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Hot Daddy: A Billionaire Single Dad Romance

Page 101

by R. R. Banks

  He stood and stretched bringing Eliana to her feet. “Can we go home now?”

  “I want to check on our mystery woman first. Gyyx needs to stop being so damn stubborn, and he was probably going to, but we came banging on the door before he had more than an hour alone with her.”

  They walked over to his lost brother. “Hey dude, sorry things didn’t go as planned.”

  “I’ll do it, but not here. I won’t make this medical. I want to take her home with me. I want to clean her up. I want so much,” he said softly.

  “Then do that. She will be okay with you. I have a feeling she’d probably rather have that kind of privacy anyways.”

  “You really think so?”

  “I do. I don’t know why. I can’t explain it, but it’s this feeling I get. I learned a long time ago to follow my gut. I think you should take her home. Make it more personal rather than medical. This place is too sterile.”

  “Hey it’s supposed to be,” Ciyrs said freighting offense.

  Gyyx chuckled. “Okay but if something bad happens, you’ll come right?”

  “Of course.”

  “Thank you.” Gyyx picked her up in his arms and Eliana made sure her body was covered fully.

  “He’ll be okay and so will she. I hate seeing him so sad. His eyes match the sorrow I saw in hers before she went unconscious.”

  Ciyrs didn’t want to think of anything sad. He wanted to take his mate home and make love to her all night long. He wanted to celebrate his new gift. He wanted to celebrate life. He figured the Klimnu would need to regroup and maybe they’d get a break from attacks; at least for a while.

  But what does that mean for later? Are they gone for good or just regrouping to bring a massive force the next time around?

  (To be Continued in Part V… )

  Book 5 – Bonded by Alien Prince

  Chapter 1

  Gyyx knew it was time to test out Eliana’s theory. Hell, everyone told him it was a good idea. Eden, Pyra, and Ciyrs watched him in torment as he held back from touching her in any way other than loving. He wanted her to wake up. What if the only way to wake her was to violate her? Then she would never forgive him or trust him. That was his fear. But the worst of it all: what if his touch wasn’t enough? What if she never woke up?

  He thought about all those things each day sitting by her side. He had taken her home—to his home three days before, and instead of touching her he spent the majority of his time sitting by her side or down in his basement training room. He didn’t answer the door when anyone knocked either. He needed to be alone, and after the first day everyone seemed to get that.

  Gyyx stepped out of the shower and took a deep breath. He shaved off his scruff and sighed. He couldn’t take it anymore. It was time to listen to everyone else. Dropping his towel he slipped on some very light shorts and made his way to his room where his mate lay. She hadn’t moved at all since he laid her there, yet she looked so peaceful, like she was only sleeping.

  She was so tiny. Every part of her was small, and he worried about that when she woke up, because she would fucking wake up. He couldn’t give up hope on that. Her hair was long and black with some sort of funky cut. He didn’t know her eye color or anything else about her. He just knew he would have to be very gentle with her.

  He lay on the bed next to her and kissed her cheek. Her small nose twitched, and he watched hoping her eyes would open on their own, but nothing happened. He slid his arm over her waist and held her. “I really hope you won’t be pissed at me sweetheart. I’ve waited hoping you’d come back to me on your own.” As he spoke he slid the tip of his finger down her thin arm. She was pale and nearly skin and bone.

  Gyyx was stubborn. For hours he lay holding her willing her to wake up, but it was no use. He knew she needed more help.

  The next time he heard the knock he knew it was his father and he couldn’t ignore him anymore. He kissed her on the mouth and sighed. “I’ll be back, sweetheart.”

  He went to his door and let his dad in.

  “She isn’t awake yet?”

  “No, I can’t bring myself to touch her. Not without her consent. It’s wrong.”

  His dad nodded. “Now son, normally I would agree with you, but she has been out for what a week now?”


  “Ciyrs and Eden have tried everything they can think of?”

  Again he nodded. “Yes.”

