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Some Way

Page 9

by Tiffany Jade

  "Sons, before you leave I have one more job for you. Actually, someone I need you to take with you back to L.A."

  Considering I did not want to go back to L.A. at all, to say I was pissed was an understatement.

  I had lived this life he wanted me to live for long enough, this was not what I wanted to do. Dax was feeling it too. This life was dangerous, which we had been trained for, but it wasn't us we were worried about.

  We had learned the hard way enough times that people around us got hurt because of who we were, who our family was, and I needed to keep Liv safe, and as far away from me as fucking possible.

  "Grayson!" Dad's no bullshit voice roared over my internal argument. I had missed everything he had said.

  "Are we clear, Son?" I nod, thinking that literally nothing else can be worse than him sending us back to California. Nothing can be worse than living across the hall from her, seeing her every day, and knowing I can't have her. But glancing over at Daxon I see that his eyes are so wide they look like they are about to pop out of his head. Giving him a confused look, I start to worry.

  As he looks over my shoulder his mouth drops. What the fu—

  "Ah, Serafina, you are late my dear! Grayson, Dax, make sure you keep her safe in L.A."




  "Fuck. You." I look directly at my Dad as the words leave my mouth. Not even giving Serafina a second glance I walk out of the room.

  "Do not disrespect me like that Son." Dad reaches for my arm as I walk past him. Turning around with a smirk on my face, I catch the dumbfounded look on D's face.

  "Excuse me," bowing my head quickly I look back at Dad, his eyes are shooting straight fire at me.

  "Fuck you. Sir."

  While I may have thought the words plenty of times over the years, that was the first time I had let them out. And I don't think I had ever felt so much rage pouring off of the old man.

  He was not used to anyone stepping up to him. As the oldest of his brothers, he was the leader. In charge of the whole family.

  I knew deep down he had to have a fucking amazing reason for having Serafina in the house, because as much of a complete dick as he was, he did care for his family. I think.


  Storming through the house, I catch the pissed off glances of my sisters as I head for the door. Passing the kitchen I vaguely hear my mom yell out at me. I know none of them want the traitorous bitch in the house either.

  Gigi, Lucy, Bria, and Zo had all but ripped her hair out with their bare hands when they found out she was in the same hospital as me. My sisters were extremely lucky Dad owned the hospital...and paid the local P.D. a hefty sum to look the other way. Serafina was extremely lucky the hospital had had security.

  I continue walking out the door and into the yard, never more thankful for the fact that our complex was out in the middle of nowhere in Upstate New York.

  Taking a deep breath of fresh air I head over to the car garage and seeing which car is first in line, I grab the key off the pegboard on the wall and jump in. Black Rover, it'll do. I back out and head out to D's and my favorite spot on the other end of the property, knowing he can come find me when he finds out what the fuck is going on.

  Out of habit I pull out my phone and check it for messages.

  Liv had quit trying to talk to me weeks ago, but it still hadn't stopped the urge to check and see if she was still trying.

  As fucked up as it was, for some reason it made me feel better to know she was thinking of me too. I pull up her contact info, God I'd kill to hear her voice right now. Even though I know the first five minutes of a conversation would be her telling me what an asshole I was, I'd get her to laugh, like every other time we talked.


  My finger hovers over the talk button.

  "Are you sober?" Jenna appears at my side with a red cup in her hand. Glancing down into my own almost empty cup I smile.

  "I'm moderately functional." I finish off my drink and begin to head to the kitchen for a refill.

  "Aaaand I'll take that as a no," I hear Jenna following me. "Dean was asking about you," tilting my head while I refill my cup, forgoing the coke and just straight Jack this time, I look sideways at Jenna. "He was wondering if you were seeing anyone." Nodding, I take a sip.

  "Nope! Not me. Single as a Pringle as you like to say." Jenna grimaces at me as I tip my cup at her and drink again.

  "Girl, calm down it’s only ten o'clock." We had arrived at the boy's house at nine, damn had it really only been an hour?

