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Intense 2

Page 31

by Hebert, Cambria

  “So Zac,” Lily began, “am I the only girl in the project you haven’t nailed.”

  He laughed, “You might be.”

  Twisting to see his face, serious Lily was back again. “Why is that?”

  “Because it’s not like that with you, Lils.”

  He could feel her body stiffen. “Why? Don’t you like me?”

  “Yeah. I do. A lot.” Getting those five words out of his throat was challenging.

  “What? Like one of the guys?”

  She really didn’t know and he was going to have to say it or possibly never have the opportunity again. Petrified, he tried to get his saliva glands to step up to the plate because they seemed to have left the stadium, leaving him with a dry, chalky mouth.

  Dropping his face to the crook of her neck, “You really don’t know how I feel about you?”

  She shook her head, “I just kind of assume I’m not your type.”

  “You’re right, you’re not.”

  He felt her body shift away from him, but what he couldn’t see was her eyes well with tears she was fighting desperately to control. “That’s what I figured,” her voice was hoarse.

  Pulling her back tightly against his chest, “Lils, you’re not some girl I’m just going to screw,” she didn’t respond, so he went on. “You’re the girl I don’t want to fuck it up with.”

  “So, you do like me?” She still hadn’t turned around to look at him.

  “A lot.”

  “But in that way?”

  With his lips resting on her shoulder, he nodded yes. “Yes, in that way.” His head nestled into her shoulder.

  “Well, how come you haven’t, I don’t know, made any kind of move?” She finally twisted a little to look at him and he lifted his head.

  “Man code. You know, you and William. Not cool for me get in the middle of that,” he shrugged.

  Lily’s eyebrows knit together, “There is nothing going on between me and William. Is that what everyone thinks? That something is going on?”

  Zac nodded, remaining quiet.

  “It’s not true, Zac. There’s nothing going on. But what about you, what about you and Anneliese and Katje? There’s something going on there, right?”

  “If you’re asking if I’ve hung out with them. Yeah, I have. It’s just good times. It’s not anything real.”

  Zac could feel every muscle in her body stiffen and felt terrible for telling her, but it was better that she got the truth from him.

  “Lils, I don’t know that I’m great boyfriend material. I’m used to being a dick. It’s what I know.” He was hoping she’d say something, but she didn’t. “But I would want it to be different with you. You’re not a drive-by. And I don’t really know how to do the other stuff. But you make me want it. You make me want to try.”

  Sweeping her hair to one side, he buried his face in her neck.

  Finally, she spoke, “Are you saying this to me because we’re stuck here? Because if you are, don’t. I don’t want a one night stand with you, Zac.”

  Letting his teeth graze the soft skin of her neck, he felt her shiver, “I don’t want a one night stand with you either and with my track record, I know that may be hard to believe. And of course, the one girl I want to believe it, doesn’t.” Pulling his mouth away from her delicious tasting neck, he rested his chin on her shoulder.

  “Ok, I’ve got nothing to lose here,” he began. “The weekend we met, all I wanted to do was make you notice me,” he laughed, “and you didn’t even know that I was alive. I wanted to make you smile, Lils. Isn’t that crazy. I just wanted to make you smile.”

  Turning herself fully within the circle of his arms, she was on her knees facing him, “You wanted to make me smile?”

  He nodded.

  “I was so miserable. I just wanted to be over here. I didn’t want to be back at Yale.” Surprising him, she placed her hands on his cheeks, “And you wanted to make me smile?”

  He nodded again.

  And there it was… finally, beautiful and elusive, and Zac could feel his emotions rising dangerously close to the surface. Liliana Castillo had a heart stopping smile and the only thing he could do was return it with one of his own.

  With his face still in her hands, Lily leaned forward and kissed Zac, surprising him as the aggressor. Threading his fingers through her long silky hair, he pulled her in tighter for a consuming kiss that poured out everything he had ever wanted to say to her and more.

