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Tale of a Tooth

Page 9

by Rogers, Allie;

  Then suddenly a surprise my tummy leaped of it! Jane! Jane came walked by the books a piece of paper in her hand looking down.

  I pressed my nose on the window cold. Inside was warm. Inside was Jane.

  Oh well that’s that then. Come on, Danny.

  I standed still watched Jane in the library. Best like a YouTube. A good one.


  Dan, come on! They’re closed. Come on.

  Jane walking in the library I putted my hand on the window for a spell. Jane looked up in my eyes. I blinked away it the suddenness of it. But I was glad. Jane waved. Pointed sideways. Meemaw taked my hand.

  Come on, I think…

  Jane on the other side of the door. Behind the rumpled glass. Rattle of a key rattle and there was Jane in the dry warm.

  Hello! Hello, Danny! Is everything all right? We just closed at four, I’m afraid.

  Jane all folded on her forehead.

  It’s very kind of you to open the door. I’m sorry to bother you, it’s just we were in earlier and I think I might have dropped my tobacco.

  Jane smiled.

  Michael found some tobacco under the computer table and I did wonder if it was yours.

  Jane holded the door wider open.

  I can’t really let you in to the library proper, but if you just wait here a minute, I’ll get it.

  We waited in the corridor of spinny things of leaflets. I spinned it spinned it squeee squeee.

  Careful with that, Dan!

  I taked one leaflet of a castle Meemaw watching.

  Just one, Danny, okay?

  It said Arundel Castle a castle of a moat and dragons maybe. Meemaw taked a leaflet too. She opened it out like a paper door. Reading fast fast. Ticker ticker eyes. Blue on the front. Welfare Rights Advice.

  Jane came back.

  Here you go!

  Meemaw putted her tobacco in her pocket and the foldy leaflet.

  I’m so grateful. Thank you.

  Jane putted her hands in her trousers pockets taked them out again.

  No problem. How are you, Danny? What happened to your head?

  My hood pushed up my hair. The lump was there I had forgetted. Lump to be seen. I touched with my one finger. Not so hurty.

  I banged it on the bath.

  Ouch! Have you got far to go in the rain? It looks torrential!

  Meemaw taked my hand. Arundel Castle in the other one.

  Not far really and he likes the puddles. Don’t you, Dan?

  I didn’t say of it. I standed close of Jane. The dry smell and good. Quietness of Jane.

  Come on, love.

  Bye, Danny. See you soon.

  Then we went. Jane rumpled behind the glass. Her red jumper shape locking the door. Gone. I scrunchled up Arundel Castle.

  Give me that, Dan, if you’re just going to destroy it.


  Please yourself.

  We stopped at the bus stop even though not for our bus. Under the roof for a shelter. Meemaw maked a rolly.

  Spiney drinked fourteen drops of runny water of the glass. Meemaw getted out her phone did a sigh looked out the window too. Her smoke all round her. At the end she squish squashed her rolly. Throwed it in the bin.

  Come on then. Home.

  We went home the special way. Little roads. Meemaw letted me walk in the rivers. Rivers of the edge with things swooshing by. Crisp packet green and a dummy of a baby.

  Water leaped icy icy cold in my welly. Inside gone wet and cold. It hurted then. I cried didn’t say.

  What is it? What’s the matter?

  Long walk on and on.

  What’s the matter, Danny? If you don’t tell me I can’t know. I don’t know why you’re crying, Danny.


  At home I was still crying of it. Meemaw taked off my wellies. Little toe was gone shiny pinkle all on its side. White skin like a teeny worm pulled off it.

  Ooh, was that hurting?

  Meemaw holded my foot in her warm Meemaw hand.

  You should have said, you silly sausage.

  My foot in the warm Meemaw hand. She cutted sticky plaster wrapped it on littlest toe.

  Your boots have got too small. That’s all that growing you’re doing.

  I didn’t say of words but looked at Meemaw for her colour not finding it.

  It’s okay, love, it’s not a wrong thing. We’ll get you a new pair next month.

  Meemaw went to put the plaster away. I went in my jumper.

  We’re having a big potato for tea, have a look!

