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Alder, Alanea - Fated to Be Family [Kindred of Arkadia 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 9

by Alanea Alder

  “I am the Alpha, you know,” Bran said, peeking under the table.

  “Stop, it hurts!” Kate said, holding her stomach.

  “No more, Alpha,” Rian said and they both started laughing again.

  “Well, I guess they’re done with breakfast,” Caleb said, elbowing Bran in the ribs, winking. Immediately the laughter stopped and two heads popped up from under the table.

  “Hey, we’re still hungry!” Kate said. On her knees, she extended both hands over her muffin, guarding it.

  Rian swiped his then sat back down, out of sight, to scarf it down.

  “Aren’t you glad we only have the twins to raise?” Bran said, smiling.

  Caleb chuckled and then resumed feeding the boys.

  “For now. I wouldn’t be surprised if Kate ends up pregnant with a litter,” Rian said from the floor.

  Kate, who had just taken a huge bit of the chocolate muffin, began to choke. Damian jumped up and handed her a cup of coffee. She cleared her airway, looked up, and saw Bran and Caleb were pale and looking at each other. Kate cleared her throat.

  “Ri I’m afraid that’s impossible. I don’t think I can have children,” she said quietly, fingering her new necklace.

  “Kate, what are you talking about?” Bran asked.

  “We’ve been having unprotected sex for over a year and nothing. Fate mates us to a man with two sons. Do the math. I think it’s her way of compensating for me.” She picked at her muffin.

  “You’re wrong,” Bran said.

  “You just don’t want me to be right,” Kate said.

  Caleb cleared his throat. “Let’s cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, let’s focus on this perimeter problem. What did Ma mean last night about killing the one responsible? I was so angry I think I was only hearing every other word.” Caleb desperately wanted to change the subject.

  “The person who invited the hyenas into town would have had to physically walk them over the border, knowing that they would cause harm.” Bran explained.

  “It wouldn’t work if a townsperson were kidnapped or forced to walk alongside someone. The townsperson would be able to cross and the perimeter would block the aggressor. But, if a townsperson willingly agreed to let someone in, knowing they would cause harm, the perimeter would be breached. As long as that person lives, the perimeter would be down for not only the small group that had walked through but also their entire clan. We have to be absolutely sure because once this person is found it’s a death sentence to secure our borders again.”

  The joy and laughter of the morning seemed to evaporate.

  “Rian is right. I’ll sit in on the interviews with you,” Caleb said, removing the boys’ bibs.

  Bran nodded.

  “I’ve lost my appetite. We might as well get started.” Bran stood.

  Rian and Damian walked around the table to pick up the boys. Bran and Caleb left the dining room, heading to the office leaving Kate with Damian, Rian, and the boys.

  “We have a big day planned, boys. First, a bath to get breakfast cleaned off you. Then a nap. Then we will work on our letters and then I have a wonderful educational video for you,” Rian said, rubbing noses with Lucas.

  “Educational videos? Letters? Rian, they are barely eight months old,” Kate said.

  “You can never start too early,” Rian said.

  Kate walked over and kissed each boy on the head. “Don’t tell Bran, but I’m shifting and sniffing around the border to see if I can find where they crossed. My wolf needs to get out. She wants to eliminate any threat to our young.”

  “Katie, I don’t know,” Damian hedged.

  “I’ll be back before lunch, promise,” she said. “Guard them with your lives.” She nuzzled Landon.

  “We will,” Rian said, firmly.

  “Be back.” She walked out of the dining room.

  * * * *

  Kate waited until she was out of sight of the house before stripping down. She folded her clothes and left them hidden in a bundle near her favorite tree before shifting. It was the tree Bran had claimed her under. In her wolf form, her fears for the boys came roaring to the surface. Her wolf was not happy. Her young were being threatened. That threat needed to die. The wolf in her needed to rend flesh with her teeth and watch the threat breathe its last breath.

  She took off running to the southeast, staying close to where the town’s magical perimeter extended. She had been running for about an hour and heading toward the southlands when the scent of hyena burned her nostrils. She had located their entry point. She wanted to follow the trail, but she knew that it would lead to the road where the scent would disappear, indicating that the hyenas had probably gotten into a car. She walked around, nose down and under the smell of snow and cold was the scent of pack. This was the scent of the betrayer. Try as she might, she could not identify a scent that would single any one pack member out. It only served to confirm her worst fear—that someone in the pack had indeed betrayed them.

