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Hot Alpha SEALs: Military Romance Megaset

Page 65

by Sharon Hamilton

  There were multiple shower heads, and somehow, they all came on at once from different directions. Needles of hot water hit her back and sides. His body blocked the water coming at her and she enjoyed the view of rivulets rolling down his chest.

  The water beating down felt heavenly, washing away the stickiness and whatever greens that were glued to her body. She sighed in delight as he massaged his hands down her back, slowly lowering himself to his knees while pulling her bikini bottom off. Water splashed onto her face, soaking her sticky hair. A minute went by as they studied each other, she looking down at him as he gazed straight at her. He was eye level with the most intimate part of her body and she didn’t feel embarrassed at all.

  He lifted his gaze and they stared at each other. His face was taut with lust, cheekbones drawn, sensual lips slightly open. The look he gave her made her tighten her thighs involuntarily. The hands squeezed her butt cheeks and then moved around to her front. Fingers explored, intimately parting her for a kiss. He leaned in slowly, taking his time, making her wait for it.

  Mari sucked in her breath and closed her eyes. At the first touch of his mouth, she went weak in the knees, leaning forward and putting her hands on his broad shoulders. His arms enclosed around the back of her legs, pulling her closer. She gasped when his tongue unerringly found its target and it was as if his mouth took possession of her entire being.

  The stroke of his tongue was a flame, a pleasurable burn that built into a slow torture. She was so far forward, she would have stumbled but he held her securely. His tongue continued its leisure possession, long, hot licks of sensation that drove her wild. She could hear herself whimpering, seeking release. His mouth seemed to be doing impossibly magical things, moving over her sensitive flesh, nibbling and tasting and making it very clear he was in total control.

  The shower rained down on her, watery spikes echoing the flicks of heat from his tongue. She was drowning from the pleasure of it all, so close to slipping into oblivion, she could just die right there and not even care. She became aware that he was gently nudging her to take a step back. She did so. And another. One more.

  She found something hard hitting the back of her thighs. One more small nudge and she was seated on a tiled ledge of some sort. Before she could even process the thought, his head was already between her legs and his hot mouth took deeper access. The flicks now pressed harder against her aroused nub. He slipped a finger slipped inside her wet sheathe, pressing upward against her pubic bone. Her eyes flew open at the throaty moans echoing in the chamber. Hers. Oh, God. She mustn’t scream or everyone would hear.

  He continued loving her with his tongue. Then his other hand reached out and pressed a button on the side of the wall.

  Water jets shot out from beneath her, every heated needle caressing her body. A stream hit her already sensitive clitoris. His tongue roughened and ravaged her core. The pressure building inside her threatened to burst forth. That finger, oh God, what was he doing to her with his finger? It seemed to be playing with a magic spot just under her pubic bone. She felt him slide in another finger, felt his fingers lightly tap that, before now, unknown-to-her, pleasure center.

  Mari screamed.


  Angel smiled, then continued his sneak attack. He was a Navy SEAL. Water was his element. He’d eaten, slept and done battle in all kinds of water condition. He’d made love in it plenty of times too. In fact, sex in water, done right, was his favorite thing in the world.

  This bathroom with all the crazy gadgets and shower heads spurting water everywhere had him laughing when he’d turned them on earlier. Why would anyone have so many on at once, he’d wondered. Then, of course, his imagination turned up a notch and he’d grinned at his kinky thoughts. After that, he’d forgotten about it, until Mari walked into his room.

  He was going to put all the shower heads and jets to good use now. After all, testing a theory in an exotic bathroom in the future was outside his budget.

  Mimi’s scream turned into whimpers. He stood up and positioned her to lie on the ledge. She looked like a sexy nymph, dark auburn hair flowing down one side, half-closed eyes watching him. He turned off one knob so the water would stop spraying his body. Her mouth tuned into an “O” as she continued watching him.

  “Where did you get a condom? How…?”