  I putted one eye out. Meemaw was holding a fat stoney potato.

  It’s for sharing, okay?

  Is there cheese?

  A mouse bite and you can have it.

  I keeped my one eye out spied at Meemaw doing cooking. She looked at her phone scrubbled the potato with green cloth very fast. Wiped her hands on her jeans looked at her phone. Stagged stagged the potato five times of the very pointy knife. Looked at her phone.

  Can I go on your phone?

  You may as well.

  Meemaw did the numbers for unlock.

  In my jumper on YouTube I finded Tale of a Tooth again. Meemaw called in.

  Blimey, that bloke’s got a great voice, who is he?

  I didn’t say. Busy. All the words and great feet of the dinosaurs. Meemaw came close close her face just outside my jumper. Eye peeping in the little holes.

  Who’s your friend, Danny?

  Walter Kronkite.


  Meemaw still standed there.

  Will you be a palaeontologist one day?

  I am one. I’m William Buckland and you can be one of the other clever men.

  Meemaw laughed. Meemaw laughed on on.

  When Tale of a Tooth was over our flat was the round smell of the potato cooked. A good smell. Meemaw cutted it open. All its hotness came out.

  Mind the steam.

  She putted a big splat of marg inside.

  Meemaw’s half was all the black dots of pepper. Mine was better of shiny yellow cheese. Soft melty.

  Go on, have the skin too, it’s the best bit.

  I leaved it on my plate. Meemaw eated it. Meemaw looked at her phone pushed it across the table. She was gone to grey.


  Today after breakfast and bed put away I was looking out the window. A man came to the steps. A Amazon man. He has come before the Amazon man.

  Amazon man bringed a cardboard thing for upstairs man to have. Upstairs man is all the time at work so we look after it for him and mustn’t open it Danny not ours.

  Meemaw was cleaning the toilet. It was the buzz buzz smell of bleach. Don’t touch it can hurt your skin. He brrrringed the bell.

  Meemaw! A Amazon man!

  Meemaw put her head out the bathroom door.


  It’s a Amazon man at the door.

  She pulled off yellow gloves wiped her hands on her jeans. Meemaw opened our door then the other door. I peeped by the crack.

  Yeah, sure, no problem.

  But fast talking of go away and leave me alone. She scribbled on a little screen.


  The man was gallopy away down the steps quick.

  Meemaw putted the cardboard thing on the floor by the door.

  This isn’t for us, Danny. So no touching, remember?

  I didn’t say. Meemaw went to hurry back in the bathroom. I looked at it the Amazon thing very flat.



  Will I have a allosaur for my birthday?

  We’ll see.

  You can get them on Amazon.

  Danny, I told you not to go on Amazon!

  I went to by the bathroom door. Meemaw went flush of the toilet all bubbles in it.

  I ‘spose you see adverts… You’re a liability now you can read.

  It’s £12.99 I want it.

  I said we’ll see, Danny.

  Meemaw pulling off the yellow rubbery gloves again. One day I cutted wit
h the scissors and feeled very good. All the fingers falled down in the bath. Meemaw shouted.

  The trouble is I don’t have the right sort of bank card to order things on the internet, love. We’ll have to look for one in the shops.

  Meemaw you get the other card the card for on the internet.

  It’s not up to me, Danny, that’s the bank’s decision.

  The bank is a app not decisions. Meemaw telling nonsense today.

  We can see what they have in the toy shop.

  I looked at Meemaw for serious and I mean it.

  That will be a actual disaster Meemaw no allosaur.

  Danny, it’s months until your birthday. Let’s just see okay?

  Meemaw putted away the plates of breakfast time.

  Today’s a busy day, Dan, I want to see if we can get some of this council tax nightmare sorted out.

  Is it a appointment?

  It is. But it shouldn’t take long. There might be time for the park after.

  Not might be. Park today.

  Meemaw did a sigh of long air. She was grey not too dark. Swirly.

  I think we’d better put another bit of plaster on that toe, love.

  I went in my jumper while Meemaw did it.

  Keep still, Danny!

  I didn’t. I maked my foot squirmy. Meemaw holded tight in her warm hand. Nice and hold on. But she letted go again.

  Shoes on then.

