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Hot Daddy: A Billionaire Single Dad Romance

Page 40

by R. R. Banks

  “I wonder what he would think about this?” she thought to herself as she continued to rub her skin down with the soapy washcloth. “I wonder if he would want me to see other people?” She rubbed the cloth over her dark skin, covering every inch of her body with the soap before allowing the water to fall from the ceiling to rinse her off. With thoughts of her late husband on her mind, Sulagna’s thoughts continued to roam in various directions. She thought about the incredible moments they spent together and how he lived to make her happy. She thought about the birthdays and holidays that they would spend with family and friends and how they both raised an amazing woman in Mina.

  She worried about the stigma attached to going out to dinner with another man so recently after the death of her husband and how her friends, family, and colleagues would look upon her. Sulagna was, unfortunately, always concerned with her outward appearance and how people perceived her. Because of her position in the company, she was always forced to maintain a very positive image and aura about her at all times. Even though she was still in mourning and part of her felt guilty, she knew it was best for her to attempt to move on and enjoy a night out with someone else. Though worrying about the perception, she rationalized that she could equate it to a business function and, if anyone asked, tell them not to worry about it and explain that it was purely professional.

  She continued to wash herself, allowing the warm water to fall from the ceiling. With it gently pouring down her back, rolling down her dark skin and finding its way to the tile floor, she allowed her muscles to relax. Not typically tense or stressed, Sulagna’s psyche was in desperate need of a change. She reached over, grabbed a bottle of shampoo and squeezed the contents into her hand before placing the gel into her hair and massaging it in. The warm water, combined with the thick soap, warmed her scalp, soothing it. As she rubbed her hands through her black hair, her shoulder muscles started to relax as her fingers worked on her scalp. Sulagna was in a state of bliss as the water washed the shampoo from her hair and down the drain at her feet.

  With a soft exhale, she reached forward turning off the shower before turning and opening the glass door. A large pocket of steam emitted from the shower as the door opened and she took a step out onto the bathmat in front of the door. She reached to her left and grabbed a soft, white towel with the hotel’s name embroidered on it to wrap around her body before grabbing another towel to wrap around her head. Using both towels to dry herself off, she walked off of the bathmat and out into the bedroom where she would debate over what to wear for the night.

  Her options were not limited, though she was incredibly picky. Earlier in the day, she wore a purple dress, and while it was her favorite color and looked perfect on her skin, she felt that purple was not the optimum color for this evening and she needed to mix it up. She opened her garment bag and started cycling through the various dresses. She held up red cocktail dress that was low cut with very thin straps that hung down to her knees. “No, that might give him the wrong idea if I wear this,” she said, not wanting to appear too slutty and make Jacoby think that she was there to seduce him, which she had not ruled out completely. She put the dress back and pulled out a navy blue dress with a red and white horizontal stripe down the center which she typically wore when she was in France at a football match. “I wonder if he’s a fan of Paris Saint-Germain?” she asked playfully as she held the dress up, referencing her favorite team before placing that dress on the bed to pull out another. She reached in and grabbed a bright turquoise dress that Mina picked out for her with thick shoulder straps and a thin white stripe that was sewn into the fabric from just above her left breast down to her right hip. “That’s the one,” she said confidently as she held it up in her right hand before placing it on a hook outside the bathroom.

  She walked into the living room area with the two towels still on before walking to the mini-bar and pouring herself a glass of whisky. “For the nerves,” she said to herself as she filled the glass. With it firmly in her hand, she turned the glass up and set it back on the bar when the phone on the desk echoed through the room. As the thoughts of everything continued to plummet through her mind, she knew that things would only get more difficult as the night progressed. She walked over to the desk and grabbed the phone, putting the receiver up to her face and speaking politely into it. “Hello.”

  “Sulagna, I’m sorry for not texting you, but I have good news and bad news,” said Jacoby as he attempted to be playful. “The bad news is that there isn’t anywhere in the city that has any open tables tonight. I’m afraid we’re not going to be able to go out on the town.”

