  She curled herself into a ball. The pain grew, her insides trying to become her outsides. Her body shook. Sweat leaked from every pore one moment and the next wracking shivers took hold. Every moment, the growing need for riath pushed at her. Sleep. Dreams. Everything would be perfect if she just…

  "I don't want it. I don't need it!" She would have screamed the words if she could. She didn't need it. Just Kei. Kei would make the pain go away.

  The last thing she wanted was for Baelan to feel her need and start running around the city to find her the drug. But then maybe he'd give her too much again. Maybe she'd see her prince one more time. She missed him so much. So so much. If only he were here. Why wasn't he here? She loved him so much. But he…but he…

  A sob escaped, and then another. She pounded the sides of her head with her fists, trying to get her thoughts to just…stop. Another round of pain ripped through her, turning her sobs to gasping whimpers. Maybe she should…

  Clutching her head, gritting her teeth, she squirmed on the floor. No no no no. Don't want it. Don't want it.

  Her door flew open, slamming against the wall. The pain wouldn't let her move, wouldn't let her look. She hoped it was Kei.

  Fur tickled her face, a cold nose touched her check. Can you hear me now, Aro?

  Somehow, she managed a nod to answer Garen's question. Had he been trying to speak with her before and she hadn't heard him? Considering how distracting the pain was, it didn't honestly surprise her.

  Is it the riath?

  Gritting her teeth, she nodded again.

  Bo and Kei are on their way up. Just hold on. I'm here. He pressed his head against her. She moved an arm clutching her stomach to wrap around his neck and pressed her face into the comforting warmth of his fur.

  Breathe, she just needed to breathe. Another tremble shook her entire body and she gasped against the pain.

  "Aro? Aro! Will you just…move dog!"

  Her furry haven disappeared. Rotting Elf.

  Hands gripped her cheeks, forcing her to look up into frantic gray eyes. "Who did this to you?"

  She blinked at him and then started to laugh hysterically. "You did."

  Baelan stared at her, brows drawn together.

  His hands dropped from her face and he fell back, finally understanding. As she shivered and twisted and clutched at the floor, trying to escape the never-ending tearing, ripping pain, he just stared at her.

  Garen nudged her face and gave her cheek a small lick.

  "Ah, pup." Strong arms scooped her up, holding her close to a massive chest. Bo tucked her head under his chin for a moment, holding her tightly. "What am I going to do with you? When will you learn?"

  "Maybe," she gasped out, "tomorrow."

  He shook his head, his grip loosening somewhat as he shifted her. "Look, Kei is here."

  Tears welled in her eyes, but she still saw him sitting on the floor next to Bo. Face pale, dark circles under his eyes, but alive and smelling strongly of soap. From his frown and furrowed brow, she knew he was confused and worried, and she wished for time to explain. As she reached a hand for him, he grasped it tightly and pulled it to his chest. His glistening eyes began to change. He knew what she needed.


  She did, but not too much. She knew he'd been using his power to stay alive and didn't want to weaken him. Even when she stopped pulling it from him, she didn't let go of his hand, as Bo held her while she fought the riath inside her.

  Other than the sounds of her struggles, the room remained silent as she fought to rid herself of the pain. Eventually she succeeded and wilted against Bo, her breath coming in short pants. He stroked her sweat dampened hair. Kei didn't let go of her hand.

  "All good now, pup?"

  "Yes," she managed to croak out. "Just need…sleep."

  She rocked as Bo rose and carried her to bed, settling her in gently. Kei somehow still didn't let go of her. She blinked at him, suddenly noticing they'd cut his hair.

  His frail hand smoothed hair from her face. Fingers stroked her cheek. "Rest."

  Her eyes drifted closed. The pain was gone. The constant love drifting from their bond accompanied her to sleep.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  The kettle began to whistle, and she hurried to move it off the stove. She'd woken early, before anyone else, and taken the time to bathe and wash her hair and then prepare a simple breakfast.

  She didn't know how long she slept. Her memories of the riath episode were a bit foggy. Had she just slept through the night or had she lost another day?

  It didn't matter really, so she didn't dwell on it. Kei was back. He was alive. The fear of losing him had finally disappeared and she could breathe again. Her face felt strange from smiling so much.

  She felt Kei stirring. Good morning!

  Aro. A rush of his relief filled her.

  Yes, I'm up and well. I'll be up with breakfast shortly.

  She managed to take a tray upstairs without spilling anything. Nudging Kei's door open with her foot, she peeked inside and smiled to see him sitting up in bed. Seeing him with such short hair still startled her a bit, even more than how horribly thin he was. "Good morning."

  His smile was small, and tired, but there. "Morning, Aro," he said softly.

  Setting the tray on the bedside table, she pulled up a chair, sat, and handed him a plate. "Eat up. Did you sleep well?"

  He nodded, shoveling eggs into his mouth. Good, he had an appetite.

  Eating more slowly, she continued to fire questions at him. "Things are going well?" She tapped the side of her head, and he nodded. "Good. Do you need any help?"

  He stopped chewing to stare at her, his face growing pale. Forcing himself to swallow, he shook his head. "No. No."