  When they finally pulled away, he took a deep breath, his forehead resting against hers. “I have wanted to do that since that first night out in Montauk.”

  “Me too,” she whispered.

  “Really? You were so aloof.”

  “Guys like you are trouble, Zac. I was afraid to let you anywhere near me.”

  “And now?” he smiled at her.

  “I’m not afraid anymore.” Her hand was back stroking his cheek.

  Seeing the sincerity in her eyes, he whispered, “That’s a good thing, because I want you near me.”

  This time he initiated a kiss where he poured out his soul. And for Zac Moore, this was a first. A first kiss being given by a guy who was an expert kisser, yet had never kissed before.

  Pulling her on top of him, they kissed short kisses, long deep kisses, laughing kisses, exploring each other’s mouths and necks kisses. Zac ran his teeth gently along Lily’s jaw eliciting a moan that practically made him explode.

  “I’m going to have so much fun figuring out what makes you crazy, Ms. Castillo.” He gave her hair a playful tug and her moan melted him. “Ohhhh, you like that. I can tell you already that playing with your hair is going to drive me wild. I love the way it feels sweeping across my chest.” He pulled her back down for a kiss.

  “I’m going to explode, Zac. Don’t you want to make love to me?” She searched his eyes and then with a smile, “It’s ok, it’s not like I’m a virgin.”

  He wanted to tell her that he was though. The guy who had screwed more women by his eighteenth birthday than five men combined usually do in a lifetime, wanted to tell her that he had never made love to a woman in his life and he wanted to make sure it made her happy. A first. Caring about another person’s pleasure. He never gave a shit if his partner came or not. They seemed happy enough and if they were faking it, well, that was their problem.

  But Lily. He wanted Lily to crave him day and night. He wanted her to crave the places he could take her, the spaces he could fill. He wanted to give her everything she needed, everything she wanted. And here on the dusty floor of an abandoned shack, deep in the heart of Africa, he feared he’d disappoint her and that elusive desire, one he had never had with anyone but her, to be part of a relationship, would be lost. And he would be lost with it, just another thirteen year old growing up too quickly in a land where nothing is real.

  “I want this to be good,” he whispered.

  With her face inches from him, “Is this real?” She searched his eyes.

  “Yeah, Lils. This is very real,” his pale blue eyes flashed back truthfulness.

  “Then it’s going to be great. We’re going to be great.” And Lily Castillo would wait no longer for the boy who was trying to be gentle with her, first sliding off her jeans and then opening his.

  Whatever fears he harbored evaporated the minute they came together. Looking up into her golden eyes, her long silken hair swishing across his chest, it was the fantasy he had on the night he met her. Running his hands up her lush curves, he loved how she was soft and feminine, how her body snugly enveloped his.

  “Lils,” he pulled her forward to kiss her.

  “I love that you call me that,” she could barely speak as her body built toward release.

  “Me too,” he whispered in her ear, as he pressed her down onto him tightly. “Lils.”

  She began to whimper in his ear, a sound almost like crying, but clearly borne of pleasure. As it intensified, her body began quaking, and with her face buried in his neck, he heard his name a
nd knew she was ready for him to let go.

  Lying with his arms wrapped around her tightly, their legs tangled, he buried his face in her hair. Feeling happier than he could ever remember feeling, he thought, this is it, that elusive something he’d convinced himself was merely bullshit. But it wasn’t bullshit. It was real. She was real. And he was going to do everything in his power to make sure they were real.

  Dozing off to the scent of Piña Colada, Zac Moore prayed this dream wouldn’t be ripped from him, but his track record of good things remaining in his life was not exactly stellar.

  “Lils, the rain has stopped,” he whispered to a dozing Lily nestled on his chest. “We probably still have two hours of daylight to get back to camp.”

  “OK,” she looked up at him, golden eyes flashing distress.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked, praying she wasn’t going to tell him that what had happened between them was a mistake.

  “Does this all go away when we leave here?”

