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Hot Alpha SEALs: Military Romance Megaset

Page 63

by Sharon Hamilton

  Suddenly a hand slid under her body, grabbing her everywhere and failing miserably since she was covered from head to toe with watery salad dressing. Her legs slid off Angel’s body and she tried to right herself. She felt the top of her bikini rip and choked back a shriek when the big hand cupped her breast. Within moments, she was out of the green hell.

  She heard the deafening roar from all around and opened her eyes.

  There were faces peering over the railing, people laughing and screaming down at her.

  “We have a winner, folks! Number Nine has the codpiece in her mouth!” The announcer’s voice was hoarse, as if he’d been screaming non-stop himself, “Well done, well done! That was the best upside down codpiece removing technique we’ve ever witnessed!”

  Mari took the codpiece out of her mouth. She spluttered, spitting leaves. The hand on her breast tightened. She felt a big warm body behind her.

  “Easy, babe, don’t move or the rest of your top will fall off,” a voice murmured in her celery-stuffed ear.

  She peered down, blinking away pieces of lettuce. The hoots and cheers seemed to recede into the background. She’d hoped she’d imagined it, but definitely, someone up there was having fun at her expense today. It was a male hand that had firmly taken possession of her breast. One finger lazily rubbed her nipple into a hard pebble. It was only fitting. After all, she had been nibbling on the man’s aroused penis just a few moments ago.


  Angel kept a tab in his head, listing all the memorable things he’d experienced. The dangerous things that had happened the past few years were stuff his buddies could relate to and only talked about amongst themselves.

  The time when he came face-to-face with a shark while in the ocean during an operation. The sound of explosives he’d wired, blasting all around like well-timed fireworks as he and his team ran through the sand dunes, silhouetted in the golden darkness by the eerie fire from their charges. The belly-crawl through the mud hell in Bosnia.

  And now, he could add having his crotch gnawed at by a vicious female. Okay, maybe over-zealous was a more apt description. He knew he would be quizzed about it too, but hell would freeze before he’d ever tell his friends about this particular incident.

  Some things, one just did not share.

  It was certainly one of the most erotic moments in his life, knowing and feeling, but not being able to see, an attractive woman’s mouth moving with so much frenzy on his crotch. Frustrating too because she wasn’t after his dick but a stupid piece of covering. But damn, when he’d felt her fingers slide under the protective cup and inside the damned thing, he’d almost lost control.

  He had to stand perfectly still or he’d have swung that hot body upright and would have had her right there in front of the dozens of people watching. They would have lustily cheered him on too. The announcer certainly was getting into it, making up details of what was happening under the leafy screen as he braced the body against his, trying to look stoic with a pair of legs hanging onto his shoulders and another woman trying to pull them off him.

  “Oh my Lordddddddd,” the announcer had crooned into his speaker, “Guess where Number Nine’s head is and what she’s doing to our Angel boy. How you feelin’, Angel? Any mo-mo-mmmmo-movement down there?”

  “Number Nine! Number Nine!” The crowd chanted in unison.

  At first, it was just nudges against his pants and he’d been afraid Mimi was going to hurt him in her eagerness to get the codpiece.

  “Look at Number Ten trying to get Number Nine off our boy. Angel! What is she doing down there? I think Number Nine has a suction cup for a mouth, that’s what I think!”

  Angel had kept his best poker face on, not letting the world know he owned the biggest hard on at that moment and that the woman’s teeth was gnawing at the little buttons on the front of his pants. Because of the commotion, what with the blonde threatening to tear her limbs off, she’d missed several times too and had made contact with his erection, rather than the codpiece. He’d blinked and swallowed once when her fingers had poked inside his buttoned-down fly by mistake.

  When he’d felt the codpiece being released, he’d raised his hand, thumb up, indicating Mimi’s success. That was the signal for the bell to clang and all contestants, including the tall blonde fighting so hard with Mimi, to stop all wrestling. Contest over.

  Of course, that didn’t stop the tugging, pushing and shouting all at once. He’d caught sight of Number Ten’s last-second pull at Mimi’s top, and without thinking, he’d reached down to try to save the top from being totally ripped off.

