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No Regrets

Page 3

by Sean Michael

  They were both still grinning as they hurried to put the tack away, get the horses combed and fed and settled. The thunder boomed again, close this time, just as they were finishing.

  Drake jumped a little, and laughed. "You think the rain'll be too cold to play in?" He had an urge to strip down and go out there and run in it, just be.

  "Probably. But you won't fucking melt." Scotty grabbed his hand, tugging him outside.

  It wasn't raining too hard yet, but a flash of lightning hit the sky as they closed the barn door, the thunder right overhead now. Sure enough they hadn't taken four steps when the clouds let loose and it started to pour.

  Drake stopped, turning his head up and let it rain on him. "Wooheee!"

  Scotty hooted, grabbing his hands and dancing him around in wild circles. Around and around they went and he felt like one of those satyrs. He let go of Scotty's hands to tear off his T-shirt and sweater, the rain pelting down over his skin.

  "Jesus." He heard the word moaned out, Scotty staring at him with what looked like hunger.

  He stopped moving, stopped breathing, everything in him tightening at that look. "Scotty?"

  Scott shuddered, that prick hard and obvious in those skin-tight, wet jeans. "I..."

  Jesus, steam ought to be coming off Scott's skin. Scotty wanted him. Him. Did Scotty even know he was gay?

  Did it matter?

  He licked his lips, tasting the rain on them. "You?"

  "I..." Scott blushed dark, head ducking all of the sudden. "Lemme get us some towels, huh?"

  "I'm gay, too," he blurted out, the words sounding louder than the thunder in his own ears. He'd never told anyone that, never said it out loud before.

  Scott's eyes locked with his, held on. "Since when?"

  He snorted. "I imagine since forever, but I didn't admit it to myself until about three days after I'd married Laura." God, he'd been such a fucking idiot.

  "That's got to suck." Scotty grinned at him, eyes dancing a little. "It would have been way more convenient if you'd figured it when I was following you around high school like a love-struck puppy."

  "You what? Me? You?" He blinked. "Really?"

  "Yeah. You. Me. Really."

  "Christ, I've been a blind fool for a really long time."

  The thunder boomed as if to agree with him, the rain cold-cold against his skin now that they'd stopped moving.

  "Nah. I'm your friend, honey. Always." Scotty gave him a grin. "Come on in. It's cold. I'll make coffee."

  "Yeah, okay. Just..." He licked his lips again and stepped forward.

  "Just?" Scott tilted his head, staring right at him.

  "This first." He took another step, bringing him right up into Scott's space. He did this, he could never turn back, never deny what he was again, at least not to himself, not to Scott.

  "This first," he said again, pressing their lips together.

  He'd kissed and been kissed a thousand times, but shit. He'd never felt it down to his toes, aching inside him in a rush. He felt something inside him break, a wall he'd built up come tearing down. A harsh sound tore from his throat as his lips parted.

  Drake heard an answering sound from Scott, the man dragging him close enough that air couldn't get between them. He went willingly, hands wrapping around Scott's arms, fingers curling tight, holding on.

  The rain poured over them, but the heat of Scott's lips nearly burned him up.

  It couldn't last forever--they had to breathe--but when Scott's tongue pressed in to taste him, he fucking prayed time would stop. He wrapped his lips around Scott's tongue and sucked on it, groaning at the taste. Scott moaned, walking them back toward the house. Scott hit the wall with a thud, one leg curling around to hold him close.

  Oh, fuck, this was nothing like how it was with a woman. This was hard and hot and fucking primal. He rubbed against Scott, their bodies all hard angles and bumps. It felt amazing.

  They got a rhythm going, Scott humping his thigh like a madman, the kisses getting sharper and harder. The rain pushed at him, trying to steal his heat, but it was no match for Scott, for the pleasure that was building and building. Drake pushed one hand through Scott's hair, the other opened and closed on Scott's arm as he started to shake, every sensation so big.

  "It's okay, honey. I got you. Come on." Fuck, had Scott always sounded so sexy?

  Between that and Scott's shirt sliding against his skin, dragging on his nipples, he couldn't hold back for a second. Crying out, he came in his jeans like some horny teenager making out for the first time.

