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Paranormal Dating Agency: Lycan Her Mate (Kindle Worlds Novella) (A Wolf's Hunger Book 14)

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by Bella Roccaforte

  Text copyright ©2018 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by Latin Goddess Press, Inc.. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original Paranormal Dating Agency remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of Latin Goddess Press, Inc., or their affiliates or licensors.

  For more information on Kindle Worlds:

  Lycan Her Mate

  A Wolf's Hunger



  Cover Design by Fantasia Frog

  Edited by Christine Formack

  Proofread by Tammy Payne of Book Nook Nuts

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  Chapter One

  Zane’s jaw flexes with tension trying not to lose his temper. But there’s something tugging at the animal inside him making it more difficult than usual. His wolf howls and paces in his head, pushing to be let free. A bead of sweat drips from his brow and makes a crashing sound in his mind when it hits the bar.

  All of his senses heightened and standing on edge at the ready with anger.

  But he doesn’t move, he watches, carefully weighing the options. Go to jail again or let that piece of shit take advantage of that woman.

  He glances over at her again, he can’t remember ever seeing anyone so incredibly beautiful and it’s killing him watching her be groped by that asshole.

  “Zane,” Leon barks from behind the bar, “I can see the gears turning in your head. Just leave it alone, some women are capable of taking care of themselves.” He reaches across the bar and slides the half-full glass of gin away.

  Zane stills Leon’s hand, “I’m fine.” He tips the glass to his lips and swallows the remainder of the amber liquid. “Now you can refill it.”

  “Not with the look in your eye.” Leon says with warning, “I’m not up for another one of your fights.”

  “Neither am I, but if he touches her one more time…” He grinds the words out through his teeth in a growl fighting a battling with his wolf. His hands shake with the need to shift.

  “You’ll what?” Leon says with a laugh. “Man, you don’t get it. Human women come up here to take a walk on the wild side. They all want to be fucked by a wolf.”

  Zane flashes a murderous look at Leon, “Don’t talk about her that way. She has said “no” twice and his hand is still on her fucking thigh.” His anger and primal instinct to protect her are in overdrive. He needs to dull this feeling, “Another, it’ll calm me.”

  Leon refills the glass and slides it across the bar. “Just chill, I’m keeping an eye on things. I always look out for the women that come up. Especially when Jared’s around. The last thing I need is the bar to become known as the date rape hot spot.”

  “This isn’t just about your bar’s reputation. It’s about respect and Jared has no respect for anyone, least of all women.” Zane watches as Jared slides his hand down the woman’s back and cups the round of her ass.

  She jolts away and her voice is small and quiet, “Please stop.”

  Zane downs another drink slams the glass on the bar and stands from his stool. “Jared.”

  “Zane.” He responds sarcastically.

  “I’m pretty sure I heard her say stop.” Zane stops directly behind the woman. Her scent is driving him mad. He wants to run his hands all over her body.

  “I didn’t.” Jared shrugs and reaches for her again.

  The woman shies away avoiding his touch, “I did say stop.”

  Zane gets lost in the gaze of her blue eyes. His wolf going insane trying to get out. “I know you did.” Zane turns to the other patrons in the bar hoping for some sort of back up. “Did any of you hear her say to stop?”

  Some of the patrons roll their eyes, others just remain quiet with their heads down. No one wants to challenge the Alpha’s son.

  “See, no one heard anything,” Jared says sitting back down and putting his dirty boots on the table.

  Zane leans down closer to the woman’s ear. “Would you like me to escort you to your car?”

  She looks up at him with doey eyes glazed over. She can’t look away from him. She nods, unable to speak.

  Zane takes her coat from the back of the chair and slides it over her shoulders, “Ready?”

  “Yes.” She smiles.

  “Eh, no big loss. I was just going to take one for the team, show tubby what it’s like to have a man she won’t crush.” Jared says locking his fingers behind his head laughing.

  Zane freezes in place, anger burning from his pores.

  “Zane,” Leon warns shaking his head no.

  The woman lowers her head in shame and picks up her pace toward the door.

  Zane wants to put his arm around her, touch her get closer so he can taste her scent. He resists his urges and opens the door, leading her outside, “Come on darlin’ let’s get you out of here, some wolves really are just animals.”

  She motions to a blue sedan and smiles, “That’s me.”

  He leans down, opens the door for her turning to face her. “I have to tell you, you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. Don’t listen to that asshole in there. He’s the worst kind of wolf.”

  Her cheeks redden as she lowers herself into the car, “Thank you.”

  “I mean it. I’d love to show you what we’re really like.” Zane smiles at her. “But I’ve had a bit much to drink and with how fucking beautiful you are, I know that tonight, I could not remain a gentleman.”

  Her eyes glisten and a ghost of a smile dances on her lips. The sound of sirens in the distance catches Zane’s attention. “I have to go, but want to make sure you get out of here safely.”

  She slides the key into the ignition, she opens the window, “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, ma’am,” Zane says stepping away from the car, his attention split between her and the sirens.

  “Emma.” She says with a coy smile.

