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Vee Caught Offside

Page 9

by Andrea Montalbano

  “I doubt she’s going to change. I just hope I can play with her again. I honestly don’t know,” Vee said.

  “Just remember Code #7.”

  Vee thought for a minute. She knew The Soccer Sisters Team Code by heart. “Leave it on the field?”

  “Yeah, just play. Forget everything else. Just play… and leave it on the field.”

  She’d always thought that meant give it your all. Vee nodded. “Okay, I’ll try.”

  The second half whistle blew and the Bombers were back in action. It took a few minutes for Vee to shake off what had happened at halftime. She knew that she was right about one thing. Vee was different. But different was great. She was proud of herself, her family, and where she came from and would never doubt her place on the Bombers or anywhere else again.

  “Vee! I’m open!” Tabitha called from the outside. She was making a smart run up the flank. Vee fed the ball through two defenders and Tabitha went for the corner. She crossed the ball with her left foot, and Lily nearly got a head on it. They were getting closer.

  The Show Offs got a goal kick because the Bombers’ ball went out of bounds over the goal line. Molly Barrelton took the kick and it went all the way over the midfield line. That girl has a big foot, Vee thought. Their forward gathered the ball and Reese tried to chase her down. She went into for a tackle and missed. The ball went out of bounds, but Reese stayed down.

  The referee called their coach onto the field, and Chris rushed to Reese’s side. All the Bombers took a knee and then clapped when Reese was able to stand.

  “I think she sprained her ankle,” Tabitha said, walking over to Vee. They watched as Chris accompanied her to the sidelines. Their coach said something to Olivia, who jumped up from the bench.

  “Oh great,” Vee muttered. Olivia was coming in. Leave it on the field, she said to herself. Leave it on the field. Just play the game.

  “Vamos Bombers!” Tomas yelled from the sidelines. Vee smiled at her father. Then she noticed that Mark Gordon was standing next to him. He grinned at her. She started to smile back, but then remembered about Olivia and the dance. She looked away. Olivia was taking her place on the field. He’s probably here to watch her, Vee thought.

  Oh, just forget all that, she told herself.

  Avery threw the ball down the line and Olivia made a good first touch. She has always been a good dribbler, Vee had to admit. Vee tracked Olivia down the line, calling, “Cross!”

  Olivia looked up, saw it was Vee, and didn’t make the pass. She kept dribbling and finally lost the ball.

  Chris yelled from the sidelines, “Don’t hold onto it for so long, Olivia!”

  As the game went on, Olivia’s selfish play continued. She wouldn’t pass. She kept moving too far forward and getting caught offside. Lily and Vee’s eyes met. Lily shook her head in disgust. It was obvious Olivia was refusing to pass to Vee and the Bombers needed a goal. Time was running out. They had come so close so many times, but weren’t getting their shots off. They were a passing team, and with just one player being selfish, the entire squad was thrown off.

  “Bombers, we have got to pass the ball!” Lily called to her teammates, although she was really directing her message to Olivia. The Show Offs were starting to sense that the Bombers were out of sync. They were experienced enough to know that a team that is arguing is a team that is vulnerable.

  Molly Barrelton was one of the best players in the league. She got the ball at around the 18 yard line and let loose a screamer. Vee watched as it headed toward the goal. There was no spin on the ball, and that meant that Molly had hit it perfectly. The ball drove toward the goal, heading straight to the upper-right corner. Beth dove to her left, her arms outstretched, her feet off the ground. But she couldn’t reach it.

  Vee held her breath as the ball arrived. Because of the lack of spin, it flew just an inch too high and clanged against the cross bar with a terrible crash. The pace of the ball was incredible. The goal posts shook, the crowd gasped, and the rebound flew long. The ball bounced back all the way out to the 18-yard line.

  Olivia was there. She gathered the ball and looked up to make a pass.

  “Send me, Olivia!” Vee called. She could see Olivia’s mind working. She knew the last thing she wanted to do was give Vee the ball. Luckily her soccer instincts finally overcame her pettiness and she sent a beautiful through ball to Vee. Vee pounced and headed downfield. She knew the time was now.

  The Bombers moved forward as a team and Vee could hear the spectators going crazy on the sidelines. She beat the two midfielders and then slowed down when she got about 20 yards out. The defenders were trying to slow her down. Vee kept control of the ball, pulling it back and looking for a pass.

  “Square!” she heard a voice call. She looked up and saw Olivia was making a perfect run from the back. She wanted Vee to put the ball at her feet, across the face of the goal. With no hesitation, Vee made her pass and timed it perfectly. Without breaking stride, Olivia was able to take a first-time shot. She hit it with her right foot. Well. The ball stayed low and hard and the Show Off goalie had no chance.