  Sensing his rising panic, she raised her hands and leaned forward. "Kei. Kei. I won't. Only if you ask."

  Squeezing his eyes closed, he calmed himself by taking a few long, slow breaths. "I'm sorry," he finally whispered. "I just… I remember the pain. So much…"

  "I understand. I do." After what Damon did to him, she didn't blame him for not wanting anyone in his mind. It would be impossible for her to ever forget feeling Kei's pain for months with their bond, and it had been a muted thing. She couldn't imagine what he felt. She pushed those thoughts away. He was back now. He was safe.

  They ate in silence for a while, until Kei finished. She took his plate, handed him a mug of tea, and then returned to her meal.

  "I don't…"

  She looked up from her food when he didn't finish, meeting his intense golden gaze.

  "I don't remember very much," he finished slowly, handing her his mug with a slight crinkle of his nose.

  "I know," she soothed, setting it down. Guess he didn't like that kind of tea. "The memories are still there. You'll get them back."

  He frowned and then looked away. "I don't remember this room."

  "You weren't here long. It's not–"

  "I barely remembered Bo." His face scrunched up. "Or Garen. Or that he–"

  Clearing her throat loudly, she shook her head.

  With a loud sigh, he looked down at his hands. "Right. Bo told m

  She set her plate to the side and then leaned forward and took his hand. "We'll get through this, together. Like we always do."

  He squeezed her hand, locking his gaze on it as he sat silently for a while and absently played with her fingers. "I remember this. I mean…when we bound to each other."

  Her smile grew, her heart warming. "Good. That's good."

  "I wasn't going to fight him," he finally said after another silence, speaking slow and quiet. "I knew it wouldn't matter." His eyes flicked up to meet hers. "I wanted it over. So I could return to you." She forced a small smile and his gaze returned to their hands. "But then he s-started." He spoke more quickly, stuttering over the words he tried to force out. "T-tearing through my mem-memories. Peeling them off, one b-by one. Then he…he…" His jaw tightened, and he swallowed. "Then he tossed them away. And I…I realized when he d-did…they were g-gone. I couldn't …I couldn't remember them any-anymore."

  "Oh, Kei." She clasped his hands tighter.

  Tipping his head back, he closed his eyes. Tears slipped down his cheeks. He continued, but once again speaking quiet and slow. "I fought him. Holding on to what memories I could of you. Of us."

  She shifted over to sit on the side of the bed and pulled him into her arms. "I'm so sorry."

  Gripping her tightly, he hid his face against her neck. Hot tears wet her skin and she struggled not to cry…and failed. She held him for a long time, not speaking. Sometimes there were no right words that could be spoken. Nothing she could say would make things better.

  Eventually, he pulled back to look at her. With a sad smile, he brushed the remnants of her tears from her cheeks and then cupped her face in his hands. "I love you."

  "I love you, too," she answered hoarsely.

  Lowering his hands to take hold of hers, he held her gaze.

  It took her a moment to notice the question in his eyes. Oh. Oh, rot. She instinctively began to pull back.

  He broke their gaze, looking to the side, a wry smile crossing his lips as his cheeks flushed. "I wasn't sure…" His voice trailed off. "But not remembering so much is–"

  "Hard." Squeezing his hands, she forced a smile and tried to ignore the slight heat in her cheeks.

  He released her hands and leaned back, clearing his throat. "So, is there someone?"

  She blinked in surprise for a moment. "For you or me?"

  His head tipped slightly to the side. "Both?"

  "You, not that I know of. Me…" Her cheeks warmed again. "Do you remember Prince?" It didn't surprise her when he grimaced, and she smiled. "You two never did get along."

  "Bo said we got him home?"

  "We did."

  "And he's still there?"

  She knew where this was going and sighed. "Yes."

  At least the confusion on his face didn't look feigned. "So… you're in love with a man who lives in a different county, behind a magical wall, is an Elf, and who you may or may not ever see again?" Before she could respond, he kept going, speaking each word painfully slow. "And even if you did, he is an immortal and a prince, so nothing would ever come of it."

  "That sums it up nicely," she muttered.

  Surprisingly, he smiled. "Good. Avoids me dealing with anyone courting you."

  There was her Kei.

  "You have failed to mention," said a low voice behind her, "the prince's enemies who would very much like to see you dead."

  Kei frowned, his now orange gaze flipping back and forth between her and Bay.

  She turned to glare at the Elf.

  "He should know," was all he said.

  Shaking her head, she turned back to Kei. "It's a long story, which I will tell you about soon. I'm safe right now."

  His eyes returned to their normal gold. "Who is he?"

  She paused. "Bay, um…Baelan. I met him while you were gone. He's just recently…come to join us."

  "Prince Shael sent me to protect her. Among other things," he added, before leaving just as quietly as he'd come.

  "We'll get to that," she said in response to Kei's questioning glance. "So, I guess it would be best to give you at least a brief account of everything."

  "Bo started last night. How we met on the…the slave ship."

  "Good. Well, you've told me some of your past. I should start there, and then we'll keep going. Do you remember anything?"

