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Intense 2

Page 112

by Hebert, Cambria

  After using the bathroom and checking out my reflection in the mirror. I idly thought about how different I looked. I’d definitely changed since the last time they’d seen me at the ten-year reunion a few years ago. I had to beg Joe to let me attend and he’d relented as long as he was able to be there, too. I agreed to his terms, but I think he knew how disappointed I was that he demanded to escort me there like a child. His possessive nature was stifling and I wanted one night away from his staring eyes and control. I wanted to truly enjoy myself.

  The bottom line was he didn’t want me being alone in a room with Bradley. I think he knew that seeing Bradley again was the main reason I wanted to go. And he was right.

  Once we were at the reunion, I spotted Bradley and Joe made me leave. I think it was the beginning of the end for me. It took five years too many for me to come to my senses.

  There was so much unfinished business between Bradley and me. He’d broken my heart into a million pieces when I realized he’d been unfaithful to me, but I never listened to him after I found out. I regretted how I’d completely shunned him. He called, wrote, and begged relentlessly to see me after I’d left him, but I’d been an inconsolable mess. When I looked back at those days, I knew Joe had taken advantage of my weakened state.

  Joe and I met in English 101 the first day of class. He said he’d left his pen back at the dorm. Later he confessed that he wanted to meet me and didn’t really need to borrow anything. I should’ve seen what a manipulator he was but he used his charm to cover it up.

  After that first encounter, he was everywhere I turned in the guise of wanting to be my friend, but he was waiting for Bradley and me to breakup.

  He seized the opportunity to wedge himself into my life when I’d arrived back at Baylor crying and inconsolable after fleeing from Bradley. He’d pounced on my vulnerability, and I’d had no clue. I’d thought he was the greatest guy in the world. He’d listened to every detail between sobs, helped me forget all the pain, and appeared to be someone who would never do the kind of things Bradley had done to me.

  What a silly young woman I’d been. The true reason behind Joe’s compassion hadn’t shown itself until after we were married. I’d been too caught up in the persona he’d put on for me. My knight in shining armor.

  He’d known my weaknesses and played me well. He’d wanted someone to control or reside over. Being my husband wasn’t what he’d wanted. He’d wanted to be king, a ruler over every detail of my life.

  Thankfully, Dallas was far away from Joe and his controlling ways. When I’d left him a few weeks ago, with only the clothes on my back and what little I could fit into a suitcase, I’d decided to never look back and question what I was doing. It was for the best. My future was no longer in Atlanta by Joe’s side.

  “Excuse me, ma’am.” A voice pulled me out of my memories. I looked up to see a young woman standing next to the table. “Will there be other people joining you tonight?”

  “I think there will be around ten of us maybe twelve. I thought this long table would work.”

  “It’s the largest one we have in the restaurant.” Her smile was big and bright. “Would you care for anything to drink or eat until the rest of your party arrives?”

  Good question. What could I drink tonight? I needed something that would look like a mixed drink. Keep up the appearance that I was indulging with the rest of the gang.

  “I’ll take a seltzer water with a lime. And I’ll continue to have those the rest of the evening if that’s okay?”

  “No problem.” She looked at me curiously. “Can I get you anything to eat?”

  “No thanks. I’ll just wait until everyone is here.”

  “Okay, I’ll be right back with your drink.”

  I had a cover now and it would come in handy. I didn’t want to stick out for not drinking. I could blend in with the rest of them for a little while at least. Sticking out would come soon enough. Literally.

  My server sat my drink down in front of me, and I sipped through the stirring straw. It was refreshing and cool. I’d been so thirsty lately. I’d forgotten how dry it was in Dallas this time of year.

  There was some movement toward the front of the pub. I turned to see what was going on and froze instantly when I saw the handsome, older version of my high school sweetheart standing by the front door.