  The Bombers finally got their goal!

  Olivia jumped high in the air, her arms overhead in celebration. All the Bombers came to hug her. The crowd screamed and whistled in appreciation. Vee hung back, but she cheered and clapped with the rest of her team. It was going to take some time for her to get over Olivia’s lies, but she would try. Lily would help her. She would follow the Code. She hoped Olivia would too. She would put her team first. Always.

  The final whistle blew and the crowds flooded the fields. Tomas gave Vee a tight hug and told her how proud he was of her. The Bombers had secured their first-ever Indoor Championship.

  After the game, Olivia approached Vee as she was picking up her ball.

  “Nice pass,” she said, still glaring at Vee.

  “Nice shot,” Vee responded, calmly.

  Olivia nodded and walked away.

  It wasn’t great, Vee thought, but it was a start.

  LJ ran up behind Vee and jumped on her back like a baby monkey trying to hold onto her mother, “That was awesome!” she yelled. “Oh how I love beating that team.”

  Vee put Lily down, while still watching Olivia walk away. Lily noticed where she was looking.

  “She’s a tough one,” Lily said.

  “I guess I’ll be able to play with her,” Vee said. “If she doesn’t hog the ball.”

  “Oh, she’ll pass, I’ll make sure of it,” Lily answered. “We all will.” Then Lily shook her head, “I still can’t believe she’s going to the dance with G-4. What a perfect match. Gross.”

  Vee’s head shot up. “What? I thought she asked Mark.”

  A sly smiled flashed across Lily’s face.

  “Oh she tried to, but Tabitha ran interference, distracted her, and somehow got her to ask G-4 instead.”

  “Why did Tabitha do that?” Vee said, trying to hide her glee. Olivia and G-4, what a combination. Tabitha truly was a social genius, Vee thought.

  “Oh, no reason,” Lily said in a singsong voice and a huge grin.

  “What is wrong with you?” Vee asked. “Why are you being such a goof?”

  “OOOOh, nooo reason!!!” Lily said again, skipping away.

  Vee shook her head. She loved that girl, but sometimes she could really be such a nut. Vee bent down to gather the rest of her things and change her shoes.

  “Hey, nice assist,” she heard a voice say. She recognized it immediately and broke into a grin. Mark Gordon was standing in front of her.

  “Thanks,” she said. “How’s my hero, Bubba, today?”

  “He’s a little beat up, but he’s tough.” Mark answered. Vee noticed that he had a small cut over his eye.

  “What happened?” Vee asked, concerned.

  “Someone hit me and my helmet cut my face,” Mark answered with a shrug. “No biggie.”

  Vee looked closer. “You really should put some honey on that.”

Honey?” Mark asked with a laugh.

  “Yes, it has very good curing properties,” Vee said in her most professorial tone.


  “Yes, really.”

  “Good to know,” Mark said with a chuckle. “Maybe I’ll try it.”

  Mark and Vee stared at one another for a few seconds, then Vee started to unlace her cleats to change into her boots. No more slipping on the ice for her.

  Mark plopped himself down next to Vee on the sideline. “So when you weren’t at practice the other night, I was a little worried and came by your dad’s restaurant.”

  “You did?” Vee asked, surprised. Neither Lily nor Tomas had said anything about that.

  “I talked to Lily and she told me you had just left.”

  “Huh,” was Vee’s only baffled response.

  “I guess you worked everything out with your team?” Mark asked.

  “Well, sort of. It’s not perfect, but for now it’s better,” Vee answered honestly.

  “That’s good,” Mark said. He started fiddling with his shoes. Vee noticed her father watching their conversation.

  “Well, I guess I should get going,” Vee said standing up and turning to go.

  “Vee?” Mark said.

  Vee turned back around, “Please don’t tell me I have sticks in my hair again?”

  Mark shook his head. “Nope. I wanted to ask you something. Or actually, I want you to ask me something.”

  Vee heard rustling behind her. She turned to see Lily and Tabitha and all the Bombers except Olivia standing in a group giggling. Tomas was just off to the right, the same smirk on his face.

  Lily started nodding her head up and down. She was holding something behind her back. Tabitha was standing on her toes, clapping her hands together. The two of them looked like they were about to explode with giddiness. Slowly, Lily moved her arms to the front. She was holding a bag. Vee watched as she unzipped it and saw what was inside. She stared at her father. Vee finally began to put it all together.

  “We did a little more shopping!” Tabitha and Lily screamed together.

