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Broken Kei (The Broken Ones Book 4)

Page 10

by Jen Wylie

  Sitting on the small bench under the apple trees, she stared up, smiling at the tiny buds forming. When would they bloom? She must remember to have Bo let her know.

  "I want to talk to you about Baelan." He went to rise, and she grabbed his arm, pulling him back down. "Just sit and listen. Then you can yell at me."

  He frowned, but finally nodded, sitting back against the bench and crossing his arms.

  Taking a deep breath, she started. "He didn't just randomly do it, and he wasn't sent to do it. He killed me because he thought I was a threat to Prince, and Prince was his friend." Pausing, she shifted to face him. "Prince hasn't done well since he returned." This got a surprised look at least. "He was weak when he arrived, which didn't help, but…" her voice dropped to a whisper, "his mother bound him. It is similar to what Baelan has. I don't know what all it does. Though, I do know he can't leave Rivenward."

  Kei's eyes widened. "Why would she do that?"

  "I don't know. She's not a good queen and is getting worse. So, not only that, Prince has acted differently than he had before he left. Many people aren't happy. They found out he has…feelings for me. I became his weakness. It's why those Elves kidnapped me." He nodded, remembering her telling him before. "Baelan just wanted to protect him. To remove his weakness."

  Kei scowled. "That almost makes sense," he grumbled.

  "Well, Baelan isn't like other people," she said slowly. "He's honestly rather crazy, so it made perfect sense to him."

  "He is…odd," Kei agreed.

  "Well, he's stuck with us, so you'll see what I mean."

  They sat quietly as she planned what to say next. "I hated him. For quite a while," she admitted. "When he showed up here, begging for me to accept him, I almost killed him. I was going to kill him as he knelt at my feet. Unarmed." She stopped and looked away, clearing her throat.

  Kei's hand slipped around hers. Looking back at him, she smiled weakly. "Bo reminded me that's not who I am."

  "Good." He turned and stared off at nothing. "He should have been punished though."

  "He was, Kei. Roan sent him back to the Elves in chains." She told him what the Elves did, taking his power, scarring him, everything, and then she explained what Prince had done, binding him to her, about the runes around his wrists and neck and what they did.

  "Wither me," he muttered, shaking his head. His brows drew together. "He truly can't harm you? Ever?"

  "Not while he's bound to me. No." Kei didn't reply, so she continued, "Prince sent him to protect me. I think he will be useful."

  Kei gave her a wry smile. "So, don't kill him?"

  "So, don't kill him," she agreed.

  His smile fading, he looked off at nothing again. "He's needed anyway."


  Leaning forward, he braced his elbows on his knees and put his face in his hands. She rested a hand on his back, unsure what to do or say, or what even was wrong.

  "Is it about the prophecy?"

  "Later, Aro. Later," he eventually replied.

  He trembled under her hand, so she just let it be and rubbed his back.

  Late the next morning, Aro found Bo before he headed over to the tavern.

  "We need to talk. About if things don't go well. With the Were king," she clarified.

  Bo rubbed a large hand over his face, but nodded.

  "Can you come back home before dinner for a bit?"

  He grinned. "I'm sure I can sneak away for a while." His face turned serious. "Are you going to let Baelan know?"

  She wrinkled her nose. "Yes, he'll need to know eventually anyway."

  Can we not tell him about me yet?

  She looked down at Garen and raised her eyebrows. "Why not?"

  He gave her a wolfish grin. I want to see his face when I turn into a wolf.

  With a laugh, she agreed.

  As always, the day went by quickly and before she knew it she was dragging Kei and Baelan to the kitchen. "Have a seat. Bo's on his way."

  She'd already told Kei they'd be having a Were talk, but Baelan stared at her in confusion. "What's going on?"

  "Family meeting."

  Kei growled slightly. He didn't like her including the Elf in the family, she guessed.

  Bo arrived shortly after, sitting next to her as Garen slipped under the table. Kei sat on her other side and Baelan across from her. She wished they'd been able to get a bigger table.