  I did my shoes. Velcros pressing.

  Damn it!

  Meemaw speaked of dropping something but nothing had dropped. Meemaw looking at her phone.

  I haven’t charged my phone. Oh, what the hell! Let’s just leave it. It’s not like I’m in demand.

  She plugged the phone in by the kettle very hard. She was pushing the plug and twiddle the little charger into the phone bot. Angry hands.

  Meemaw’s head hanged down. In her grey came blue too. Meemaw came to a sea creature. Meemaw whale standed in our kitchen. She rocked a very small rocking. Whale in the sea. I watched her a waiting time. It was a strangeness.

  We put our coats on and went out. Upstairs man’s cardboard thing stayed by my wellies. Not a allosaur in it too flat.

  Meemaw’s coat has a little line of gritty on now. Gritty on the velvety of getting very wet then to dry. On the bus I sitted close and rubbed it. All the gritty rumpled away. Soft again and better.

  At Asda a lady getted on her bot big it falled over the tippy seat. I looked looked. She had a walky stick orange flowers on it and a wheely trolley four wheels. She maked a puff puff noise and smiling.

  Hello darling!

  A man his little girl in a buggy pink pink. On her head a butterfly. She had a dummy and bottle for a baby. Purple drink in. The man was thin nearly see-through white skin. He putted his hand in the front of his shiny joggers. Rude to touch your private parts in public.

  The bus did whizz away quick at the stops. A wobbly old man nearly falled on Meemaw. He smelled of medicine and minty. By the big roundabout I standed up.

  We’re not getting off here today. A few more stops. Sit down.

  I sitted down again. Meemaw had hided her colour all completely. Meemaw was gone far away and not for talking to.

  We went to a new place. Five stops more and then get off. It was a new street I never was in. Tall trees leafy shushing on the sky. We walked along. I did jump the lines of mossy green and dark. I liked it that street.

  I think this is it…

  Meemaw stopped. We went up steps on a big building maked of bricks. Reddy orange and lots of corners on it. Tall.

  The door was dark green and little windows maked of colour glass. One broken a piece of wood on. Shiny silver tape stucking it in.

  Meemaw opened it and inside was a floor black and white diamonds. This way that way to the edges. I liked it. It captured my eyes very fast. It maked its own noise come in me.


  Shh, Danny love.

  A white door then a room of blue carpet tiles of hairy like home. People on orange seats all around the edge like at the doctor’s for waiting.

  The wall was big faces of people painted on. People all different coloured of skins. Scary faces of too much teeth. But a rainbow over them and rabbits in the corners of brown and green eyes. Three for each corner.

  I have to ask in there, Danny.

  Meemaw went by a open door. A desk man just inside. I went to the corner. I touched the rabbits one two three by a old lady. Not too close Danny. But they were good and of a spell. The old lady didn’t look at me. Just the one two three rabbits looked of their green eyes.

  There was a box filled up of toys. By the box on the floor was a baby. Her legs stucking out and sitting up. Black girl baby with hair shiny shiny banging a Duplo man of a hammer. Not very right to bang him.

  Her mummy was there with the buggy and on her phone. A baby is too little for excuse me please. I leaned past taked a lion panda some bricks for a wall. I maked a square of wall and putted them in. Safe in. They telled thank you Danny.

  The baby grabbed the edge of my jumper all suddenly. I moved away. It pinged out of her hand. Not mean grabbing. Just a baby.

  I looked up and the desk man was in the doorway with Meemaw.

  I’m so sorry you didn’t get the message. I hope you didn’t have far to come?

  It’s okay. We’ll come back next week then.

  Yes, yes I’m sure Chris’ll be back then.

  Meemaw was bluer bluer in her grey.

  We do tea in the other room for 50p. And I don’t know if you know about the toy library?

  Meemaw shaked her head.

  You can sign up if you’ve got proof of address.

  Well, yeah, I brought the council tax bill…

  That’s ideal. Have a word with Elaine.

  Meemaw taked me in the next room. I leaved the animals in their safe square I had maked.

  In next room were shelves lots lots toys on them like Toys R Us. That was a bad day of Toys R Us. It was the badness of lights. I did kicking there and breaked a thing.