  Lily was holding up a hanger. On the hanger was the beautiful butterfly dress. The fabric shimmered, catching the overhead lights like stars on a perfect night. She found her father’s eyes. He looked very pleased with himself. Vee grinned and nodded. A feeling of warmth and gratitude filled her soul. She looked at her team. Her friends. Lily. Tabitha. Oh, how she loved her Soccer Sisters, and she knew they loved her.

  She turned back to Mark and found him standing close. Directly in front of her. He was smiling, clearly in on it all. He held Bubba out to her, smiled, then asked, “So what do you say, Man U girl, wanna dance?”


  The Soccer Sisters series would not be possible without the loving support of my husband, Diron Jebejian, and the never-ending patience of my children, Lily and William. I’d also like to thank my brother-in-law Evan Rich for the fantastic cover and Code. I’m grateful to all my family for believing in me always, and specifically to Rosanna Montalbano, for again helping me in getting the Spanish right. Any mistakes are my own.

  I am truly indebted to Brandi Chastain, my Official Soccer Sister, for her tireless efforts to promote the sport, empower girls, and inspire generations of fans everywhere. Special thanks also to Dr. Joan Oloff, for her work in educating players, parents and coaches on ACL and other injury prevention. We will keep teaching and Reaching Up, ladies!

  Once again, I have to thank Key Biscayne Soccer for the photograph of their U11 Girls Blue team and to Alexandria Fire for helping me create The Soccer Sisters’ Code. Thanks to Carey Albertine and Saira Rao at In This Together Media for creating great books about real girls, like Lily and Vee. Thanks to editors Genevieve Gagne-Hawes and Shelley Haley Huntington for all your great comments and insights.

  Vee is a fictional character, but was inspired by the indomitable Verenice Merino, who allowed me to use her name and taught me that “tacos” is what cleats are called in Mexico! Thank you, Nana, for everything.

  Once again, I want to thank every one of the Yonkers United Rush Roadrunners U9 girls’ team, and Yonkers United President Pete Dolgos. Coaching you is one of the joys of my life, and a true privilege.

  Finally, I have to thank Stacey Vollman Warwick, for always having my back and being the best friend any one could ever ask for. You define what it means to be a Soccer Sister.

  Together Book Clubs: Questions and Activities

  Why do you think Lily lied to Vee about going to the mall with Tabitha and Olivia? Is it ever okay to lie in order to protect a friend’s feelings?

  In your opinion, would Vee be betraying the Soccer Sisters Code if she were to join Gabriela in starting a new team at her own school? Why or why not?

  What do you think is the best way for Vee to handle her relationship with Olivia in the future?

  What makes an object special or meaningful to someone, in the way that Vee’s father’s car is important to him? What is an object that is special to you and why?

  Why do you think it is so difficult for Vee to talk to Lily about her problems with Olivia, and about feeling excluded from the soccer sisters?

  What do you think is the most important rule on the Soccer Sisters’ Team Code and why?

  Why do you think a team doesn’t play as well when its members aren’t getting along?

  Why do you think Olivia was so eager to exclude Vee from the team?

  Vee criticizes “helicopter parents,” parents who are too involved with their child’s team. How involved do you think parents should be with their child’s team?

  Write your own sisterhood code with your team or group of friends!

  About Andrea Montalbano

  Andrea Montalbano grew up on a soccer field in Miami. She continued to play through college acting as captain for her Harvard University soccer team and eventually being inducted into the Harvard Varsity Club Hall of Fame.

  After college, Andrea pursued a career in journalism, attending Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism. She was an English anchor at Vatican Radio, and then worked as a writer and Supervising Producer for NBC News and NBC’s TODAY program.

  Now the mother of two young players, Andrea is coaching, writing, and bringing all her loves together in Soccer Sisters, the follow-up series to Breakaway (Penguin, 2010). Andrea lives outside of New York City with her husband, Diron, and two children.

  Discover other titles by Andrea Montalbano:

  Soccer Sisters: Lily Out of Bounds


  Connect with Andy:

  Twitter: @andreasoccer

  About Brandi Chastain

  Brandi Chastain, NCAA, World Cup and Olympics icon, is best known for her game-winning penalty kick against China in the 1999 FIFA Women’s World Cup final. She also played on the team that won the inaugural women’s World Cup in 1991 and Olympic gold medals in 1996 and 2004. Chastain was an NBC commentator for the 2012 Olympic Games in London.

  Brandi is proud to be the official Spokesperson of the Soccer Sisters Series—our Official Soccer Sister!!

  Connect with Brandi Chastain:

  Twitter: @brandichastain

  Other books by In This Together Media

  Mrs. Claus and The School of Christmas Spirit by Rebecca Munsterer

  Playing Nice by Rebekah Crane

  Personal Statement by Jason Odell Williams

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