Haunted Heart

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Haunted Heart Page 12

by Susan Laine

  Suddenly, Duncan burst out laughing. Since Ruben couldn’t see him, he was baffled. Then Duncan said, “You never cease to surprise me, Ruben.” Then he harrumphed. “Pushy bottom.”

  The implication of the kind of sex ahead of them sent frissons of panic swarming over Ruben’s skin, inside and out.

  But then Duncan added, “So to speak. That’s not what we’re going to do tonight.”

  That comment cooled off the panic mode. “W-what are we going to do?”

  “You’ll see.” Duncan chuckled. “Pun intended.”

  Ruben frowned and pursed his lips. “You’re mean.”

  Duncan kissed Ruben’s lips. “Nope. I’m perfect for you.”

  What could Ruben say to that? “Yes, you are.”

  A soft sigh came from Duncan, then a hoarse whisper, “I love you, Ruben.”

  “I love you too, Duncan,” Ruben replied, his voice choked with emotions.

  Duncan took hold of the hem of Ruben’s sweater and slowly started to lift it. Ruben knew his lover was giving him the chance to stop him. But the blindfold kept Ruben safe, the way closing his eyes had as a child, escaping the monsters by not seeing the danger. Not that Duncan was a monster in any sense of the word. But not being able to see was liberating.

  And that’s why Ruben didn’t protest when Duncan asked him to raise his arms so he could remove the sweater. Then Duncan’s big, warm, strong hands landed on Ruben’s skin, slipping under his T-shirt, raising it until it came off too.

  With his torso bare, Ruben shivered. The bedroom did face south, but the mountains blocked out the sun, leaving the room cool and shady. But it was Duncan’s gasp that made Ruben’s skin goose bumpy.

  “I was right,” Duncan said quietly, reverently. “You are incandescent. Beautiful.”

  The words were music to Ruben’s ears, and he sighed happily. “Thank you.”

  Duncan’s fingertips did their own exploring, just like Ruben had done before. With slow deliberation, he traced the lines of Ruben’s sleek figure, the slight curves of his muscles, the arches of his tendons, the rigidity of his bones, the tender nubs of his nipples. Sometimes the touch was featherlight; other times he laid his whole hands over a part of Ruben’s body, the heat of his palms spreading through Ruben like wildfire.

  Then Duncan glided his hands to Ruben’s buttocks.

  His heart rate sped up, frantic and panicky. The touch there wasn’t for the first time.

  “D-Duncan….” His voice cracked, and he sounded small and timid again.

  Right away Duncan pulled his hands away, concern tinting his voice. “Too soon? Too much?”

  Ruben breathed through the emotional ordeal, following his yoga exercises. “Just… bad memories. Gimme a moment.”

  “Plenty of other places for me to touch you,” Duncan said with a kind of resolute calm. But Ruben doubted the serenity and sensed Duncan was truly afraid he had hurt Ruben.

  “I’m fine, Duncan. Really.” He leaned forward until Duncan embraced him. “They’re just memories. They can’t hurt me anymore.” Ruben pressed against Duncan, hugging him back. “I know the phobia is like a disease in me, telling me differently. But your voice is stronger.”

  Duncan kissed the top of Ruben’s head, holding him tight, swaying a bit in place. “I’m glad to hear that.”

  For a while they remained like that, front to front, sharing warmth and heartbeats. Then Ruben suggested, “Help me lie on the bed. I don’t think I’ll be able to stand upright when you take my pants off.”

  Duncan gently shoved Ruben backward until his knees hit the bed. Then Duncan aided Ruben to his back in the middle of the bed. “You sure about the pants, love?”

  A mellow, giddy feeling swelled in Ruben’s heart at the endearment. “Yes. I’m sure.”

  Slowly and carefully, as though Ruben were made of spun glass, Duncan removed Ruben’s pants, underwear, and socks. Then Ruben lay on his back on the comforter, buck naked. Not that he had never been nude in his own bed before. But this was the first time with someone else with him. At least… someone he wanted to be there.

  Instinctively, his hand went to his cock. He was hard to the point of aching, and he was leaking all over his belly, warm little droplets of precome.

  Duncan’s hand came over his, halting him. “You close? Don’t come yet, okay?”