  Seeing him was more intense than I thought it would be. The heat I felt when he scanned the restaurant and found me, our eyes meeting, nearly made me run to him. But I needed to stay planted in my spot. The magnetic pull I felt so many years ago when I was anywhere near him still extended between us. Well, at least it did for me.

  Dave stood next to him with a funny little smile on his face as he looked from me to Bradley. Dave appeared pleased with what he saw and I was too. Bradley’s face broke into a grin, and then he lowered and shook his head.

  Hopefully, that was a good sign. My nerves were totally frayed as I watched them start to walk my way. My heart rate increased with each step they took. My stomach tied up in knots.

  Once a lanky, tall young man, Bradley had filled out very nicely. Indeed. I’d only saw him briefly across the room at our tenth reunion, but as he walked toward me, I could see close-up how he’d changed. His shirt stretched tight across his broad shoulders. I didn’t understand how the two men got away with calling themselves Love Handles as neither of them had an ounce of flab that I could see. They looked toned and fit. Especially Bradley...

  Their walk across the pub seemed to take forever. Finally, they were standing right in front of me at my table.

  “Well look who it is?” Dave spoke to me as he came around the table to give me a big hug. I hugged him back but stayed attached to the seat of my chair. He quickly took the head spot next to me. One hurdle down, next up was Bradley.

  “Great to see you, Dave.” After all these years, I remembered the familiar comfort I experienced around my friends. It made my heart happy for the first time in months.

  I waited for Bradley to be seated, and the logical chair for him to take was the one opposite me. But would he? That would mean we’d have to make a lot of eye contact tonight. Who knew? Maybe even our feet or legs would touch on occasion under the table?

  Bradley didn’t disappoint. He pulled out the chair right across from me and folded his tall frame down onto it. I sipped at my drink again. It definitely was hotter in here with him across from me; staring at me with those deep, blue eyes, the color of bluebonnets. And those long lashes.

  God, I remembered looking into his eyes as we’d made love.

  I had to stop myself. This train of thought signaled danger, so I began to silently chant, I can do this, I can do this. But I was a goner when he started to speak. All my resolve melted away.

  “Hi, Kelly.” Hearing him say my name brought back so many old feelings. Good ones.

  “Hi, Bradley.” I had said his name so many times in my mind. It was hard to believe that I was saying it to him in person.

  Chapter 3: Bradley’s Turn

  The second I saw Kelly, my whole body stilled. It was like I was being transported back in time, and I ached to get closer to her. But Dave was doing the meet and greet with everyone in the bar when we arrived, and we hadn’t moved past the entrance. The drawback of being regulars.

  Finally, we headed her way. Her face shone with the sweetest smile as we approached. I caught her glancing over my body and chuckled. Sweet little Kelly was checking me out. I’d put on a lot of muscle over the years and was no longer the lanky young boy she had once known. Hopefully, she liked what she saw.

  When we arrived at Kelly’s table, my heart pounded hard against my chest. I wasn’t sure what to do. Speak first? Shake her hand? Concerned and a bit panicked, I breathed a sigh of relief when Dave moved toward her first and wrapped his big arms around her little frame. I remained where I was standing, just past arms’ length. I didn’t want to freak her out by hugging her, too. Though the thought of having her in my arms sounded prett
y damn tempting. She stayed in her chair, which was a good thing. Otherwise, it made the fact that we didn’t hug even more obvious. This way we avoided awkward.

  Dave sat down after releasing Kelly from his hug, and I joined him at the table. My eyes never left Kelly’s and vice versa. She practically glowed as she smiled at me.

  Boy, the years had been good to her. She didn’t look a day over twenty-five. The nineteen-year-old girl whose heart I’d broken, hid behind a more mature and beautiful face, but her smile appeared just the same to me. Bright and contagious.

  Her hair was the same. She’d always worn it long, so I was surprised when I spotted her at our ten-year reunion with her hair above the shoulders. The familiar long strands were back now and sexy. My fingers itched to run through them.