  "Mmm..." Scott's teeth tugged on his bottom lip, drawing it out, just a little longer.

  A shudder went through him, his cock throbbing inside his jeans. "Scotty... God." He pressed into another kiss, just humming.

  "Mmm. Right here." Scott shifted, muscles tight and hard against him.

  He rubbed his thigh against Scott's hardness. "What do you need, buddy?"

  "Anything you'll give me, honey." That groan was pure sex.

  He pushed his hand between them, working open Scotty's belt, the top button of his jeans. He met Scotty's eyes. "Wanna touch."

  "Please." The rain came harder, plastering their hair, their clothes.

  He tugged at Scotty's zipper, hand digging into the white underwear. He gasped as Scotty's prick leapt into his hand, hot and silky.

  "Dee. Dee, honey." Scotty rested that fever-hot forehead on his shoulder, hips jerking.

  "Yeah." He nodded and tightened his fist around Scotty's prick. "Wanna feel you come."

  That was all it took, Scott sobbed, jerked and shot all over his fingers.

  Oh, fuck.

  Fuck, that was... Yeah, he wanted more of that.

  He tugged Scotty's head up and brought their mouths together again, tongue sliding in to taste. Scott shivered and moaned, mouth liquid heat. And where their mouths met was about the only warm spot on him. "Inside?" he suggested, the rain seeming to get colder and colder every second.

  "Hell, yes. Inside. Hot bath." Scott was all smiles.

  He took the hand that was offered, letting Scotty tug him along, thinking he'd follow that ass just about anywhere right now. The house felt damn cold and they both stripped down, right there in the mud room, before Scotty took his hand and dragged him upstairs to the big master bath.

  His teeth were chattering with the cold and he couldn't quite believe he'd just done that. That he and Scotty had... He grinned. Oh yeah, they had. Maybe they were gonna again.

  It didn't take Scotty a second to get that water going, to get the bathroom filled with billows of steam. Drake grinned, wanting suddenly to sing. He didn't even care what. He hummed softly, following as Scotty climbed into the tub and those long legs slid beneath the water.

  Those arms were open, reaching for him. God, that was...


  The water was hot, felt really good on his feet and ankles, on his knees and thighs as he knelt in front of Scotty, trying to figure out how to sit close. Scotty slid over a little, turned him so that he was held in Scotty's arms, pulled back against that thin chest.


  Drake leaned against Scotty, head on one shoulder and nodded as the water and skin on skin contact soon had him warmed right through.

  He wasn't used to being held, of just letting go and trusting he'd be caught.

  He liked it.

  "Much," he murmured. "You good?"

  "Perfect." Scotty's hands slid and stroked, petting and touching him all over.

  "God, your hands... I never thought it would be so different."

  "To be with a man?"

  Nodding, he said, "I mean I guess I knew it would. I guess I just tried not to think about it too much, because it wasn't ever going to happen." But it had. Oh, yeah, it had.

  He chuckled as his prick perked up a little, enjoying how they were sitting, Scotty's touches, and the memories of their bodies straining together out in the storm.

  "Your secret's safe with me, honey. Just enjoy
it." Scotty's hand slid down his belly, teased the tip of his prick.

  He groaned, hips jerking, searching for more of that touch. He wasn't sure any secret was safe with the way those damn paparazzi dug, but he didn't really care right now, not at all. Scotty's lips were on his neck, licking and nibbling, even as those fingers circled his prick.

  "And I thought this was good the first time." He was really digging the skin on skin they had going here in the tub.

  He slid his hands over Scotty's thighs, head turning, wanting a kiss, wanting to see if it was better this time around, too. Scott's lips brushed his, tongue just teasing them open. It chased heat through him, all the way down to his belly. He touched his tongue to Scott's, electricity jumping in to join the heat inside him.

  "Mmm. Hey, honey." Scott smiled, eyes searching his.

  "Hey." He smiled back, rubbed their noses together.

  Then he pushed their lips together again, groaning into Scotty's mouth as Scotty's hand kept working his prick. Fuck, that hand was big and had calluses and felt so damned good. Scotty kept everything going, fingers sliding down to roll his balls, up to work the tip.

