Book Read Free

Some Way

Page 7

by Tiffany Jade

  "Eh, I'm sure you'll fuck it up soon, don't worry." She smirks as she glances over.

  "Not gonna lie, I probably will."

  I survived the walk back to the truck. Barely. Grayson had turned down my request for another piggy back ride, something about building up stamina or something. He opens the door for me and offers his hand again to help me in.

  "Such manners," I comment as I settle into the seat.

  "Mama didn't raise no heathens," Grayson informs me as he waits for me to buckle my seatbelt.

  "Boy, you could start a fight in an empty room. No heathens my big toe!" Grayson takes a shocked gasp as he clutches his chest.

  "Ouch!" He shakes his head before looking back at me with a mischievous grin. "I'd be offended if that wasn't so true."

  A laugh busts out of me as he shoots me a wink. "You know me too well already." I continue to giggle as he shuts my door and walks around to the driver’s side.

  I can't stop the smile on my face as he starts up his truck and scrolls through his phone trying to decide on a playlist. However, my smile starts to fall as the minutes tick by.

  "Is everything okay Gray?" I ask, breaking the silence. As if snapping out of a trance, Grayson shakes his head rapidly then looks over at me and shows an uncomfortable smile. He tosses his phone onto the center console and takes a deep breath.

  "I didn't really get into an accident in my last truck. Well I did. My poor baby got totaled," he pauses as he looks at me. "But it wasn't an accident, I got ran off the road on purpose."

  "By who!?" I reach out for him as I ask, not wanting to believe someone tried to hurt him that bad. Or actually tried to kill him if his truck was that ruined. I mean he looked like trouble, but not that kind. Just the heartbreak kind. As my hand lands on his arm that is resting on the console he takes another deep breath.

  "My girlfriend."

  As the words left my mouth, I instantly wished I could take them back. The look on Liv's face walked a line between horror and pity. I didn't mean to scare her and I damn sure didn't want her pity.

  "Never mind—forget I said anything." I shake her hand off of me and put my truck into drive, pulling onto the dirt road to go home.

  "Wait! Grayson stop!" Liv exclaims. Ignoring her I keep driving, fumbling with my phone with my right hand trying to put on some music.

  "Grayson!" Liv grabs my phone from me and sets it down. "Grayson, please, pull over." She speaks so calmly and takes my hand so gently, before I know what I'm doing I'm pulling over and putting the truck in park. Liv lets go of my hand, takes off her seatbelt, and opens her door.

  I slam my head back against the seat. Of course she doesn't want to be around me after that bomb. God I'm such a dumbass. She probably thinks I did something atrocious to deserve it. She's probably running, trying to find a signal to have Jenna come get her. Fuck. I need to convince her to let me get her home safe and then I'll leave her —

  "Gray?" I feel her tiny hand grab my left hand off of the steering wheel. I'd been so trapped in my head I hadn't heard her open my door. "Come here," she says, with a slight pull on me. I don't know how to respond. I don't know why I'm so terrified of scaring her away. Fuck I should have kept my mouth shut. Why does she make me feel like this weak little bitch who should talk about his feelings and shit?

  With no response from me I expect Liv to give up and try to get me to leave, but instead I watch, frozen, as she reaches across me and unbuckles my seatbelt. Now grabbing both of my hands she tugs until I follow.


  So we are doing this.

  I get out and stand in front of her, taking my hat off and throwing it back into the truck. I run my hands through my hair, as she stares up at me.

  "Look Liv, it's not-" my words fail me as Liv wraps her arms around me and squeezes. She rests her head against my chest. I try not to think of how well she fits against me. Not right now idiot.

  "I'm so sorry Gray," she whispers, squeezing even tighter. I don't even know what to say, so I just wrap my arms around her too.

  I hold on tight as he finally gives in and accepts me trying to be there for him. He let's go of the breath he has been holding and rests his chin on my head.

  Amazing. This feels amazing. Like it's where I'm supposed to be. Wrapped up in the safety of this man’s arms.

  Nooooooooope. Not doing this. Just being his friend.

