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Pilgrimage: An Image of Mediaeval Religion

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by Jonathan Sumption

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  VINCKE, J. (4). ‘Der Jubilaeumsablass von 1350 auf Mallorca’, Römische Quartalschrift, xli (1933), pp. 301–6.

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  WAAL, A. DE (1). Das böhmische Pilgerhaus in Rom, Prague, 1873.

  WAAL, A. DE (2). ‘Die Nationalstiftungen des deutschen Volkes in Rom’, Frankfurter zeitgemässe Broschüren, i (1880), pp. 75–106.

  WADDING, L. Annales minorum, ed. J. M. Fonseca, 2nd. ed., 19 vols., Rome, 1731–3.

  WILMART, A. ‘La Trinité des Scots à Rome et les notes du Vat. Lat. 378’, Revue Bénédictine, xli (1929), pp. 218–30.

  WOHLHAUPTER, E. (1). ‘Beiträge zum Recht der Personenbeförderung über See im Mittelalter’, Historisches Jahrbuch der Görres-Gesellschaft, lvii (1937), pp. 339–57.

  WOHLHAUPTER, E. (2). ‘Wallfahrt und Recht’, in Schreiber, op. cit., pp. 217–42.

  WOODRUFF, C. E. ‘The financial aspect of the cult of St. Thomas of Canterbury’, Archaeologia Cantiana, xliv (1932), pp. 13–32.

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  ZETTINGER, J. Die Berichte über Rompilger aus dem Frankreiche bis zum Jahre 800, Römische Quartalschrift, Supplementheft xi, Rome, 1900.


  Aachen, 1, 2

  Aasche, 1

  Abbo, abt. of Fleury, 1, 2

  Adalbert, St.: relics, 1

  Adam, Guillaume, O.P., 1

  Adam of Usk, 1

  Adhemar, bp. of Le Puy, 1

  Adrevald, monk of Fleury, 1, 2

  Adso, abt. of Montiérender, 1

  Aerts, Jan, 1

  Affagart, Gréffin, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Aganon, bp. of Autun, 1

  Agelwy, abt. of Evesham, 1

  Aibert, St., 1

  Ailred, St., of Rievaulx: miracles, 1

  Aimeric II, count of Fézensac, 1

  Alberic of Rosate, 1

  Albigensian heretics, 1, 2

  Aldhelm, St.: miracles, 1, 2

  Alexander, bp. of Jerusalem, 1

  Alexander, St.: relics, 1

  Alfonso VI, king of León and Castile, 1

  Alkerton, Richard, 1, 2, 3

  Ambrose, St., bishop of Milan, 1

  Amiens, cathedral, 1

  Andrew, St., 1, 2

  Angers, 1, 2, 3

  Anselm, St., abp. of Canterbury, 1, 2

  Anselm of Ardres, 1

  Anthony, St., 1;

  life of, by Athanasius, 1, 2, 3

  Antioch, 1, 2

  Antwerp, 1, 2

  Aquinas: see Thomas Aquinas

  Arculf, 1

  Aries: Christian cemetery, 1

  Arnaldo de Monte, monk of Ripoll, 1

  Arnold von Harff, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Arnoul, St.: relics, 1;

  miracles, 1

  Arques, treaty of (1326), 1

  Aubert, St.: skull, 1

  Aubrac: hospice, 1

  Augustine, St., of Canterbury, 1, 2

  Augustine, St., of Hippo, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  on dreams and visions, 1, 2;

  on miracles, 1, 2;

  on relics, 1, 2

  Austremoine, St., 1

  Autun, 1, 2, 3

  Avallon: St. Lazare, 1

  Avignon: pilgrimages to, 1

  Avioth, 1

  badges, 1, 2, 3

  Baldwin, abt. of Bury, 1

  Baldwin, latin emperor of Constantinople. 1

  banditry, 1

  Barcelona, Franciscan prior of, 1

  Bari: St. Nicholas, 1

  Bartholomew, St.: relics, 1, 2

  Bartolus of Assisi, 1, 2

  Basques, 1, 2

  Battle abbey, 1

  Bayeux, 1

  Beaumanoir, Philippe de Rémy sire de, 1, 2

  Bede: on ‘conversion’, 1;

  on diabolical possession, 1;

  on hell, 1

  Beirut, 1

  Belgrade, 1

  Benedict, St.: ‘conversion’, 1;

  miracles of, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7;

  relics, 1, 2, 3, 4.

