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The Billionaire's Twisted Love Book 2: Trapped by You

Page 2

by Rosie Praks

  His big, strong arms were still around me. I stole a quick glance at his bulging biceps, showing through the crisp white shirt he wore, remembering how he used to hold me against the wall while he made love to me.

  Love? I was disgusted with myself. I recoiled with shame, firmly reminding myself this man was the one that had used me and manipulated me for his own gain. How could I feel a shred of desire for him, let alone love? I should beat him with a frying pan or run away from him, up to my room, anywhere at all as long as we weren't breathing the same air. But all I did was stay rooted to that spot, openly staring back at him like a love-starved teenager whose hormones were on rampage.

  “Julian,” I managed to say again, although my voice came out weak and raspy.

  His flawless face was still as beautiful as ever, like a chiseled sculpture model in ancient time. Those deep-set grey eyes ignited with a dangerous passion when he gazed at me. At that point, his Roman nose flared a little, like he was inhaling my scent, before those kissable lips of his stretched into a slow, placid smile.

  “Kimberly,” he said again, the resonance of that deep tone jabbed at my heart, reminding me it was this voice that had first captivated me.

  And then he knocked the air out of my lungs. Quite literally. His lips descended upon mine before I could grasp my situation. And then he pulled back. Just as quickly.

  Everything was happening too fast. But Julian took this to his advantage. Again. As soon as my mouth opened in astonishment, he aggressively thrust his tongue in, violently capturing mine, like he was the proud owner.

  He knew I had a very sensitive tongue and he used it to his favor. He licked, probed, wound, twisted, brushed, and stroked. About a billion sensory receptors were imbedded in my tongue, and he ignited them all, short-circuiting my system, whacking my brain out of action so I could no longer think any logical thoughts or defend myself in this moment of intense crisis. All I could think of was him and me, naked and entwined in one entity. And it now made my knees weak. I knew I was about to collapse onto the kitchen floor.

  It would be a hard-ass hit if I did fall. But I didn’t because Julian had his leg between my thighs, positioning me so if I fell, he would catch me. And that was what happened.

  I fumed, biting him on the lips, scratching him with my teeth. But he was quick. He twisted and turned, avoiding the rest of my consecutive attacks. He no longer kissed my lips, knowing the venom inside me would poison him at any time. Instead, he kissed the corners, lacing them with his sweet toxic scent, clouding my thoughts even more, dispelling any thoughts of kicking his damn groin. He was quick also, twisting my hands above my head and imprisoning me so I couldn’t even move an ounce of muscle.

  I fought for my rights, demanding to gain back some control of my body, but he wouldn’t let me. With that one hand holding my wrists above my head, the other hand snaked under my nightgown, crawling over to pinch the nub of my breast. My face must have gone bright red with rage, fury, but most of all lust.

  “Let me go, you asshole. Don’t touch me.” I somehow found my voice and even followed with a string of curses when he pulled back for breath.

  Why I didn’t take a few gulps of fresh air but still managed to curse him I didn’t know, but now I sourly regretted it. When he attacked me again with his drugging kisses, I'd missed my opportunity. But with the small amount of oxygen in my blood, my brain functioned again.

  I tried kicking his groin, something I'd planned for ages, but it came to no success. I even struggled, but it was only a miniscule move against his strong, lean muscle. His chest alone spanned twice the size of my own. His arms were like steel, capturing my limbs like prison bars.

  I was losing strength in my arms, gravity pulling them down, making them weak. Julian must have felt it to, my resistance fading, because he let me go and now focused all his energy on the kisses. And this time, I kissed him back, savoring his taste, missing that sweet, toxic drug I craved. While his fingers played me like an instrument, thrusting in and out of my passage, all I made were sounds of approval. Soft grunts, pants, and heavy breaths filled the air.

  Oh, how could I ever forget? It felt so good to be held in his arms, even though my mouth wouldn’t stop with the violent curses.