  After we’d broken up, no one had compared to her. Those pink-colored nipples of hers...

  I loved taking them into my hands and feeling them against my lips. My flashbacks of Kelly were vivid and powerful. Like it’d been yesterday. I felt myself starting to get hard. Damn, the things we did together. We were pretty adventurous for being so young, especially that last year of high school.

  Could she tell what I was thinking? Could she sense all the lust-filled memories pumping through me? She had known me so well at one time. There was no need trying to hide my feelings from her now. I was done playing games. I was a grown man and she was here in this moment with me. A moment I’d dreamed about for years.

  All afternoon, I’d told myself I would do what I could to get to know her again and pray she’d let me back into her world. I should attempt to make some sort of conversation with her instead of checking her out like a piece of prime rib. But I continued to gawk like a pervert.

  Not having had sex for a year hadn’t helped me either. I needed to rein myself in. So I tried to concentrate on what Dave was saying instead of Kelly laughing and biting her lips.

  “So you’ve been back in Dallas for a couple of weeks now?” Dave leaned back in his chair as he spoke.

  “I’ve been here almost a month now.” Her eyes were on Dave and occasionally switched to look at me.

  “If you plan on moving back here for good, there are some awesome real estate deals right now,” I added.

  “Thanks.” Her one-word answer sure didn’t give anything away about her plans for staying in Dallas.

  “Excuse me, you two.” Dave rose out of his seat. I was tempted to move right into it. Closer to Kelly. “I’m going to get a tab set up for the group. I’ll be right back.”

  “Sounds good,” I replied.

  “Did a server come to the table already?” Dave asked. “I see you have a drink, Kelly.”

  “Yes, the blond girl over there.” Kelly motioned to the bar. “She took my drink order, so I’m assuming she’s our server.”

  “All right, you two try and behave yourselves.” Dave started to walk off but stopped. “What do you want, Bradley?”

  “I’ll take a Heineken. Thanks.”

  “I’ll be right back.” Dave winked at Kelly. He knew exactly what he was doing. Leaving us alone. By ourselves. And I was very thankful, too. It gave Kelly and me a few minutes to talk before the Love Handles crowd arrived.

  “So...” Great conversation starter.

  “So...” she replied. We both crack up which eases the tension between us. It was only natural we felt a bit uncomfortable, since our last face-to-face contact had been so many years ago.

  “It’s so good to see you, Kelly.” I laid it out there. Might as well go for broke.

  “It’s good to see you, too.” Her gaze pierced through me as she spoke those words.

  “You look wonderful by the way.” I took a quick breath before continuing. “More beautiful now than when we were younger.”

  A splash of pink spread across her cheeks. My choice of words weren’t idle; everything I said was true. She was beautiful. It only reinforced how much of an idiot I’d been all those years ago.

  How could I have turned my back on such a beautiful woman? She was the whole package. One any man would love to have as his.

  “You’re making me blush,” she replied. “I’ve changed a lot lately, but thanks for the sweet words.”

  “They aren’t just words, Kelly.” I became serious to match the tone of my words. “I’ve missed you. I wondered so many times how you were. If you were happy.”

  Maybe I was coming on too strong. She’d just left Atlanta, so I assumed things with her husband were on the fritz. But dammit, I couldn’t pull back if I tried. I’d done that years ago and a royal jerk had filled the void I’d left behind. It ended up being the biggest regret of my life. This was my all or nothing chance to reach out to her, and I wasn’t going to waste it.

  “I’ve had the same thoughts about you over the years, too.” Her voice was just above a whisper. “I hope you’ve been good.”

  Holy shit. Did that mean she missed me? Had she been wondering what I had been up to like I’d wondered about her?

  My heart soared hoping we were on the same page when we looked back at our past together and maybe she could look past the reason for our breakup.

  Could we possibly have another chance together? One with a different ending? What did I have to lose at this point? I had to hope, but there were so many questions lingering between us.