  His hand had encountered flesh. Instinctively, he cupped it—a ripe, perfectly-sized-for-his-hand, soft and warm breast. And all he could think of, with what was left of his brain, was to find a way to get this woman into bed very, very, very soon.

  He righted her to her feet in front him and left his hand across her chest and over that one luscious breast. She didn’t push him off.

  What if the lady didn’t want him?

  The answer was simple: Make her want him.

  Angel slowly caressed her nipple with one finger. She didn’t push him away. He smiled secretly. Make her want him, a lot.

  “Thank you for your charitable support, everyone. Did you enjoy the show? Hell, I sure did!” The announcer asked. After the shouts and claps of approval, he added, “I knew you would. Now, there is more fun! There’s a free concert about to start in the west side of the grounds. All food and refreshments are courtesy of our hosts but please use your tickets to buy the commemorative tee-shirts, bandannas and décor for your motorcycles. All money goes to a good cause! Please also try to keep the grounds clean, okay, folks? That means trash in the trashcans and no beer bottles thrown into the woods. Most of you are familiar with the rules, but it’s worth repeating. If you’re not a houseguest and came on your bike, make sure you show your camp tag so we know you aren’t just biking back to town. Don’t drink and drive, folks, and that’s an order from Mr. Washington! We want y’all safe and back next year! A final cheer for our winner, Number Nine, Mimi! And a final cheer for our volunteer, whom I’m sure is a very, very happy man, Angel! Angel, sir, I see you have your hands full, so can you bring the winner over here to get her prize, please?”

  Angel doubted that long speech really registered among the party-goers. Many of them were already heading towards the concert, continuing with their fun. Others were headed to the biker stalls, where the diehards were showing off their unique designer machines. Those actually looked very interesting. Washington had invited a few famous motorcycle builders and while walking by, one of those dream machines had caught his eye. Riding one of those would be so damn cool.

  He’d also been told quite a few of these bikers would be passed out on the grounds tonight. Over all, Washington seemed like a concerned guy, setting up tents for those too drunk to go home. There were also big, hired bouncers for any trouble with misbehaving over-imbibed guests.

  Again, Angel had that disenchanted feeling of just being a glorified security guard for this party. Still, a man throwing this big of a neighborhood party had to be a generous fellow. His smile turned slightly cynical. He’d seen the tents. They were piled with disposable air mattresses, with some electric fans to cool the “guests” if the Florida weather became sticky. Not so comfortable that many would choose to stay more than overnight, though.

  He glanced down at the woman tangled in his arms. She didn’t look the type who would overnight in an outside tent with a bunch of drunken bikers. She obviously did want to be at this party badly enough, so was she a gold-digger wanting to meet some rich guys, or a woman who just wanted a good time? He was hoping, the latter. Because rich, he was not. However, he could certainly provide a very good time.

  “So, are you going to just hold on to my breast all night or will you be a gentleman and help me find a tee shirt or something?” she asked quietly.

  He’d actually been wondering what to do as he listened to the announcer
asking him to bring her up there. He was also enjoying the way she was leaning against him for support. Note to self. Her nipples are very sensitive. “Can’t give you the shirt off my back,” he told her, amused. “I’m shirtless too.”

  “At least let me hide behind you and see if I can use what’s left of my bikini to make a decent cover.”

  He glanced over her shoulder and studied the tattered material hanging over his arm. The bra part was a useless scrap of cloth. He liked the view. “I think you’d have better luck pasting one of the floating leaves over your breast,” he suggested. “You can pretend to be Eve. I’m enjoying the view, by the way.”

  “Haha, I’m sure you do,” Mimi muttered “If you would…stop that!”

  “Stop what?”

  “Moving your thumb like that! People are watching.” The tone of her voice had gone hushed. Breathy.

  He noted she was more concerned about people looking than about his thumb, folded partially inside his palm, secretly caressing her nipple. There weren’t many spectators left, actually, now that the wrestling was done. Most of the other ladies in the contest were already out of the pool. The few peering down couldn’t see much, really, not with his arm across her front and hand covering her breast.