  “C’mere.” Relieved, he pulled her up him a little so that her head was resting on his shoulder.

  “This is,” he paused, “whatever you want it to be, Lils.”

  Her brows knit together and storm clouds blazed across her eyes, “What exactly does that mean?”

  “It means if you don’t want it to go away, it doesn’t go away.”

  “What do you want, Zac?” Her head was raised and she was looking at him.

  “What do I want?” he repeated her question. “I want to be with you day and night. I want to know what your favorite flavor ice cream is. I want to be able to read those looks in your eyes that I don’t quite understand. I want to be touching you constantly. I want you to keep wearing my tee shirts and I want to take them off you. I want everyone to know you’re mine, Lils.” He threaded his fingers through her hair.

  “But are you mine, Zac?” She probed his eyes.

  He wanted to tell her that he’d never been anyone else’s… ever. That he had always been hers from that very first night in Montauk, the night he tried to make her smile. “You want to hear me say it?”

  Lily nodded, her eyes so serious.

  Taking her face in both hands, he pulled her head toward him and with his lips next to her ear, he whispered. “I’m yours, Liliana Castillo. For as long as you want me. I’m yours.”


  Stroking her hair, he smiled at her pretty face. “Yeah, I promise,” he laughed.

  “I think I’m going to want you for a very long time, Zac Moore.”

  Closing his eyes, he pulled her tightly down onto his chest again, doubting that she would feel that way if she really knew who he was and everything about him. He knew he had to savor this moment and something deep inside told him that he’d be calling on this memory to carry him through some very dark moments.

  Zac was able to make contact through the satellite phone letting the base camp know that they were safe and en route. Walking back to camp along the rutted, muddy path, they sidestepped some huge puddles and slammed wet filthy sneakers hard into others, laughing and playfully trying to splash one another with mud.

  “You’re such a dick,” Lily laughed, the front of her jeans and tee shirt covered in mud, as she tried to splash him back.

  Pulling her into his arms, dirtying his own clothes with the wet mud caking hers, “Yes, I am and it might be a very smart thing for you to remember that.”

  “Duly noted,” she swiped her hands slowly up her tee shirt, pausing at her breasts, clearly pleased at the wanting look in his beautiful blue eyes.

  He watched her hands slowly circle her nipples, mud squishing through her fingers.

  Convinced she was purposely attempting to kill him with a sultry smile, he was proven correct when Lily’s muddy hands shot out like twin serpents, lunging toward his face.

  With the razor sharp reflexes of someone who had trained on a tennis court, Zac caught her wrists mid-air, holding them tight.

  “So that’s how you want to play, huh?” His grasp was still tight on her wrists as he jerked her body against his and lowered her hands to the small of her back.

  Lily’s smoldering look was defiant.

  Pressing both of their muddied hands against her ass, he molded her hips against him, knowing she could feel his erection against her stomach.

  “How am I not going to touch you when we get back?” his question was serious.

  Lily shook her head, not knowing the answer.

  With his hands clasped over hers, he flexed his fingers, having her grab her own ass within the confines of his grasp, as he ground her into him.

  “Liliana Castillo,” he bent down to whisper in her ear, “I am going to have a damn hard time if I have to wait to fuck you again.”

  “You liked fucking me?” her smile was smug.

  “Yeah. A lot,” he laughed and let go of her right hand, pulling her into a fast walk beside him.

  About fifteen minutes before they reached base camp, Zac playfully grabbed Lily off the path, backing her up against the smooth gray trunk of a mature Baobab tree.

  “I wasn’t kidding when I said that I was not going to be able to wait for next time.”

  Lily’s elusive smile started at the corners of her mouth, lifting the apples of her cheeks and crinkling the outer edges of her gold-flecked eyes. “Do you seriously think you’re going to bang me against a Baobab tree?”

  “I know I’m going to bang you against a Baobab tree.” He was already working on the zipper of her jeans. With his hands inside her pants, he slipped them into her underwear, tightly grasping her ass.

