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Delay of Game

Page 11

by Amber Lynn

  His pants got even tighter thinking about the possibility that being inside Hope could be minutes away. He wanted to reach down and adjust himself, but his hands remained tight on Hope’s hips.

  “I think your mom is out to kill me. Waving a condom at me right now is pretty much akin to waving a red cape in front of a bull.”

  “Really?” Hope asked as the hand without the condom reached down between them and cupped the bulge begging to come out and play.

  Instinctively, his groin pushed up into her hand. He took a harsh intake of breath between clenched teeth. It didn’t seem possible, but her hand was just as bad as her whole body being on him.

  “I see what you mean.” Her voice dropped lower and a sense of impending doom washed over Jason.

  The hand with the condom disappeared as Hope lashed out with her tongue to lick his lips. Jason’s head fogged over faster than he expected as any signs of hesitation in Hope’s actions disintegrated. Her mouth moved to his neck with a swipe of her tongue up the length of it. It was a slightly cooling sensation that was quickly replaced with her teeth digging in.

  “Maybe we should talk about this before things get out of control.”

  Jason hadn’t expected the turn of events. He wanted things to be slow, whether his body agreed with that or not. Hope’s touch was paralyzing him from thinking logically.

  “I believe it was you who pointed out it’s sometimes easier to say things with actions. I told you earlier that I wanted to make sure you felt what you did for me the other night. It’s hard for me to come right out and say I don’t want to wait for it. Sure, it comes out of my lips easy enough now, but that’s only because I’ve got this in my hands.”

  Her fingers rolled as she squeezed him tighter. Her lips had settled in on his neck, open slightly to pull his skin into her mouth as she sucked hard. He had no problem with the idea she was leaving a mark. They had a few days before dinner with her family, so as long as he stayed away from the bakery, her mom wouldn’t know she’d sent a loaded gun after him.

  “You’re absolutely sure you want this?”

  She was in total control and her actions were definitely speaking louder than words, but he wanted to give her as many outs as he could. Answering him with words was a little difficult because of her refusal to let go of his neck. Instead, the fingers in his crotch moved up and unbuttoned his jeans. When he heard the sound of his zipper sliding down, he decided it was time to take a little control back.

  Moving his head down to coax Hope into giving his neck a rest, he found her lips and used his hands on her hips to pull her up into him. If they were going to have sex, he didn’t want it to be on the couch. Eventually, he’d be fine with them christening every surface of his apartment and hers. The first time he wanted it to be in his bed, which is exactly where he headed once he got to his feet.

  Chapter Twelve

  It wasn’t Hope’s intention to push things. Well, maybe it was. She wanted to return the favor Jason had given her, but she hadn’t known how to tell him she was ready for that step, or what exactly that step was.

  He seemed to want to take things slow. It was obvious that was what he was trying to do when he restricted kissing to just a peck on the cheek or simple ones with their tongues only partially getting involved. They could both feel the heat if they got closer and pushed things further, so he did what he could to keep things from escalating.

  The role of noble gentleman was cute, but she didn’t want him to think he had to play the part. She’d told him she was a virgin to let him know what he was getting into when he thought friends with benefits was a good idea. She thought people who romped around like that were generally experienced and he needed to know he was signing up with someone who had to be taught what to do.

  Although, it didn’t feel like she had trouble figuring out what excited him. She had been a good student when Jason had played her like a fiddle, so all she did was turn the tables on him. He’d responded like she’d hoped and had somehow managed to pick her up and find an even more comfortable surface for her back to rest on.

  Her mind wasn’t focused on looking around the bedroom she hadn’t been in before. All she cared about was that there was a bed and Jason’s naked torso was above her on it. He was straddling her and so far his t-shirt going missing was the only clothing that had been lost.

  “Let’s put this over here for now,” he said as he took the foil wrapper she’d been clutching out of her hand and put it on the bed next to them.

  She’d been offended when her mother informed her she’d run out and bought condoms after the first time Jason had come in the store. His return visit reminded her that she had them in her purse.

  Hope had taken them and tucked them into her back pockets. She’d thought about taking them out when she’d stopped by her apartment to change her shirt, but had left two in her pockets in case she could convince Jason to use them.

  It looked like they were well on the road to making the purchase worthwhile. Jason’s hands skated under Hope’s shirt, bringing the shirt up as he did to reveal her lacy beige bra. She didn’t have anything that classified as sexy, so she settled for clean and relatively new.

  There was a small urge to push her shirt back down, but the groan rumbling out of Jason told her he didn’t mind what he’d uncovered. He pushed up her bra and stared down at her chest. They weren’t the biggest boobs in the world, but they weren’t the smallest and they seemed symmetrical to Hope.

  “It’s like Christmas morning and I just unwrapped my present.”

  The awe in Jason’s voice made it feel like Hope’s entire body turned a deep shade of red. His head bent down as his body pressed into her. She had an idea what he was going to do, but feeling his hot breath on her left breast caused her hands to grip the sheets around her. When his lips curled around her nipple, she clenched her jaw to keep from screaming out.