  His reaction to her closeness was so visceral, he craved to spend more time with her. He was surprised at how much he wanted this woman.

  “People were watching and thinking of you doing a lot of things while your lips were down there playing with my…codpiece, Mimi,” he pointed out. He scraped her lightly with his nail. She shuddered. He was beginning to enjoy having her at a disadvantage. “Were you doing it on purpose?”

  “Of course not! I was in a hurry.”

  “Mmmhmm. Want an opportunity not to hurry?”

  There was a pause.

  “Are you propositioning me? We’re standing in a tub of leftover salad. There are people still watching and I can tell from their faces, they’re making lewd comments.”

  “They were already making lewd comments when you were shaking your butt on stage, honey.”

  “Oh. Well. That was for charity,” she replied, defensively. “This is ridiculous. That stupid man with the loudspeaker keeps waving at us. I’m not making my way there with your hand on my breast.”

  “None of the guys seem to think this is a problem,” he murmured. He could see Magic’s big grin from his post not too far away. In fact, he was pretty damned sure the whole thing had been caught on one of the cameras he’d installed and had no doubt the guys would be “reviewing” it later. Hell, if he was going to get an earful of glee from them, he might as well show them how this SEAL was getting this hot girl in a tub of green roughage.

  He leaned over and bit Mimi’s neck lightly.

  “What…are you doing?” She shuddered again.

  Her neck is very sensitive. “Say you’ll be with me later and I’ll find something to cover you,” he said, nibbling the hollow of her neck.

  A strangled sound escaped her throat. He leaned against the back wall of the tub, pulling her against him and sinking slowly into the salad again.

  “Oh-oh, our boy Angel doesn’t seem to want to give the girl back!” The announcer barked out a hearty laugh. “Hey, Angel, you aren’t supposed to be wrestling with the girl!”

  Angel didn’t pay attention. There wasn’t that much water in the pool and he was tall enough to sit down and have most of the exposed parts of their bodies hidden from view. With Mimi on his lap, her head was above the concoction too. Away from prying eyes, he released her breast and now freely explored her nipple and breast while continuing his assault of her neck. His other hand wandered slowly up and down one slick, silky thigh. He lightly tickled the area close to where he really wanted his hand to be. She groaned, leaned back against him and ground against his hard-on nudging her backside.

  Her thighs are also very sensitive.

  She didn’t seem to notice when he tugged the rest of the string bikini off. Oh yeah. Two perfect globes in his hands. He wanted to see them too but not with the cameras and pairs of eyes still on them.

  He was just staking a claim, just in case Magic was thinking of going after her later. No, this one was his and his alone. She responded to his touch like she was made for him.

  He moved his hand lower.

  “Okay, you’ve made your point,” she said, her hand interrupting his naughty downward path.

  She turned and looked up at him. She had the prettiest green eyes, so clear he wanted to look into them forever.

  Angel blinked. What the hell was the matter with him? This woman was like a drug. All he seemed to be able to think about was her. She was just so damned sexy.

  “Are we going to sit in here until we become prunes?” She asked. “Or maybe this is the best you can offer me, a big boring salad? I’m hungrier than that, big fella.”

  And sassy too. So far, every time he’d moved in on her, she hadn’t run off. Instead, she’d boldly turned the tables and teased him back just as hard. He liked that. It meant the sheets on his bed were going to get tumbled and tangled.

  “Don’t worry,” he assured her. “I’ve a big appetite and plan on…”

  “Angel, trouble in the bike exhibits,” a voice interrupted their private tête–à–tête. Angel looked up. It was Magic, leaning over, a headset against one of his ears. He was also dangling down a big towel.

  “That’s for the lady,” Magic said, giving Mimi one of his slow smiles. “Angel has to take care of work but I can walk you to get your prize, if you like, ma’am.”

  Angel scowled. Was his buddy trying to—a distinctive and deafening roar of many bikes coming from the parking area caught his attention. He pulled at the offered towel and in one smooth move, stood up with Mimi and wrapped the towel securely around her. He chucked a finger under her chin.

