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Hot Alpha SEALs: Military Romance Megaset

Page 8

by Sharon Hamilton

  Chapter Two


  “Where are you? Why aren’t you here yet?”

  Alison rolled her eyes at the near panic she heard in Darci’s voice. “Relax. I’m in the car and on my way. I had to wait for the boiled potatoes to cool before I could finish making the salad I’m bringing.”

  “Oh, okay. That’s all right then. I love your potato salad.”

  She laughed at her best friend’s priorities. Food always was high on the list, and even so, Darci remained a size four. Meanwhile, Ali starved herself and still was a curvy size ten, sometimes a twelve. Though, she had been known to squeeze herself into a size eight on occasion, if the cut was right and there was plenty of stretch in the fabric.

  “So how far away are you?” Darci asked.

  “I don’t know. Not too far. What’s the big hurry?” Ali was on her way to a Fourth of July barbecue, not trying to catch a flight at the airport.

  “A bunch of Rick’s friends are here already.”

  Ali glanced at the clock on the dashboard. “It’s barely even two yet. I thought that’s when you said to come over.”

  “I know, but from what I’ve seen, SEALs are never late. Not even the retired ones.”

  Ali still didn’t see the need to rush. It wasn’t like she was the one bringing the appetizers, or more importantly the beer. Then Darci might have reason to panic. Ali could imagine that Darci’s brother could easily freak out if he’d invited all his Navy buddies over and there wasn’t any beer when they arrived.

  To appease her friend, Ali said, “I’ll be there in a couple of minutes.”

  “Good. There’s someone I want you to meet.”

  The reason for Darci’s persistence was suddenly very apparent to Ali. “Um, no.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I told you I don’t want to be fixed up with anybody.” Ali scowled at the mere thought.

  “I think you’ll change your mind once you meet him. Dark hair. Cut muscles. Six-foot-two and eyes of blue.”

  “So now we’re rhyming? Stop. It’s creepy. You’re like some weird cross between Dr. Seuss and the Millionaire Matchmaker.”

  Darci let out a laugh. “Well, Rick and his friends certainly aren’t millionaires, but they are hot. I can promise you that. The US Navy churns out men with some of the hardest bodies you’ve ever seen. And I don’t mean like those pumped up steroid-filled monsters you find at the gym. These guys are in seriously good shape. They work them until they’re completely exhausted to simulate the stress of combat.”

  “How do you know all this?” Ali frowned. “I thought all this SEAL stuff was top secret.”

  “Pfft. Thanks to the media, there’s not much that stays secret for long nowadays. Besides, that Rick had to do hundreds of sit-ups and push-ups and stuff like that when he was active isn’t exactly classified information. I mean who cares if the enemy knows our guys are in tip-top condition? That should only make them think twice about trying anything. Right?”

  “I guess.” What did Ali know about national security? Not much, that’s what. But she did know her friend was as single as she was, which raised a good question. “So if they’re so hot, why aren’t you dating one of them?”

  “I can’t date one of Rick’s teammates. I know them too well. They’re like brothers to me. Before he got out, Rick was with these guys practically twenty-four-seven.”

  That brought up another question—or more an objection disguised in the form of a question. Alison remembered just last year when Rick was still in the military and he disappeared. He not only hadn’t told Darci where he was or what he was doing, he also didn’t respond to any of her attempts to contact him. For weeks. Darci had absolutely flipped out, convinced he was dead and the Navy just hadn’t told her and their parents yet.

  To this day Darci didn’t know where he’d been. Security was that tight. Ali wasn’t sure she was up for that kind of stress in a relationship. Dating a nice boring normal guy was hard enough without the challenges of operational security thrown in.

  “This guy you’re so hot to set me up with, is he still in the military or is he out like your brother?”

  Not having come from a military background, it was very odd for her to be talking about guys just a few years older than herself as having retired from their career, even if Rick had gotten out early because of his knee issues. But like Darci said, the life of a SEAL was rough, which she supposed made it a younger man’s game. No different than being a top professional athlete, she guessed.