  "We've a few important things to discuss. Hopefully it won't take too long. With Bo getting married in a few days," she sent him a big smile, "it won't be long until the rest of us head to the forest."

  Kei sat up straighter. "How long?"

  "Whenever you are ready. We have almost everything packed and set to go. Just a quick market trip for a bit of food is all."

  The boy really did have the most beautiful beaming smile.

  She caught Baelan staring at him in surprise. It looked like he noticed as well.

  Clearing her throat, she crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at the Elf. "So…what do you know about our Were problem?"

  Turning his attention to her, his brows drew down in confusion and then he winced as her words sunk in. "You have a Were problem?"

  From the higher pitched, almost whine, in his voice, she guessed nothing. Interesting. Apparently, the assumption he knew everything about her, that Roan had told him, had been wrong.

  "How bad of a problem?"

  "We can handle it," she answered firmly.

  Kei snorted.

  She shot a glare in his direction and then dove right in. "While in the forest, I accidentally on purpose made us a pack."

  He stared at her, then looked at Bo, then Kei. His mouth opened and closed a few times before he blinked rapidly and shook his head. "You made a pack?"

  "Yes. Me, Bo, Kei, Garen…and Prince."

  "Oh, you did not!"

  Bo chuckled. "Prince was none too happy about it."

  Kei grinned wickedly. "Not at all."

  She frowned. "We need to remove him. Before we leave."

  Baelan didn't seem to know who to look at. "Why?"

  "Because we aren't an official pack. We may never be. The Were king was rather furious about it. That's why we decided to winter in a city, where according to their laws, he couldn't touch us. Once we return though, Rhee-En said he'll make his decision. We'll either join with all the other Were, or he'll remove it."

  "You've angered the Were king," Baelan hissed.

  "I think Prince would prefer no one knew he was part of it," she continued, ignoring the increasingly agitated Elf.

  "I imagine the Were have guessed, if they don't downright know already," Bo said.

  "True," she agreed. "But not for certain. That's why we'll break the connection before we go."

  "You've angered the Were king!" Baelan said, louder this time.

  Really, she shouldn't be enjoying his reaction so much. "Yes, and believe me, I understand the severity of it. I have nightmares. But, I think things will work out. That at least he won't punish us for it."

  "I hope so, pup," Bo said, not at all happy.

  Leaning forward, she clasped his hand. "You don't have to worry. I'm taking full responsibility for this mess."

  "That's not what I meant, and you know it."

  She grinned and squeezed his hand again. "They want the Fey back to fight alongside them. They aren't going to jeopardize that. I'm pretty sure he won't kill me."

  "Kill you!"

  She glanced at Baelan, surprised Bay hadn't come out. But then, the threat wasn't currently present. "The other issue with Prince is that if the pack is made official, we will then be bound, and be subject, to the Were king."

  Everyone frowned at that.

  "For us," she continued quickly, "it shouldn't be much of an issue. If it becomes so later, we can always leave the pack. However, for Prince…"

  "It is not at all acceptable," Baelan snapped.


  Bo nodded his agreement and rubbed at the scar
on his face. "How do we deal with the Prince problem?"

  "I'll ask Garen, or Rhee-En later."

  "Next, if he dissolves the pack, we won't be able to talk anymore." She tapped her temple as Bo frowned. "But Garen and I still can. Talk to the Were, I mean. If it comes to that, we can send messages through Hale, or even Silas and Raythe." Before Bo could speak, she continued. "Same goes for if we happen to travel too far. But we'll just use other Were to bounce messages along."

  Baelan frowned. "Wait. You can all talk to each other?"

  They ignored him.

  You are wonderfully evil at times, Garen said in her mind, laughing.

  She held in her own laugh.

  Bo continued, "You think that may be a problem? Finding some who will agree? Rhee-En seems to be on our side, but the other alphas…"

  She grinned. "Again, we have the advantage. Healing the Fey, the Were won't have to fight the Vor alone anymore."