  “Hold the thought,” he ordered. “Dinner will be as much as you want. Dessert will be you.”

  Her soft blush made his heart skip a beat.

  What the hell was wrong with his libido? Job. He had a job to do.

  He pulled himself up the railing and vaulted over it. He gave Magic a warning look as the other man smirked back. His friend was the monitor, in charge of sending the necessary help while he listened to his headset and got an overall picture of everything happening. They’d agreed he should stay at the center to coordinate, and the center happened to be right by the salad tub.

  “You better stay out of my dinner plans,” Angel told him and, then, ignoring the heavy wetness of his pants, took off running toward the sound. He’d run soggy with mud and grime for hours before. What was a little salad juice?

  Behind him, he heard Magic’s deliberately loud greeting to Mimi.

  “Hi, I’m Magnus. Don’t worry about him. He has work to do. I, on the other hand, am happy to help you out.”

  Angel swore under his breath. He slowed down as he approached the parking area with the bike tents showcasing the gorgeous machines created by the famous bike-makers. There was a crowd, but not around the exhibits. Two men were in the middle pushing each other. Over the rumble of voices, he heard them yelling at each other. Both had thick accents. He flashed his security badge and some of the spectators parted for him.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, in a pleasant tone.

  “What is it to you?” asked one of the men, with a scowl.

  “Security,” Angel said, flashing his badge again. “It’s my job to make sure everything runs without any fights breaking out. So, care to tell me what’s wrong?”

  “None of your fucking business.” The other man spat into the grass. His accent sounded Swedish or Norwegian and he was built like a Viking.

  “Fine with me,” Angel said pleasantly, “but if you can’t behave in here, you can settle your differences somewhere else off this property. Shall I escort the both of you out?”

  “I think,” the first man replied sarcastically, “you’ll have a hard time pushing both of us around, pretty man. Why
don’t you stay in the tub with the ladies where you belong? Unless, you’re thinking about real wrestling instead of what you were doing back there?”

  There was laughter and snickers through the crowd.

  Angel gave them both a hard stare. “Not going to take the bait, but if you start trouble right now, you two will be out in ten minutes, tops.”

  As expected, the Swede or Norwegian made a move. Angel side-stepped and throat-punched the guy, a quick close-fisted move he’d learned in jujitsu, aimed at stopping a confrontation as quickly and cleanly as possible. The other man gave a strangled growl and fell over like a toppling statue. There was silence as everyone looked on at Angel and the man still standing.

  There was a short and tense pause.

  “Time to leave with me peacefully,” Angel said softly.

  “Nikolas!” A sharp voice rang out. The man turned immediately, his demeanor changing from challenging to guilt as another man walked out of the crowd.

  Angel listened to the quick exchange of conversation between the two bikers. He frowned. He’d spent time in Eastern Europe and his ears picked up the Estonian words he knew. Dimitri. That was the name the punk was calling the new guy. Angel made eye contact with Magic’s brother, Bodvar, standing in the crowd. Bod gave him a slight nod to let him know he was taking note, too.

  “May I see your invitations to Mr. Washington’s Biker Fest, sir?” Angel interrupted them, injecting a fake politeness to his voice.

  Things had certainly taken an interesting turn. Not many European bikers hung around these red-necked parts of Florida. Who were these guys?


  Mari stared after Angel sprinting away. The last half-a-day had been exactly like a roller-coaster ride—scary and exhilarating. His parting words reminded her of the final build-up as the roller-coaster chugged up that mountain of steel. The long ride down was going to be memorable. Was she really going to do it?

  A dozen thoughts bubbled into her head. She couldn’t. She didn’t know the man at all. What was wrong with her! She should. A guy like that didn’t show up in her life that often. Adventure was adventure, right? She couldn’t. She was in the middle of something important. She could too. She would make time. How? Why? Don’t. Go for it! The memory of what he’d been doing to her while they were hidden in the salad slush made her blush. She’d completely turned in to bad girl Mimi, hadn’t she?


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