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Nathan Wolfe: Wolfe Brother’s Series, Book Two

Page 16

by Lynn, Sandi

  “Nathan, shut up.” My mother shot me a look. “I know you have an issue with your brothers messing around with the employees at the firm. I for one want you to know that I knew about him and Allison.”

  “What?!” Elijah exclaimed. “You knew.”

  “Yes, I did, and he didn’t tell me. I caught them. Anyway, I told Nathan that if he didn’t have any plans on taking things to the next level with Allison, he was to break it off immediately before someone got hurt. Apparently, he did.”

  “That’s just—” Elijah began to speak, and my mother put her finger up.

  “You’ll have your turn when I’m finished. Until then, neither one of you are allowed to speak. If I recall, Elijah, you did the same thing to Aspen. So you have no right to judge your brother. In fact, I think this has nothing to do with him sleeping with Allison. I think it has to do with some kind of authority you think you have over your brothers.”

  “That is—”

  “What did I say? You will have your turn when I’m finished.”

  I couldn’t help but sit there with a smirk on my face.

  “You have been protective of them since your father left all those years ago. I believe you feel like it’s your duty to watch over them, and when they defy you or your orders, you take it personally and as an act of rebellion. I hate to burst your bubble, darling, but you have no right to tell your brother who he can and can’t sleep with. Now look at the two of you and look at your faces. You both should be ashamed of yourselves. Playing around is one thing, but to act in a manner of intentional violence towards each other is another, and I will not tolerate such behavior as long as I’m alive. Do you both understand me?” The tone of her voice was stern.

  “Yes, Mother,” we both spoke at the same time.

  “Anything else you’d like to say to me?”

  “I’m sorry,” we both spoke.

  “Good. Apologies accepted. Now finish your brunch and hash it out like the adults you are. I’ll be upstairs with Tommy. If I hear even an inkling of an issue down here, there will be consequences.”

  She walked out of the room and I looked at Elijah.

  “What consequences?” I asked.

  “Who the hell knows but I don’t want to find out. I’m sorry I came after you last night and messed up that pretty face of yours.” He smirked.

  “It’s okay, bro. I’m sorry too. I bet Aspen ripped you a new one last night.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, she did. I almost had to sleep in the guest room. Why Allison, Nathan?”

  “It all started in the airport. I don’t know, bro. There was something about her. Then I found out she moved in my building and then you handed my case over to her. But I will tell you this, I was not responsible for starting it. She came to my suite in Vegas and threw herself at me. It was only supposed to be one time, but then it grew into so much more. The more I got to know her and Ruby, the more I wanted to be with them. You have no idea what I’d done.”

  “Then tell me.”

  “We sang songs on the guitar. I taught Ruby a few chords and before I knew it, I was having dinner with them a lot. Hell, I even picked Ruby up from school one day when Allison was in a bind for a babysitter and took her for ice cream. Then we went back to my place and she kicked my ass in Monopoly. The evenings when I wasn’t working went from me going out and partying it up to going over to Allison’s to sing and dance around the living room. And the problem was, I liked it. I liked it too much and it freaked me the fuck out.”

  “I can relate to some of that,” he said. “You really sang and danced around the living room?”

  “Yes. I did.”

  A smile crossed his lips as he slowly shook his head.

  “One day I woke up and Allison was the only thing I could think about. She consumed my mind day in and day out. When I had to work and not see her for a week or a few days, I hated it. I was miserable, man. That’s when I realized things had gotten out of control for me. I had to end it for her. She’d already been through so much with the death of her husband that I didn’t want to cause her anymore pain. When I got to her apartment that night, she spilled her soul to me. She told me how I gave life to the part of her that died when her husband did and how she thought she’d never be able to meet anyone again after him. And the sex, damn. Every time it got better and better which I didn’t think was possible. Before I knew it, I couldn’t even imagine having sex with anyone else but her.”

  “Do you remember what you said to me standing in the middle of my living room after I broke it off with Aspen?”


  “You told me what you saw when you looked at us together. And the one thing you didn’t see was me walking out like Dad did. Bro, I realized I’m nothing like him and neither are you.”

  “You can’t be so sure of that.”

  “Yes, I can be, and I am. Aspen is the best thing that happened to me, and you knew it before I did because I was consumed with fear. Now I’m going to tell you the same thing you told me. I like Allison a lot and if I had to choose a woman for you to fall in love with, I’d choose her. She’s good for you and I think she’d keep you in line like Aspen does with me.” He smirked. “It’s never too late to start over. All you have to do is push those fears down and go for it. If there’s anything I learned, it’s that fear holds you back from the most beautiful things in life.”

  “Wow. Where the fuck did you learn that?”

  “Shut up. I’ve grown up as a man and it’s time you do the same. Do you truly love her?”

  “I think so. Yes, I do.” I corrected myself. “But she’ll never forgive me for what I said to her.”

  “She might. It’s going to be tough because women love to punish us, but it’s worth the hard work.” He smiled.

  “Thanks, Elijah.”

  We both stood up from our chairs and had a bro hug.

