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Digital Heretic (The Game is Life)

Page 24

by Schott, Terry

  “May I inspect the two of you?” the Infernal asks. Her name’s Miranda. A pretty lady, although she looks sad for some reason. They are all treating her like she’s an Eternal, which doesn’t make sense after what Carl told me about a Timeless having to follow their eyes first and foremost. I trust the people in this room, though. If they feel she’s no threat, then I will bow to their wisdom.

  “Sure ya can, darlin’,” Carl says. He stands up and closes his eyes. Miranda approaches him and does the same, entering a state of light meditation. Then she runs her hands up and down, I can feel the Reiki energy radiating from her hands.

  After a few moments, she opens her eyes and shakes her head negatively, then moves to my side. I close my eyes and wait for her to scan me as well. A light tap on my shoulder tells me when she is done. I look at her questioningly, but she shakes her head again. “Nothing that I can detect. I thought he would plant a monitoring device on you, but I can’t sense anything.”

  “Maybe he figured out a way to hide something?” Stephanie said.

  “I would definitely detect it,” Miranda said. “Even without Sparx.”

  “What’s Sparx?” I ask.

  “I’ll tell you later,” she says with a sad smile.

  “Something stinks; I think we can all agree on that,” Carl said. Everyone in the room nods, including me.

  “So what’s next?” I ask.

  “I have no idea,” Raphael says. “Usually there’s an enemy, a crisis, something. But I don’t see anything… or is it just me?”

  “I agree,” I say. “The movement is underground, and our members are safe from assassination.”

  Carl grunts and laughs at the statement. I smile sweetly, knowing how much we pissed him off in the final few months of his hunt, denying him success.

  “I’m safe and sound. Carl is… neutralized, for the moment, as far as we are concerned. He’s not a threat to us.” I pause and frown. “Is that true? Are we all certain that Carl is not a threat? ‘Cause maybe he’s a plant, sent here to destroy us from the inside?”

  Everyone in the room laughs. “I can see how you might think that, Danni,” Stephanie says. Timeless are above the backstabbing and lying that so often accompanies human dramas, at least to a point. If Carl showed up with red eyes and claimed to be on our side, well, then we would be very, very cautious. In all likelihood we would suspect treachery.”

  “Really?” I say, looking towards Miranda. “If an Infernal showed up, claiming to be on our side, we would suspect they were lying?”

  Stephanie shakes her head. “No, not Miranda. She’s different.”

  “How so?” I ask.

  “I can’t tell you, Danni.” Steph says. “What I can tell you is that everyone in this room will vouch for Miranda. You know what our primary mission is, to protect you at all costs. I am willing to bet my entire existence, and your life, on my judgment.”

  “Does everyone else agree with Stephanie?” I ask. I look at each Timeless in the room and one by one they nod; even Carl appears

  to agree. I wonder what they all know about her that makes her safe? I shrug, knowing there’s no point in asking.

  “Okay, then,” I say. “So that leads us back to my original question. What do we do now?”

  The room is silent.

  “No bright ideas?” I ask.

  “It’s your play, Danni,” Raph says. “It always has been. We are here for you.”

  “Well, if it’s my play, I haven’t done a very good job of it since Trew left,” I admit. “I doubt anyone will be following my life at all on Tygon.”

  “Oh, yes, you’re very boring,” Carl says sarcastically. “A flying girl who hunts professional killers and makes them look like untrained boys, as she exacts vengeance to protect her flock of hidden followers. Followers of a new religion that rivals centuries old establishments. Very boring, indeed.”

  I laugh out loud. “When you put it that way, it doesn’t seem quite so bland.”

  “Think of something, girl,” Carl finishes his drink. “Before I get so bored my eyes turn back to red from sitting on my ass and I have to try and kill you some more.”

  Then it comes to me in a flash, like a jolt of lightning.