  See Fleury, Monte Cassino

  Benevento, 1, 2

  Bénigne, St.: miracles, 1

  Benzo of Alba, 1

  Bernard, Frankish pilgrim, 1

  Bernard, St., abbot of Clairvaux, 1, 2, 3;

  on damnation, 1;

  on jubilees, 1;

  on reliquaries, 1

  Bernard of Angers, 1, 2

  Bernard, abt. of Beaulieu, 1

  Bernard von Breidenbach, 1

  Bernardino, St., of Siena, 1

  Berthold of Eberstein, 1

  Berthold of Neuenburg, 1

  Berthold of Regensburg, O.P., 1, 2, 3, 4

  Bertrandon de la Brocquière, 1

  Berzé, Hughes, seigneur de, 1

  Bethlehem, 1, 2, 3

  Beveren, 1

  blessings, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Bobbio: monastery, 1, 2

  Boccaccio, 1

  Bohemond, prince of Antioch, 1

  Bohm, Hans, 1

  Bollezeel: Notre-Dame, 1

  Bona, St., 1

  Boniface, St., 1, 2, 3

  Bonizo of Sutri, 1

  Bonneval, 1

  Borso d’Este, 1

  Boulogne: Notre-Dame, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  Boxley: Rood of Grace, 1, 2

  Boyle, Richard, 1

  branded, 1, 2

  Brasca, Santo, 1, 2

  Brewyn, William, 1

  Bridget, St., of Sweden: canonization, 1;

  revelations, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Brioude: St. Julian, 1, 2

  Brithnod, bp. of Ely, 1

  Bromholm: priory, 1

  Bruges, 1;

  Holy Blood, 1, 2

  Bruno, St.: on devils, 1

  Buckingham, John, bp. of Lincoln, 1

  Burchard of worms, 1

  Burton, Thomas, 1, 2

  Bury St. Edmunds: abbey, 1, 2, 3;

  pilgrimages, 1, 2, 3, 4.

  See Edmund, St.

  Buxton: St. Anne’s well, 1

  Cadroe, St., 1

  Caen: St. Etienne, 1

  Caesarius of Heisterbach, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

  Calais: St. Nicholas, 1.

  canonization, 1, 2, 3

  Canterbury: cathedral, shrine of St. Thomas, 1;

  Trinity chapel, stained glass, 1, 2, 3;

  Christ Church priory, 1, 2;

  pilgrimages, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11;

  jubilees, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7;

  offerings, 1, 2, 3;

  badges, 1.

  See Thomas Becket, St.

  Canute II, St., king of Denmark, 1

  Canute, king of England, Denmark, and Norway, 1, 2, 3

  Capgrave, John, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Cardigan, 1

  Carrión de los Condes, 1, 2

  Carthage: St. Cyprian, 1

  Casola, Peter, canon of Milan cathedral, 1, 2, 3

  Catherine, St., of Siena, 1

  Catherine of France, queen of England, 1

  Cecilia, St.: relics, 1

  Celsus, St.: relics, 1

  Chaalis, prior of, 1

abbey, 1

  Charles, duke of Orléans, 1

  Charroux: abbey, 1

  Chartres, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;

  pilgrimages, 1, 2, 3

  Chateauneuf, 1

  Chaucer, Geoffrey, 1;

  Canterbury Tales, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

  Cheminon, abt. of, 1

  children, pilgrimages of, 1

  Christ, relics of, 1;

  Blood, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  Crown of Thorns, 1;

  foreskin etc., 1, 2;

  milk tooth, 1

  Christina of Markyate, 1

  Christine de Pisan, 1

  Civray, 1

  Claudius, bp. of Turin, 1

  Clement VII, antipope, 1

  Cléry: Notre-Dame, 1

  Clothaire, king of the Franks, 1

  Clovis, 1

  Cluny: abbey, 1, 2, 3, 4,

  See Hugh, St., Mayeul, St., Odo, St., Peter the Venerable

  Collemaggio: abbey, 1

  Colman, St., 1, 2

  Cologne, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

  Columban, St.: on pilgrimage, 1

  Conques, 1;

  abbey, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7;

  reliquary of St. Foy, 1;

  pilgrimages, 1, 2.