  He winked down at her as he finished his task. He was spec. ops., and highly-trained. operatives were always prepared for emergencies. He joined her on the watery bed, climbing over her.

  “Put your legs on my shoulders,” he ordered.

  She did so immediately and gasped as the tiny water jets fountained upwards and splashed her buttocks and back of her thighs.

  “Ready?” He asked.

  “Always,” she said, her chin tilting up at his challenge.

  Ah, she was recovering from her orgasm. He turned and tapped at the control board with its many dials. The little streams of water hit higher. Harder. They found the intended target.


  Angel leaned over her and without preliminaries, slid inside Mimi’s slippery wet sheathe. Timed water jets rained a deep heated massage against his balls and where they were joined. Stars formed behind his eyelids as he thrust in deeply. So good. He lifted himself a little higher so the jets of water would spray on where it would give the most pleasure to Mimi. He timed it like an underwater operation, moving in sequence with the water pattern, letting it do its job while he enjoyed thrusting slowly in and out of her hot channel. He recalled how flexible she’d been in that changing room. He shifted her legs higher and thrust deeper.

  Mimi screamed again.

  Oh yeah. His theory was infinitely testing very well. He put his weight on his forearms, bringing her legs even more forward. He began moving, still timing his thrusts to the rhythm of water jets. He touched the button to change the tempo to a faster one and miraculously, he was keeping up, even though he felt like coming right then. He fought it, even as he wanted it like a desperate man needing a lifesaver. The sensation was a cross between total bladder control loss and coming. He managed to perform a series of Kegels, squeezing his pelvic muscle in reaction and shuddered at the pleasurable effort.

  His strokes became slower and longer as he fought to hold back. Mimi’s fingers dug into his back.

  Each stroke was a torture. He wanted to thrust hard and fast, but instead used every ounce of control to obey the timed rhythm of the water. Each moment dragged out the building tension until he couldn’t hold it any longer. Control was running away in a stream of come. Total capitulation. He grunted as his body took over. Hard. Fast. Deep. All. The…way.

  He caught Mimi’s lips with his as he came, a deep, shuddering orgasm that threatened to slide them onto the bathroom floor. Mimi moaned into his mouth, kissing him back wildly.

  Angel grunted again, trying to think in whole sentences. Oh yeah. Sex in water. Always great. Want Mimi again.


  Drowning in sensation, Mari didn’t want to surface from pleasure that had pulled her under. Everything was in slow motion. Even the sound from the water hummed and flowed gently. She was floating away in waves of pleasure as the man above her moved. Her legs dropped down and wrapped around his waist. It came naturally to her—wanting him there, keeping him near.

  “Better than in a tub of salad?”

  She opened her eyes at his soft words. He was looking at her with satiated desire but his hands were still caressing her body, exploring.

  “Yes, much, much better,” she replied just as softly.

  When he tried to get off of her, her legs tightened around him. He paused and smiled, the kind of male, possessive curve of the lips that sent shivers down her spine. She felt him growing hard against her thigh, nudging intimately at her entrance. He was satiated, but not satisfied.

  “I’m not done yet, I promise,” he told her. “I just thought we’d try the bed next.”

  She blinked. Bed. Oh, no. Bed was dangerous with this man. She would
never want to get out of it.

  He was already sitting up, pulling her body against his, her legs still around him. The jets stopped and the water trickled into silence, with the occasional plop-plop of droplets. She could feel him breathing against her, perfectly happy where she was, enjoying the feel of his hands caressing her back.

  “I’d like to spend more time with you later,” he continued, as he stood up.

  Bending his head, he kissed her possessively, as if he had a right to her mouth. His tongue demanded an answer and she gave it to him. She’d meant to say something about his comment but his kiss had a way of melting thought and muscles. She was just putty in his hands.

  Satisfied with her response, he made his way out of the bath. He was very sure-footed. It couldn’t be that easy maneuvering around a wet bathroom with a woman hanging on to his front, but he located towels without difficulty and soon she was cocooned between towel and hot man. This was definitely the best bath she’d ever taken.