  “Maybe it’s time to be unconventional. I know you wouldn’t do anything to hurt her, and if Ciyrs is right and she is aware and unable to wake up, she can hear your hesitance. If you can get her to wake up and if she is angry you can explain it to her.”

  “If she doesn’t run the opposite way. Dad, could you have done that?” He didn’t like thinking about his parents, but he needed to know.

  “I would have probably been stubborn like you, but in the end yes, if it saved her and brought her back to me. I know it’s hard, but look at your mate. What if she cannot wake up without you? Could you forgive yourself if she never wakes up because you can’t let go of your morals for something important?”

  Gyyx shook his head. “I guess not. I know I need to at least try. It’s just hard to… you know?”

  “Maybe come to dinner and get—”

  “No I won’t leave her.”

  “Very well, but soon you’re going to have to. Your mother is worried and wants to make sure you’re okay.”

  “Of course, I’m not okay.”

  “Son, don’t be so stubborn. Either go now and see your mom or you’re coming over tomorrow. I won’t take her being upset anymore.”

  Gyyx sighed. “I don’t mean to upset her. I’ll go tomorrow, but I need someone here with my mate.”

  “I’ll stay while you have a lunch with your mom.”

  “Okay, then I’ll see you tomorrow.” He rushed to get his dad out of his house. He didn’t like talking to anyone. He didn’t want to be told what to do, and he felt horrible he had upset his mother, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave the beautiful and vulnerable woman in his bed.

  His dad got the hint and smiled pulling him into a hug. “Just do it son, you don’t have to have sex with her, use your damn fingers.”

  He choked and pulled back. “Damn dad, that doesn’t make me want to do anything now. I don’t need you to tell me the same thing everyone has, and I mean everyone. I get it. I need to freaking give my woman, who is unconscious, an orgasm. Yay for me I get to be a fuckin’ pervert.”

  “Oh Gyyx you’re so far from that, but I get it. I know it’s difficult, but hell we want her awake nearly as much as you. She’s family after all. We all want to know what happened. How those slimy bastards got her, and of course we want to figure out what she knows.”

  Gyyx glared. “You won’t be questioning her as soon as she wakes up. She’s going to need time. I won’t allow it, and I don’t care what you do to me.” His eyes flared orange and his body shook with rage. No one would bombard his mate.

  His dad held up his hands. “I didn’t mean right away, son. I’ll let your tone go only because you’re my son and you’re under a lot of pressure right now, but don’t think for a minute you tell me what to do. I’m not only your father, I am the king and you will do as I say, when I say.”

  Gyyx paled. It wasn’t often he was on the other end of his dad’s power and he found he didn’t like it. “Yes, sir,” he said through clenched teeth.

  His dad nodded and he didn’t miss his smirk before he spun and left Gyyx alone.

  Chapter 2

  It was time to grow a pair and bring his mate back, and if that meant touching her in ways he only allowed himself to dream of then so be it. No one would leave him alone about it, and he knew deep down they were right. There was nothing in any of her tests that showed something was wrong. She was 100 percent healthy except for the fact she wouldn’t fucking wake up. Ciyrs had tried everything, done every test he could think of and so had Eden.

  He locked his door yet agai
n and made his way back to his room where she lay peacefully. This time he slid under the blanket and pulled her close. She was definitely warm. Her skin was smooth. He felt like a giant compared to her. She was small, and she was perfect. He could treat her like a delicate flower if she so desired. She was already his everything, and he didn’t even know her. He didn’t have to. All he needed to know was that she was his.

  He took a deep breath and nuzzled her neck as he lifted the shirt Eliana had put on her. Running his fingers over her smooth skin he closed his eyes and took in her scent. She felt warm and good lying next to him. He yearned for her touch. Sliding his hand up he ran his finger over her bare nipple and swore he heard her gasp, but when he pulled back there was nothing.

  Now he watched her and continued massaging her small breasts. He loved how soft her skin was and after taking it slow he slid his hand back down her torso. He dipped his hand beneath her panties and gasped. She was wet. He locked his eyes on her face as he ran his finger over her in slow circles.

