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Nathan Wolfe: Wolfe Brother’s Series, Book Two

Page 7

by Lynn, Sandi

  Sincerely yours,


  Later that evening, as I was about to walk out the door to meet some friends at the bar, my phone dinged with a text message from Allison.

  “Thank you for the flowers. They’re beautiful and look great sitting on my desk. P.S. Dinner is a no.”


  “You’re welcome, and I hope you’ll think of me every time you look at them. P.S. Have dinner with me.”

  I knew she probably wasn’t going to respond to my last text, so I shoved my phone in my pocket and headed out the door.

  Chapter 18

  One Week Later


  It felt good to be back up in the air again. Four days in a row and now I had the next eight days off. Four of which were vacation days. I walked into my apartment building in my pilot’s uniform because I’d forgot to pack an extra pair of clothes to travel home in. When the doors opened, I saw Ruby standing there.

  “Hey, Nathan.” She smiled as she stepped out.

  “Hey, Miss Ruby. Off to the art room?” I asked as I held the doors open.

  “Yeah. I’m meeting my new friend, Isabelle, there. Oh shoot, I forgot my special paint brush. I have to go back upstairs.”

  She stepped back inside and I pushed the button to the twenty-second floor as well as the twenty-fifth. The doors closed and we made it up between the ninth and tenth floor when the elevator lurched, and we came to a complete stop.


  “Nathan, what happened? Why aren’t we moving?”

  “It seems that the elevator may have gotten stuck in between floors,” I spoke as I pushed the emergency button.

  “Really? Super cool. I’ve never been stuck in an elevator before.” She grinned.

  “Well I have, and it’s no picnic.”

  I pulled my phone from my pocket with the hopes that I had some sort of service and let out a sigh when I found that I didn’t.

  “I need you to stay calm, Ruby. I’m sure it’ll get moving in a few minutes.”

  “I’m calm. I can’t wait to tell Isabelle how I got stuck,” she spoke with excitement. “Hey, Nathan?”

  “Yeah.” I glanced down at her. “Are you a pilot?”

  “I am.” I smiled.

  “I could tell by your uniform. Did you just get back from work?”

  “I did. I was gone for four days.”

  “I wondered why I hadn’t seen you around.” She smiled as she took a seat on the ground. “That is so cool.”

  “Do you mind if I sit down next to you?” I asked.

  “Nope. Not at all. Have a seat.” She patted the ground.

  I sat down and sighed. It was a damn good thing I wasn’t claustrophobic.

  “How’s your mom doing?” I asked out of curiosity.

  “She’s okay. I met your brother Elijah a couple of days ago.”

  “You did? Where at?”

  “At the office. My grandma took me there so we could pick my mom up for lunch. And I met your mom and Aspen.”

  “You’ve pretty much met my whole family.” I smiled. “The only one left is my little brother, Mason.”

  “Yeah, and they’re all super nice. Elijah is funny.”

  I furrowed my brows at her in confusion.

  “I’m happy you like my family. So, you made a new friend?”

  “Yeah. She just moved in with her parents. They live in apartment 1610, so you can cross Mr. and Mrs. Hammond off your list and add her family.”

  “Where did Mr. and Mrs. Hammond go?”

  “Mr. Vincent told me that they decided to move to Vermont to be closer to their grandchildren.”

  “Ah. I see.”


  “Yes, Miss Ruby?”

  “I’m getting a little freaked out now. It seems like it’s been a while.”

  “Don’t be freaked out, kid. They’ll get us moving soon.”

  “I hope so. I want my mom.”

  I glanced over and saw the worry on her face, so I started singing.

  “Here comes the sun. Do do do do. Here comes the sun.”

  “And I say, it’s all right.” She smiled as she sang the words.

  “You know that song?”

  “Are you kidding me?” Her face lit up. “That’s one of my favorite songs by The Beatles.”

  “Shut up! You like The Beatles?”

  “I love them.”