  "What are you doing to me Queen?" He whispers, at least that's what I think he says, probably just what I wanted to hear at this moment. I stay quiet. Selfishly not wanting to break the moment.

  "I didn't do anything to her, if that's what you're wondering. I would never. I mean I'm a dick but I would never raise my hand to a woman. It's just such a long and twisted story, and my family is so fucked up, everyone was involved in this big...thing. And my dad, well he gets into some ba—"

  "Shhhh," I pull back and place a finger over Grayson's lips. "Breathe Gray," I smile at him, noticing the pain in his eyes. "I know ok? Remember I was there when you Hulk smashed Aaron into the wall for even acting like he was going to hurt me." A smirk tugs at Grayson's lips.

  He stays quiet so I lower my hand to his shoulder. "If you want to tell me about it all right now, I'm here. We can stay here all night and you can tell me everything. But if you need more time, I'll be here then too okay? Right across the hall actually." His eyes widen in what looks like shock.

  "You still want to be around me, even with that shitty explanation?" I roll my eyes.

  "You do not own the gauntlet in fucked up families Gray." His hands move to my hips as he backs up to look at me better, his eyes are full of questions, but he stays quiet. "And one day, we will sit down and compare shitty stories, but for now, I want to get to know you." I poke him in the chest for emphasis.

  "I bet I win," he mutters through a smile.

  "I guess we will see, but for now," I pause as I pull out my phone to look at the time. 5:30, holy hell we'd been gone for a long time. "I am SO ready for some dessert!" A devilish grin lights up Grayson's face as he pulls me close again.

  "I could use some dessert," he whispers as he looks down at me. His eyes flicker down to my lips as he licks his own. I hold my breath as he lowers his head.

  "Ice cream?" He asks, before lifting his head and pressing his lips quickly to the top of my head. "I'm buying!"

  Chapter 9

  "Should we just walk in or should we knock?" Liv asks, wiggling her eyebrows as we reach her front door.

  "Well, I've seen Dax's ass plenty of times in all of our years together, so it's up to you if you want to have a glance." I joke with a laugh. We are going to ignore the fact that deep down I really need her to say she's not interested.

  "Hmmm," she taps her fingers on her chin as she thinks.

  Friends, friends, friends.

  "Na, I think I can live without that visual." Thank you Lord.

  "Hey fuckers! Virgin eyes coming in!" I shout through the door, not giving Liv any time to change her mind.

  "Virgin?" Liv raises an eyebrow as she giggles. Her eyes are sparkling. I'm staring. Stop staring headass.

  "You two are idiots." Jenna answers the door in sweats with a braided bun on her head and a green face mask on.

  "Ah!" I shout, pushing Liv behind me. "Don't worry Queen, I'll protect you!" Dax appears behind Jenna, also in sweats...also sporting a green face mask. "What the fuck bro?!"

  "Dude, it's moisturizing," Dax grins as he throws his arm over Jenna's shoulders.

  "Sure bud. I'm telling Gigi!" I grab onto Liv's hand and pull her into the room with me, heading for the couch quickly, knowing the mention of telling our oldest sister will get a reaction out of Dax. Gigi had always tried to make us do girly things with her and we had staunchly refused, because you know, tough bad boys and all. I pull Liv onto my lap for protection as I throw myself down on the couch and pull out my phone to take a picture of D.

  "I will kill you!" Dax heads for me, allowing for a wonderful full frontal pic of his

  "Get that green mess on my couch and I will kill you," Liv threatens D through her laughter. Dax pauses and I take the opportunity to snap the pic.

  "Got it. Aaaaaand sent," Dax's eyes widen. "Sent to the rest of the sisters too. Good luck bro!" The girls erupt into laughter as not thirty seconds later Daxon's phone starts blowing up. The look on his face clearly letting us all know exactly who it is.

  "I know where you sleep fuck stick," D growls out. Taking a deep breathe he accepts the call. "GIG! My beautiful sister! I miss you so!" I have to wipe the tears from my eyes from laughing so hard as he goes into automatic damage control.

  "Will she really be that mad?" Liv looks over her shoulder and asks between giggles.