  “Uh-oh,” Raphael says. “I see that look in your eyes, Danni. The same one you had when you were little, before you jumped off that dumpster and into traffic.”

  I grin. “Then get ready to catch me, Raph, ‘cause I’m about to really start playing this game of life.”

  Chapter 62


  Instinct wakes me up. I open my eyes and try to roll to the side. It’s the best way to avoid a knife thrust or a gun shot.

  I can’t move. Something holds my entire body in an iron grip. Maybe this is it, then. I take a deep breath, ready to find out what comes next.

  I hear a humming noise near my head, and smile.

  “Time to settle up?” I ask.

  “I made a promise.” Her voice comes from my right side. I turn my head and meet her eyes.

  “You surprise me again, girl. It takes very strong Talent to hold me immobile.”

  “That isn’t her,” Raphael’s voice says from the darkness.

  “All right, then,” I say. “Keep your promise, Danielle. I can hear the Sever Spike humming, it sounds hungry. Send it home; into the right eye is the most painful, they say.”

  She walks towards me and holds the Spike near my face. Raising it high over her head to strike, she pauses. It begins to descend toward my eye. I see it speeding toward me the entire way; blinking isn’t my style.

  Then it stops. If I close my eye, the lid will touch the Spike’s tip.

  She slowly lifts the weapon and sheaths it behind her back. Then she turns and walks toward the exit.

  “Danielle,” I say. She stops with her hand on the door.

  “I’m sorry about Trew. I’ve been in this Game for over three thousand years, and I have little remorse, but I do regret using the Spike on him.”

  She doesn’t look back. Her shoulders sag slightly; her voice remains steady and strong. “I can’t begin to guess at the terrible things you’ve done on Earth. Despite all of that, I don’t believe that, deep down, you are a bad man.”

  “If there was ever anything good in me, I think it disappeared a long time ago,” I say.

  “Someday I would like to hear the story of the young beta tester who entered the Game to become the Timeless named Carl,” she says softly, and walks out of the room .

  Chapter 63

  My last play was an incredible opportunity to learn how life works. It was a short play, lasting only 40 years, but I returned with the understanding that we’ve been missing out on Tygon. For thirty years, viewers have been told the Game mirrors our reality exactly. We’ve used this knowledge to some degree, taking discoveries and improvements from player’s experiences and applying them to life on Tygon. Thanks to the Game, we are able to safely and effectively fly aircraft in this world. Thanks to the Game, we’ve discovered new, clean burning sources of fuel. There are new medicines and techniques for saving lives. The list of advancements brought out of the Game is considerable.

  Considerable though that list may be, I can assure you we still do not seem to get it. There’s so much more we can do, and the sad truth is that most of the time it doesn’t even occur to us to try.

  Brandon Strayne gave each and every citizen on this planet a gift the day he turned the Game on. With the help of children who don’t know any better, he shows us that we can be more than we could have ever dreamed possible. He showed us that with effort, discipline, and faith, an average person can become more. If any of you watch Danielle play the Game, or Melissa soar through the sky, you have been shown what you can do as well.

  For far too long, we have sat in our comfortable homes, turned on a viewer, and watched others play the Game of Life. I hear people say how sorry they are because I am now too old to play the Game. I’m

  grateful that I’m too old
to play! It prepared me for the real Game, the one we live in at this very moment. You won’t find me wasting my entire life following someone else’s exploits and adventures. No, I much prefer to participate in my own life here on Tygon.

  Life is not something we are stuck in because we can’t go anywhere more fun. Life is a daring adventure, a bold Game.

  I’m playing it. I invite you all to join me.

  Trew addressing the nation via satellite link

  “Hello, Trew,”Sylvia said. “Back so soon? You were here only two days ago.”

  “Time seems to pass more quickly with each tick of the clock,” Trew said.

  “I was happy to see Danielle reappear,” she said.

  “Thank you. So were we.”

  “How’s she holding up?”