  “Me too. They’re my favorite band of all time.” I held my fist out to her for a fist bump.

  “Mine too.”

  “Shall we start over?” I gave her a smirk. “You first, my lady.”

  She sang the first verse, I sang the second, and we continued until we reached the end of the song. We made it through three songs when suddenly, the elevator started going up.

  “Yes! We’re moving,” Ruby spoke with excitement.

  “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  When the doors opened to her floor, I saw Allison standing there.

  “Thank God, Ruby.” She bent down and hugged her tight. “Are you okay? You must have been so scared.”

  “I’m fine, Mom. I had Nathan to keep me company. We sang some Beatles songs.”

  Allison stood up and stared at me as I held the door open.

  “Thank you, Nathan.”

  “No problem, Allison. I’ll see you around.”

  Just as I moved my hand and the doors started to shut, I heard Ruby call my name.


  “Yes.” I stopped the door from closing.

  “I like you and I’m happy we got stuck together.”

  “Thanks, kid. I like you too. Go get your favorite paint brush and paint some beautiful pictures.” I winked at her before the door closed.

  Chapter 19


  The moment the door to the elevator opened and I saw Nathan standing there with Ruby, I was in shock. When he was in his pilot’s uniform, he took sexy to a whole new level. Damn.

  “Mom, did you know that The Beatles is Nathan’s favorite band too?”

  “No, sweetie, I didn’t.” I took hold of her hand as we walked to our apartment.

  “We sang Here Comes The Sun, Hello, Goodbye and Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da. It was so much fun!”

  “That’s great. I’m happy Nathan was with you to keep you entertained. Now go get your paint brush and I’ll take you down to the art room. But you have to be back in a couple of hours. Grandma and Grandpa are coming over for dinner.”


  A couple hours later, I headed to the elevator to go and get Ruby from the art room. I couldn’t stop thinking about how she could have been in that elevator alone when it got stuck. When the doors opened to my floor, I saw Nathan standing there in a pair of black dress pants and a gray button-down shirt with the sleeves slightly rolled up. The scent of his cologne not only smacked me in the face, it aroused me.

  “Hello, there.” He grinned as I stepped inside.

  “Hey. You look nice.”

  “Thank you. I have a dinner date. You see, there are women out there who would love to have dinner with me.”

  “I’m sure there are.” I pursed my lips.

  When the doors opened to the lobby, I stepped out first.

  “Have fun on your date,” I spoke as I walked away.

  “I fully intend to. Thank you.”

  I rolled my eyes as I lightly shook my head on my way to the art room.

  “Look what I painted, Mom.” Ruby held up a picture of painted trees and sunflowers.

  “Ruby, that’s beautiful. You get your artistic talent from your dad. We’ll find the perfect spot to hang it up when we get upstairs.”

  “I painted it for Nathan,” she spoke.

  “Oh. I’m sure he’ll love it.”

  “Can we run up to his apartment so I can give it to him? Please, Mom.”

  “Not tonight, sweetie. Nathan isn’t home. He went out.”

  “How do you know?”

; “I ran into him in the elevator on the way down to get you.”

  “Oh.” She looked down in disappointment.

  “You can give it to him tomorrow.” I patted her head.

  * * *

  While my dad was in Ruby’s bedroom reading her a bedtime story, my mom helped me clean up the kitchen from dinner.

  “So, who is this Nathan guy that Ruby keeps talking about?” she asked.

  “He lives in the building. He’s actually Elijah’s brother.”

  “Really?” She smiled. “Is he just as handsome?”

  “Yeah. He’s handsome,” I replied as I dried the pan she just washed.

  “Is he single?”

  “Yes, Mom, he’s single.”

  “What does he do for work?”

  “He’s a pilot.”

  “Wow. Single, handsome, a Wolfe, and a pilot. He sounds like the perfect package.”

  “Stop, Mom.” I shot her a look.

  “Stop what, darling?”