  A part of her kept reminding herself there was no later. She would be gone and would probably never see this beautiful man again. Besides, that could be just be a line he used. He’d forget about her and…

  A strange kind of pain reared its head inside her. She clamped her mouth on the flesh near his shoulder blade. Forget about her? No, no, no. She would make herself unforgettable. She bit him, marking the flesh with his teeth.

  Angel stiffened from the small bite, then laughed. “Let’s wrestle,” he murmured, as he headed toward the big bed.

  He sat down and she pushed at him. He complied by falling back onto the mattress, arms wide apart, an open invitation. She didn’t need any more encouragement. She bit him again and licked the spot, savoring the taste.

  She might not have a lot of time but she’ll get to know as much about this man, physically and personally, as possible. She would treasure the memory of him and perhaps time too would take away this strange ache forming in her heart.

  “Tell me in 10 seconds your name and about yourself,” she said, as she kissed down his chest. “That’s all you get before I put my mouth around your beautiful, hard penis and start torturing you.”

  His chest shook in silent laughter, even as his hard-on nudged against her body. She nibbled down his chest. Sucked on one flat nipple. He sucked in his breath.

  “Time is running out,” she warned. “If I don’t get any information, the torture will be prolonged another 10 seconds.”

  She reached down and grasped the head of his penis in her hand while she nibbled down his ribcage.

  “Angel Marcello,” he said, in a strained voice. “Thirty-one, almost thirty-two years old. Just retired from the navy. Not married. No girl—”

  He made a strangled sound when her lips feathered the crown of his penis. She gave it a tentative lick.

  “Yes? Continue. You have another five seconds to go.”

  His flat stomach was hard, tense with anticipation, and she was loving her control over this man. She followed the thin line of hair from his navel to his groin with the tip of her tongue. He groaned. His speech quickened with urgent need.

  “No girlfriend. Right now located near Or…lando. Love Italy! Wine! Vodka! Deep-sea diving! Want your mouth! There!”

  His pronouncements became more staccato as her nibbles went closer and lower. She couldn’t resist any longer. She closed her mouth around his eagerly waiting erection, taking him in deeply.

  “Fuck. Yessssss.”

  It was against all Mari’s principles to be doing this while in the middle of an important mission. Actually, she’d never done this before—with a stranger and under such strange circumstances. Perhaps it was because so many things had gone kind of wrong. Perhaps it was because of the sublime ridiculousness of what she’d been doing in order to get into a room to look for an artifact. Earlier, when she was considering the pros and cons of her plans, she’d taken a deep breath and told herself it’d all be worth it; she’d treat it like it was a game and getting the ancient and priceless seal in her hands would be her prize.

  It was all of the above which had led to this moment, and yet, it’d never felt so right as now. This man drew her like no one else—the taste of him, the need for him, the desire to be with him. Her head might be arguing about putting herself in more and more risk of being found out, but her body had decided this was the prize instead of the one she came for, the artifact everyone in The Game called The Seal. Forget about her mind; it was obviously knocked out of commission by this man’s presence.

  Mari had lived on the edge most of her life. She enjoyed it, thrived on that feeling of going after the forbidden. For some reason, Angel made her even more reckless.

  She gave his beautiful erection a final lick, then climbed on and straddled him, slowly sliding his hard length along her slit. That fire inside was building again, slowly igniting. Positioning herself, she pushed against his heat, gently rocking her hips as she impaled herself. His thickness touched all the right places. Fuck The Seal. She was going to forget her job for a short while. She rode him joyfully, her hands reaching up to hold her breasts as she threw her head back in animalistic pleasure.

  Her abandoned lovemaking was interrupted by Angel’s short bursts of cuss words telling her exactly how much she was turning him on. She grinned cheekily down at the taut look on his face and tensed her inner muscles as she continued rocking.

  “You’re killing me,” he said, through gritted teeth, a savage gleam in his eye.