  “He’s still active duty,” Darci answered.

  Ali let out a frustrated huff. “Forget about it. Now I’m really not interested. I’m not about to get seriously involved with a guy who’s away all the time on secret missions. I have a bad enough track record with men who actual stay put.”

  “Fine, then don’t start anything long term. Have a fling instead.”

  “I can’t do that.” Ali’s voice squeaked over Darci’s suggestion.

  “Why not? I sure as hell won’t judge you.”

  Darci better not judge. In the two years they’d worked together at the bank, Ali had acted as Darci’s wingman for more than a few of her friend’s hook-ups.

  Alison didn’t mention that and moved right on to answering the question. “I’m not going to have a fling with him because I’m sure Navy SEALs have so many women who want to sleep with them, they have to beat them all off with a stick. I am not going to get in that line just so I can be another notch in one of their belts.”

  Thanks to the military installations at Dam Neck and Little Creek, being anywhere in this part of Virginia meant that the bars were always full of women looking for SEALs and men, both Navy and civilian, taking advantage of that fact.

  “Just please, Ali. Keep an open mind until you meet Jon. Okay?”

  “Okay.” At least Ali knew his name now. She’d know to avoid this Jon during the barbecue before Darci embarrassed them both by blatantly throwing them together.

  “So how close are you now?” Darci asked, still sounding a bit too enthusiastic for Ali’s arrival.

  God, save her from well meaning friends. Ali sighed. “Relax. I’m on your street, and if you let me get off the phone so I can park the car, I’ll get there even faster.”

  “Good. Hurry up.” Darci disconnected the call while Ali drew in a bracing breath and prepared for what would greet her at this party.

  Sometimes being single was too much work, especially amid do-gooder friends trying to play matchmaker.

  Ali pulled up to park behind a truck so large her fuel-efficient economy car almost fit beneath it. No doubt it belonged to one of these SEALs Darci was so hot for Ali to meet. While these guys were off saving the world, they should probably also consider the environment and the impact their gas-guzzlers had on it.

  As Ali flipped down the visor she shook her head, mad first at Darci and then at herself for feeling the need to check her hair and make up before she went inside.

  This barbecue had gone from low key to stressful in the span of one phone call. She even began to second-guess her outfit. The sundress showed enough skin to make her look like she was inviting male attention, when in reality she’d worn it because of the heat. The same reason she’d put her hair up instead of leaving it down for the day.

  Too late to change anything now. She slid her sunglasses on—they’d be a good shield so she could unobtrusively observe the others and avoid eye contact—and opened the door. Time to face the music . . . or at least her interfering friend and some SEALs.

  Ali walked around the car and was almost to the path before she remembered to grab the potato salad out of the trunk. Darci’s phone call had her all distracted, and for nothing too because there was no way she was going to fall for or have a fling with one of the guys here today.

  That resolve firmly in place, she strode to the front doorstep, where she had to work to balance the plastic container filled with potato salad between her arm and hip so she could
hit the doorbell.

  “Need a hand?” The deep, masculine voice startled her.

  Ali jumped and nearly fumbled the very container she’d been struggling not to drop. She hadn’t seen the guy come around the corner of the house. He’d stalked silently across the grass like a ninja or, she supposed, a SEAL.

  “Um, no, I got it. I just was having trouble ringing the bell.”

  “No need. The party’s right around back. And since it looks like you’re bringing food, I’m sure you’ll be welcome.” He grinned. “You are here for Rick’s party, right?”

  “Yeah, but at Darci’s invitation actually. I brought the potato salad.” Ali held up the container unnecessarily. She seriously sucked when it came to making small talk with hot guys.

  “I love potato salad.” He stepped closer and reached to grab the plastic container from her. “You make it with mayo or vinegar?”

  His determination told her he was taking the container whether she wanted him to or not, so she relinquished her hold and let him as she said, “Both, actually. Mostly mayo with a little vinegar. And a little mustard and just a dash of cayenne.”