  Julian really was a virile beast. So raw and hard edged, I was attracted to him, like a moth to flame. Eye to eye, we were locked to each other, one a dark storm and the other heavy green moss, intently gazing into the depths of each other’s souls, as if analyzing whether what we’d just experienced was lust, love, or both.

  For me it was lust. It had to be. How could it be anything else?

  Did he feel the same? This undeniable lust that needed to be quenched.

  I fixed my eyes on his, focusing on those grey irises. They were cloudy, a layer of lust evident.

  Good. We were on the same page. We were like two sides of the same coin. We reflected each other’s soul through our eyes. We were both thirsty and hungry to sate our inner demons.

  The need to consume and be consumed was so strong I couldn’t control my limbs any longer. I was losing control just as I was losing my ability to fight him.

  I clung to him tight, fingers now digging into his shirt, legs now wrapped around his body, like an octopus on its prey. My body wanted him. My body needed him. If I didn’t get him, I might die in that instant.

  Julian! Julian! Take me now, I screamed inside my head while his finger continued to probe me.

  But I refused to say those words out loud. I refused to acknowledge what he'd inflicted upon me was just pure lust. So I just let him take the lead, guiding me, leading me into an oasis of ecstasy.

  And then he pulled his finger out, making me squirm with undue frustration.

  “What do you want, Kimberly?” he asked all too suddenly, voice perfectly in control.

  I glared at him with despicable animosity, hating every single moment how he could control me with just a flick of his finger.

  I. Hate. You. So. Just. Fuck. Me. And. Stop. Asking. Questions.

  And he smirked. Because he was right. I wanted him to fuck me so bad I was almost tempted to plead.

  “What do you want, Kimberly?” he asked again, with more aggression this time.

  What game is he playing at? I jerked my eyes away from him, disgusted with myself. Disgusted with how my body was still humming for him. Disgusted with how my first thought was just to ask him to fuck me.

  “For you to go fuck yourself,” I tossed at him instead.

  He chuckled. That damn asshole Julian just chuckled.

  He held my chin and firmly forced my gaze back to meet his. “I think it would be more fun if I fucked you, don’t you think? Especially since you’re all wet and ready for me."

  My eyes glared at him like big tea saucers. And he delivered his promise. He fucked me with his fingers, thrusting it in and out. I was so high that what happened next crashed me back to the ground with massive impact. Someone was coming into the kitchen, and Julian pulled his finger out of me again. Just as I was about to climax.

  “Saved by the bell,” he whispered huskily into my ear. “Guess I’ll finish this off some other time, my Kimberly.”

  And then he was gone. Just like that.

  Didn’t he feel the drumming heartbeat or the hot flush on his skin? Was he always this cold? Did I just fail to see the true man behind that perfect façade he constructed? And most frustratingly, was he not going to finish his job, leaving me here all high and dry like this?

  But I didn’t wait to find out. I was out of the kitchen like the devil was behind me. Slamming the door shut, I collapsed on the bed and pressed my hot cheeks to the pillow.

  Oh God, oh God. My body was so hot, so horny, and so turned on by Julian that now it was screaming for me to finish off what he'd started.

  I nimbly took care of myself, frantically thrusting my vibrator between the lips of my sex, screaming out Julian’s name over and over as climax hit me, ricocheting me to another realm entirely, unti
l I hit the mattress with a huge thump as I returned to Earth.

  Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. I was in too deep. Up to my eyeballs in lust with that man. I couldn’t get enough of him. He gave me a nibble, but I wanted to eat all of him up.

  I shoved my face in the pillow and screamed at my own behavior. Then I bashed and hit that pillow, imagining it was Julian’s face.

  What the hell was he doing in my house? What right did he have to own my body, control it at his beck and call?

  A knock at the door placated my movements. I scrambled back into bed, hiding the vibrator underneath the sheets, and pretended to take an interest in my blank wall, hoping whoever came in wouldn’t notice my sorry state.

  “Sorry, Miss Kimmy. I forgot the paracetamol. And some green tea. I thought it might help with your headache.”