  I standed still. Meemaw holded my hand tight did a squeeze.

  Just be calm, Danny. I’ll ask how it works.

  I did trying to be calm and thinking of Toys R Us went away. It was better this place. It had a quiet smell of boxes and Play-Doh. No lights. Quiet not lots people and music.

  A big lady sitted by a small table square. She had a big huge mug of tea. Ginger nut biscuits in a packet peeled open. She holded one out for me.


  I taked it quick and she smiled. The lady had dark space between her two teeths. Very big round boobies. Curly hair of metal pipes colour.

  Were you wanting to join?

  It is yum a ginger nut. Hard and good for biting.

  Yes, well, I think so. How does it work?

  I just need proof of address and I’ll get you registered. Then you can borrow two items for three weeks at a time.

  Meemaw writed on a form. The lady did writing on a card. I saw it Meemaw’s name all upside down.

  Here we are then! Want to have a look? Danny, is it?

  It was Meredith Centre Toy Library. A picture of a train and a Lego brick. Too big Lego brick. Big as a train. Meemaw taked it back and putted it away in her bag for safe. Cards must always be safe. People can steal you from your cards.

  Well, that’s you all official now! Would you like to borrow something today?

  I didn’t say. I didn’t know of it all.

  What sort of toys do you like, Danny?


  Ah, now we’ve got a multi-pack of dinosaurs somewhere. It has a blow-up landscape for them with a volcano, I think.

  She standed up. A standing up mountain. I heared her legs swoosh swoosh of walking.

  It’s down here if you want to come and look.

  Meemaw nodded at me.

  Go on, Dan, I’m right here. Go with Elaine.

  I went. It was rows of high up shelves
. It was a toy forest.

  Elaine reached high high getted a plastic packet down. I could see dinosaurs in it! I jumped jumped a noise came out of very exciting.


  I touched the packet gently tried not to grab no grabbing Danny. No grabbing.

  Hang on the bell, Nelly, we don’t want to break this zip! Let me get it open.

  I letted go. Elaine opened it up taked out the dinosaurs one and the next one. She standed them along the shelf looking at me.

  T-Rex Triceratops Deinonychus Apatosaurus.

  Ooh, you know your stuff, eh? There used to be more but they’ve wandered off over the years.

  I looked at them the not gone dinosaurs. I touched. Apatosaurus of a long lovely head. Beany hard. All all of them good. Triceratops horns sharp on my finger.

  Elaine pulled a big folded thing from out the packet holded up it like when we do the bed sheets. Big.

  The landscape has trees, look! And a volcano. One of the trees leaks a bit so it deflates, but the rest is still good, I think. Shall I show you?

  Meemaw came between the shelves.

  Danny, there’s a bus in five minutes. We’d better get going, love.


  I liked it here and Elaine and the dinosaurs. I grabbed them all the dinosaurs. I holded them in my two arms close my body.

  No cause for alarm, Danny! You can borrow them today. Take them home and bring them back to me another day, yes?

  It’s a library, Dan. Like for books, but it’s toys. We can borrow them.

  No words were coming. Elaine holded out their dinosaur bag. She holded it open.

  Come on, let’s pop them into the pouch to keep them safe on the journey, yes?

  I letted her put them in. But all the time I holded the corner of the packet tight. Tight tight for not losing.

  Right, bus! Come on, love. Thanks, Elaine. I think you’ve made his day.

  Outside the day was gone a dream. Tiny bubbles were in the air the trees very dancing inside of me full up. So happy of the dinosaurs. Their actual land in the packet. I had. We were taking them home.

  I jumped jumped all to the bus stop. We waited. Meemaw did a half of a smile on one side.

  Well there ya go, there’s always little miracles, Dan. Little miracles.


  When we getted home I sitted down straight away still even in my shoes unzipped the dinosaurs. Out they came. I looked in their faces. Each and each was a goody dinosaur.

  Their land four square flatness all covered in plastic. Smelled very good. Open open open of the land. I lied on it. It smelled all good. There were floppy bits. Trees a volcano a rock each one attached in. They had mouth bits like of my arm bands for blowing up to fat.


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