  Zane looks at her with curiosity.

  “My name is Emma.” She closes the window and drives off.

  Zane stands watching as the red lights on the back of her car disappear into the darkness. His hands shake with the need to shift and go after her. It’s almost painful, but he’s got business to attend to. His anger rages out of control like a wildfire reclaiming a hillside.

  He opens the door and is greeted by four large wolves standing in front of Jared’s table. “Zane, you should go home,” Leon says with an impatient tone.

  “I will,” Zane says calmly.

  He cuts through the line of defense like a hot knife through butter throwing the men to the side without apology.

  Jared is sitting at the table with a snarky grin, “The cops are on the way, so unless you’re looking to spend another night in lockup, I suggest you leave.”

  A sardonic smile twists Zane’s expression, “I’ll get my licks in before Daddy can get here to save you.”

  “For what?” Jared leans forward on the table. “Some thirsty human that came up here to get some wolf cock?” Jared shakes his head, “I was just going to give her what she wanted.” He huffs a laugh and adds the final insult, “Walk away, half-breed. Trying to protect all the humans that come here isn’t going to change the fact that you
couldn’t save your mommy from the big bad wolf.”

  Zane snaps, all he can hear is the cruel laughter coming from Jared’s mouth and he’s going to silence it. He lunges forward pushing Jared out of the chair easily pinning him. He gets a few good hits in before four men drag him off of Jared.

  The wolves grab Zane’s arms, holding him back. He’s putting up a good fight and gets away a few times before they can hold him still for a moment.

  Jared stands wiping the blood from his mouth, “That will cost you.”

  “I can afford it,” Zane growls and breaks free from the cop's hold.

  Jared swings at Zane making contact with his jaw. Zane is unphased and nails Jared with an uppercut to the ribs, over and over. Releasing all of his fury and rage.

  Jared fights back landing his fist square in Zane’s eye. Searing pain shoots through Zane’s entire body, the feeling is familiar and he tries to keep pounding on Jared until he can no longer move.

  “Don’t make me up the voltage.” Kristi warns holding the end of the taser. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Zane stops at hearing her voice. He steps back holding his hands up in surrender twitching against the electric shock, “Okay.”

  The voltage continues to run through his body and he’s determined to not drop to his knees.

  Kristi lowers her taser gun, “Okay, Clint, stop.”

  “I want him on the ground first,” Clint says with an edge of fear in his voice as he ups the voltage on his taser.

  Zane drops down to his knees then face down on the floor. “Okay, I’m good.”

  “Shut up,” Jared says approaching Zane defenseless on the floor. “Tranq him.”

  Zane feels the tranquilizer dart go into his ass cheek and rolls his eyes, “Really?”

  Jared leans down close to Zane’s ear, “Listen you half-breed piece of shit, your days here are numbered. When I become Alpha you and your kind won’t be part of my pack.” He rights himself and gives Zane three kicks to the head until Zane’s body goes limp.

  Chapter Two

  Emma pulls into the parking spot outside her apartment. She releases a breath and realizes that her hands are wrapped so tight around the steering wheel her knuckles are white. She shakes her head to rattle herself back to reality.

  She can’t shake the look in that wolf’s eyes, the way her body was on fire for him to touch her. She’s angry with herself for not staying, for not saying something more than what she did, but she was paralyzed in the moment.

  Emma searches her memory for him telling her his name, but he didn’t. “What is your name?” She says out loud before getting out of the car making the trek up the stairs.

  Please don’t be awake, she thinks to herself as she slides the key in the door and opens it as quietly as possible.

  “Where have you been?” Jenn asks in a mischievous tone before Emma can get all the way through the door.

  “Just for a drive.” Emma dismisses her and heads straight for the hallway to her room.

  “Wait,” Jenn says with concern. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” Emma snaps continuing down the hallway.

  Jenn follows close behind. Emma wants to be left alone feeling stupid for going to Duskmoon alone.

  “You’re not fine, you’re as white as a sheet. What happened?” Jenn presses for information.

  Emma plops down on the bed in defeat and says in a quiet voice. “I went to Duskmoon.”

  “Alone? Are you crazy?” Jenn says.

  “Yeah, apparently I am.” Emma shakes her head, “I just wanted to see them. I mean, the only wolf I’ve ever seen is Kristoff and I’m curious.”

  “Kristoff is different,” Jenn says with conviction.

  “Yes, I know he is, that’s why I want to learn more about them. Besides, so many of them are sexy as fuck!” Emma giggles, thinking of her wolf’s haunted smile.

  “Girl, you can’t just be going up there willy-nilly.

  Most wolves are fine, but they’re just like anyone else bad apples in every bunch.” Jenn puts her arm across Emma’s shoulders. “You wouldn’t go into Denver to a bar alone.”

  “No, I know,” Emma says looking at her friend trying not to be envious of her beauty. She’s slim, young, beautiful and honestly, it’s hard being noticed at all when she’s with Jenn.

  “No more of that.” Jenn awaits Emma’s compliance.

  Emma nods in defeat.