  Jeez. Now she was babbling and about recipes of all things. Why didn’t she just tell him how long she’d boiled the potatoes for too? Ali stifled a groan at her own ineptitude.

  “Really?” His brows rose. “Wow. That sounds really good. I can’t wait to try it. You must be Darci’s friend from work.”

  “I am.”

  Standing as close as they were, his height dwarfed Ali as he smiled down at her. “I’m Jon, a friend of Rick’s.”

  This was Jon? Crap. Darci had been right. He was cute. She couldn’t see the eyes of blue past his dark sunglasses, but the rest lived up to what Darci had promised. “Nice to meet you. I’m Ali.”

  The front door of the house opening startled Ali for the second time in a matter of minutes. She glanced over to see Darci beaming. “Ali. Hi. I see you two have met.”

  “Yup. Jon and I have met.” Ali widened her eyes to let Darci in on the fact she knew exactly who the guy in possession of her salad was.

  Jon tipped his head toward the road and said to Darci, “I was just running out to my truck to grab the wire so we could hook Rick’s phone to the stereo when I saw Ali struggling. Here, I’ll give you this back now.”

  Ali took the container and watched him shoot her one more brilliant smile before he stepped down the front stairs and toward—as she’d suspected—the big pick-up truck.

  Funny, she didn’t feel as judgmental about his lack of a fuel-efficient vehicle now that she’d met him.

  “So?” Darci was visibly bubbling over with excitement as she backed up to give Ali room to go inside.

  “He’s very nice.” It was all she could do to disguise how she was about to melt just from two minutes with the man. Cute. Hot. Polite. Jon seemed to be the whole package.

  “You are such a liar.” Darci scowled.

  “What?” Ali did her best to sound innocent as she followed Darci through the house.

  “You can’t hide it from me. You’re interested, so stop trying to pretend.”

  “Okay, fine. He’s very good looking, just like you said.”

  “Thank you.” Darci delivered a satisfied nod as she took the container from Ali and turned toward the fridge.

  Ali glanced out the kitchen window. “Sounds like quite a few guys are here already.”

  “Some. Chris and Brody arrived a few minutes ago. The others should be coming any minute.”

  “And why are you so hot to fix me up with Jon in particular? What’s wrong with all these other guys? Are they not single?” Suspicious, Ali had to wonder at Darci’s focus on this one guy, not that she was complaining. She just liked to have all the necessary information.

  “Why?” Darci slipped the container on to the shelf of the fridge and then turned back to Ali, frowning. “Don’t you like Jon? He’s so nice—”

  “He is very nice.” And hot . . . “I didn’t say he wasn’t. Just answer the question, Miss Evasive.”

  “I’m not being evasive. In my expert opinion, Jon’s the best choice for you.”

  That expert opinion was up for debate, considering the last guy who Darci had decided was perfect for Ali. She shivered just thinking about how badly that blind date had turned out.

  Ali crossed her arms and leveled her gaze at her friend as she waited for her answer.

  Finally, Darci huffed out a breath. “Fine. Here’s the run down. My brother is no good because I can see there’s no spark between you two. And considering we’re friends, that would be a big mess if you two dated and then broke up.”

  Ali nodded. “I agree. Next.”

  Darci rolled her eyes. “Grant’s married. You’ll meet him and his wife today. The other guys are single, but Thom is divorced with two little kids and you don’t want that kinda baggage. Zane is freaking gorgeous, but he’s a total ladies man and he’s bringing a date today anyway, so he’s out. Chris is the joker of the group even though he’s the oldest of them all and I’m not convinced he can be serious about anything, never mind a relationship. If he could be, he’d have been married long before now. Then there’s Brody. He can get a little dark and broody sometimes.”

  “Brody is broody. Got it.” Ali’s head spun with the names and information Darci had ticked off on her fingers, but she didn’t worry that she would never keep them all straight because it didn’t matter anyway. She wasn’t going to date any one of them.

  “Obviously, Jon’s the only logical one, so do you like him?”