  See Foy, St.

  Constantinople: relics in, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  sack of (1204), 1, 2, 3

  Contarini, Agostino, 1

  ‘conversion’, 1

  Coulombs, 1

  Councils and synods: Aquilea (1339), 1;

  Arras (1025), 1;

  Autun (1094) 1;

  Béziers (1246), 1;

  Bordeaux (1255), 1;

  Chalons (813), 1, 2;

  Clermont (1095), 1;

  Cologne (1279), 1;

  Constance (1414–18), 1, 2, 3, 4;

  Cordova (839), 1;

  Meaux (845), 1;

  Lateran (1215), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;

  Limoges (1031), 1, 2;

  Mâcon (585), 1;

  Nicaea (787), 1, 2;

  Nîmes (1284), 1;

  Paris (825), 1, (1429), 2;

  Rheims (923–4), 1;

  Rodez (1013), 1;

  Santiago (1125), 1;

  Sarragossa (592), 1;

  Seligenstadt (1022), 1;

  Vienne (1312), 1

  Coutances, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Cromwell, Thomas, 1

  Cross: relics of, 1, 2

  crusades, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

  Cunegonde, St.: canonization, 1

  Cuthbert, St., 1;

  relics, 1, 2, 3, 4.

  See Durham

  Cyprian, St., of Carthage, 1

  Cyprus, 1, 2, 3

  Cyran, St., 1

  Cyril, St., of Jerusalem: on relics, 1, 2

  damnation, 1

  Daniel, Russian abt., 1, 2, 3

  Dante Alighieri, 1, 2, 3

  Dati, Agostino, 1, 2

  Datini, Francesco di Marco, 1

  death, fear of, 1

  Deguileville, Guillaume de, 1

  Denis, St., 1;

  relics, 1.

  See St.-Denis

  Denis the Carthusian, 1, 2

  Deschamps, Eustache, 1

  Deusdona, Roman deacon, 1

  Devil, devils, 1, 2, 3

  Dies Irae‚ 1

  Dietelbach, 1

  Dietrich of Niem, 1

  Dietrich of Wurzburg, 1, 2

  Dijon: St. Bénigne, 1.

  See Bénigne, St.

  Domingo, St., ‘de la Calzada’, 1

  Dominic, St., O.P., miracles, 1

  Donatian, St., 1

  dreams and visions, 1, 2, 3, 4

  dress, of pilgrims, 1

  Dunstan, St., 1

  Durand de St.-Pourcain, 1

  Durham, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;

  pilgrimages to, 1, 2, 3.

  See Cuthbert, St.

  Eadmer, monk of Canterbury, 1

  Ealdred, bp. of Worcester, 1

  Eberhard, count of Wurtemburg, 1

  Edessa: portrait of Christ, 1

  Edmund, St., ‘King and Martyr’: relics, 1, 2, 3;

  miracles, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Edmund, St., of Abingdon, 1

  Edward, St., the Confessor, king of England, 1

  Egbert, Northumbrian monk, 1

  Egbert, bishop of Trier, 1

  Einhard, 1, 2

  Elizabeth, queen of Hungary, 1

  Elphege, St., archbishop of Canterbury, 1

  Emma, queen of England, 1

  Emmeran, St.: miracles, 1

  emperors: Charlemagne, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;

  Charles the Bald, 1, 2;

  Frederick II, 1;

  Otto I, 1;

  Otto III, 1;

  Sigismund, 1

  England, kings of: Edgar, 1;

  Edward I, 1, 2;

  Edward II, 1;

  Edward III, 1;

  Henry I, 1;

  Henry II, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  Henry III, 1, 2;

  Henry IV, 1;

  Richard I, 1, 2;

  Richard II, 1;

  William II, 1, 2.