  “Listen, I do have an idea though,” Jenn says cutting a grin into her cheek. “I’ll be right back.”

  Emma watches as Jenn skips out of the room. What kind of scheme is she cooking up now? Emma thinks.

  Jenn comes back clutching a business card and hands it to Emma.

  “What’s this?” Emma asks turning the sparkling, clear card in her hand.

  “That is Gerri Wilder’s contact information,” Jenn says pumping her brow.

  “Who the hell is Gerri Wilder?” Emma says still studying the card.

  “She is a paranormal matchmaker.” Jenn wiggles her shoulders, “And she can hook you up with a shifter so you can meet a wolf.”

  “Has it really come to this? Am I really so pathetic I have to turn to a dating agency?” Emma says defeated. “I don’t think I’m this much of a lost cause.” She holds the card up before trying to hand it back to Jenn.

  “Girl, this isn’t about being a lost cause, it’s about knowing what you want and going after it,” Jenn says with conviction, not taking the card.

  “Yeah, but --”

  “No buts.” Jenn interrupts her. “The closest pack to us is Duskmoon. They’re all bad news, every last one of them. You need to open your options up to other packs if you want to meet a wolf. And Gerri will find you your perfect match. It’s what she does.”

  “You met Kristoff.” Emma pins her with a look.

  “Yup,” A knowing smile dances on her lips, “Because I called Gerri.”

  “Shut up.” Emma’s mouth falls open in shock.

  “Yup.” Jenn nods once. “Ever since I found out that there were shifters I wanted to meet one, but down here...well you know there aren’t a lot of city wolves.”


  “A friend gave me Gerri’s card.” Jenn sits on the bed beside Emma putting her hands on her shoulders. “There is no shame in this, Gerri will know exactly what you need.”

  “I don’t know. I mean, she hooked you up with Kristoff...and now you’re giving everything up and moving to New Mexico. I don’t want to do that.” Emma knows she’s being selfish about Jenn leaving, but she can’t help herself.

  “Call her, if you’re fated to be with a shifter, Gerri will know it. She’s special.” Jenn says popping up off the bed, “I got to motor, lots to do.”

  “Thanks, Jenn,” Emma says softly as Jenn clicks the door closed. She studies the card for a moment and tosses it into the trash can. “I’m not using a dating service, I’m not that desperate.”

  She lays back on the bed thinking about her wolf, his eyes incredibly intense and how her skin tingled wanting him to touch her. A warm grin erupts across her face thinking about his woodsy scent.

  She shakes her head, “Snap out of it, Emma.” She scolds herself and gets ready for bed, the thought of him still in her mind like a melody that fills her with warmth.


  Emma sits on a red and white checkered blanket with a huge picnic basket. She lets the sun bathe her face in warmth. Thoughts of her wolf dance through her mind, his scent wafting through the air.

  The rustling of leaves draws her attention to the tree line. A huge black wolf emerges, but she feels no fear. She can feel that it’s him. Excitement sweeps through her body straight between her thighs.

  The wolf stops at the blanket and morphs into a man, her man. Standing in all his handsome glory. His solid chest and washboard abs too good to be true. She studies his tattoos wanting to reach out and touch him, run her fingers through his hair. Nibble on those biceps.

  “Hello, Emma
.” His deep timber rumbles through her as he lowers himself to the blanket.

  “Hey, Zane.” She crosses her legs one over the other and leans back on her hands.

  “I’ve been looking for you.” He says drawing closer to her.

  “I’ve been waiting.” She smiles and reaches out, caressing his face.

  He closes the distance between them stopping a breath away from her lips, “May I?”

  His hot breath brushes against her mouth, she swallows hard and lurches forward meeting his lips in answer to his question.

  His hand reaches behind her neck pulling her in closer. Emma’s hands thread in his hair as her hungry kisses grow more vehement.

  Her hands wind their way down his shoulders dancing across his chest. His skin quivers at her touch. She takes his hard shaft into her hand and begins stroking it gently.

  Zane gasps at her touch, and responds with his hands traveling down her body, unbuttoning her shirt to reveal her breasts sitting snug in a white lace bra, “You’re fucking perfect.” He says through broken kisses.

  He reaches behind her with one hand unhooking her bra setting her breasts free. He takes them into his hands and peppers hot kisses down her neck and taking her nipple into his mouth making circles around the hard peak.

  He gently rolls her other nipple in his fingers sending shockwaves of excitement through her. Moisture pools between Emma’s legs, Zane can smell her arousal and it drives him crazy.

  Emma pushes Zane back onto the blanket and takes his cock in her hand again. She marvels at his perfect form before swirling her tongue around his head. She teases until a glistening bead gathers on his opening. She licks it off savoring his flavor.

  She lets out a long hum before taking all of him into her mouth.

  Zane stiffens with pleasure as she moves her mouth up and down, gripping him at the base. Her tongue swirling around him inside her mouth is driving him crazy.

  He leans up taking her face into his hands and kissing her hard, “I have to taste you.”

  His voice travels through her and she only wants to comply, be everything he wants. She unbuttons her shorts and he slides them down her legs.


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