  Her body had a mind of its own as it squirmed to the varying degrees of sucking Jason displayed. Her nipple wasn’t the only part he focused on. His tongue touched every molecule of skin before he moved on to the other breast and repeated his actions.

  They’d determined her neck was sensitive, but it didn’t compete with what his ministrations were doing to her temperature. It wasn’t an attractive thought to have running through her head, but it felt like she’d peed her pants.

  Once both breasts had been thoroughly explored, Jason’s tongue started a trip down her stomach. He kissed various spots along the way as he used his hand to undo her pants. He removed her shoes before she registered his hands moved to her feet. Then, with a hand on each side of her jeans, he pulled them off, taking her underwear with them.

  If she thought having her boobs exposed was scary, having her full body bare for his eyes was terrifying. He’d pulled the pants all the way off and thrown them off to the side. Then he sat back on his legs and just stared at her.

  It gave her a chance to see his chiseled chest a little clearer. When he was on top of her, it was hard to see just how defined his pecs and abs were. With him preoccupied with her body, she was able to count the ripples lining his body.

  She tried to think about what he was seeing when he looked at her and how it compared to what he’d seen before. She’d shaved her legs, which was an event past due, but she wasn’t sure what to do with other hair down there. Some people shaved it bald, Hope was aware of that much, but it didn’t feel right to chop down her little forest.

  “You are the most beautiful and precious thing I have ever seen, Hope.”

  It felt like that was something Jason was required to say, but it still garnered a small sigh from her lips. Hope knew she wasn’t a supermodel, but knowing Jason was satisfied with what he saw helped boost her confidence.

  Up to that point, she had been able to predict most of his moves. She figured they were to the point where he’d take off his pants. She’d already felt what was hiding under his pants and wasn’t sure how much she should be worried. It was hard
not having anything to compare it to. Even if he was small, which she didn’t think was the case, she knew enough about biology to know she didn’t have a lot of room inside her to stick something in.

  A little preoccupied thinking about how much it would hurt, she missed Jason’s head moving. She couldn’t miss her reaction when his tongue ran along her clitoris.

  “Oh my god.”

  Jason laughed as he started sucking on her, which only made her repeat the phrase. His fingers had been magic, but his mouth was divine. He barely had to suck on her and she felt like her body was going to break into a million pieces. She felt like a woman possessed as her body lifted to try to get more of her in his mouth.

  During her effort, one of his fingers moved to touch just south of where his mouth was. The surprise caused her to buck hard. She understood he was on a probing mission, but the sensation felt weird when his finger dipped inside her.

  It wasn’t a particularly good or bad feeling. It was just new, like everything else going on.

  Sucking on her hard, Jason wiggled a second finger inside Hope. There wasn’t really pressure when it was just the one finger, but two was a key reminder that she didn’t have experience down the road they were going.

  Her body tensed as she tried to get over the sting that came with his fingers. Knowing how he could make her feel made it easier to deal with the momentary sensation of being uncomfortable. She thought about what had happened on the couch and how amazing that felt as she focused on his mouth instead of his hand.

  It made things easier. The want to move her body in time with what Jason was doing came back naturally as the pain became a passing memory. Her eyes had closed at some point, more than likely the second his mouth had touched her.

  She tilted her head back and let the feelings totally take over. Her breathing became heavier as Jason made groaning and humming noises against her skin. On the couch, she’d been unprepared for the explosion that came, but she realized it was coming and embraced it with open arms as her fingers gripped the sheets tight and she lifted her lower body off the bed.

  Jason was there to push her down and keep her grounded. His free forearm helped as he continued gnawing until her body slacked and she felt like the world around them had ceased to exist.

  His body moved back up hers as his lips trailed their path in reverse. There was a feeling of emptiness with his fingers outside of her cave. She hoped that feeling was temporary because the whole idea was to make sure Jason found some completion.

  When he got to her face, he kissed her cheeks and close to her lips, but didn’t touch their lips together. She turned her head to try to capture him, but he lifted his head up, out of her reach.

  “I would love to kiss you right now, but I’ve heard tale that not everyone likes to taste themselves in a kiss. If you like cherry lollipops, it shouldn’t be a problem, but it’s sort of buyer beware.”

  Hope hadn’t considered what he was saying. It was nice that he’d warned her, but she’d never know if it was something she’d do in the future. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him down into a kiss.

  She already felt overheated. Allowing him to slip his tongue in her mouth was the boiling point that made the steam come out her ears. Cherry wasn’t exactly the flavor she picked up. There was a little too much salt in the mix to be sweet, but his calling it cherry made her associate the taste with the fruit.

  He pulled away after a minute or so of sharing her flavor. It was almost as sensual as the act of him gathering it up.

  “We can stop now if you want.”

  Hope understood that he was trying to be a gentleman, but his body was on top of her and she could feel clearly that he needed release.

  “How am I going to tell my mom thanks for the condoms if we don’t use them?”

  In no circumstances would Hope ever tell her mother that. She still cringed when she thought about where they’d come from.

