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Office Fling (Manhattan Bad Boys BWWM Interracial Romance)

Page 8

by Simone Rivers

  “Not great,” I admit.

  “How did you know what to do for bacon grease?” He asks. I realize that this is his attempt at distracting me. I go along with it.

  “I’ve become somewhat of a stain expert,” I say. “Jade wants to be a baker. She’s damn good at the baking part but not great at the cleanup part. I learned about the bacon grease when she tried to make a candied bacon topping for her mocha cupcakes.”

  “That sounds incredible. Did she work the kinks out of the recipe?”

  “Why, do you want to place an order?”

  “Absolutely.” He’s practically drooling over the thought.

  “I’ll let her know,” I chuckle.

  “How did she get into baking, anyway?”

  Ashton’s never asked about Jade like that before. He’s looking at me with genuine interest. It makes my heart do strange things.

  “My Auntie Ruth,” I say. “My mother’s sister. We lived with her for a short period when I still had some things to figure out. Auntie Ruth loved cooking. She’d be in the kitchen from sunup until sundown making everything you could imagine. Unfortunately, Jade was the pickiest eater in the world as a toddler. She’d only eat simple mac and cheese, peanut butter sandwiches and plain pasta.”

  “I’m sure Ruth appreciated that,” Ashton jokes.

  “Auntie Ruth was the one who found Jade’s insatiable sweet tooth and taught her how to bake. Jade wasn’t picky at all about her desserts. Her favorite was Ruth’s spiced pineapple upside-down cake with a twist.”

  “What was the twist?”

  “That’s a secret that Ruth and Jade will take to their graves,” I laugh. “But whatever it is, it’s good.”

  “I’ll have to try it sometime.”

  “She’ll want to watch you eat it. She likes to see people’s reactions when they eat something she hasn’t perfected yet.”

  “Why do I feel pressure to react correctly?”

  “Because you’re not a total dick and want to make a kid smile,” I say.

  “That also sounded like a compliment, yet I’m still not sure if it was,” he jokes.

  “How’s this for a compliment? You handled this case brilliantly. I still don’t know how you got the case dropped, but you did, and I’m grateful.”

  “Wow, I wasn’t expecting such a genuine speech.”

  “Shut up. I’m trying to be nice to you,” I tease.

  “That’s more like it.” He pauses for a moment. “Thanks for saying that. I appreciate it. It was hard work. Nice to know that someone took notice.”

  “Are you kidding? Everyone took notice. I should be thanking you right now, not the other way around.”

  “Thanking me? Why?”

  “Because this case gave me the push I’ve been looking for. This isn’t the sort of work I’m cut out for.”

  “You’re cut out for every kind of work.” Ashton furrows his brow. “I’ve never met someone so resilient and capable.”

  The sincerity of his words catches me off guard.

  “Thank you,” I stammer gracelessly. “But this case has really proved to me that my strengths are suited to a PR firm. My own PR firm. I’m going to get serious about pursuing it.”

  “If anyone can do it, it’s you.”

  His gaze is so intense I have to look away. I go to the stall to check on his jacket.

  “Good news. It’s dry.”

  Without thinking, I walk over to him with the jacket open. He turns his back to me and slides his arms into the sleeves. I pull the jacket up onto his broad shoulders. When he turns around, I do up the buttons and smooth his lapels.

  “I can get dressed on my own, you know?” He smirks down at me. My skin tingles under the intensity of his stare.

  “Mom instincts. They never go away,” I say too quickly. I feel nervous. My heart beats faster when I look at Ashton. I feel so many things at once that I can’t begin to catalog and analyze them. He took an interest in Jade’s baking. He must’ve known that means the world to me. Or does he?

  Ashton confuses me. I can’t read him the way I can read other people. Looking at him is like looking at dark water. I have no idea what’s beneath the surface but I want to find out. I’ve never been so intrigued by a person before.

  It makes me realize how lonely I’ve been. I’ve done a good job at isolating myself so that I can be the best mother and the best employee possible. Without realizing it, I’ve built a tower around myself. I don’t want that anymore. I want to feel what it’s like to be close to someone.