  The heat of Scotty's cock snuggled up nicely against his ass, his lower back, but he couldn't reach it the way they were sitting. Of course he didn't want to turn either, what Scotty was doing made his blood sing, his heart trip hammering. He petted Scotty's legs with his hands, half wishing it was more, mostly not caring, just loving each touch of those big fingers.

  "Mmm. Breathe. We got time, honey. All the time you need." Those lips traced the curve of his ear, nibbling a little.

  "Feels like we don't. Feels urgent." His hips shifting, pushing his cock up through Scotty's hand. Yeah, urgent, good, necessary.

  "That's just your balls talking. Here. I'll help." The touches got stronger, more sure, Scott jacking him with a firm touch.

  "Just my..." His words morphed into a moan and oh, God, that was good.

  He turned his head again, mouth moving blindly over whatever part of Scotty he could find, neck, jaw, chin. His hands dug into Scotty's thighs as his whole body tightened.

  "Think, honey. Think about my mouth around you, about what it'll feel like, you buried in my tight ass." Oh. Oh, Jesus. That. He never imagined that soft, familiar voice saying those things to him.

  "Scott!" He cried out, body jerking as the pleasure shot through him and out of his cock.

  "There. Better." He felt Scott's smile against his skin, so fucking sweet.

  He chuckled, melting bonelessly against Scotty. "What about you?" he asked, voice about as lazy as he felt.

  "I'm good." Scott chuckled, the lean body floating under him.

  Grinning, he tried rubbing back against Scotty, but was too melted and the water too floaty. "Yeah, you are good, that's for damn sure."

  "I do my best, honey."

  "Your best works for me." As if Scotty hadn't noticed him coming twice. He sighed and let his head rest against Scotty's chest. He fit just right, it seemed. "So you used to have a thing for me, huh?"

  "Does it matter now?" Scott's lips brushed the top of his head.

  "I guess not. We've got better things to do than worry about regrets." Besides, something told him that maybe he'd needed the time between high school and now to appreciate being here like this with Scotty, in this quiet, beautiful place.

  "I don't regret this a bit."

  The words echoed inside him. That was one hell of a hook for a song.

  He started humming, no real tune yet, the words flowing together. Oh yeah.

  Scotty was good for his soul.

  The strong heartbeat under his ear played the bass line.

  Real good.

  * * * *

  Scott could hear Dee on the piano in the front room when he stumbled in from a long day's work. He'd painted and mucked stalls and changed the oil on the Chevy and then painted some more before the image of Drake's eyes laughing escaped him.

  He really needed to get the Christmas tree decorated. The house. Stuff.

  First though.


  Scott didn't bother Dee. He just let the man play. It did Drake good.

  Lord, he was tired. He stripped off and got the water going, slumping against the tile.

  Dee's voice joined the piano, the sound clear and beautiful. He couldn't make out the words, but it was going to be a fine song, Dee's heart shining through the music. It wouldn't be long before Dee had to go, Scott knew it, but damn he was enjoying it while it lasted.

  The music faded away and Dee came up the stairs, knocking softly on the door before coming in. "Hey, I thought I heard you come in."

  "Hey, honey." He found his man a grin. "I was filthy."

  Drake grinned right on back at him. "Yeah? You clean up real good though."

  One of the towels was grabbed off the holder. "You ready to come out?" Oh, he was starting to recognize that particular husky note in Dee's voice.

  "Yeah, I can be." He grinned, turned off the water, his body perking right up.

  "Good." Dee's eyes ate him up, pink tongue coming out to slide over Dee's lips, wet them.

  Scott pushed into Dee's arms, let the soft towel wrap around him as the kiss went deep. Dee's hands slid along his spine, warm and good, a low groan vibrating between them.

  Oh, hell yes. He could use a massage. An orgasm.


  Dee broke away, gasping. "Bed. We never seem to make it to the damn bed."

  "Picky, picky, picky." He pushed a little, making Dee back up toward the bedroom.

  Dee went, one step after another, color working its way up Dee's neck into his face. "I just want to try... You know."