  “Very well,” Trew said. “They didn’t harm her. There were threats, and a long time spent in a cramped little prison, but overall she is in good health and spirits.”

  “That was yesterday on Tygon time, right?” Sylvia said. “That means that on Earth she is approaching her 60th birthday. She looks very young for her age, don’t you think?”

  “She looks no older than the day I left her side.” Trew said. “It’s as if time has frozen for her. We made an agreement to live to the age of 140, and she spent the credits to do it. Looks like she won’t have a problem doing just that, from a health perspective.”

  “It’s not just the credits, Trew,” Sylvia said. “I don’t allow that many years for average people, but I knew Danielle would do the task justice. She is becoming sound in mind, body, and soul. There is a special connection when it all works together properly. The human body, properly maintained, can live much longer than 140 years. She eats well, exercises, and meditates. She has learned how

  to worry less, and listen effectively to her body, the vehicle she is driving in. It’s an excellent lesson for viewers.”

  “It’s a generous gift, too, allowing her to have additional years in the Game, especially since she doesn’t get to come back here when she’s done. Did you know that when you allowed her the extra time, I wonder?”

  “What do you mean, she doesn’t get to come back here?” Sylvia asked. “Have you given up on your goal, Trew?”

  “No,” Trew said.

  “I am sorry to tell you, but you have.” Sylvia said. “The rules of the universe are simple but clear. In order for an outcome to occur, the person must believe without any doubts that it will happen. It is always possible to ascertain this level of belief by observing how the person thinks and talks. They must be in a thankful mindset and believe that the change has already occurred. It’s that simple.”

  “I know you’re right,” Trew said.

  “Then change your thinking. Immediately.”

  “I will,” Trew said.

  “That is an interesting choice of words. Did you know that before the Game went live, the world was seeded with many hints and tips, to help players along the way?”

  “No, I didn’t know that.”

  “Yes,” Sylvia said. “Thoughts, musings, inspirations… that type of thing, embedded in the very matter of the world. A person diving for a pearl might swim through such a node, and come up from his swim with a sudden inspiration. A lady riding her horse in the countryside would return with a deep musing and write it down to share with others. Some players learned about these nodes and began to spend credits to find them. ‘Worldly wisdom’ is what many call it.”

  “That’s very interesting,” Trew said.

  “There’s a powerful little node that people discover from time to time; it conveys the idea, ‘Where there’s a will, there’s a way.’ A clever bit of inspiration, and applicable to you right now.”

  Trew understood the lesson. “Then I will Danielle to return to Tygon when she is done inside the Game.” He said.

  “And you just did it,” Sylvia said with delight.

  “Did what?”

  “Announced how you will save Alexandra.”

  “With my will,” Trew said.

  Sylvia sighed. “Oh, my dear boy. I know it does you no good to give you the answers, but this one time I wish I could.”

  “I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

  “That’s all right,” Sylvia said. “Come back and see me soon, Trew.”

  Trew stood up, more confused than ever, and walked to the door. “Okay, Sylvia. Thank you for the talk.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Chapter 64

  “Still got it for an old gal,” Trew said.

  “Very funny!” Danielle slapped him playfully, then nuzzled into his shoulder and pulled the covers up further.

  Trew smiled and leaned in to smell her hair. “Who would have ever thought that a sixty-year old could be so damn hot?”

  “I feel like I’m twenty-five, although they say I look more like 38. I guess I can accept that compliment at my age.”

  “You’re making an impact in the world of health and nutrition. Actually, both worlds are paying attention to what you’re accomplishing.”

  “Our time’s almost up, love.” Danielle got up and began to dress.

  “How can I help you, Danni?” Trew asked.

  “I don’t know, Trew. It feels like we are all in some giant holding pattern. Something big is about to happen, I can feel it.” She smiled. “But since I have no clue what it is, there’s really nothing you can do to help me at the moment. Be ready to jump into action when I need you, though. How ‘bout you, babe? Is there anything I can do to help you?”