  It was only Chloe. I relaxed a bit.

  “It’s fine,” I said. Then waited, wanting her to leave already, but she still lingered there. I turned to face her. “What is it?”

  “Are you all right, Miss Kimmy?” she asked again.

  Why is she so worried about me? Did she see my red face?

  “I’m fine.” I reassured her, fingers scrubbing my face, hoping to remove all the evident from before. “Still feeling sick, but I’m sure with your magic tea, I’ll be fine.”

  “Well, it’s very good.” Chloe chuckled and came to sit on my bed. “Thank God that man brought you home last night.” She started her blabbering. Most of the time, the things she talked about I didn’t take an interest in. It was mainly gossip about society, which she loved and I hated. I had no interest in people’s affairs, but this time, it caught my attention. My ears perked up. I crouched to a seating position.

  “What man? I thought Amelia was the one who dropped me off.”

  “You mean you don’t remember?”

  The look on my face must have told Chloe I couldn’t remember a thing. Just that I must have drunk a gallon of liquor to retain a hangover like this.

  Instead, she answered me without asking further. “That’s what happens when you drink too much. You should really quit drinking. A good dose of red wine is good for the heart, but not all the time. You don’t want to become an alcoholic, do you? I tell you, one of these days you’re…”

  I wasn’t listening to Chloe anymore. I gripped her arm, alarm registering in my eyes. “Who is it? Who brought me home?”

  Chloe must have realized how important this subject of our unknown guest was. She answered immediately. “Why? Didn’t you see him when you delivered that coffee? The young man with thick black hair and that hot bod to die for. If I were a few years younger, I’d snatch him up in no time. He brought you home last night, Miss Kimmy. He came to check on how you were doing. So kind of him. Said he saw you fall in the bathroom, so he volunteered to take you home. You should know him since you went to Miami and negotiated with his dad, Mr. Beau Devereux. If I recall it correctly, they’re even richer than you, Miss Kimmy. Mr. Devereux was the CEO and president of Devereux Enterprises. But recently, he gifted both titles to his son.”

  “What’s his name?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

  “Now what was his name?” Chloe tapped her chin, prolonging the inevitable moment, like she was torturing me on purpose, punishing me for getting drunk again. “Ju… Jul… Oh… that’s it. His name’s Julian.”

  I slumped my head in my hands, face speckled in misery. So the man I thought I saw last night at Moonlight was really Julian after all.

  Oh God, what was his purpose for coming to Australia?

  * * * * *


  My red Porsche was eating up the mileage faster than a bullet train, but it still wasn’t fast enough for my liking. I needed to be there. Now! My temper was high. Blood boiled in my veins. I changed gears and sped along the highway. Stopping at a traffic light, I slowed the car and cursed, staring at the little red box on the passenger seat.

  How could he treat me like this? That damn Julian. So that was why he was here in Australia.

  Memories from a few hours prior flooded my brain. Papa and I were eating dinner. That was when he'd told me Julian was here for the press conference between our two companies.

  My report, which I'd written to Papa back when Julian and I were considered a couple, had made its way to the company, and now, without consulting me, Papa and Julian had formed a contract. The big press conference event would take place in a few days’ time. All without my knowledge.

  I blamed myself for writing that report. And I blamed Papa for not consulting me prior to making his decision. But that wasn’t what had my blood boiling hot. It was because of that box.

  As soon as I stepped in front of his private retreat, courtesy of Papa, who gave me his address, I knew I was right. Julian’s intentions weren't pure. He would try to take over Papa’s position, like he did with his own family.

  I barged through the door, calling out his name, unaware when it swung open at ease. Grey undertones with soft white and black furnishings darted past my eyes as I flew up the metallic staircase, searching for him.

  I opened every single door, barging through all the different rooms in his private retreat, but Julian was nowhere to be found. But there was one room I hadn’t been to yet. His bedroom.

  I hesitated, not wanting to enter. There were too many memories of us making out in bedrooms that my steps faltered. But there were no other alternatives. I marched up the stairs and shoved that door open.