  Lily’s gasp was audible as he kneaded a cheek with each hand.

  “Are you ready for me?” he whispered.

  Nodding, she stepped out of her jeans and he undid his. Lifting her, she wrapped her legs around his slim hips and he lowered her onto his waiting cock. Leaning her back against the ancient tree trunk for leverage, Zac thrust his hips up burying himself deeply within Lily.

  Her eyes were wide as she let out another gasp. “I’ve never fucked against a tree.”

  Zac laughed, “It’s a first for me too, babe.” And after a few more strokes, “Tighten your legs around me, Lils.” Not taking his eyes off of hers, “You feel so damn good.”

  “You too,” were the only words she could squeak out and finally, as a result of his deep pounding, with bated breath, “Zac.”

  He nodded, “I know, babe.” His final powerful thrusts had her back molded to the tree.

  He fell into her, the old Baobab holding them both up. With their heads on one another’s shoulders, they stood very still until they’d both regained their breath.

  Hand-in-hand they headed back to camp.

  Please don’t fall in love with me, Zac silently warned.

  Please fall in love with me, Zac silently prayed.

  People were waiting for them upon their return, happy for their safe arrival after so many hours with no contact.

  Leading the charge was William Bray, who wrapped Lily in a warm embrace kissing her forehead and continuing to hug her tightly as if she’d just been lost at sea for weeks.

  Sticking a hand out to Zac, “Thank you for taking care of my girl.”

  Zac nodded and remained quiet. Anything he said was not going to be well received.

  Looking down at his muddy shirt, the shirt that Lily had been wearing all day and then painted with mud, he excused himself, “I think I need to find a hot shower, if there’s enough water left.”

  “We’ll keep the kitchen open for you,” William offered.

  “Oh thanks, but I’m not really hungry.” With a wave, he was off.

  Finding there was enough hot water left to shower, Zac watched the mud run in rivulets down his legs, pooling at his feet. He hated that William thought she was his. She’s mine. And after today he felt secure that they would get it all worked out. She made him promise that he was hers and admitted that from the night they’d met that she’d been intrigued. Sh
e’s mine and I’m not losing her to anyone, he vowed, vigorously toweling himself off.

  Thankfully, he returned to an empty dorm. There was no one he wanted to speak to except Lily and that probably wasn’t going to happen until morning. Sitting on his bed, back against the wall, he rested his head on his bent knees, reviewing all that went down that day. I just need to have faith, he told himself. Everything she told me today was perfect. She wants to be mine. She wants this to work out between us. Thinking about the ring in his pocket that kept his grandfather’s money clip company on a daily basis, he smiled and thought, when the time is right.

  Oh Liz, Liz, Liz, you totally pegged this, didn’t you. The Ice Princess and the Playboy. We certainly are an odd couple, aren’t we? But she wasn’t an Ice Princess, after all. Intelligent, serious, guarded. Not really shy in relationships, as she had been the aggressor with him. But it was different than it had ever been before. She had been so intent that they get to know one another, to be convinced that they had common interests and goals, to make sure they truly were simpatico and that it was more than the physical connection they both felt. And it was.

  Zac smiled to himself, there was so much she wanted before embarking on a sexual relationship with him. She wanted to know him. The thing that had moved her the most was that he had wanted to make her smile. An intangible. The basic selfless act of making someone else happy. That is what turned this girl on. She was amazing.

  The screen door creaked. Lifting his head from his knees, the sight of Lily standing in the threshold involuntarily brought a smile to his face and he felt the jolt in his chest. She stood there a moment, transfixed, and then there it was, her beautiful smile and she was flying across the room toward him.

  Opening his arms, she came to him, her eyes wide with an expression he didn’t yet have the experience to read. Taking her face in both hands, his fingertips grasping her hair, his lips were upon hers before she had the opportunity to speak. Returning his fervor, matched with an intensity of her own, he felt relief in his heart, not having even realized he was in need of any.


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