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Hot Alpha SEALs: Military Romance Megaset

Page 89

by Sharon Hamilton

  By the time he returned to her, he was feeling confident and strong. They were alone here, at least for the time being. And he was going to resist kissing her again.

  If it killed him.

  When the little voice at the back of his mind whispered, it probably will, he told it to shut up.

  Chapter Seven


  Lily hated this.

  Oh she’d hated a lot of things since their boat had been seized. Seeing Pierre die, certainly. The rough treatment by some of the pirates. The hunger. The odors. Sleeping on the hard ground. The fear.

  But this was the worst of it. Sitting on a rock, huddled in a silver blanket, waiting. Not knowing. Was he safe? When would he be back? What would she do if he didn’t return? How many bullets were in her rifle?

  When her thoughts became too alarming, she distracted herself by collecting sticks and dried brush, in case Stone wanted to make a fire, and then she opened some cans and had a bit to eat. It took her a while to figure out his can opener-thingy. She had no idea why it had to be so difficult, but once she got the hang of it, she felt as though she had conquered the world.

  She saved the lion’s share of each can for Stone, because he would be hungry when he returned.

  Because it was dark, and the cans were marked in a language she didn’t understand, it was a strange mélange. Certainly not a dinner she would ever prepare at home. Surprisingly, the canned tuna seemed to go well with the mangos. Still…not a meal she would choose again.

  The nuts were far more satisfying. Probably because she was craving salt. Remembering Stone’s admonition, she drank a bottle of water. With the first sip, she realized she was horrifically thirsty, but she made herself drink slowly.

  Then, when her tummy was full, and the thermal blanket did its work, wrapping her in warmth, exhaustion set in.

  She didn’t want to sleep—in case someone other than Stone crept up on their position—but it probably wouldn’t hurt to rest her eyes. A bit.

  The sounds of the night surrounded her. The slap of waves on the shore was little more than a distant whisper, but the island was alive with rustles and chirps. They were soothing. Or, perhaps she was pooped. It had been a very long day. She yawned. Settled back against the rock and closed her eyes.

  She snapped awake as a shrill whistle cut through the air. Her heart leaped. Leaped and danced with joy. Elation washed through her. He was back. He was back!

  He emerged from the shadows looking like a warrior of old. Oh, she couldn’t see any details, but his outline was striking and familiar and somehow very dear.

  Though they’d met little more than a day ago, Lily couldn’t help feeling she’d known him forever.

  He hunkered down at her side and studied her. “How are you doing?”

  “I’m…good.” Their gazes locked. Thoughts of that kiss, those kisses, wafted through her brain. She wanted to kiss him again. She wanted…more than that. “Are we safe?”

  He nodded, dropping his rifle onto his backpack and settling beside her. “For now. Are you cold?”

  “A little. Are you?” A quick scan showed his clothes were drier than hers, but they were still damp.

  He grunted and arranged the firewood she’d collected in the vee of the rocks, where it wouldn’t be spotted. “There’s a marine layer coming in, so it should be safe to have a fire.” He glanced at her. “No one will see the smoke.”

  She shivered. “A fire would be nice.”

  He went through his bag, pulled out a flint and quickly got a blaze going. When she shuttled closer, he held her back. “Don’t get too close. Don’t want you getting singed.”

  She shot him a playful smile. “I’m a grown up, Stone. I know how to play with fire.” She let the blanket fall and held out her hands, soaking in the warmth.

  “Do you?” He seemed amused. He picked up the wipes and cleaned his hands with one. It came away almost black. He used another to scour his face and the back of his neck, gusting a sigh. “Damn, that feels good.”

  Lily didn’t respond. She couldn’t. She was addlepated.

  Oh, she knew he was handsome. She could tell from the lines of his face. But in the light of the flickering fire, with all the goo wiped away, he was breathtaking. A powerful jutting chin, high cheekbones, feathery lashes, and sharp gray eyes. His forehead was broad, his nose straight and long, and his lips… Oh, holy heaven. His lips. Full and lush and delectable.