  Licking his lips, Ruben nodded. “W-what will you do to me…?”

  Duncan said firmly, “I won’t do anything to you, Ruben. You and I, however, we will do a lot together, with each other.”

  That sounded promising, Ruben felt, and he nodded again.

  The bed dipped and creaked, and then a tall, muscular body landed next to him. Ruben felt the man’s dick pressing against his hip, erect and dripping, just like his.

  Then a hot breath fanned over Ruben’s face. That was all the preamble Ruben got, and Duncan kissed him. It was a languorous, lascivious probing that Ruben relished with every fiber of his being.

  He raised his hands, sort of flailing because he didn’t want to end up slapping Duncan unintentionally in his blindness. But Duncan gripped his hands and guided them around his neck and shoulders. Ruben wound his arms around the man tightly, and that brought their bodies close, into full-body contact.

  “Oh, Duncan…,” Ruben mumbled into the kiss, breathless with want.

  Duncan moved his hands smoothly over Ruben’s body until he was wrapped around the younger man from head to toes, his powerful arms around Ruben’s back. Their legs tangled and their cocks slid next to each other as Duncan slowly rocked them both, the rhythm bringing every inch of them into direct contact.

  Ruben was panting into the kiss, their tongues dueling and licking without finesse. Any interest he’d had in slowing things down was fading fast. Ruben’s hips bucked involuntarily now that his lover was plastered against his body, skin on skin, sweaty and hot. Ruben had never felt so desirous, so libidinous, so wild and free. By the magic of his lover’s touch, he blossomed.

  “Oh, God, yes, more, please….” He was barely aware of the words spilling out of his mouth. He only knew they came from a place so deep within his repressed soul that no levee could have stemmed the rising tide.

  “Ruben,” Duncan whispered, his voice raspy. “My sweet Ruben. So beautiful….”

  Then Duncan’s ferocious mouth was seemingly everywhere at once, planting ravenous open-mouthed kisses all over Ruben’s face, neck, throat, shoulders, chest, wherever he could reach without breaking their embrace. He lapped, he licked, he sucked, he nipped, he even bit. Ruben was burning all over, his groin on fire within, about to burst apart into fireworks.

  Suddenly, he tilted as Duncan tipped them around so that Ruben was on top of his tall, strong lover. Their bodies still moved in sync, but the rhythm was faltering because Ruben was at a loss, not knowing what to do, how to be in control of a situation so new.

  “Duncan, I….” He didn’t know how to give voice to his inexperience.

  But then Duncan pulled away from Ruben’s neck, where he was definitely leaving red marks, tenderly removed Ruben’s blindfold, and then looked at Ruben, his eyes hooded with lust. “What’s wrong?”

  Ruben was shaking, so close to coming, the pressure building—and unfortunately so was the panic. “I… I don’t know what to do….”

  Even though he was clearly caught in a haze, Duncan still nodded. “I thought you’d want to be on top. I didn’t know if you’d want my weight on you.”

  Now Ruben understood Duncan’s actions. They made sense.

  But it wasn’t what Ruben wanted. “I won’t know if I like it until we try.”

  Duncan breathed heavily, his body flushed and slick with sweat. Then he nodded.

  Without a word, he flipped Ruben over, onto his back again. And then his weight was on Ruben. That big, brawny man’s body held him down, his hips shimmying, sending jolts of pure pleasure coursing through Ruben’s system.

  He waited for the panic to reassert itself. But… it didn’
t. Even though the bulk of a man was on top of him, Ruben felt all right, still in heat, still rutting against his lover’s solid frame, still rubbing his cock against Duncan’s equally fire-hot, rock-hard dick.

  But no panic came.

  Ruben sighed in relief. And then his breath hitched when Duncan picked up the pace, his silk tie caressing Ruben’s skin. Duncan fucked himself on Ruben’s willowy nudity, rocking and rubbing them together to form sparking friction, building pressure, and kindling and stoking a fire within Ruben.

  “God, I want you so much,” Duncan murmured, his voice all but growling.

  Ruben threw his head back on the pillow, moaned all his lust out in the open, and gave his body over to his lover. It wasn’t like he didn’t get anything out of the deal. He wrapped his legs and arms around the bigger man and swayed against him, seeking that potent precipice of pleasure, that one blinding edge of delight, chasing it, needing it more than air itself.