  My hands travel back up Ashton’s lapels. He watches me intently, pouring all of his focus into each of my small movements.

  I look up at him as I take hold of his lapels. I half expect him to make a snarky comment about ruining the fabric. I almost hope he does. The tension would dissolve, we’d laugh, and then we’d walk away.

  He doesn’t say anything. He just watches me.

  He’s still watching me when I tip my face up and press my lips against his. Only then does he stop watching and kiss me back.



  One moment we’re in the bathroom, alone except for the heavy silence between us. The next, Emily’s hands are drifting towards my lapels. Her hands shake, but her grip is firm. The look in her eyes is anything but motherly as she gazes upwards. Her eyes are a deep brown, dark enough to get lost in. Not that I haven’t already been lost in my thoughts about her.

  We fight on a daily basis, but her arguments hold their weight. She knows what she wants, and how to get it. Light flashes in her eyes when she talks about the importance of how firm looks to the public. Her gaze demands that it be met with your full attention. I’ve never met anyone as headstrong as Emily. Or as captivating. I can’t help but admire how she is ready to fight tooth and nail for her causes.

  I certainly admire other things about her. How passionate she is about Jade. The way she softens when she smiles. The sway of her hips when she walks in front of me. The thought of her manicured nails running down my back. The dreams where her head is tilted back, a halo of curls surrounding her as I leave a trail of kisses up her thighs.

  She breaks my thoughts in one movement, soft lips pressed against mine. I pull back a moment in surprise, and take in a quick breath before returning her timid kiss. I reach out slowly, putting my hands on Emily’s shoulders. I hold her steady, feeling her weight pushing forward. She’s standing on the tips of her toes to reach me. I deepen the kiss, my tongue darting out for an inquisitive swipe. My eyebrows raise for a moment as I feel her return the favor.

  I move one hand behind the nape of her neck, toying with the tight curls of hair. My other hand drifts farther down, over her shoulder. I trace the curve of her spine with the tips of my fingers. She reciprocates, leaning in further to the kiss. Her hands move, slipping underneath my jacket. Her palms brush against my chest, hands grasping at my shoulders for a moment. I feel her nails through my shirt. Maybe this will be more like my fantasies than I thought.

  My hand moves from her neck into her hair, gently pulling Emily’s head away from mine to break the kiss. I look at her face, gauging her reaction. Her eyes flutter open as she catches her breath. I feel her hands on my ribs, and then on my waist as she eyes my torso. I tilt her head to the side, ever so gently, and she doesn’t fight it. Her eyes meet mine and I see that fire again, facing me down. Watching to see if I’ll meet her challenge.

  I nibble at the newly exposed skin, just above her collar. She sighs in response. Wondering how far we can take this, I escalate. I push an insistent knee forward, parting her legs slightly. She stumbles back for a moment. I hold her, my hand on the small of her back. I keep guiding her towards the counter. We are only a step away. I take her face in my hands and go in for one more deep kiss, feeling her core warm against my thigh. She buries her hands in my hair. I take her hands and move them behind my neck.

  “Hold on tight,” I say in-between smaller kisses as my hands drift towards her waist.
br />   “What do you mean,” she breathes. “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to pick you up for a moment.” I lift her up and set her on the counter, and look her up and down. “There, now you don’t have to keep standing on the tips of your toes.”

  I’m satisfied with my work. Her hairstyle is now loose, a few curls hanging in her face. Her chest is rising and falling faster than usual. A small smile is on her face as she shimmies further onto the counter.

  “My, what a gentleman,” she laughs, “I’m sure that’s the only reason you did this.”

  “If only you knew how much of a gentleman I can be.” I smirk, reaching out to tuck an errant curl behind her ear, leaning in for another kiss. Then I hear approaching voices. While I’m in a women’s restroom. Shit, why didn’t I think about this earlier?