  All her tiredness fled. She was swamped with the hum of a new energy.

  He was handsome and tall. Strong. A hero. His voice rumbled in a seductive, gravelly purr. He was perfect.

  She’d never felt desire like this. Not for any other man. Ever.

  While she reveled in the fire and pretended not to stare at him, he ate. And ate. And ate.

  Dang, the man could eat.

  When he set down the last can, he issued a roiling belch, then sent her a repentant look. On him, it was unbearably cute. “Sorry,” he said.

  She grinned at him. “Was it that good?”

  He snorted a laugh. “It was filling. And better than an MRE, I guess.”

  She shuddered. “That meatloaf was hideous.”

  “You should try the chicken fajita meal. Now that is hideous.”

  Silence hummed between them as he tidied up the cans. She wanted, needed, to break it. “How long have you been a SEAL?” she asked.

  “Seven years.” It annoyed her that he avoided her gaze.

  “That’s a long time.”

  “It is.”

  “I bet you’ve seen some things.”

  He stilled, his eyes shadowed with memories. “I have.”

  Seriously? She was trying to make conversation. Could he answer with more than two word responses? “Why did you join?”

  He blew out a breath. “You ask a lot of questions.”

  “I’m interested. Why did you join?”

  “Because my father was a SEAL, I guess. I was raised as a Navy brat. It seemed logical. And… It’s always been my passion.”

  “Hmm. Do you have siblings? What do they do?”

  Oh dear. She shouldn’t have asked. It was as though a dark curtain came down over his features. His jaw bunched. She thought he would refuse to answer, but he did. “I have a sister. She’s a civvie. A writer, of all things.” He gave a grunt, as though being a writer was an incongruous choice. “And I have a brother.”

  “A brother? Is he a SEAL too?”

  “He is. One of the best.”

  “Where is he now?”

  “San Diego. He’s training recruits.” Stone chuckled, but then his expression darkened. “And then there’s Drake.”

  Lily tipped her head to the side. “Who’s Drake? Another brother?”

  He frowned at her, as though he regretted mentioning Drake at all. “Not by blood, but we grew up together. Our dads were in the same unit. Our moms were…widowed together.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  His muscles bunched as he lifted a shoulder. “It was a long time ago. Anyway, Drake’s like a brother to me. He always was an annoying little shit.”

  “What does he do?”

  “SEAL.” A harsh laugh. “Aren’t we all? He’s damn good, though, for an annoying little shit. He’s been on some very high-profile missions. Awards up the wazoo.”

  “And where is he now?”

  Stone turned away and began going through his pack. “We should get some rest.” He pulled out a plastic bag and ripped it open, slipping out a thin tarp. He laid it down next to the fire. “This will keep the cold of the ground from seeping in.”



  “Where’s Drake?”

  He stilled. His throat worked. “He’s… I… Shit, Lily. I don’t want to talk about this.”

  “Is he somewhere dangerous? Like Afghanistan?”

  “No. Lily…”

  “Where?” Had he forgotten how dogged she could be?

  “I don’t know, okay? He was o
n this mission, and I hope to God he got out okay, but I don’t know.” He scrubbed his palm over his scalp. “Shit.”

  Her heart ached. “I’m sure he’s fine.”

  “Right.” He stared at the fire. When he spoke again, his voice was soft, almost a whisper. “Thing is, he was hit. During the raid. I keep wondering, could he make it to the LZ with a bullet in his leg?”

  “Is he very much like you?”

  Her question stunned him. Stunned him so much he actually looked at her. His eyes were wide, his brow rumpled. “Like me? I suppose. I suppose. Yeah. He’s very much like me.” He laughed, as though surprised by the realization.

  “Then he’ll be fine, Stone.”

  Their gazes locked. A flicker of hope blazed in his expression. “God, he better be. If he’s hurt… his mom will kill me. I promised to keep him safe. And I…” He trailed off. His Adam’s apple worked.