  At first nothing changed, but then her body began to shake. He kept his eyes on her for any sign of discomfort or waking up. Her eyes fluttered behind her closed lids and he leaned forward and kissed her lips. They were warm and a bit dry but he didn’t care. Then he slid a finger inside of her rocking it into her like he would if he were making love to her. It wasn’t long before he felt her body tighten up.

  Her body jerked, and he felt the rush of her orgasm right before she screamed. Gyyx held her body as she shook with her climax before he slid his finger out. When he looked at his mate her eyes were open and the most beautiful brown eyes stared back at him. Her lips were parted, and she let out a moan to rival the goddesses.

  “Thank fuck you’re awake!” Gyyx lifted her into his arms and held her close. She lay limply until he started to sob. For the first time in a very long time he let go of all the emotions he had held back.

  She was slow to move, but her thin arm wrapped around his neck and her fingers ran through his flattened Mohawk. He vibrated by her touch, and when she pulled his head back he looked at her with tear filled eyes.

  She shook her head and he wasn’t sure if she could talk, but then she pressed her lips against his lightly. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He smiled. “Anytime, sweetheart. Let me get you something to drink.”

  She nodded and he slid her off of his lap and onto the mattress before springing out of bed to go get her a drink. He came back with a cold glass filled to the brim with ice and water. He stuck a straw in the glass to make it easier.

  He held the glass as she sipped her water watching him with what looked like curiosity.

  When she spit the straw out he set the glass on the table next to his bed. “What’s your name?”

  “Leia and you’re Gyyx?” She pushed her stringy hair from her face and blushed. “I said it right?”

  She did and he nodded. “So you were aware while you were—sleeping?”

  “Yes, I tried to wake up, but it felt like I was being chained down. I couldn’t wake up no matter how much I tried. I listened. You shouldn’t have been upset. It wasn’t your fault I wasn’t waking up.”

  “I thought by doing what I just did, it would be violating you. I couldn’t bear to do it without your permission.”

  “Thank you for that. It’s very sweet that you struggled so badly to touch me that way.”

  “So you heard everything huh?”

  She nodded and gave him a small smile. “I did.”


  She chuckled but it turned into a cough, and he quickly grabbed her water so she could get a drink. “I’m still so tired. I didn’t exactly sleep during those days. I was constantly trying to break out of whatever held me back. It was strange, I was in my own head, it was like sleep paralysis but more intense and let’s just say I never want to experience anything like that again.”

  “Then you need to rest.”

  Her eyes lit up and she gasped. “Where’s the girl who saved me? I want to thank her. She could have left me instead of dragging me out of that hell.”

  “She’s here still. After you rest and stuff, everyone will want to meet you. You’re my mate.”

  She blushed. “I gathered, from what everyone said. I soaked in a lot of information while I was out.” She reached out and grazed his cheek. “It’s why your eyes are orange right?”

  “Yes,” he whispered.

  She tilted her head to the side. “So because I’m your mate, touching me—intimately was able to pull me out of whatever was going on with me?”

  He shrugged. “I guess so. It was Eliana’s idea. I fought it for several days, but after my father came today, well I needed to just try. I hope you aren’t angry with me.”

  She shook her head. “No I’m not. Right now I’d like for you to lay with me and sleep. You didn’t really sleep much either, and I think we could both use some rest.”

  He yawned and nodded. “I was afraid to sleep.”

  “Shh. It’s all right I get it.” The she laid down pulling him down too. She held his hand, and he buried his face into her hair breathing her in.

  “Don’t stay asleep this time.”

  “I won’t,” she muttered and then her breathing evened out.

  Gyyx listened to her soft snores until he too fell asleep. She was home and everything was okay in his world.

  Chapter 3

  When I woke up everything was surreal. For months I had been locked away in the darkness, and now I lay next to a man who I knew grieved for me, even though he didn’t even know me. I felt his growing affection and worry over me the whole time I was out.