  It wasn’t quite so obvious to Ali, but Darci looked like a kid on Christmas morning waiting for the answer.

  Ali shrugged. “Like I said, he seems nice.”

  That was all the encouragement Ali was willing to give. She was here to enjoy a cold beverage and some good food on her day off. Not to partake of the man buffet Darci had listed for her, even with how good the first dish she’d come across had looked.

  Chapter Three


  Jon pulled the wire out of his truck’s dashboard audio input and carried it back to the house, only to notice the very attractive brunette and her potato salad had already gone inside.

  Having his new acquaintance to look at during today’s gathering would be no hardship. Pretty in pink in her floral sundress, Ali was like a breath of fresh air on the hot July day. Jon should really thank Darci later for inviting her. It was nice that Rick’s barbecue wouldn’t be the usual sausage fest.

  Not that Jon would take advantage of that and act upon this chance meeting with the woman. They were counting down in hours now, rather than days, until the squad left for a solid six months overseas. Bad timing, if ever he saw it.

  Keeping that in mind, he cut across the lawn and made his way around the house.

  “Got it?” Rick asked as Jon bounded up the stairs to the deck.

  “I do.” Jon handed over the small white connector that he used to plug his smartphone into his truck’s audio so he could listen to his own music rather than the radio.

  “Perfect. Thanks. Now we can have some decent tunes.” Rick moved toward the house.

  Darci, coming out, stopped in the doorway just in time to hear the discussion about music. “I can go and get my iPod if you want.”

  “Um, no. I’ve heard what’s on yours. We’re using mine.” Rick pushed past Darci and into the house as she turned and followed him.

  Jon smiled as the siblings continued to bicker all the way into the house, before his attention turned to Ali, who’d walked out of the door with bowls of chips and dip in her hands.

  She set them on the table and cut her gaze sideways to him. “Do they fight like this often?”

  He let out a laugh. “Yeah. Pretty much every time I’ve seen them together.”

  Not that he saw them together all that often. Time with family was pretty limited in his line of work. One reason why he was single. He reminded himself of that as he realized that he could see a di
stracting amount of Ali’s cleavage from this angle. He reached out and grabbed a chip to distract himself.

  Music—hard acid metal—came blaring out of the house. Jon recognized it as one of the songs from the playlist Rick listened to for PT. The music screeched to a sudden halt during which Jon was sure the sibling battle continued inside. The silence lasted a few more seconds before a country tune came on, still a selection he recognized from one of Rick’s work out playlists, but far more mellow.

  Apparently they’d reached a compromise. He smiled as he raised the bottle to his lips.

  “So Darci says you’re deploying again soon.” Ali’s question brought his head around to her.

  If she wanted small talk, he could do small talk. Though he did find it interesting that Darci and Ali had been discussing his squad, considering Rick was no longer a part of it.

  “Yup.” Jon kept the response brief and indefinite, not giving anything away. After all these years, he was an expert at answering questions without really answering them.

  “Are you worried?” A small wrinkle creased the space between her brows.

  “Worried? Nah. This’ll be my thirteenth combat deployment.”

  “Thirteen.” She cringed and then hid the expression as she glanced at him.

  Jon frowned at her reaction. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” Eyes visibly widening behind her sunglasses, she tried to look innocent and failed.

  Realization hit him and he laughed. “Are you concerned about this being my thirteenth?”

  “You’re not?” She sounded skeptical.

  “No, I’m not. Believe me, of all the many things that could kill me, kill us all really on a daily basis, the number thirteen is pretty low on the list.” He took a sip of his beer and eyed the brunette. “Are you superstitious?”

  “I’ve been known to knock wood on occasion, and I do firmly believe Karma’s a bitch.” She let out a short laugh. “Do you think less of me now?”

  “Not at all. But I do think less of myself that I’m letting you stand here in the hot sun and haven’t even offered to get you something cold to drink. What’s your pleasure?” Jon wrangled his mind off the many pleasures they could share together if things were different. He moved on to list for her the different drinks he’d seen in the cooler.


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