  “I know what you’re doing. I’m not interested in him. He’s—he’s—he’s a total womanizer. He has women all over the country he visits on his layovers and he’s—he’s—”

  “He’s what, darling? The way you’re getting all worked up by talking about him sounds to me like there might be a little bit of interest there.”

  “There is absolutely no interest on my part for Nathan Wolfe. He’s not my type. He’s not—”

  “He’s not Jared? Of course he’s not, Allison. There will never be anyone like Jared, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t anyone else out there who’s not worthy of your love and your time.”

  “Just stop.” I sighed.

  “Listen, darling.” She placed her hand on my shoulder. “I worry about you every day. You’re far too young just to give up. Plus, you need to have sex sometimes.”

  “Oh my God, Mom. I can’t believe you just said that!”

  “Well, it’s true.” Her brow arched.

  “My husband has been dead for a year. Only one year and you want me to run out and find someone to have sex with?” I voiced rather loudly.

  “What is going on out here?” my dad asked. “Ruby just fell asleep.”

  “Mom is telling me I need to start dating and have sex.”

  “Carol, really?”

  “All I said was she’s too young to give up.”

  “Allison will make that decision when she’s ready and when the time is right.” He kissed my forehead.

  After they left, I went into the bathroom and started the bath. As I stared at myself in the mirror while I twisted my hair up, tears sprang to my eyes. I took in a deep breath and climbed in the tub. Reaching for my phone, I decided to text Nathan. I knew he was on a date, but I didn’t care.

  “Hi. Ruby painted a picture for you today and she wanted to give it to you, but I told her you weren’t home. So, I said she can give it to you tomorrow.”

  “That was nice of her. Of course she can give it to me tomorrow.”

  Chapter 20


  “Who are you texting?” Elijah asked as we sat at the table at Rudy’s kicking back a few drinks.

  “Just a friend of mine.” I lied.

  Mason looked at me with a narrowed eye for he knew I was never so vague with my answers.

  “Aspen is calling. I’ll be right back,” Elijah spoke as he got up from the table to find a quieter spot to talk.

  “You were texting Allison, weren’t you?” Mason asked.

  “She texted me first. I ran into her on the elevator, and I may have told her I was going on a date.” I smirked. “Apparently, Ruby painted me a picture and wants to give it to me.”

  Mason chuckled. “Wow. Seems like your plan is working.”

  “I haven’t had the chance to implement it yet since I’ve been working. But it’s obvious my charm worked on her when we were stuck in the elevator.”

  “Look at you, Daddy Nathan.” He smirked.

  “Shut your mouth.” I pointed my finger at him.

  “Why are you telling him to shut his mouth?” Elijah asked as he took his seat.

  “It’s nothing. He’s just being his usual douchebag self. Anyway, your big bachelor party is next weekend.” I grinned. “Are you ready for some wild and crazy Vegas fun?”

  “Can’t wait.”

  “And Aspen is okay with this?” Mason asked.

  “Of course she is. She trusts me. But I am a little worried about her bachelorette party.”

  “Why?” I furrowed my brows at him.

  “Because Mom is in charge,” he spoke as he picked up his drink.

  “God knows what she’s going to do.” I shook my head.

  “Where is the party at?” Mason asked.

  “I don’t know. She won’t tell anyone yet. Not even Aspen, which worries me.”

  “Yeah. I’d be a little worried too.” I finished off my drink.

  * * *

  The next morning, I stumbled out of bed, took a shower and made a cup of much needed coffee. Today was Labor Day and my mom was hosting our annual family picnic at Central Park. Picking up my phone, I sent Allison a text message.

  “Good morning. If you’re home, I can run down and pick up that picture Ruby made for me.”

  “Morning. We’re here. Stop by whenever you want.”

  “Great. I have to run out for a few. I’ll stop up on my way back.”

  “Sounds good.”

  I finished my coffee, popped two aspirin and headed down the street to the bakery to pick up some donuts for Ruby as a thank you for the picture. I deemed it appropriate for my plan, and what child doesn’t like donuts?