  “Don’t give me ideas for topics of conversation over dinner,” Jason teased as he rolled off of Hope to the other side of the bed.

  She was worried her comment wasn’t the one he was looking for. It took a second to realize he’d only moved so he could take his pants off. She’d already unbuttoned them, so it was a quick removal process.

  Hope was propped up a little by the pillows, so she could see the steel structure jutting up between his legs. Comparisons were something she lacked, but no matter what, there was at least seven inches there and it was as big around as her wrist.

  Taking her shirt and bra all the way off gave her a few moments to hyperventilate without it being obvious she was. His fingers were big and had hurt a little. She was fairly certain his penis was going to physically rip her apart.

  “Tell me not to put the condom on, Hope.”

  Her eyes looked away from his weapon of destruction, up to his face. He couldn’t hide the lust in his eyes with the concern for whatever was going through her head. He tried, but failed.

  “I’d help you, but I don’t know a thing about how they go on.”

  Jason shook his head and tore open the package in his hand. Hope watched as he put the circular object on the tip of his penis and rolled it down.

  “I guess I should be honored your mother decided I needed the extra-large size. If she would’ve picked anything smaller, we’d still be waiting for me to go shopping.”

  With his sheath in place, Jason rolled back over towards Hope. The reality of what was going to happen started sinking in a little more when his penis brushed up against her leg. She should’ve asked to feel it before the condom had gone on so she’d know how it compared to the stiff coldness she felt.

  “You’ve got a lot of lubricant down there and I’ve warmed you up some, but it’s not going to feel great.”

  Jason seemed a little lost for words as he warned her of what was coming. She’d had a mini sneak preview, so the words weren’t needed, but appreciated.

  “That sounds to me like you’re bragging about how big you are.”

  The air had gotten a little tense, so Hope tried to make a joke. Jason laughed as he moved to slide himself up and down across her clitoris. The fear made it a little hard to enjoy how his thickness felt, especially when he straightened it out and she could feel him knocking on her door.

  Holding her breath, she closed her eyes as she waited for him to push in. Her fingers gripped their familiar friend, the top sheet, as the slow process of putting a square peg in a round hole began.

  His fingers had definitely only been a small appetizer to the main course. She moaned, not exactly in ecstasy as he inched his way in her. There were tiny slivers of pleasure that went along with knowing he was inside of her, but the pain of the process overshadowed them quite a bit.

  She tried to keep her vocalizations to a minimum, afraid he’d think he was hurting her too much and pull out. She just needed a chance to let him all in and get a bed made up for him. He leaned down and kissed her eyes, where tears had pooled, begging to fall, but she wouldn’t let them.

  “I really am sorry it hurts, but I promise it won’t feel like that forever.”

  His pelvis butted into her before she could reply. He had to have worked his way up to her intestines. At least that was what she envisioned knowing how far his fingers had gone and comparing them to his rod.

  “You’ve already shown me how good it can feel. You don’t have to tell me there will be a rainbow after the storm.”

  The pressure was already going down as he held still inside of her. She felt the need to pull away from him so he could push back in, but she only rotated her pelvis up a little as she waited for him to proceed.

  “Just another second. You’re gripping me like a vice and even with some lube, I don’t think friction is going to feel good for either of us right now.”

  Hope opened her eyes to see the look of pure concentration on his face. He may have said the words, but he was having trouble following through with them. His face lowered to take he
r bottom lip into his mouth so he could nibble on it.

  The move caused Hope to buck up into Jason. As her hips came down, she could feel him slide out of her about an inch. The movement didn’t hurt, but it caused her to slam up into him again.

  Jason stopped the small nibbles and thrust his tongue into her mouth as he pulled himself out of her. The thrust back into her was gentle and brought a moan out of her mouth. It was easy to pick out a rhythm after that.

  The kissing continued, but Hope’s head rolled back as she felt bliss trying to cloud her mind again. Jason could’ve been a mere mortal to most, but he was a god as far as she was concerned. The way he made her body feel like it was on fire, with no hope of being extinguished in sight caused her to scream around his mouth.

  The noises were all muffled as he refused to break their tongues apart. Their bodies came together and pulled apart in such a beautiful symphony that the slaps and grunts sounded like something that could play in a grand concert hall.

  Clearly, Hope’s mind had turned to butter as the good kind of pressure built up in her again. Jason’s hands had held her torso as he tried to control their thrusts, but he snaked one of them between their bodies so his fingers rested on her mound and his thumb started massaging her.

  Screw being a god, Jason was a sorcerer as he played with her body and manipulated it to his will. She was already to the point of dipping over when he bit down on her tongue and sent her into a banshee call. His own deep grunt came out as he lifted his head and thrust one more time into her body with a force she thought would send her head through to wall behind it.

  It took them both a few minutes to come back to Earth. Hope could feel Jason twitching inside of her, while her thighs acted like tiny earthquakes were going off inside of them.

  When Hope finally opened her eyes, it was to see Jason staring down at her with a look she’d never seen before in his eyes. With everything they’d done, she wasn’t sure if it was just a sense of completion or if there was something more within the chocolate depths of his eyes.


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