  He couldn't argue with that, but still frowned.

  "Besides," she continued. "I'm thinking we shouldn't have to travel too far north. Rhee-En mentioned most of the Fey hadn't strayed far from Furia. So, we should mostly be in his lands. We can heal the majority, then work on the stragglers."

  Kei nodded enthusiastically, nearly bouncing in his seat.

  "And if we are made a full pack? How will that work?"

  She shook her head. "I've no idea. But I imagine it can only work in our favor. We'd have more support from the Were. I think." She turned to Kei. "Anything in the prophecies you can share?"

  His smile faded. "Everything will be fine."

  "That's a bit vague," Bo complained.

  Kei ran a hand through his hair. "I can't…" He huffed out a breath and scowled at the table. "I can't interfere with most things. I am to just keep you on course. You all will just need to trust me," he finished softly.

  Aro leaned over and wrapped her arms around him. "Of course we do. And we appreciate anything you can tell us."

  From his weak smile, her words didn't really help.

  "I need a drink," Baelan muttered, still looking stunned.

  Do we want him in the pack?

  Bo shrugged.

  Doesn't matter to me, Garen replied.

  Kei's eyes were hard. No. It's not necessary at this time.

  Weird answer. Then we won't. Not unless we all agree.

  "Well, that was it. Unless anyone else has something to add? I'll deal with the Prince part." When no one said anything, she stood. "How about we go to the tavern for dinner tonight?" She glanced at Baelan. "Someone wanted a drink."

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Baelan was quiet during their meal. She couldn't blame him. Once back in the house, she got Kei settled in bed to rest and then went down to the training room to get some practice in before she went to bed.

  "I'm afraid to ask what other secrets you're keeping from me."

  His voice startled her, but her dagger still hit its mark. Turning, she saw the Elf leaning against the door frame. "Ask all you want," she answered with a small smile. "Though I'll only tell you if I want you to know."

  He chuckled and shook his head. "Is there anything else I need to know?" When she laughed, his face turned grave. "I'm serious, Arowyn. Is there anything I need to know in order to protect you?"

  She looked up quickly at the change in his voice and noted his darker, stormy eyes. "Hello again. And no, nothing else is really important."

  He nodded once and between one blink and the next he changed again.

  "That is…" She didn't even have a word for it.

  Baelan looked away. "I'm sorry, my lovely."

  She shrugged and turned back to face her target.

  "The house is back in order, except for Kei's door. I will work on it and see if I can fix any of the other furniture tomorrow."

  "That is fine."

  "Is there anything else you'd like me to do?"

  She let out a slow breath and pushed back her irritation. "Did you find something to wear?"

  "I will do that tomorrow, as well. If you are sure…"

  Rolling her eyes, she turned to face him and put her hands on her hips. "Yes. I am sure."

  "Very well." He hesitated again.

  With a sigh, she collected her daggers and put them away. He'd bother her all night if he could. "I'm heading to bed. And no, I don't need anything."

  He frowned slightly. "Very well. Good night, Arowyn."

  She left him standing there and called to Garen as she headed to her room. Are you busy? I'd like to talk to you about removing Prince.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Aro stood within in her mind, staring up at the handful of stars shining in her dark sky. Her boys. The stars symbolized her connection to them through their pack bond. According to Garen, as the alpha she could sever them at any time.

  Concentrating, she rose off the ground, avoiding touching the faint strings that connected the balls of light to her. With a faint smile, she shook her head. She could do this here… Why had she panicked while in Kei's mind? Looking down, she saw the barren ground beneath her feet. Perhaps it had been due to all the darkness in his mind.

  It didn't take long until she hovered amidst the balls of light. She named each, easily identifying them, though she wasn't exactly sure how she could. She just knew.

  Considering how much trouble it caused her, it struck her then how little she knew about her pack, about being an alpha. She should have taken the time to learn more, especially as it meant so much to Garen.