  “He’s fine. I’m certain of it.”

  “It’s a dangerous business we’re in. A dangerous world.”

  Lily didn’t respond. She couldn’t. Her world wasn’t dangerous in the slightest. Probably because she was cosseted like a prize poodle. Nothing remotely exciting had ever happened…until now. After a bit, she asked, “Have you ever thought of doing something else?”

  He gaped at her as though she’d asked him if he would care to rob a bank. “Something else?”

  “With your training, I bet you could.”

  He shook his head. “I can’t imagine what it would be.”

  “But what do guys like you do, when they leave the service?” You couldn’t be a soldier forever.

  His laugh was harsh. “I dunno. Curl up and die?”

  “There’s got to be more to life than this.”

  “Jumping out of airplanes in the dark and traveling the world? Working with the finest men on the planet?”

  “You love it.” It was there. In his voice.

  “I do. I suppose at some point I’ll be too old to keep up.” He chuckled. “Maybe I’ll become a movie consultant or some shit like that.” He winced. “Sorry, ma’am.”

  “Please don’t call me ma’am.”

  “Sorry.” Silence riffled until he slapped his knees and gusted, “So, what do you say? Should we get some rest?”

  Her mood dipped. She didn’t want rest. She enjoyed talking to him. Enjoyed watching his lips move as he spoke. She wanted… Well, she just wanted.

  As though she had agreed, he barreled on. “You take the tarp and the blanket and sleep by the fire.”

  “What about you?”

  “I’ll keep watch.” He said this as though it was a given.

  “You need to sleep too.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  She frowned at him. “Stone…”

  “We’re trained for sleep deprivation, Lily. It’ll be fine. Really. Just lie down and go to sleep.”

  Dang it. She’d been fantasizing about curling up…with him. With all his gear off, she could see the ripple of muscles beneath his t-shirt, the bulge of his biceps. She’d been hoping to steal another kiss…

  But she did as he asked. And tried not to pout. He settled against the rock near the edge of their little shelter with his rifle on his lap. He was like a machine. No doubt he would sit there all night.

  She watched him until the fire burned down. Watched him and thought about him. This man who had saved her and kept her safe. She wanted to repay him. She wanted to give him something back.

  Oh, hell. Who was she fooling? She wanted to take.

  She wanted him. Once they were rescued, there would never be another chance and she knew it.

  It was now or never.

  And, while it was true that what would be, would be…it didn’t hurt to tip the odds in her favor. Did it?

  Thank God she’d finally settled down.

  All through dinner and the conversation that followed, Stone had been possessed of one thought. Yanking her into his arms and kissing her. She looked so beautiful in the firelight, her elegant movements, her expressive features. Her hair.

  He wanted to wrap his fist around that hair. He wanted it flowing over his body. It was all he could do to try to remain detached.

  He didn’t feel very detached at the moment, but it didn’t matter. She was asleep. He only had to make it through the night. In the morning the chopper would come and she’d be returned to her father and he…well, he’d return to his team. What was left of it.

  He tried not to think about Zack. About the letter he had to write.

  He tried not to think about Drake, because worry for him ate at his gut.

  It was much more pleasant to think about Lily. To play out scenarios in his mind where they weren’t on a mission and he didn’t have obligations and she wasn’t a senator’s daughter. As pleasant as those thoughts were, they made him uncomfortable. His cock stirred.

  Thank God she was asleep—


  He sighed heavily. “Yes, Lily?”

  She pushed up onto her elbow and stared at him. The fire was nothing but embers, accentuating her form. “I’m cold.”

  Well, fuck.

  “Will you come over here and lie next to me?”

  Double fuck.

  “That’s not a good idea, Lily.” For oh-so-many reasons.

  “Why not?”

  Because if I lie next to you, I won’t be able to keep my fucking hands to myself. “I need to keep watch.”

  “I thought you said we are safe.”

  “We are.”

  Silence settled. Thank—

  “But I’m cold.”