  Holding the white box in my hand, I knocked on the door. As soon as it opened, Ruby stood there with a wide grin on her face.

  “Nathan, you’re here! I made you something.”

  “I know. Your mom sent me a text message last night and told me. I have something for you too.” I opened the box and showed her the variety of donuts.

  “I love donuts! Come in. Mom, Nathan’s here and he brought donuts!” she yelled.

  “He did,” she spoke as she came from the hallway.

  “I’ll be right back. I’m going to get the picture I painted.”

  “Hi, Nathan,” Allison said.

  “Hi, Allison.”

  “How did your date go last night?”

  “It went great. Thanks for asking.” I lied.

  Ruby ran back into the room and handed me the picture she painted.


  “Wow, kid. This is beautiful. You really painted this for me?”

  “Yes. I hope you like the sunflowers.”

  “I do. They’re beautiful. Thanks.” I patted her on the head with a smile.

  “Would you like some coffee to go with your donut?” she asked.

  “I really can’t stay.”

  “Please, Nathan,” she whined. “Please sit and have a donut with us. Please.”

  I looked over at Allison as she stood there with a smirk on her face.

  “You know what? I have some time. A cup of coffee sounds great.”

  “Yay! I’ll make you some.”

  “I’ll make the coffee, Ruby. You and Nathan go sit at the table.”

  “Which donut do you want?” Ruby asked as she opened the box.

  “You pick first. I bought them for you.” I smiled.

  “I want the pink one with sprinkles.”

  “Excellent choice.”

  Allison set my mug down in front of me and I picked it up and took a sip. Sitting down in the chair across from me, she picked up a donut from the box and looked at it.

  “That one is custard filled,” I said.

  “Oh. My favorite.” The corners of her mouth curved upward.

  “Mine too.” I picked the other one from the box.

  I wouldn’t lie and say this wasn’t awkward, because it was. Me, of all people, sitting at a table sharing donuts with a woman I was interested in and her kid. But, as far a
s I was concerned, today was the perfect day to try and get to know her a little better. I knew if I asked her what I was about to in front of Ruby, she’d have no choice but to agree.

  “So, are the two of you doing anything for Labor Day?”

  “Not really. I was going to take Ruby to Central Park later for a picnic.”

  “Your family isn’t doing anything?” I asked.

  “My parents are meeting some friends at the country club and my brother is going to his in-laws for a barbeque.”

  “Well then, you’re in luck.” I grinned. “My mother is having her annual Labor Day picnic at Central Park at two o’clock. Everyone in the family will be there. Join us.”

  “Can we, Mom?” Ruby asked with excitement in her voice.

  “Thanks for the offer, Nathan, but I don’t think so.”

  “Mom,” Ruby whined.

  “Why not? It’ll be fun. We do this big barbecue with hot dogs and hamburgers. We play a little frisbee and some football. You said you were going to take Ruby to Central Park anyway, so join us. My mom and Elijah will be thrilled.”

  “Mom, please. It’ll be so much fun. It’ll take my mind off having to go back to school tomorrow. Please, Mom. Please.”

  Allison stared at her for a few moments, and I could see the hesitation splayed across her face.

  “Are you sure it’ll be okay with your mom?”

  “If it’ll make you feel better, I’ll ask her now.” I pulled out my phone and sent her a text message.

  “Is it okay if Allison and her daughter, Ruby, join us today?”

  “Of course. I’d love to have them there.”

  “See.” I smiled as I held up my phone to show her. “She’d love to have you and Ruby there.”

  “Okay. We’ll go for a little while.”

  “Yay!” Ruby smiled at me as she held up her hand for a high-five.

  “Thanks for the coffee. I better get going. We’ll be up on Great Hill at two o’clock. You can’t miss the Wolfe family barbeque. My mother has a large area all roped off.”

  “How does she manage that?” She let out a laugh.

  “Have you not met my mother?” I arched my brow at her.


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