  Growling, he swung her onto her back, this time straddling her, his hips grinding hard against her heat.

  She hugged him with her legs. Lacing her fingers behind his neck, she pulled herself up, forcing him to sit up too. Chest-to-chest, groin-to-groin, she kissed him hard as she sharply swiveled her hips. He reached between them and fingered her clitoris. The electric streak of pleasure sparked up her spine. She lost concentration and loosened her hold on him. Taking charge, he swung her around again.

  Their bodies slid halfway off the side of the bed from the force of their bodies coming together. He was on top still, pushing into her relentlessly, this time using the floor to brace himself to his advantage. She held on to the sheets as his big body forced her to open her thighs wider. His elbows boxed her face and she could see the bulging muscles in his upper arms as he continued his assault.

  He changed his angle and she gasped. The slant of her body against the bed and his upward thrusts made insistent contact with her clitoris, sliding long and hard, in and out. Her pants grew shorter as the need to release coiled into a tight spring inside her stomach.

  Angel was breathing just as hard, watching her, giving every stroke that extra nudge that made her gasp his name. She curled her legs around his waist again, pushing the soles of her feet against his backside, wanting to take him in deeper.

  His head dipped and his kiss emulated what he was sexually doing to her. Passionate. Desperate, even. Their tongues entwined in a feverish battle. The bed creaked under them. Her hands buried themselves in his thick damp hair.

  There was a moment of suspension, that feeling of stepping off the diving board. Mari’s orgasm came, falling from a height she’d never known. It went on and on, her body tightening, bucking, shuddering under Angel’s.

  He continued thrusting into her, fueling her orgasm, until he too started shaking. He groaned her name into her mouth and held her tightly as he came.


  Angel breathed in Mimi’s scent deeply. Not wanting to crush her with his weight, he lifted his body a few inches. The effort seemed to take all his strength. He looked down at the woman stretched languorously beneath him. With her hair a tangled mess, skin glowing pink, lips slightly swollen from his kisses, she was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.

  He didn’t quite understand what had just happened. It was strange, feeling discombobulated, as if he’d just been knocked senseless and needing to find his feet, and yet, also experiencing that high that one got when one had completed a great vigoro
us workout. Sex had never been like this.

  He wanted to hold Mimi, to touch and explore her body. Most of all, he wanted her to—

  “Stay,” he said out loud, surprising himself. “After this party, stay with me for a few days.”

  Or more. He wanted to get to know her. He didn’t even know her last name. It was crazy. He’d never been so damned impulsive.

  “I didn’t use protection the last time,” he continued. He hadn’t been careless like this since his teenage years. “You could—”

  “Don’t worry,” she interrupted. She pointed to her arm. “Birth control implant. I’m using protection.”

  “Oh.” That was good to know but that also meant she was sexually active. An implant wasn’t a cheap procedure, though. She must have good health care. He continued, “I’m usually more careful.”

  “Me too.” She laughed. “Is this where we awkwardly exchange our sexual history and medical reports?”

  He laughed at her wry humor. It also surprised him how comfortable he felt with this woman. Usually, by now, he’d be up and thinking of ways to extricate himself. He found himself lingering, wanting to be near her. Her scent was driving him crazy. Unable to resist, he nuzzled the hollow of her neck, going after her delicious aroma.

  “Stay,” he repeated. Her suggestion, although funny, wasn’t what he wanted. He’d take the time to get to know her. He added, keeping the tone of his voice light. “You wanted to be here to party, anyway. Why not continue partying together afterward? You might find time with me more fun than salad bowl wrestling.”

  She stretched and purred like a cat, giving him more access to her neck. Her hands massaged his back, her hold tightening when he nibbled just below her ear. One leg clambered over his. He took that as a ‘yes’ to his question.

  The sound of his cell phone broke the magic. Angel frowned. Damn it. Had it been two hours already?

  He turned over and grabbed the phone from the night table and glanced at the screen. It was Bod. “Angel here,” he said.


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