  I move to one side before Emily can get the chance to push me out of the way. A quick glance in the mirror tells us that neither of us looks presentable. Her eyes are wide. She tries to smooth out her skirt and fix her lipstick at the same time. While she’s busy with appearances, I look around my surroundings. I try to find us an exit strategy. There’s a storage closet in the back with cleaning supplies. The door is ajar, and it seems safer to hide there than to leave and chance running into the voices we are hearing. It doesn’t look very comfortable.

  The idea of being swept up in another scandal sounds worse. I catch Emily by the hand and pull towards the closet.

  “What are you doing-” she hisses for a moment as the voices get louder.

  “Saving our asses. Just trust me.” I don’t wait for an answer. She doesn’t give one.

  We shuffle into the closet. I step in first and pull Emily close to me, a click sounding as I close the door. Just in time, I think, as the main door opens and we can make out what the voices are saying. I look over Emily’s shoulder, through the crack between the door and the wall.

  There are two women pulling cosmetics out of their purses. One pulls out a tube of lipstick while the other leans against the counter, right where Emily was just sitting. I rest a hand on Emily’s shoulder, my fingers ghosting across her skin. Her heartbeat thrums, and it seems I’m not the only one who wishes we could continue our little escapade. A devious thought crosses my mind, and I smirk behind Emily, starting to gently massage her shoulder.

  The woman who is leaning back watches as the first retouches her lipstick. It doesn’t take long for her to bring up some conversation.

  “Hey, did you catch Emily chewing out Ashton outside?” she asks.

  “How could I have missed it? A lawyer berating a senior partner?” The first woman swipes another bit of color onto her lips, and rubs them together.

  Emily’s breath hitches, and I can’t tell if it is because of my actions, or because she realizes that they’re talking about her. My second hand joins the first, rubbing the stress and exhaustion out of her shoulders.

  “God, I wish I could just give someone a piece of my mind like that,” the second woman steps away from the counter.

  “It was impressive, but I’d rather keep my position.” She puts the lipstick away and moves onto fixing her eyeliner.

  Emily’s breath hitches as I knead a particularly tight knot. Either she really enjoys the massage, or she appreciates being praised. I note both points for later. Right now, I’m relishing the quickening of her pulse as my hands move along her skin. The tension is slowly leaving her, body softening. I expected resistance, but I’m willing to enjoy the contact as long as we are allowed to. I pull her back towards me, and she lets out an unbidden sigh. The interloper’s conversation drifts to the efficiency of different eyeliner brands while I lean my head in close to Emily. Close enough that my breath causes her neck to break out in goosebumps.

  “I need you to stay quiet if you want me to keep going,” I whisper into her ear.

  She nods quietly, leaning back into me, her head nearly resting against me. I take the opportunity to run my tongue along the outer edge of her ear, nipping at the lobe. She shivers and bites her lip, but doesn’t make a peep. I don’t usually play games with the women around me, but something about Emily drives me to play for keeps.

  My hand moves across her body. Fingers cross over her neck just long enough to feel her swallow, hard. I rest my hand against her chest. My mouth is still on her ear lobe, sucking. I squeeze her chest gently. She presses against me more insistently, but makes no noise. My other hand makes it to her waist, cupping her hip bone. There is no hiding how turned on I am. I want her to feel it for herself, pressed close. When she grinds back into me, I know my next move.

  I continue to hold her chest while my other hand moves to her thigh. I stroke the smooth, soft skin and feel her quake under my touch. I move my mouth to her neck as my hand travels higher, pulling her skirt up with every inch I move. She puts her hand on top of mine, and I stop for a moment. She moves it just above her the waistband of her thong and leaves it there.

  As I slip my fingers under the elastic, her hands grip my thighs. I slip past the already damp soft curls of hair. Her hips wiggle and writhe, guiding my thumb to a small nub. A whimper escapes her lips as I trace a circle there. She pushes against my hardness to the rhythm, pressing back harder with every swipe. My other hand gently rubs her nipple through her shirt, causing another small moan. She’s getting so needy and sweet that it’s easy to forget that we're not alone. A zipper closing a small bag was all I the reminder I needed.