  Trew smiled and shook his head. Inside, he knew he should say something; time was running out. But he didn’t want to upset her; she still had a lot of years left inside the Game. Plenty of time to save her on Tygon.

  “Since I made it known to the Gamer movement that I intend to live to the age of 140, there’s been a swell of people announcing their intention to live just as long,” Danielle said.

  “I know,” Trew said. “That’s a problem.”


  “They didn’t spend the credits. It won’t happen.”

  “Some of them appear to be on track,” Danielle said.

  Trew smiled and said nothing. He didn’t want to tell her that these people would be killed ‘accidentally’ before their bodies on Tygon wasted away and died. There were some facts he didn’t want to address, because if he did, then she would ask about her own body on Tygon. Trew had visited it, and although everything appeared normal now, it would begin to deteriorate as the weeks progressed. Living to the age of 140 within the Game would stress her body on Tygon past the point of being able to survive in stasis.

  The light on the door turned green and chimed; their time together was up.

  “See ya soon, sexy!” Danielle kissed Trew and ran towards the door.

  Trew threw the covers aside and walked to the exit. He stepped through, expecting to take the helmet off in his small chamber, but instead he found himself in a large room bathed in faint purple light.

  There were two reading chairs sitting in the corner beside a fireplace. Trew walked to one chair and sat down. He had been here many times; the soothing comfort of the chair was always wonderful. Beside him stood a small, ornate table that held two steaming mugs of liquid. Trew had never tasted anything like the beverage — another treat reserved for this room, it seemed.

  “Hello again, Trew.” The deep, soothing voice came from behind him. Trew heard footsteps and wondered what his host would look like today. He always had a different appearance. Varied height, complexion, body structure — always a new look.

  Followers often asked Trew what God looked like. He would smile and say that it was pointless to attempt a description. God was, after all, a feeling. Regardless of his — or sometimes her — appearance, the specific and distinct feeling was always consistent.

  God felt like belonging, like being in the safest place in creation. Peace and absence of judgment. Words never did the experience justice, although Trew con
tinued to try.

  Today it was a man who sat beside him. Tall, with blonde hair and deep blue eyes. A ready smile on his genuinely happy looking face. Laughter seemed to be waiting just below the surface of his mouth, ready to bubble up at the slightest opportunity. He reached for his drink and Trew grabbed his. They clinked mugs together softly and drank. Both men closed their eyes and savoured the unique, indescribable flavour. In unison they sighed, then opened their eyes and smiled at each other as if sharing a secret joke.

  “How are you doing?”

  “I’m doing well,” Trew said. “My best moments are right after a visit with Danni.”

  “I know,” he nodded. “That is why we are visiting today at that moment. Today is the most serious conversation we have had to date, my boy.”

  “Okay,” Trew said. He took another sip of his drink and waited.

  “You are ready,” the man said, “for what is soon to come.”

  He paused. Trew normally asked questions when given such an opportunity. Today, Trew sensed that the moment required him to be absent of questions. He was fully focused on the words he was hearing, careful to remember this entire event as best he could.

  Tygon’s God nodded in satisfaction. He took another sip of beverage and looked into the fire. After a few moments he continued, “Tygon is about to undergo great change. The activities and society that brought Tygon to its current state will not be able

  to advance it to the next level. You will be the one to lead this new change.”

  He looked at Trew with fondness, mixed with fatherly concern. Trew smiled reassuringly.

  “Life has been easy for you so far, compared to what will now happen. I know that many would disagree, but it is only by hammering a blade and immersing it in the fire repeatedly that you forge the strongest, truest blades. You have been shaped, and now you are ready to be forged.”

  He stood up and walked to the fire, holding his hands out to it. “Brandon and the others are there to help you. The world has been setting key people and events in movement; soon they will all be in place. Like a horse exploding from the gate on race day, it will begin. Know that I am with you, even when it appears that I am not.”


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