  “Oh, that’s not good,” replied Sulagna, thinking about how she had already gotten cleaned up for the night and now her plans were ruined. “What’s the good news?”

  Jacoby chuckled. “I can cook and you’re welcome to come over and spend the evening in my penthouse.”

  “You want me to come over to your penthouse?” she asked coyly. “Being a bit forward, aren’t we?”

  “No, not like that, but I would really enjoy more of your company and unfortunately, nowhere in the city can accommodate us,” explained Jacoby defensively. “I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable or feel that you have to, but I’d really love to cook for you tonight and spend some time with you if that’s alright.”

  Sulagna breathed softly while holding the receiver against her ear. While she was worried before about the stigma of already eating dinner with another man, going over to his home was a completely different endeavor. “You know what, I’d love to,” she replied kindly. “Amin never cooked so having a man cook for me will be an absolute treat.”

  “Great!” exclaimed Jacoby. “Can you be here in an hour? I’ll text you my address and I’ll make sure the doorman knows you’re coming.”

  “Perfect,” she replied. “I will see you then.”

  Chapter 4

  Dillon and Marisol walked along the pier in Sydney as they approached the famous Opera House. With the view of the sails in the distance as they covered the starry horizon, the two lovers held hands as they walked in stride and enjoyed each other’s company. The wooden pier was old, but reminded the area of their colonial heritage, adding to the aura and charm of the city.

  “Have you ever wondered why anyone would want to live here?” asked Dillon as they walked along the pier.

  Marisol laughed. “Because it’s beautiful?” she asked rhetorically. “Sydney is a fantastic place to live. It has all of the amenities that you can get everywhere else in the world and when most of the world is freezing, like Monaco right now, it’s nice and balmy here.”

  Dillon nodded. “Yeah, the weather is much nicer here than in Switzerland or France,” he replied. “But in all honesty, outside of Sydney, why would anyone want to live in Australia?”

  “I don’t understand why you’re asking that,” she stated in a befuddled manner. “I think I’ve already answered that question.”

  “No, think about it,” he replied. “Why would anyone want to live in a place where the bulk of the flora and fauna want to kill them!”

  Marisol laughed as she realized Dillon was joking. “What flora and fauna?”

  “Do you think koalas are cute?”

  “Of course,” she replied. “They’re adorable and I hope I get to hold one while we’re here.”

  “Are you sure you want that?” asked Dillon. “I saw a video online of one eating someone’s face because they hadn’t had any eucalyptus for hours. Those little things are supposedly giant devils.”

  Marisol continued to laugh. “You’re making that up!”

  “Hey, if it’s on the internet, it has to be true,” continued Dillon playfully. “Besides, look at kangaroos. If one of those kicks you in the head, the force alone would sever it from your shoulders in seconds. How about out in the ocean to your right. There are sharks and stingrays that would happily eat you without thinking twice. Yeah, there are some beautiful sites out there, but this pla
ce is deadly and if you walk out into the outback, you’re asking for your life to end.”

  “What about all of the snakes and spiders? Are you going to mention how this place is full of the world’s most dangerous species of those?” she continued, goading him on a bit.

  “Now that you mention it, I think I might,” he stated sarcastically.

  “Please don’t,” she requested with a soft tone. “I’ll take your word for it.”

  Dillon laughed. “You don’t have to take my word for it. It’s on the internet.”

  Marisol laughed again. “So, then it has to be true?”

  “Absolutely,” he continued as they approached a small café on the pier. With only ten tables, the café was one of the top spots for all the locals to eat because most tourists were not patient enough to wait for a table. “Hey there,” said Dillon as he walked up to the hostess standing at the gate. “I have a reservation for Flannigan.”