  “Cold?” She had the blanket.

  “Yes.” A tiny voice. Tiny, but compelling. She’d probably been spoiled rotten as a child with that voice. “Won’t you come and warm me up?”

  Shit. If he didn’t know better, he would think she was trying to seduce him.

  It would probably have worked.

  Goddamn it. He knew it would be a miserable night, but he hadn’t anticipated it to go this sour. “All right. Scoot over.” He used his gruffest tone, so she would know. She would understand. He was doing this for one reason only. To warm her up.

  She edged to the side of the tarp and lifted the blanket. He couldn’t help noticing the knot beneath her breasts had come undone as she’d moved around searching for a comfortable position. Her bra peeped out. The sight skewered him.

  With a grumble he settled in next to her, making it a point to show her his back. He arranged the blanket so it was mostly covering her and rested his head on his arm.

  Damn. She’d lied.

  She wasn’t cold. She was hot.

  Her warmth soaked through him, sending shivers up his spine.

  “Thank you, Stone,” she whispered. “This is much better.”



  It was hell.

  When she breathed or moved or thought about breathing or moving, the scent of her teased his nostrils. He held himself as still as he could, clenching his muscles so he didn’t accidentally roll over and fuck her or something.

  But damn…

  To his horror, she shifted, cuddling closer with a low murmur. She wrapped her arm around his waist and sealed herself to his back. Her soft breasts gouged at his sanity.

  “This is nice,” she murmured.

  “Mmm.” Nice, my ass.

  “I remember, when we were swimming across the water… Well, you were swimming. I was holding on. But I remember thinking, I wish you weren’t wearing that backpack.”

  What? “Why?”

  Yeah. He probably shouldn’t have asked. It only encouraged her. She pressed closer. His pulse surged.

  “Because I wanted to feel this.”

  He cleared his throat. “Th-this?”

  Her hand raked his chest.

  Holy God. Did she have any idea what kind of dragon such a simple touch could unleash? Indeed, he was at full erection in a heartbeat. He caught her hand in his. To stop her. God knew
where such an innocent caress could lead.


  With a groan he rolled over and glared at her. Or tried to.

  It hardly mattered. She seemed indomitable. Besides it was far too dark for her to be appropriately cowed. “What?”

  He did not expect her response.

  Soft fingers fluttering over his cheek, holding him still as her lips found his.

  Every muscle in his body seized as she explored his mouth, kissing him, suckling his lower lip, dabbing her tongue in.

  He was strong. He was indomitable too. He could hold out. He could—

  She roved over his chin to his neck, nuzzling and sucking a tender spot, a spot that made sheets of hot lust rain down on him. He groaned. “Lily…”

  “I want this,” she said, sucking on him again, nipping.

  “You don’t know what you’re doing.”

  She chuckled. “I’m pretty sure I do…”

  He grabbed her head, held her still to make his point. It was a very important point. What was it?


  “What you’re feeling is a normal reaction.”

  “I know.” She bussed his chin and—God help him—licked.

  “You’ve been under a lot of pressure. And now we’re nearly home. You’re a woman. I’m a man.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  Her tone made something, way down deep, harden.

  “This is a normal reaction to the situation. Trust me. You’ll regret it in the morning.”

  “I’ll regret it more if I miss this.” She leaned her forehead on his chest, which was a relief because she stopped kissing him. But then she scraped him. With her nails. When she hit his nipple he almost came out of his skin. “You have no idea what my life is like, Stone.”


  “Far from it. I’m so protected, sometimes I feel like I’m in a cage. Every element of my day is orchestrated.”

  “I thought you said you were stubborn.”

  “I am. I think I mentioned it runs in the family?” She peeped up at him and grinned. “My parents can be overwhelming, but I’m not their little girl any more. I’m determined to live my own life…without their interference. Determined to take what I want.” Her naughty smile sent a shiver through him. “I’ve never had an adventure before now. I’ve certainly never met a man like you.”


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