  “Anytime, little brother.”

  “My sweet boys. Look at you two. I knew you’d talk it out,” My mother spoke as she walked into the room. “I love you both very much.”

  “We love you too, Mom.” We all hugged.

  Chapter 45


  I met Aspen for brunch like we planned. We talked a lot about Elijah and Nathan, and she filled me about their family.

  “Elijah did the same thing to me. The boys can’t help it. It’s in their blood.” She laughed. “I can laugh about it now because things are perfect for me and Elijah. But then, I was going through the same thing you are. Nathan will come around. That I can guarantee you. He’s just going through the same emotions Elijah went through. They have this fear of becoming like their father.”

  “I’m over it, Aspen. I’ve come to realize that maybe I was too quick to get involved with someone again. To be honest, I don’t think it’s in the cards for me anyway.”

  “Stop that.” She placed her hand on mine. “Why do you think that.”

  I could feel the tears swelling in my eyes.

  “Because I lost my husband at such a young age. Then I met Nathan and let my guard down and he left me too. I just need to put all my focus on raising my daughter alone, without the complications of a man in my life.”

  “Do you love Nathan?”

  “I thought I did. But now, I don’t know. I think I was just all caught up in the awesome sex. You know how that messes with our heads.”

  She gave me a small smile as she gently squeezed my hand.

  After I left the restaurant, I headed home, and as I approached my building from the left, Nathan was approaching from the right.

  “Hey, Allison,” he said as held the door open for me.

  “Hey. Thanks. Your face.” I gave him a sympathetic look.

  “Nah. It’s not so bad. You should see Elijah.” He smiled.

  “You saw him?” I asked as we walked to the elevator.

  “Yeah. My mother summoned both of us to her house and we couldn’t leave until we talked things out.”

  “Got to love ou
r mothers.” I smiled.

  “All is good. We had a long talk.”

  “Good. I’m happy to hear that.”

  The elevator doors opened and we both stepped inside.

  “Where’s Ruby?”

  “She’s with Jared’s parents. She spent the weekend over there.”

  “Nice. I’m sure she’s having a good time.”

  “Yeah.” I looked down. “They’ll be dropping her off in couple of hours. I actually just came from having brunch with Aspen.”

  “Oh really? Did she tell you how she ripped Elijah a new one last night?” The corners of his mouth curved upward.

  “She did.” I laughed.

  Suddenly, he reached over and placed his thumb on my chin, and I could feel my body start to tremble.

  “It’s good to see you smile.”

  The elevator doors opened, and I stepped out.

  “Enjoy the rest of your day,” I nervously spoke as my heart raced.

  “Allison, wait.” He held the door open with his hand.


  “I’m sorry for everything.”

  “Me too, Nathan. I have to go.”

  “Wait. Since Ruby isn’t home, can we talk?”

  “There’s nothing to talk about. I said what I said, and you said what you said. We both said enough, and I just want to leave it in the past and move on.”

  “Move on alone?”

  “Yes. Alone. I really have to go.”

  I stepped inside my apartment and quickly shut the door. Letting out a deep breath, I slid down it until I hit the ground and placed my hand on my forehead. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door that scared the shit out of me.

  “Oh my God, will you leave—Caitlin, I’m so sorry. I thought you were someone else.”

  “Is this a bad time, darling?”

  “No. Please, come in.” I gestured.

  “Where’s that adorable little girl of yours?”

  “She’s with her grandparents. They’ll be home in a couple hours. What are you doing here?” I cocked my head.

  “Meddling in my son’s life like I always do. But seriously, I think we need to have a little chat.”

  “Okay. Can I make you some coffee?”

  “No, thank you.” She smiled.

  “Listen, Caitlin, if you came to have a little chat about Nathan, I’m not interested.”

  “Well, it is about him and I’m sorry, but I need you to listen to me. I know you’re hurting right now, and I don’t blame you. Trust me. I’ve been there myself more times than I care to remember. My sons have issues. We all do.” She rolled her eyes. “I don’t think we’d be human if we didn’t. But I take full responsibility for all their issues. Growing up with me as a single parent was difficult for them and I tried the best I could. But I also planted in their minds that relationships are no good and nothing lasts forever. I kept reminding them over and over what their father had done and how he left them. I placed that fear inside my boys and I regret it. If I could take it back, I would.”

  “Caitlin, the boys have their own minds.”

  “I know, but somewhere in the back of all the chaos going on in their heads, they hear my voice. I’m sorry that Nathan broke your heart, but it wasn’t because he doesn’t want to be with you. It’s because he’s scared and he’s trying to protect you. I better go. Think about our little chat.”

  “I will. Thanks for stopping by.” A small smile crossed my lips.

  “You’re welcome, darling. I’ll see you tomorrow at the office.” She headed towards the door, and when she placed her hand on the handle, she turned to me. “If by some chance you choose to forgive him, make him work for it first.” She gave me a wink and walked out the door.