  He smiled in his sleep and pulled me closer. I lay still hoping to let him sleep for a bit before I needed to get up. I’d been in bed too long.

  He was handsome and sweet. More loyal than anyone I had ever met. I knew instinctively that he would never do me wrong.

  I covered his hand with mine and ran my finger along his knuckles and he shivered. His giant body crowded against me and his face nuzzled my neck. I felt the goosebumps from his breath before his lips touched the skin.

  He didn’t say anything as he kissed my neck with slow pecks as his large hand slid up to cup my breast. He groaned when I pushed back against him. I loved his touch. There was something so—mesmerizing about it. He moved slowly, but he knew what he was doing, and there was no doubt he would please me.

  “You’re so perfect,” he whispered.

  I chuckled because that was so far from the truth. I lay on my back and gave him better access to my body. I’d never craved anyone like I craved him, and even though I didn’t really know him, I felt this strange connection. I felt him when I was out. I heard him and listened to everyone else talk about him. I’d learned a lot about him.

  When his hand slid down my body I tensed waiting for him to touch me where I craved him the most. But he didn’t. Instead he flattened his hand across my abdomen holding his trembling hand in place.

  I looked over to see bright orange eyes staring at me. Instead of saying anything I licked my lips and pushed his hand lower and pleaded with my eyes. His flared brighter when he felt my heat. I wore only panties.

  “Are you sure?” he asked in a low voice.

  I nodded. “Please, I think I need you.” Then I lifted my hips pushing into his hand to prove my point.

  He leaned in and kissed me before sitting up. At first I wasn’t aware of what he was doing until he slid me into the middle of the bed and then in a surprising move he ripped the panties from my body. I gasped when I felt myself dampen more and spread my legs for him.

  Instead of doing what I wanted though, he lifted me and pulled the shirt over my head leaving me naked. I shivered from the chill, but the way he looked at me heated me back up real quick.

  “You’re so small, I’m afraid to hurt you.”

  I laughed. “I’m made of sturdy stuff.”

  He raised a brow.

  “I’m tougher than I loo

  He nodded and in a slow move ran his finger along my slit. I bit my lip and lifted my hips. I needed more than light touches. For days I lay unconscious waiting to see how long it would take him to do what all the others told him he needed to do. Every time he touched me it was so sweet and loving. I wanted something more passionate.

  “Stop holding back.”

  “I have to or I’ll lose control.” He sounded so pained.

  I took a deep breath and sat up. I cupped his jaw and peering into his orange eyes. “I want you to fucking touch me the way you would any other woman. Don’t look at how small I am. Show me how much you want me.” I kissed him and when he would have pulled back I pressed my naked body against him. He groaned and his hand gripped my ass holding me against his growing erection. I gasped and squirmed trying to get closer. That was what I wanted—needed.

  When I sucked his tongue in my mouth he yanked his mouth back with wide eyes and slammed me down on the bed. I gasped and laughed until I felt his cock poised to enter me. Then I moaned when he rubbed the tip against my clit.

  “I won’t be able to make love to you the way I want to.”

  I shook my head near tears because I wanted him inside of me so badly. I’d never felt such arousal over something as small as manhandling me. “I don’t care. We have the rest of our lives right?”

  He nodded licking his lips. “If I hurt you in any way you have to tell me okay?”

  “I will I promise. Now fuck me dammit!”

  That must have been the last straw as he slammed into me. I screamed in both pain and pleasure as the tip of his cock hit the back of my inner walls. I gasped for breath from the force and kept my eyes locked on his. He pulled back and in the same move he slammed into me again. This time it was a bit lighter.

  “Don’t stop,” I begged.

  He growled and kissed me demanding I open for him so I did. His tongue fought mine for control and I submitted. I let him have me the way he needed. I didn’t know how I knew it but there was something that told me he needed me to just let him do what he wanted. I had no problem submitting to him. He was my mate after all. I felt a stirring of my climax coming and pressed my hips against him before I pulled back from his kiss. Panting I smiled and rubbed his cheek. “Take me Gyyx, I’m yours.”


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