  How do you tell someone the last decade of your life was filled with so many regrets you couldn’t count all of them? The biggest one was being married to the wrong person and you wished your first love was the one you’d married instead. She needed to hear the truth from me. No matter how girlie it sounded, I needed to speak from my heart.

  “My life has been crazy over the last ten years. I made a big mistake getting married right after graduating college. I’ve finally put it all behind me now. I’m looking for a clean slate.”

  I didn’t want to bring up my divorce yet. So I decided to speak of my years with Natalie vaguely, not giving the full story away. That conversation needed to happen soon though, but I preferred it being when we were truly alone.

  “I understand that all too well.” A sorrowful look spilled from her eyes as they gazed at me. They reflected a life laced with sadness, and I knew I was majorly to blame. Had I not cheated on her, I doubt she’d ever married Joe. She’d have been mine.

  “Maybe we should think of new beginnings. Whatta you say?”

  “Sounds nice.” A forced smile spread across her face. “Actually, it sounds perfect.”

  Her smile faded as she looked down at her drink. Something deep within me ached to know what caused this beautiful woman so much heartache.

  “I have to say I was surprised when Dave told me you were going to be here tonight.” Her face turned up to me and her eyes were once again looking into mine. “Are you here on a long visit or something more permanent?”

  “I’ve moved back for now.” I didn’t want to push her for more information even if I wanted to know everything about her. The whys and whats—but it was really none of my business. What we had together was a lifetime ago. Two kids in love. After all these years, I was a stranger.

  “Well, welcome back to Dallas,” I said with the biggest grin my face could muster.

  “Thanks. I appreciate that.” She mirrored my smile, and this time it didn’t seem as forced. “It feels good to be back here.”

  As we sat grinning back and forth at each other, Dave arrived with my beer. Thank God, because damn, I needed a drink.

  “Here you go, Bradley.” I took the beer and had to stop myself from downing it in one big pull.

  “Thanks. I hope our server can keep up with me tonight.” Dave laughed but Kelly looked concerned. “I’m teasing, Kelly. It’s just been an intense day. Having you here has made it better, though.”

  “Yeah, Bradley has had a day.” Dave, hit me on the back and took a seat next to me. I prayed he’d keep his big mouth shut about my divorce finalizing today. I didn’t want to the focus on it. She might think I wasn’t ready
to move on past Natalie so soon, but nothing could be further from the truth.

  “Sorry to hear you’ve had a bad day, Bradley.” Kelly spoke so sweetly; her words wrapped around me like a hug.

  “Thanks. My day’s definitely improved since I walked in here.” I lifted the bottle of Heineken. “Here’s to old friends and unexpected reunions.”

  We clinked our drinks together. I never took my eyes off Kelly as we both sipped from our drinks. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something was troubling her. Maybe it was being with our old group of friends, or maybe it was me.

  “Have you seen any of the old gang since you arrived back here?”

  “No one,” she answered. “I’ve been laying low. But when Tina called and invited me tonight, I figured it was time to reconnect with my roots here.” She looked at me intently as she said, “And the people who helped me love Dallas so much.”

  Overwhelming old feelings of her, our love, swamped me when she looked at me like that. And what she said was she feeling the same?

  “You missed us didn’t you?” Dave teased. “I know we’ve all missed you. Some more than others.”

  Damn him. Dave had to go there. But what he said was true. We all missed her. Tina had blamed me for Kelly’s distancing herself from everyone. But everyone knew it had been her husband who was keeping Kelly under lock and key. Other than a few phone calls with Tina, no one had any luck connecting with her.

  Here she was... in front of me... no asshole husband in sight... a sight for sore eyes and my sore heart to be honest.

  “I have missed you all. Some more than others.” Her eyes darted to me and then back to Dave. Anyone would have missed it, but I didn’t.

  “I’m pretty sure you missed me the most, right?” We all groaned at Dave’s narcissism.


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