  “Duncan, oh, Duncan, please,” Ruben pleaded, all but gone in the red fog of sex. His nails dug into his lover’s skin, scraping, drawing blood. Their slanted mouths fused together for what felt like an endless kiss that had Ruben writhing against his lover.

  Then Duncan surprised Ruben again. Duncan snaked his hand between them, fisted their cocks, just smashing them together, and began to stroke them off in unison.

  That Ruben had to see, and he broke the kiss and raised his head from the pillow to peer down at Duncan jerking them off together. Duncan’s hand was big and almost reached around both of them. It wasn’t very coordinated, and their dicks nearly slipped out of Duncan’s grip more than once. But when the ridges of their crowns rubbed against each other, Ruben’s cock pooled out precome like a leaky faucet.

  “Oh God almighty,” Ruben murmured, moaning. “Please, Duncan, let me come.”

  Duncan caught Ruben’s mouth with his own, stealing his breath away. Then Duncan’s fist tightened around their cocks, his strokes quicker, his touch rough and unyielding, his tempo out of control as their hips bucked in sync, crashing together.

  The first eruption in Ruben’s balls had him crying out. Hot, sticky cream splashed on his belly in tight clusters, one spurt following another. Mini explosions in his groin traveled up his shaft, shooting out of his slit, over and over again. The phenomenal orgasm seemed to last forever, unrelenting, pushing his body to its limits and beyond.

  By the time he stopped coming, Ruben was as weak as a newborn kitten.

  Then more hot wetness landed on his heated skin, and he cracked open his eyelids to watch Duncan spilling his seed all over him. Rapt, Ruben didn’t turn his gaze away, relishing the awesome sight of his lover climaxing. Duncan’s hand flew on his cock, while his head was thrown back, a look of pure ecstasy on his face. A guttural groan escaped him, and his body convulsed in spasms.

  Ruben pressed his hands on Duncan’s rippling abs, steadying him. That made Duncan open his eyes. A slow, sated grin lifted the corners of his mouth. Ruben found himself liking a smug Duncan, especially after Ruben had come too.

  With a heavy thud, Duncan dropped down, half on the mattress, half on top of Ruben. He gathered Ruben closer, smelling of man and sweat and sex. Ruben inhaled deeply and burrowed deeper into his man’s arms. For a while they basked in the mellow haze of afterglow, feeling almost intoxicated by the experience, until their heartbeats slowed, and their breathing eased back to normal.

  “So…,” Duncan mumbled.

  “So…?” Ruben ribbed, feeling light as a feather.

  “How was it?” Duncan didn’t sound so much worried as unsure.

  Ruben giggled, bubbling with happiness. “Amazing.” He rested his head on Duncan’s pec, feeling his damp chest hair and his heated skin. Ruben looked up at his lover, wondering. “I thought you were supposed to… you know.”

  Duncan chuckled, meeting Ruben’s gaze. “What?”

  Ruben was too high on sex to blush. “Come… inside… me.”

  Duncan’s eyes flashed intently. “You mean, anal sex?” Ruben nodded, serious. He had been so sure that was going to happen, only in a better way than his prior experience. Duncan petted Ruben’s hair softly. “Having anal sex isn’t what makes the two of us card-carrying members of the boys only club.”

  Ruben frowned, confused. “No?”

  “No.” Duncan kissed Ruben on the lips. Salty sweat, a trickle of blood from a bite, and Duncan’s natural taste filled Ruben’s mouth once he licked the wetness off. “There are many ways to have sex. You might have noticed we both came, right?”

  Ruben chuckled. “That didn’t escape my notice, no.”

  “Well, I suppose any activity that involves two, or more, guys naked together, with the intent of sexual release, constitutes gay sex.” Duncan smiled, a cocky gesture. “You liked what we did, didn’t you?”

  Ruben wasn’t about to lie or diminish what had transpired. “Yes.”

  “What we did tonight, by the way, is called frotting.” Duncan smiled wickedly when Ruben’s frown deepened. “Or, as I like to call it, rutting in heat.”

  Ruben snorted. “Nice image.”

  Duncan laughed too, hugging Ruben closer. “Yes, well. Rubbing is another word. Or mutual stroking, or—”

  “Does the precise term matter?” Ruben cut in, yawning. “I liked it.”