  See Edward, St., the Confessor

  Erasmus of Rotterdam, 1, 2, 3

  Erchanbert, bp. of Friesing, 1

  ergotism, 1

  Ernest, duke of Saxony, 1

  Eskill, Sveinsson, 1

  Essones, 1

  Ethelbert, king of Kent, 1

  Eton College, 1

  Eudoxia, empress, 1

  Eugenius, St., 1

  Euphrosine, Russian princess, 1, 2

  Eutrope, St., 1;

  miracles, 1.

  See Saintes

  Etheria, 1

  Eucharistic miracles, 1, 2

  Everard de Breteuil, vicomte of Chartres, 1

  Evesham, 1;

  pilgrimages, 1, 2, 3

  evil, fear of, 1

  Evroul, St., 1, 2

  Exupery, St.: relics, 1

  ex-votos, 1, 2

  Eynsham, monk of: vision (1196), 1, 2

  Faber, Felix, O. P., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

  Fabian and Sebastian, Sts., 1

  Farsit, Hughes, monk of Soissons, 1

  Fécamp: abbey of the Trinity, Blood of Christ, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  pilgrimages to, 1, 2.

  Felix, St.: relics, 1, 2, 3

  Fermillian, bishop of Caesarea, 1

  Fernando, count of Carrión, 1

  fetters, 1, 2

  Firmin, St.: relics, 1

  Fitz-Eisulf, Sir Jordan, 1

  Fitzralph, Richard, abp. of Armagh, 1, 2

  flagellation, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Fleury (St. -Benoit-sur-Loire): abbey, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

  See Benedict, St.

  Foliot, Gilbert, bp. of London, 1

  Fontenelle: abbey, 1

  Foston, 1

  Fox, George, 1

  Foy, St.: miracles of, 1, 2;

  relics of, 1.

  See Conques

  France, kings of: Charles VII, 1;

  Louis VI, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  Louis VII, 1;

  Louis XI, 1, 2;

  Philip Augustus, 1, 2, 3;

  Philip the Fair, 1, 2;

  Philip VI, 1;

  Robert the Pious, 1, 2.

  See Louis IX, St.

  Francesco da Suriano, O. F. M., 1

  Francis, St., 1, 2

  Frescobaldi, Lionardo, 1, 2, 3

  Frideswide, St.: miracles of, 1, 2

  Frotmund, 1

  Fulbert, bp. of Cambrai, 1

  Fulcher of Chartres, 1

  Fulk Nerra, count de Anjou: pilgrimages of, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Gallus, Roman emperor, 1

  Garcia, king of Navarre, 1

  Gascoigne, Thomas, 1

  Gauzlin, abt. of Fleury, 1

  Geiler, Johann, 1

  Gelmirez, Diego, bp. of Santiago, 1, 2

  Genevieve, St.: relics, 1

  Gengulph, St.: miracles, 1

  Geoffrey de Montbray, bp. of Coutances, 1

  Geoffrey, abt. of Vezelay, 1

  George, St.: relics, 1

  George von Ehingen, 1

  Gerald, St., count of Aurillac, 1, 2, 3

  Gerald, St., of Saumur, 1

  Gerald, St., of Corbie, abt. of La Sauve-Majeure, 1, 2

  Gerald of Wales, 1, 2, 3

  Gerard, St., abt. of Brogne, 1

  Gerard of Galeria, 1

  Gerson, Jean, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Gervaise and Proteus, Sts., 1, 2

  Ghent: St. Bavo, 1

  Ghillebert de Lannoy, 1

  Giacomo della Marca: on Blood of Christ, 1

  Gilbert, St., of Sempringham: canonization, 1;

  miracles, 1

  Giles, companion of St. Francis, 1

  Gilles, St.: relics, 1;

  miracles, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

  See St. -Gilles de Provence

  Giordano da Rivalta, O. F. M., 1, 2

  Glaber, Radulph, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

  Gloucester: abbey, 1

  Gnesen, 1

  Gobelinus, Persona, 1

  Godric, St., hermit of Finchale, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Golden Legend, 1

  Gonzaga, Anna, 1

  Gottschalk, bp. of Le Puy, 1

  graffiti, 1, 2

  Grandison, John de, bp. of Exeter, 1, 2

  Greenfield, William, abp. of York, 1

  Gregory I, pope, St., the Great, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7;

  on conversion, 1;

  on Hell, 1;

  on miracles, 1, 2


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