  "I'm fine, I'll slow down," I promise as I resist the urge to just pound the rest of my whiskey. Jenna gives me a weak nod.

  "Okay," pausing we both look at each other and giggle.

  "Isn't this usually the other way around?" I ask. Usually I'm the one having to remind Jenna to slow it down, she's the partier not me. I guess I just had something I was trying to forget.

  "I'll cut you some slack this time." Jenna wraps her arm around my waist, "But don't get used to it, cause this is weird!" Laughing a bit more we walk back into the living room where most of the basketball team is assembled.

  "There she is!" Dean smiles as we walk in, standing up and coming up to us Jenna pushes me into his arms.

  Subtle much.

  "Dance with me Livi?" Dean asks as he gently places his hands on my waist.

  I look up into his light blue eyes and try to focus past the blur of alcohol. I had always thought that Dean was attractive. Shit any girl with eyes would think that he was.

  With a tall and muscular frame built from years of playing sports, beautiful tattoos marking his skin, chiseled jaw, and the slightest twin dimples that he was currently showing off as he looked down at me, the boy could model.

  A million thoughts started running through my mind. Centering on someone that I shouldn't even be thinking of as it was obvious he was not thinking of me.

  "Of course Dean," smiling up at him I let him lead me over closer to the music and lean into him as he wraps his arms around my waist.

  "You're so cute when you pout like that!" Dean glares at me as I tap him on the nose before Jenna and I start dancing to the Bieber music she has playing on her phone while we stand outside.

  "I'll show you cute!" Before I can react Dean has me thrown over his shoulder and is rushing over to the in-ground pool.

  "NO! NO DEAN! I HAVE MY PHONE!" I scream and try to fight him but it's no use—the boy is way too strong. He stops short of the pool and holds me to his shoulder with one hand and reaches into my back pocket with his other grabbing my phone and gently tossing it onto the ground before jumping into the water with me.

  "I can't stand you!" I tell him as I swipe my wet hair back and rub the water from my eyes. My words mean nothing as I can't stop laughing. "I don't know why you have that smart ass grin on your face, you're just as wet as I am." I reach up and push his hair back that had fallen to his eyes. He pulls me close to him so our bodies are touching and a playful smirk plays on his lips.

  "I wanted to make sure I got to see you up close the first time I got you wet Livi," he murmurs as he tucks an errant strand of wet hair behind my ear.

  "You are terrible!" I smack him on his shoulder and try to turn away from him but I still have a smile on my face as he spins me back around.

  "I'm kidding!" He laughs as he gives me a hug. "Kind of," he smirks again before grabbing my hand.

  "Come on I'll go get us some towels, go sit over by the fire." He points over to where the rest of the team had got their fire pit up and running.

  I let him help me out of the pool and after asking what I want to drink he heads into the house to get us some towels and a beer.

  "Well, he moves quick," Jenna nudges me as I step up next to her. She smiles encouragingly.

  "He's just being friendly," I say, shaking my head scooting a little closer to the fire. California summer nights were warm, but I was soaked clear through.

  "Mhmmmm, sure
Liviiii," Jenna stretches out the nickname Dean had been calling me by as I roll my eyes. "That's why he asked me what was going on with you and Grayson."

  I wave her off as she heads over to talk to Sam and Hailey who had finally showed up. A few minutes pass before Dean steps back outside the house and waves me over. Jokingly glaring at him I walk up.

  "I realized as I was getting the towels, it would probably be more comfortable if I gave you something to change into," Dean blushes a bit and looks down at the ground. "I mean I have some basketball shorts and a hoodie....if you'd like to wear them?" He holds out a pair of his black shorts and a gigantic grey hoodie.

  How freaking precious.

  "Can you show me where I can change?" I ask him as I take the clothes from him. His blush fades as he smiles, damn those dimples.

  He wraps a towel around my shoulders and guides me into the house. He walks me down the hall and past two different bathrooms.

  "I thought you'd be more comfortable changing in my bedroom instead of the bathroom, there's a lot of guys in this house, the bathrooms can be kinda gross," he admits with a shrug.