  "You think my brother and I are intimidating?" I pause as Liv smiles but nods her head. "We are scared of those girls," I point after D who had wandered into the kitchen and began lightly banging his head against the wall as he took his ass chewing. Jenna goes to join him, offering some moral support I guess.

  As Liv's and my own laughter begins to die down I realize that Liv is still firmly planted on my lap. My hands automatically reach out to grab her hips. She freezes and looks back over her shoulder. A look in her eyes I can't figure out. Clearing my throat, I gently push her to stand up, maybe if I act like that’s why I touched her...not because I needed to feel her.

  "Uh, well," my voice comes out strained. Standing up in front of her I clear my throat again and smile. "Since they are in sweats, I'm gonna go get mine on. We've got beer left over from the party, want me to bring it over and we can watch a movie or something?"

  "Yeah, sounds like a plan," Liv smiles and nods at me. "Want me to come help?"

  The words leave my mouth before I realize that it sounded like I was asking if he wanted help changing his clothes. Jesus Christ.

  I can feel the heat rise up in my cheeks. A smirk tugs at the corner of Grayson's mouth.

  "I meant do you want help grabbing the beer!" I rush the words out. "Not getting undressed. I mean changing. I just," Gray's chuckle interrupts my awkward stammering.

  "I got it under control Queen, thanks though." He heads for the door, pausing as he grabs the handle, "Unless..." he shoots a wink at me before glancing down at his pants.

  "Hurry up, I need a drink." I throw a pillow at him in response and head for my room as his laughter follows me. I lean up against my door as I close it behind me.

  Holy fuck I want him.

  I guess, if I was being honest, I realized it that first night at the party. The weird draw I had towards him. I had convinced myself that night that it had just been a fluke, a lustful attraction to a handsome stranger. And I was still undecided if it was luck, fate, karma, or pure chance that we had been thrown into this bizarre neighbor situation.

  Out of all the parties in L.A. that night, out of all of the apartment complexes the twins could have chosen to move into... Was it even going to be possible to fight whatever this was? And did it even matter what I thought anyway?

  It had been Grayson's idea from the beginning to just be friends, he had made that point very clear. I mean sure he flirted here and there but, hello player. Pretty sure that was just in his nature. There's no way he was feeling this same confusion.

  At the end of it all maybe Jenna was right that morning before we went to the beach. Maybe it wasn't going to be fireworks and fairytales with him, but she did say I should have some fun while I waited for it. And I can guarantee that boy was probably a lot of fun.

  Fuck it.

  Glancing into the mirror of my vanity a smile spreads across my face. I'm going to have some fun.

  Leaning up against my door as I close it behind me I shake my head at myself. Holy fuck I want her. And not in my usual fuck it and chuck it style. I want to like... hold her hand and cuddle and shit.

  But Serafina.


  She's not like Sera. I haven't known her long but I know she isn't like her. Her eyes are too sincere, her laugh too real. The way she tried to comfort me just a few hours ago. She can't be like her.

  Fuck me. I feel my fist flying into the wall before I can stop myself. And now I'm bleeding.

  Great, now I get to explain that one. Grabbing a towel out of the laundry basket I quickly clean up what I can before digging some sweats and a hoodie out of my dresser. Heading into the kitchen my internal battle continues as I go through the fridge and begin putting cans of beer into a bag.

  Liv deserves so much better than a fuck up like me. She deserves so much more than being dragged into the dangerous world my father has us in. She deserves Prince Charming. I am far, so fucking far, from Prince Charming.

  Once the bag is filled and I run my knuckles under some cold water my mind is made up.

  Throwing my hood up I head over to the girls' apartment. The sound of Dax laughing comes through the door as I cross the hall. Guess his phone call with Gigi didn't go too bad. Switching the beer bag over to my now fucked up hand I reach up and knock.

  "Beer has arrived," announcing myself I begin to think I should have just stayed at our apartment.

  "Leave him in the hall!" D yells, making Jenna's laugh ring out.

  "Fuck y—" my words fail as Liv answers the door wearing the tightest and shortest black shorts I have ever seen paired with a cropped hoodie. Her belly button ring sparkles, drawing attention to her tanned, bare stomach. I can't stop my eyes as they run over her. Once. Twice.