  “Julian, where are—”

  I swallowed, mouth suddenly dry, lungs suddenly out of air. The muscles at my core clenched with phenomenal desire and my clit throbbed.

  Julian emerged from the bathroom, only a tiny white towel wrapped around his waist. He was dripping wet, droplets of water running down his well-defined torso, all the way down his six-pack abs. I followed that small movement until the droplets were absorbed into the towel.

  Julian made a growling sound, which drew my eyes back to his face.

  His damp black hair was swept back as he roughly combed through it with his fingers. A few strands managed to escape and fell forward, overshadowing half his face, partially hiding his mysterious grey eyes.

  I couldn’t tell what he was thinking or what was hidden behind those eyes, but when he leaned against the doorframe, watching me as I inhaled air to fill my starved lungs, he smirked. Julian knew I was in danger of my own temptation.

  “I knew you would come,” he drawled huskily. “But I didn’t expect you to come this fast.”

  I woke from my delirious state and threw the red box in his face. Julian had expert reflexes, catching the box in the nick of time. Fuck his agility.

  “Don’t think you can buy me. I said we’re not in a relationship. You have nothing to do with me. Don’t try to manipulate Papa like you manipulated me. I won’t let it happen again.”

  “This is?” He cocked one eyebrow at me, the red box in his hand.

  “Your worthless necklace.”

  Julian casually walked across the room. He placed the box on a display stand next to the cabinet that contained an array of alcohol. Julian picked up a bottle of Pinot Noir and poured himself a glass. Glancing in my direction, he asked, “Want a drink?”

  I couldn’t reply. I was too astounded at his change in personality.

  Was this the real Julian? He was so suave, so confident in his gait and mannerism. It was like the world was his oyster.

  Then again, the world was his oyster. He was a billionaire after all. He didn’t need his father’s company or the Devereux legacy to make it big. He was already made.

  So why? Why did he want to be the Devereux heir? I always found myself coming back to the same question.

  “What do you want?” I got straight to the point. “Papa’s company? Because if you do, you’ll have to go through me first.”

  Julian casually twirled the red liquid in the glass, watching it swirl around like a mini whirlpool. He was in no hurry to reply.

>   I drummed my toes and clenched my teeth, my whole body tensed. I was wound up tight, whereas he was so loose and casual, seemingly to the point of not caring.

  “Tell me. What is your purpose for coming here? Is it Papa’s company?”

  Julian eyed me sharply over the rim of his glass. His lips twitched and he smirked. “Why are you so sure I want your father’s company? What if I say I'm interested in you?”

  “Huh!” I scoffed in disbelief. “You interested in me?”


  “I’m not interested in you. Maybe before, but certainly not now.”

  “Really now?” Julian violently dumped his drink on the stand and prowled toward me like a lethal panther. I was a little afraid, but I stood my ground. He only stopped when he reached me. His eyes sparkled. I couldn’t detect their meaning. “Want to bet you’re not interested in me?”

  “You bet I—”

  Julian fisted my hair and hauled my face forward, cutting off my sentence. Without asking for permission, he slammed his mouth to mine, sealing our lips tight before I could even offer any resistance. His tongue probed my mouth.

  I bit him hard. Blood surged forth, tasting metallic, but still he didn’t let go. He only kissed me harder, darting his tongue about, wanting me to taste him too. He wanted to prove to me he was in control. And I was just his little toy, following his lead.

  “Why did you kiss me? Why?” I panted when he released my mouth.

  “Let’s see.” He smeared his bloodied lips at the crook of my neck, like a vampire about to have his fill. “To prove I’m better than all your previous boyfriends. Too prove you’re still interested in me. Which you are. And maybe…” He moved up to the shell of my ear and whispered there, “Because I want to see your reaction. I love looking at your face when I fuck you. You are one insatiable woman. Want me to fuck you now? I recall your disappointed look when I left your father's house. Shall I rectify that?”


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