  Laughing, I agree and follow him into a room that surprises me. Instead of what I would expect a normal college boy's room to look like, Dean's is actually very neat and put together. With a modern and simplistic design aesthetic, I’m pretty impressed.

  "Wow," I comment as I nosily look around.

  "What? Did I leave something embarrassing out?!" he glances around the room jokingly and then smiles at me. "Sorry Livi, no porn or weird fetish collections in here."

  "I meant wow as in wow it’s like actually nice in here," I giggle at his confession though.

  "'It's actually nice in here.' ...damn...I'm kind of offended." He crosses his arms across his chest and I can't stop my eyes from landing on his biceps flexing as he does so. A few drops of water dripping from the sleeves of his t-shirt fall to the floor.

  "Um, you look like you need to change too," I clear my throat and point at the water dripping from his clothes.

  "Uh yeah," he looks down like he forgot. "I'll go change over there, you change here. No peeking." He wags his finger at me before he heads over to his corner.

  He turns his back on me as he digs through his dresser for a change of clothes. Unsure if it's the alcohol clouding my judgement or the desire to get Grayson completely out of my head that guides my next steps I find myself standing behind him.

  Placing my hand on his shoulder he freezes for a second before turning around.

  "What do you need Livi?" he asks, his voice a whisper as he looks into my eyes. I stay silent as I reach for the hem of his shirt and slowly lift the wet fabric up and off of him. Drops of water run down his carved stomach. I catch the flash in his eyes as I bite down on my bottom lip. His large hands land on either side of my waist and his tongue darts out to wet his lips, but he waits. And before I can decide if this is really a good idea I'm on my tippy toes brushing my lips across his.

  All the encouragement Dean needs, he pulls my body flush with his as he bites down and tugs on my bottom lip.

  "Fuck Livi, I've wanted to do this for so long," he says, his dimples flashing one more time before he's kissing me and I'm forgetting everything I came to him to forget. Kind of.

  Dean's lips run along my jaw as his hands mess with the wet hem of my top. Playing his fingers along my stomach, I can feel my muscles clenching under his fingers. One of his hands reach to my lower back and as he splays his fingers out and pulls me even tighter against him my brain flashes to another hand, resting on my bare skin, pulling me into him.

  God I want to be in his arms again.

  "Wait Dean," I gently push back and try to untangle myself from his arms. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry," I whisper as I back away. Dean puts his hands up and backs up too.

  "No, no Livi, don't apologize. I'm sorry, that's not why I brought you into my room." He glances around until he finds a dry shirt and he quickly pulls it over his head.

  "Shit, um, hold on!" He rushes around me and grabs the clothes he had given me earlier and brings them back to me. Grabbing himself a pair of basketball shorts he heads for the door. "I'll wait for you in the hall okay, just come out when you're ready." And with that he leaves and shuts the door behind him.

  I stand in silence for a moment.

  Looking down at the clothes in my hands, I'm surprised to see they are blurry. Fuck, I'm crying. Tears slip out as I slide down to the floor. What am I doing?

  I pull out my phone, wiping away tears as I try to focus on the screen. I know it's pointless, I know that just like every other time I've pulled it out hoping to see his name on my screen, it won't be there. And sure enough, this time is no different.

  Wiping away the rest of the tears I take a deep breath. Blowing it out slowly I text Jenna, telling her I need her and I need her now. Not even two seconds later she responds. "OMW."

  Thanking God for giving me her, I force myself up and quickly change into the clothes Dean had given me.

  Luckily, the shorts had a drawstring so I could make them fit but the hoodie was a lost cause, hitting me at the knees.

  Whatever, I take the scrunchie off my wrist and throw my hair up in what I'm sure is the messiest bun ever and throw the hood up on my head as a knock sounds at the door. Rushing over to the door I quickly throw it open.

  "Well, well, well. Hey there Liv." My heart drops down to the floor as Aaron's smug face stares back at me.

  "Imagine that, finding you here! In Dean's room. Wait, I thought you were fucking that Grayson guy, or was it his twin. Both maybe?" Aaron walks into the room forcing me back.