  "Going to fuck me, honey? I haven't had it in a long, long time."

  "And I never have. Just don't let me hurt you, Scotty." Dee looked right at him, need and want and a bit of nerves there.

  "You won't. We'll take it easy." He knew Dee. Dee would stop if he needed it.

  "I don't. I don't have anything, Scotty." They'd used hands, and he'd blown Dee's mind with a blow job or two. This was the first time it had come up, really.

  He sat on the bed, met Drake's eyes. "I'm clean, honey. Me and Nick were exclusive and I've been careful, but I got rubbers in the bathroom. Slick here in the headboard."

  "There hasn't been anyone for me since me and Laura split. It's up to you."

  "Well, then. C'mere and make love to me." He'd been wanting this off and on for twenty years.

  "Okay," murmured Dee, still standing there, looking at him, eyes shining.

  Scott figured the best way to deal was to encourage, so he lay back, spreading wide as he opened the towel. Dee whimpered and started getting undressed, fingers visibly trembling as he tugged off his sweater and T-shirt, pulled off his jeans. "Gonna remember you like that forever."

  "Promise?" Scott wrapped his fingers around his cock, started pumping.

  "Uh-huh. Don't get too far ahead of me." Dee came toward him, eyes watching.

  "I won't. I want it." He bent one knee, spreading wider.

  Dee climbed up onto the bed between his legs. Damn, that golden body was beautiful. It was easy to reach up, stroke a line down Drake's belly, circle that cock.

  Dee arched, pushing into his hand and rocking a time or two before groaning, backing off. "You're distracting me, Scotty."

  "I don't want to distract you, honey. I want to inspire you."

  He got him a bright smile. "I'm plenty inspired."

  Bending over him, Dee brought their mouths together, their cocks kissing, sliding together. He rolled up, pushing Dee some, even as he fucked Dee's lips. Dee's fingers slid over his skin, thumb finding his nipple and rubbing over it, hips coming down to meet his.

  "Mmm." He liked that. He needed to be fucked more.

  Then Dee's fingers slid away, the hard body stretching up for the headboard. Dee's eyes shone at him.

  "Want you, huh? Filling me up." Oh, he liked how need looked on Dee's face.

s words lit a fire in Dee, those slippery fingers pushing behind his balls, rubbing over his hole, one after the other. "Just push in, right?"

  "Yeah. Just slide in. I'll tell you if it's too much." Sweet man.

  One of Dee's fingers pushed at his hole, then rubbed over it, then pushed at it again, Dee watching his fingers now, body still but for that hand, that one finger torturing him.

  "More." He rippled, trying to ride the touch.

  "So tiny," murmured Dee, but then the tip of his finger pushed. Dee's eyes widened as the length of his finger slid right in. "Scott!"

  "Yes..." He nodded, belly tight as a board. "Please, honey."

  "God, Scott. So tight. And hot. Oh, man." Dee took a deep breath and wriggled his finger, tugged it out and pushed it back in again.

  "Good. Do it again. Need, huh?" He might have to kill Dee for teasing him.

  "I just can't believe..." Dee shook his head and a second finger joined the first, Dee pushing it in and then spreading both fingers apart, twisting them. Sliding them in and out.

  Scott closed his eyes and rode, trying to remember every fucking second.

  Dee kept murmuring, telling him how hot and sexy he looked, how tight and silky he felt inside. "Inside. Jesus, Scotty, my fingers are inside your body."

  A whimper came, a deep breath and suddenly Dee pushed in a third finger, filling him so nicely.

  "Oh..." He stretched, cock slapping his belly as his eyes rolled like thrown dice. "Honey. Please. So fucking good."

  In and out, Dee's fingers moved faster and faster, each gasping breath Dee took increasing in speed right along with them. "Oh, God, I want to be in you, Scott."

  Scott grabbed his knees, tugged and spread. "Yours. Please."

  "Oh, fuck." Dee grabbed at his own balls, giving them a tug and a squeeze that must have ached something fierce. "Gimme a sec or I'm not even gonna get in." Dee twisted his balls and tugged again, and then came forward some, hand guiding the hard prick right to his hole.


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