  The hostess, a young girl barely over seventeen, stood still and looked at her clipboard. Her brown hair was restrained in a pony-tail behind her and she wore tightly fitting blue jeans and a pink t-shirt. “I love your jeans,” complimented Marisol as the hostess found their name. “I wish I had your hips so that I could pull off those.”

  “What do you mean? You have great hips,” stated the hostess in an awkward tone, clearly not used to talking fashion with a woman from Spain.

  “Sometimes, when I wear anything denim, my hips are too large for the tight legged cuts,” replied Marisol. “It’s unfortunate, and why I only have one pair of jeans in my closet that I’m honestly afraid to wear.”

  The young girl nodded as she smiled, highlighting her white, straight teeth. “It’s not something that I think about much, but I understand,” she replied. “I have to try on five or six pairs of jeans before I finally settle on one. The struggle is real.”

  “It is,” continued Marisol as Dillon looked on with a confused gaze. Marisol turned her head and noticed his blank expression before shaking her head. “He owns seven versions of the same pair of khaki pants,” she said to the hostess, referencing Dillon as she laughed. “I swear to you, I never have to worry about what he’s going to wear because it’s usually the same version of the same thing.”

  “I wish my boyfriend was like that,” the young hostess replied. “I swear, he wears pants that are a different color every day and they never match anything else he wears. The other day, he wore pants that were bright red with a shirt that, I kid you not, was highlighter yellow. I joked with him that he could pass for a constable directing traffic because everyone on the roads would see him.”

  Marisol laughed. “Oh, I bet that was funny.”

  “It was, and it’s not even the worst,” she replied. “But, your table is ready. Let me take you to it. I’ll have you know, our special tonight is swordfish that we purchased at the market this morning. The captain of that ship claims to have caught a few yesterday, so they’re incredibly fresh.”

  “Oh, I do enjoy swordfish,” said Dillon as he nodded in approval. “If it’s made right, it’s incredible.”

  “Well our executive chef is having a great night, so I’m sure you’ll be impressed,” continued the young girl as she led them to their seat. “Your server will be with you shortly, and if you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask.”

  “Thank you,” replied Marisol as she reached for the glass of water that was already waiting for her at the table, sipping on it before placing it back in front of the plate. “Where did you hear about this place?”

  Dillon looked over the small, one page menu for a brief moment before putting it down and smiling at Marisol. “Honestly, Jenkins told me about it,” he replied. “He told me that this is one of his favorite places to eat whenever he has to be in Sydney for business.”

  Marisol laughed as she looked up at the front door to see Nathanial Jenkins and his new girlfriend, Alexis Matthews, walk in. “Oh, this could get awkward,” she stated quietly as she stared at the door, prompting Dillon to turn around and sigh.

  “You’re absolutely right,” he said. “This sure could.”

  Nathanial walked into the restaurant behind the hostess with Alexis closely behind him. He turned to see that Dillon and Marisol were sitting at the table beside them. “What are you doing in Sydney?” he said as he turned his head to look at Dillon with a coy smile. “I thought you’d be in Wellington handling that new company.”

  “Well, a lot of what we do is based out of Sydney,” replied Dillon as he remained seated to look up at Nathanial. “Wellington, New Zealand, has a large port and our offices are there, but with Sydney pretty much being the hub for the entire south pacific region, it only makes sense for me to be here from time to time. We’re actually in talks of opening up a satellite office here so that we can have better communication with Alexis, seeing as how she operates now almost exclusively here.”

  Alexis grinned as she walked up and shook Marisol’s hand. “Hi, you must be Marisol. I’m Alexis; I’ve heard so much about you.”

  “Charmed,” replied Marisol as she looked at Alexis in her eyes. “I’ve heard a great deal about you as well. My boyfriend says you are a very shrewd and savvy administrator. One of the best he has ever had the privilege to work with.”

  “I’m still learning my trade but I like to think that I’m getting better at what I do every day,” she replied in a humble tone. “What I do is perceived as boring to most, but I love it and wouldn’t want to do anything else with my life.”