  "Or did you finally give up on that whole, 'Waiting for the right time,' and, 'My last ex broke up with me after we slept together and I'm scared you'll do the same thing,' bullshit you fed me and decide to start fucking everybody?" A sick smile paints his face as he continues to push me further into the room.

  Anger rushes through me as he starts spouting off other reasons I had given him for not wanting to have sex.

  "Wow, all those excuses I gave you and you never thought that maybe I just didn't want to fuck you Aaron?" He stops his steps towards me as he freezes at my words. I stand up straighter and quit backing up.

  "Maybe, just maybe, you didn't do it for me. But I wanted to give you a chance. I mean you did practically beg me to date you in the first place," anger fully switched to rage at his games, I now begin walking towards him.

  "But lucky for you, there's plenty of whores out there who were fine with being your side bitch. And lucky for me I never did sleep with you, I mean when was the last time you got tested? All that cheating, you're probably a walking STD now."

  Aaron's face turns bright red, but not in embarrassment, he's fucking pissed.

  "Might wanna go get that checked."

  Shut up now, Liv!

  My brain is screaming at me but the alcohol is stronger. I tilt my head and grimace while glancing down at his probably uber infected member. "Yikes! Does it burn?"

  "Let me fucking show you," he growls as he snaps and grabs my arm. Yanking me around, he pulls me towards the bed.

  "Let me go Aaron," I tell him, trying to keep the fear out of my voice, but I know already, I pushed him too far. He ignores me and pulls harder. "AARON! LET ME GO!"

  "Hey bro, I think she wants you to let her go," a deep voice penetrates the room. Utterly calm, but full of power. Looking behind me I'm shocked at what I see.

  Holy shit.

  Chapter 11

  "I fucking hate you," I say into his chest as he wraps his arms protectively around me.

  I had stood in shock for approximately .2548 seconds before I had ran past Aaron and threw myself at him. Even with the force of my body hitting his he hadn't moved. And I would bet money he hadn't taken his eyes off of Aaron, even as he squeezed me back.

  "I know Queen," he whispers back.

  "Jesus, we can't leave you alone for two seconds Liv." I peek out from the safety of Grays
on's chest to see Dax now standing next to him. And while he shoots me a quick grin, his attention then goes right back to Aaron.

  "That was a lot longer than two seconds," I bury my face back into the comfort of Gray's hoodie. "And I fucking hate you too." Dax chuckles, but is cut off as the sound of someone else walking up interrupts.

  "What the fuck is going on here?" Dean's voice is full of surprise. But I guess I would be surprised too if I came back to a room I had left one girl in and found three guys, two of which were so pissed the heat pouring off of them could have lit a fire.

  "Liv?" reluctantly pulling back a little bit from Gray, I turn to find Dean's eyes full of confusion and a little bit of hurt as he sees my arms still wrapped around Grayson, and his arms holding me back.

  I try to back up even more but Grayson is having none of it and flexes his arms. No way in hell I'm breaking out of that, I try not to smile as his protectiveness warms my heart a bit.

  He's still a fucking asshole, and I'm still sooooooooo fucking mad at him...but it's cute.

  Starting to come down from the adrenaline of what had happened, alcohol still coursing through me, I don't even have the energy to explain, so I once again just tuck myself into Grayson and sigh.

  His arms are so warm, so strong, and he holds on so tight. I breathe in deep, not realizing just how much the smell of him had already become a comfort for me. I was still mad though.

  I would totally yell at him.


  "Well," Aaron has finally found his voice in all of this, "I hate to break up this reunion but I'm just going to g—" I feel the breeze as Dax shifts himself in front of Grayson and I, his body and Dean's now effectively blocking Aaron from leaving the room.

  "Oh no you don't bud," Dax's voice leaves no room for an argument.

  "Was she with you?" Grayson's cold tone turns to Dean.

  Oh fuck.

  I mean not that Grayson and I were together or anything but I did not want to have this discussion right now.


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