  Kei nodded slightly. "He stopped where my parents bound the prophecy to me. I was around ten. I remember everything before then." He grimaced. "And everything since Damon took me. The prophecy. He'd ramble on about what everything meant." He stared off to the side, a muscle in his jaw ticking.

  She took his hand again. "We can do this later."

  A shiver ran through him, then he shook his head and turned his attention back to her. "No, I need to know. Are we still…" His eyes searched hers.

  "Yes, Kei. As soon as you're strong enough, we're going to heal the Fey."

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  A soft knock at her door woke her. By the time she sat up, the door had opened.

  "Aro," Kei whispered, his voice wavering.

  "What's wrong?" Sitting up, she turned up the lamp by her bed. Tangled emotions pulsed down their bond, but it was the fear that sent her own heart racing.

  "I…I remembered…"

  Lamplight flickered off his glistening eyes and she quickly raised her arms, fingers beckoning him in. He closed the door quietly and paused a moment before springing across the room to her bed.

  She thought he'd sit at her side, but instead he flipped the blankets and crawled in next to her, his body laying as close to hers as he could get. He mashed his face into her neck, his arm going around her.

  "What is it?" She wrapped her arms around him, holding his trembling body gently.

  She didn't understand his mumble, but his breathing increased. The arm around her shifted. His hand slid under her shirt and she froze until his fingers began frantically moving up and down the long scar on her stomach and curling up her ribs.

  Ah, he remembered the Vor attack when she almost died.

  Resting her hand lightly over his, she kissed the top of his head. "See, it's healed. I'm fine. I'm fine."

  He gasped for breath against her neck, shaking his head. His tears wet her skin. She stroked his hair with one hand, his arm with the other. "Shh. I'm fine," she murmured into his hair.

  Her words didn't seem to matter. He broke into body wracking sobs, his grip tightening. Curling into him, she held him tighter.

  Her door opened again, and she glanced up, her eyes meeting Baelan's. They shared a startled look before his gaze took everything in and he quickly stepped back and closed the door.

  I apologize.

  Wait! It's not–

  It is none of my concern, he interrupted.

  "Wither me," she muttered.

  Kei tipped his head up, red eyes meeting hers, and his brow scrunching together. "Was someone just here?"

  She smiled tenderly down at him and brushed tears from his cheeks. "It's fine."

  He blinked, more tears falling, and sniffed. "I should go," he said softly, pushing away. "I'm sorry."

  "Shush, you." She pulled him back, not surprised when he eagerly sank back against her. "That was a…bad memory."

  They curled up together in silence for a while as his trembling settled. "I can't lose you," he suddenly whispered.

  "You won't."

  "You're all I have."

  She placed a kiss on the top of his head. "Not true, you have Bo and Garen, too."

  "Not the same," he mumbled.

  She couldn't argue with him. She understood what he meant.

  Despite Baelan's brief appearance in Kei's room and hers, she didn't see much of him over the next four days. Even when she did, it was always the servant or assassin. She wondered if he avoided her because of the episode with the riath.

  She didn't mind, appreciating the lack of constant hovering. Kei kept her busy a good portion of the time. With Garen often curled up on
the bed with him, she told him of the past. Other than asking the occasional question, he didn't speak much, which didn't really worry her. Kei had never been very talkative.

  Most of the memories weren't hard to speak of. Some that were, she glossed over, hoping Kei wouldn't be angry with her when he did remember. Some though, needed to be told in full. Avery's death had been the hardest. He still contained memories of his old friend. Even though these days she tried not to cry, she allowed herself to this time. Holding Kei, they shared their tears, and afterward she thought maybe it had helped her to overcome her grief.

  Soon enough she got Kei up and moving around again. He still took frequent naps, sometimes just to sleep, often to try to repair his broken mind and retrieve more memories. During these times, she began taking care of herself. She'd been a mess the last few weeks over Kei and needed to get herself back in shape and form. Now and then Elaina would also draw her aside to speak of her upcoming marriage. Before bed each night, she'd speak to Roan, at least for a little while.

  Being busy again put a spring in her step to add to her smile. Each day Kei grew stronger. Bo and Elaina finally decided to wed in only a few days' time. Aro didn't even have to worry for Kei. He'd easily be strong enough for the trip to the registry hall and back. Getting married in Westport didn't take long but the celebration afterward would go on long into the early morning hours. Since it would be held at the tavern, it would be easy to sneak Kei home to rest if he needed it.

  Hale stopped by to visit, pleased to see her up and about, and even more thrilled when she asked him to train with her for a while.

  He left before noon, to meet his brother for lunch at the tavern, and she smiled as she saw him out. She'd miss the young Were when they left.

  Her smile faded as she walked down the hall, a knot forming in her stomach. Her storytelling with Kei had gotten to the fight in the warehouse. She'd stopped just before Baelan betrayed her. At least Kei wasn't aware of when, exactly, her death happened in the timeline. From his frown, he knew it was close though, and that she was intentionally avoiding it. Of course, he didn't know why.

  A headache began to form, and she rubbed her temples. How was she supposed to tell him? Once she did, how did she keep him from killing Baelan? She knew he'd go into a fury, she didn't doubt that at all.


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