  Chapter 46

  One Week Later


  It was the last day of a four-day shift and believe it or not, it felt good to be home. Tomorrow was Elijah’s birthday party and I was lucky enough to have made it back in time. I hadn’t seen Allison all week due to my flight schedule. I flew out the day after our last conversation in the elevator. I’d thought about texting her a few times while I was gone, but I was afraid she wouldn’t reply. It seemed as though she couldn’t get away from me fast enough that day.

  As tired as I was, I wanted to go for a run, so I changed into my running clothes, grabbed my phone and my key and stepped onto the elevator. It stopped on the twenty-second floor and when the doors opened, Ruby was standing there.

  “Hey there, Miss Ruby.” I smiled.

  She stepped into the elevator and didn’t say a word.

  “Are you headed down to the art room?”

  Still no words came out of her mouth.

  The elevator made it to the tenth floor, jerked, and then came to a complete stop.

  “What the hell! Not again,” I said.

  “Great.” Ruby rolled her eyes as she sat down and crossed her legs.

  “When I get off this thing, I’m having a long talk with the manager. This is getting ridiculous. Are you okay down there?” I asked.

  She stared down at the ground and wouldn’t look at me. I sighed as I sat down next to her.

  “You’re mad at me, aren’t you?” I asked.

  “Yeah. I’m mad at you.”

  “Listen, kid. I’m mad at myself too. I messed up in a big way and I’m really sorry.”

  “You are?” She glanced at me.

  “Yeah. I am. More than you’ll ever know.”

  “You hurt my mom’s heart.” She looked down and I could hear the sadness in her voice.

  “I know I did, love, and I regret it. I want to make things right. I like your mom a lot and I miss you both.”

  “My mom said you have personal issues and we’re better off without you in our lives.”

  “She said that?” I cocked my head.


  “Truth is, I do have some personal issues and I’m working on them. I want you and your mom in my life. I don’t want to stay away anymore.”

  “Then you need to tell her that.”

  “I tried and she wouldn’t listen. Then I had to leave for four days for work and I haven’t been able to talk to her since. How is she doing?”

  “She’s okay. She’s not as happy as she was when you were around.”

  “I’m sorry about that, kid. But I promise you this, I’m going to do everything I can to get her to forgive me? If I need your help, are you in?” I smiled at her as I held out my hand.

  “I’m in.” She placed her hand in mine. “I’m going to warn you right now, if you hurt her again, you’ll have me to deal with.” Her eyes narrowed at me and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “I promise I’m not going to hurt her or you ever again.”

  Finally, the elevator started going down and we made it to the lobby. As the doors opened, Ruby took hold of my hand.

  “Will you come to the art room and paint a picture with me?” she asked in a sweet innocent voice.

  “Sure.” I smiled.

  * * *


  “We the jury, find the defendant not guilty.”

  I let out a deep breath as Elijah glanced over at me with a smile on his face.

  “Excellent work, Allison.”

  “Thank you. I had my doubts for a minute.”

  “I didn’t.” He gave me a wink.

  We packed up our briefcases, said goodbye to our client and headed out of the courthouse.

  “You’re coming to the party tomorrow night, right?” Elijah asked as we walked back to the office.

  “Yes. Of course. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” I smiled.

  “Good. Listen, why don’t you just go straight home. The case is finished, and you deserve to go home early.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Positive. Have a great night with Ruby.” He smiled.

  “Thanks, Elijah.”

  “You’re welcome. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Just as I climbed out
of the cab, I saw Nathan run up to the building.

  “Hey,” he said as he opened the door. “You’re home early.” He was nearly breathless.

  “I just got out of court and Elijah told me to just come straight home.”

  “That was nice of him,” he said as we approached the elevator and he pressed the button.

  As soon as the doors opened and the people inside the elevator stepped out, we walked in and I pushed the buttons to both our floors.

  “Are you going to Elijah’s party tomorrow night?” he asked to make small talk.

  “Yeah. I’ll be there.”

  “Me too.”

  “So, I haven’t seen you around the building all week.”

  “I was working all week. I’m off now for the next four days.”

  “Nice.” I slowly nodded my head in awkwardness as I stared at the digital number up above wishing the elevator would move faster.

  Suddenly, after we hit floor nine, the elevator jolted and came to a complete stop.

  “What the fuck!” Nathan yelled. “This is the second time today. That’s it, I’m moving out of this damn building.”

  Great. Just great. Seriously?

  “It’s always getting stuck between floors nine and ten. How many times does this have to happen before they do something about it?” he said. “Can we sue the building for this?”

  “You can sue for negligent infliction of emotional distress, but you have to prove it.”

  “I am emotionally distressed. This is the second time today I’ve been stuck in here.”

  “You could sue for breach because the building isn’t making the necessary repairs to ensure the elevator is fixed because it keeps breaking down.”

  “Good. Let’s do it. I’m officially hiring you as my attorney.” He smirked. “Since we’re stuck here, maybe this is a good time to have our talk.”

  Chapter 47


  My heart started racing. I wasn’t ready to talk to him. Not here and not now. But I had a feeling I had no choice.

  “Nathan, I honestly don’t think there’s anything to talk about.”


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