  “I understand,” said Marisol as she stood up from the table. “Why don’t the two of you join us? We just got here so there really wouldn’t be much of a wait.” She stepped around the table and walked over to the chair beside Dillon as she motioned at the seat she just vacated and the chair beside it. “We’d love to spend some time with the two of you.”

  Alexis looked over at Nathanial and shrugged her shoulders. “Why not?” she asked. “I do enjoy good company.”

  “Yeah, why not,” said Nathanial as he pulled out the chair for Alexis. “I wouldn’t mind catching up with Dillon and find out what they have brewing across the ocean from us.”

  The two sat down at the table across from Dillon and Marisol as the waiter came up to the table. “Good evening,” he greeted politely. “I see that you two moved over here, so thank you for making my life a bit easier tonight,” he joked. “My name is David and I’ll be your server. I’m sure the lovely lady at the gate told you about our swordfish, but we do have a few other options if you’re looking for something a bit different. Can I get you guys something from the bar?”

  “Yes,” stated Alexis without much thought, prompting a quick laugh from Marisol at the speed of her response. I need the biggest glass of Chardonnay you can carry.”

  “I can bring you a bottle and a straw,” joked the waiter again, making the rest of the table laugh at Alexis’s expense.

  “Tell you what, you can bring me a bottle and a glass,” she replied happily. “The straw is optional.”

  The waiter chuckled. “Aye, I love a woman who knows what she wants. Anyone else or are you going to try and fight the bottle from her?”

  “May lose a few digits if they try that,” quipped the American as she looked at the one page menu.

  “I’ll take an old-fashioned,” stated Dillon as he looked across the table at Nathanial.

  “Make that two,” said Nathanial as he nodded. “I could go for some whisky tonight.”

  Marisol shook her head. “Clearly, I’m supposed to be the responsible one,” she said coyly.

  “We walked here,” stated Dillon plainly. “They don’t arrest people for walking under the influence here.”

  “Fair enough,” she replied as she shrugged her shoulders and looked up at the waiter. “Bring me the same bottle of wine you’re bringing her, and I will take a straw.”

  “Well how about that then,” replied the waiter with a smile. “Gentlemen
, be careful. It’s always a great night when your dates out drink you.”

  “That’s every night,” said Nathanial.

  The waiter laughed as he turned and walked away, headed to the bar to get their drinks started. “So, a satellite office?” asked Nathanial. “Why would you want to have to come here? No one should want that. This place will kill you!”

  “I know!” exclaimed Dillon as both Alexis and Marisol looked on with a sigh. “Everything on this continent will kill you with a crooked smile on its face. It’s not right, the rate in which things here can end your life.”

  “Nowhere else in the world is it like that,” continued Nathanial. “I’ve been all over the world, and never, and I mean, never, do I fear for my life more than I do in Australia.”

  “I think both of you are a couple of chickens,” quipped Marisol as Alexis giggled. “This place is full of splendor and beauty. So what if there are spiders here that can kill you in three days. At least you will go out with a grand view and wonderful experience.”

  Nathanial and Dillon both shook their heads. “I can think of a lot better views I’d rather have than going out from a spider bite,” replied Nathanial as he smiled across the table at Marisol. “I know where these two yanks are from, but you have a beautifully thick Spanish accent. What part of the Iberian are you from?”

  Marisol smiled. “You picked up on my accent that quick?”

  “I’ve been all over the world and I’ve spoken to many people,” explained Nathanial. “I’ve heard hundreds of dialects and I can typically place the ones that sound the most prominent. Yours is incredibly easy because I’d bet a small fortune you speak Castilian Spanish as your first language.”

  She laughed. “You are correct,” she answered quickly. “I am from Valencia.”

  “Oh that’s a beautiful place,” continued Nathanial. “It’s probably my second favorite city in Spain.”


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