  She knew she could mind-speak with them, and that if she chose, she could use a controlling tone of voice to have them listen and obey. The thought made her cringe. Other than that, she knew the pack shared power. She just wasn't exactly sure how that worked.

  Reaching out, she gently touched the light that was Garen. Warmth filled her, a gentle connection, similar, but weaker, than the one she had with Kei. Startled, she removed her hand.

  After a moment's hesitation, she placed her hand on the light again. Unlike with Kei, she wasn't filled with various emotions. Instead, she merely received the general impression he was well and content. Strange, but interesting. If she were stronger, or their pack larger, or if she practiced, would she be able to feel more?

  Stalling, she briefly touched the lights of Bo and Kei before turning to the one she knew as Prince. Shael. She extended her hand slowly, prepared for when it suddenly hit resistance. Stepping closer, she pressed her palms against the barrier and closed her eyes. Was it the wardwall? Or just how her mind manifested her inability to connect with Prince because of it?

  Dropping her hands, she slid her fingers over the fine thread joining them. Unless he left Rivenward, he would never even know she'd cut him out of the pack. She winced at her choice of words. Would he feel something though? Perhaps at least a sense of loss?

  Grasping the thread with both hands, she closed her eyes. "Shael, I remove you from my pack." Jerking her hands apart, the thread snapped.

  Sadness filled her chest, weighing her down. Opening her eyes, she watched the thread break apart into sparks and fade away. The ball of light, the little star, quivered and shrank before it too gave one last little burst before disappearing.

  "I'm sorry," she whispered.

  Floating back down, she knelt on her barren ground. Hiding her face in her hands, she cried.

  Aro smoothed the front of her dress down and winced as Baelan tugged too hard on another piece of her hair. "Are you almost done?" It felt like he'd been messing with it forever.

  "Almost." Another tug. "There, let me see." He turned her around, his gaze flitting around her face as he studied his work before he stepped back and took in all of her. "You should have gotten a new dress."

  Scowling, she raised a hand to her hair. "This one is fine."

  He huffed, then stepped forward and swatted her hand. "Don't touch it."

  It was going to be a long day.

  "I'm going to check on Bo."

  Before she could c
omment, the Elf was out the door. He remained quiet around her. Well, quieter than he had been. Considering she'd been cranky the last few days since she cut Shael out of her pack, she couldn't really blame him.

  Losing that bond with her prince still bothered her. She had so little of him as it was.

  Just don't think about it.

  Bo and Elaina would marry at noon. Preparations for the marriage happily kept her busy.

  She'd contacted Rhee-En, updating him on Kei's progress, the wedding, and that they'd be leaving in a few days. He assured her she and her family would be safe returning to the forest, no matter what the Were king decided, and told her he'd already brought their two horses from pasture and would only need a day's notice to get them to the ridge. Originally, she thought they would only need one horse, but now with Baelan joining them, and Kei not being well, they'd need both. Of course, getting Kei to admit he needed to ride would be interesting.

  Glancing to the window, she saw they'd be heading out soon so went to Kei's room to make sure he was ready.

  She found him sitting on his small bed, turning the hat she'd bought him around in his hands. She tapped her knuckles on the door frame and he looked up.

  Handsome boy. She couldn't help but smile seeing him dressed up. "You look good."

  He shrugged a shoulder, but a slight smile curved his lips for a moment. Looking her over as she stepped into the room, his smile grew. Standing, he tossed the hat on the bed. "You look beautiful," he said softly.

  Her cheeks flushed.

  His head tipped to the side, his brows drawing together. "Have I seen you in this dress before?"

  Even though his lost memories broke her heart, she still smiled. "No. First time. First time in any dress actually."

  His smile returned.

  "The carriage should be here soon. Let's get that hat figured out." Her words made him grimace, but he couldn't argue. With no glamor to hide he was a Fey, he needed something to cover his pointed ears. His eyes didn't worry her as they once did. Hers were the same shade now, and she obviously had no pointed ears. The brother-sister story worked well for them in that regard, at least.


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