  Meeting her eyes I notice they are sparkling again and then, the smirk on her lips. I know that smirk. I use that smirk.

  I invented that fucking smirk.

  "Took ya long enough," she says, walking up to me, standing close. Almost touching. She smiles up at me before slowly reaching into the bag and pulling out a beer. Popping the top and taking a slow sip, she keeps her eyes on mine.

  "Mmmm, I needed that." She turns and heads back into the apartment.

  Her ass. Her legs. Holy hell.

  She stops and turns slightly, the smirk back on her face. "You coming Gray?"

  Every single brain cell in my head is screaming at me to turn the fuck around and go home.

  "Gray?" she asks again, waving her hand motioning for me to follow her. I'm fucked. Taking a deep breath I follow her in.

  So much for that fucking decision.

  I smile at myself as I hear him following me into the apartment, towards the kitchen. I had a feeling the sweats I had chosen would grab his attention, and judging by the flash of heat in his eyes as they had scanned over me, multiple times, I think it was a safe bet to say I had succeeded.

  I keep my eyes on him as he hands Jenna and Dax a beer and then walks around the island in the kitchen to empty his bag into the fridge.

  He's got his hood pulled over his head and he avoids my eyes the whole time, like he’s trying to hide.

  Taking another drink of my beer I head over to him as he finishes up, he grabs a beer for himself and on seeing me walking towards him, he pops it open and quickly downs the whole thing. Freezing for a second I can feel my eyes widen. He glances at me before turning around to grab another.

  His eyes meet mine as he opens his new can and he raises it to me in a distant cheers. I raise mine too. Then proceed to finish it off. As he watches me it feels like the room is being filled with unspoken words. The silence builds and his eyes remain on mine, but I can't begin to try to understand what is going on in his head.

  "LIV! GRAYSON!" Jenna's voice cuts through the quiet. "The movie is starting!" Before Grayson can move I head for him again, this time grabbing his hand. He flinches.

  "Oh my God Gray, what happened?" As I glance down at our joined hands I see the angry raw scrapes across his knuckles. It looks like he punched something. And he punched it hard and recently.

  "Nothing," he mutters as he yanks his hand away from mine. He tries to walk around me but I step in front of him.

  "LIV! LIKE NOW!" Jenna yells from the living room again.

nbsp; "BE THERE IN A MINUTE!" I shout back. I look up at Grayson, who is looking everywhere but at me with both of his hands shoved into the front pocket of his hoodie.

  If there is one thing I had learned about this man in the couple of months I've known him, it’s that pushing him will get you nowhere. With a sigh I loop my arm into his and start leading him into the living room. I feel a deep breath being released as he realizes I've let it go...for now.

  "Fucking finally!" Dax says as we enter the living room. Him and Jenna are stretched across the big couch, snuggled under a blanket and ready to go. Leaving the tiny loveseat for us. I feel Gray resist my pull as I head for the couch.

  He has me so confused now I don't even know what to do. One minute he looks at me like he wants to slam me against a wall and have his way with me and now he doesn't want to sit next to me to watch a movie.

  Giving up I remove my arm from his and settle into a corner of the love seat, leaving the majority of the room for him if he decides to quit being an asshole and take it. I wrap myself up in a blanket, now feeling like I have way too little clothes on.

  After a moment Grayson finally decides to join me, but sits as far away as he can get on the small piece of furniture, being sure we don't touch.

  Whatever. I take another large pull from my drink.

  "Well, we are here, what are we watching? And if you picked a scary movie I'm never talking to either one of you again." Taking another drink, I glare as Jenna and Dax smile conspiratorially. Great.

  "I hate you both." They both begin laughing as the movie starts.

  Jenna usually hates scary movies too, but of course she has Daxon to hang onto now. And I'm totally not bitter about it as the movie goes right into its first jump scare moment and Jenna buries her face in Dax's neck.




  I glance over at Grayson, but his expression is stone cold as he stares at the t.v., steadily taking drinks of his beer.


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