  “Did you hear that?” One of the women asked. The other puts her makeup bag back into her purse, shaking her head.

  “I didn’t hear anything,” she looks at a silver watch on her wrist. “But we should probably be getting back anyways. ”

  I slowly bring my hand from Emily’s breast to her lips. I drag a single finger across them, my other hand still teasing her below. Her breath hitches again and I clap my hand across her mouth. I watch carefully as the women gather their things and head towards the door. Emily is shaking even harder with my hand over her mouth, she feels close. I push her towards release, wondering if I can get her to come before the other two women are out the door. As they approach the door, I slip a finger inside.

  My thumb continues to tease her. She squirms under my grip, her grip tightening on my thigh. As the door closes behind our guests, her body tenses up. She tightens against me, and I secure my grip against her mouth. A few muffled moans try to escape, but my grip, while gentle, is determined. When her shakes slow, I let her go. I’ve made my play, and I sit back, curious to see what hers is.



  If someone had ever said to me that I’d one day be plastered to Ashton’s body while we hid in the storage closet at the back of the women’s bathroom, I probably would have told them they were insane, and yet here we are. To top it off, if someone would have said that he’d also manage to find the huge submissive streak that I try so desperately to keep hidden from people I would have probably slapped them. And yet again, here we are.

  I make it a point not to share that side of myself with people and the fact that Ashton is seemingly able to not only recognize it but coax it out of me is both unnerving and amazing, and I can’t help but wonder what else he may be capable of. Though one thing I do know for sure is he’s capable of is turning me into a needy, desperate mess.

  The last time I felt this desperate and starved for attention was…actually, I’m not sure that I’ve ever felt this desperate and starved for a man’s attention. I’ve been basically alone since Jade’s dad and I’ve been absolutely fine with that; it’s been me and Jade against the world and I haven’t had a man hold my interest or distract me from that.

  Until now, that is.

  He slides his hands up and sinks them into my hair, pulling me in closer to him as he takes my lips into a searing, hungry kiss. My head is quickly filling with a lust-fueled fog that makes every logical thought turn into one of need, and I can’t help the sigh that escapes my lips as he breaks our kiss. He�
�s solid and warm and everything I want in this very moment, and I reach up to bring him back down into, pressing my lips to his.

  I can feel him hard against me so I start to unbutton his pants but he stops me, reaching down and taking my hand into his, and he tucks it behind my back. The other hand of his is still in my hair and he tugs gently to tilt my head back as he gazes down into my eyes.


  “Ashton,” I reply playfully, a smirk playing on my lips as I sigh and lean against him, hoping he’s going to play along.

  “This isn’t the place.”

  I certainly wasn’t expecting that and I frown, tilting my head as confusion and the slightest bit of hurt washes over me. And, to be fair, frustration. How can he get me so worked up and then just stop? What was the point? And it’s not like he wasn’t enjoying himself; the hard—and impressively large—bulge in his pants was proof enough for that.

  He can clearly see the gears working in my head—just another example of how smart he is—and he sighs, shaking his head with a smile as he gives my hair a playful yank and presses his lips to mine again. His kiss is intense, need-driven and demanding, and a tiny whimper leaves me, swallowed up into our kiss.

  “What I mean is,” He purrs as he drags his lips to my neck, murmuring against my skin. “That I want you right now, but I’m not about to have you in a damn broom closet in the women’s bathroom. Not exactly my idea of romance.”

  I let out a chuckle and roll my eyes—not that he can see it—and give my hips a gentle roll against his, humming.

  “And where exactly is your ideal setting for romance?”

  I feel him smirk against my skin and he runs his hand along my hip, holding me to him.

  “In my bed, in private.”

  His statement is firm and sure and he kisses me again before I have a chance to even think about replying, completely taking my breath away. I can’t blame him really; a broom closet in a bathroom isn’t exactly my dream of a hot hookup, so I’m more than happy to go along with him.


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