  Duncan kissed him on the forehead. “I didn’t want to rush things for you. In regards to anal, I mean. Some gay men never do that. It’s fine. Not penetrating the ass doesn’t make them—or you—any less gay.” He looked at Ruben meaningfully. “Even if you and I never do it, we’re still gay. And like I said, there’s plenty more we can do to get close.”

  That thought lifted Ruben’s spirits even more. A worry about an escalating sex life in the near future had given his panic cause to twitch, as if threatening to emerge. But now he knew he had no reason to fret. “You won’t mind? Waiting, I mean? Or that we might never…?”

  Duncan sighed contentedly, hugged Ruben tighter, and said, “Nope. I just want you, love. To be a part of your life. Everything else is a bonus.”

  And to that assurance and endearment, trusting his lover and confident in their shared future and in himself, Ruben fell fast asleep.


  “YOU GONNA call him today, or do I have to…?” Duncan leaned in over the back of the couch slowly to whisper the colorful threat he had in mind in Ruben’s ear.

  As a result, Ruben blushed, giggled, and squirmed on the couch, all at once. “But I’m working,” he protested weakly.

  He lifted his drawing tablet above his head, waving it about in a show of I-told-you-so. The high-tech graphics tablet was thin and ultramodern, allowing Ruben to draw and paint an entire picture with a stylus, transferring it straight to the computer. No scanning required.

  Straightening up, Duncan scoffed loudly and tousled Ruben’s dark hair, mussing up his bed-head hairdo. “Don’t even think it, babe. I am your employer, after all. As the head of the art department, I know exactly when the deadline for that cover is, so… hop to it!”

  Ruben mumbled something indelicate under his breath.

  Again, Duncan leaned over the back of the couch, right next to Ruben. “What was that, beautiful? I didn’t quite catch that.”

  “I said”—Ruben enunciated each word carefully, with a furious tone—“you’re a bully.” At least he had left out the imaginative cussing Duncan was sure he had heard.

  Duncan chuckled, stealing a kiss from Ruben’s pouty lips. “Why? ’Cause I want you to mend fences with your brother? God, what a terrible ogre I am. How do you cope with me?” He let his sarcasm sink into Ruben, who was busy fuming, his gaze stubbornly aimed at the art tablet, but his hand unmoving.

  Finally, Ruben let out a frustrated huff and tossed his tablet on the other end of the couch. “Fine! You’re such a—” Thankfully, he stopped before uttering something that would give Duncan reason to tickle the boy to death.

  “Here you go.” Duncan offered Ruben the phone, waving i
t in front of Ruben’s face until he snatched it, snarling. “Aw, I just love you all surly.”

  That had the effect of making Ruben’s expression soften, and a smile twitched at the corners of his lips. To hide his pleased reaction, he ducked his head, concealing his face behind a veil of dark strands, and then he dialed.

  “On speakerphone?” Duncan suggested. He didn’t want to pry, but he was admittedly curious how the brothers interacted. “Coffee, babe?”

  Ruben looked up, smiling, completely appeased. He nodded. “African blend?”

  Duncan smiled back. “Of course.” Then he headed for the kitchen. Since the sunroom wasn’t far and Ruben had put the call on speakerphone, he heard the entire conversation. Not even the percolating coffee machine got in the way.

  “Hi, Ben,” Ruben said, his voice quivering a little.

  “Ruben?” Benjamin sounded surprised but pleased. “Great to hear from you. What’s up?” There was rustling in the background, then footsteps on stairs, and finally a door opening and closing and wind whistling. Duncan guessed the artist had gone up to the roof garden of the gallery for some privacy, peace, and quiet.

  “Well, I….” Ruben took a deep, empowering breath. “I was wondering if you might like to come up here for dinner one night this week? Nothing fancy. Just, you know, eating and… catching up.”

  There was hesitation in his tone as he made his request, but Duncan could understand that. In the past two weeks, since their first time having sex, Ruben had become more assertive, more confident about how to do things. He took daily trips around the porch—still blindfolded, though—and once he had actually managed to walk down the steps to the backyard. Ruben had wiggled his bare toes in the grass, a soft giggle escaping, before he paled and asked to be led back inside.


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