  She turned, made her way back to her tree, and shifted. She loved the way her body felt right after a shift. In the summer the warmth of shifting was almost uncomfortable, but in the fall, winter, and early spring, standing naked in the snow as heat radiated from her body felt exhilarating. Smiling, she unburied her clothes and slowly got dressed. By the time she had her socks and boots on, she was starting to get cool. Carrying her coat she headed back toward the house.

  Kate eased into the back door and looked around. She stepped into the kitchen and made her way down the hallway toward the office. She saw Riley standing guard outside.

  “How are they doing?” she asked.

  Riley sighed. “We started with the Raymonds, but unless they are pathological liars, they weren’t involved. So far no one we have interviewed has been.” Riley leaned back against the wall.

  “Are they with anyone now?” Kate asked. Riley shook his head. She patted his arm and walked past him to open the office door and walk in. She shut the door behind her.

  “Where have you been?” Caleb asked from the leather high-back chair that was normally on the other side of Bran’s polished cherry desk. It now sat beside Bran behind the desk. She could tell they had done everything they could to appear as a united front.

  “She’s been outside,” Bran said, narrowing his eyes.

  She nodded. “My wolf wanted out. I found the entry point on pack lands, south of here.” She walked over to where they sat. Caleb opened his arms and she took her place in his lap and Bran swung her legs up and on to his thighs.

  “That was a foolish thing to do, Kate. There was no way for you to know if they were still out there.” Bran removed her boots and rubbed the arches of her feet. He knew they would be sore after she had been running for a while. Caleb rubbed her shoulders.

  “I wish I had found hyenas out there,” Kate growled. The very thought agitated her wolf again.

  “I want to bury my teeth in their flesh and snap their necks. I want to destroy them all for threatening my young.” She growled low and both men froze.

  Bran’s eyes widened. “Kate, your eyes.” He leaned forward.

  “What about her eyes?” Caleb asked from behind Kate.

  “They are shifted.” Bran growled and pulled her legs apart and dragged her off Caleb’s lap to straddle his waist, pulling her flush against his body and nuzzling her neck.

  “She needs to be punished for putting herself in danger,” Caleb said, standing. He walked over to the door and flagged Riley.

  “We’re taking a break. Can you let the others know we’ll resume interviews in about an hour? ”Caleb said.

  Riley smirked. “Open a window if you’re going to fuck because I doubt you’ll get accurate readings off the pack if they are amped up on your Alpha sex pheromones.” Riley headed toward the kitchen.

  Caleb nodded, shut the door, and locked it. When he turned around, Bran and Kate had stripped and she was lying down on the couch between his legs and her head was bobbing up and down on
his cock. Caleb went to the window and opened it.

  “Good idea,” Bran said and then moaned as Kate took him all the way down her throat.

  Caleb started pulling at his clothes, desperate to get some relief. He walked up behind Kate and pulled her hips up so that she was on her knees, ass in the air between Bran’s legs.

  “Please tell me you have some lube in here,” Caleb said, practically begging. He was getting waves of pleasure from both Kate and Bran.

  “Drawer…on the…left,” Bran said between pants.

  Caleb raced around the desk, found the small tube, and picked up the metal ruler before returning to the prize Kate presented to him.

  “Kate, stop for a moment.”

  She raised her face and Bran’s engorged head popped out from between her lips. She looked over her shoulder and smiled.

  “You need to be punished, sweet baby. Continue what you were doing and don’t hurt Bran.” He looked at her heatedly and she winked at him and lowered her head back over Bran. Her hair fell forward and the only way Caleb knew she had resumed was the low growl that Bran gave.

  He drew his hand back and brought the cold metal ruler down over her ass. The sharp smack and her inhale were the only sounds that filled the room. Bran groaned.

  “Fuck, man, whatever you did, do it again. She is going wild!” Bran exclaimed.

  In quick succession, he rapped out two more strikes, leaving pink bands on her creamy skin. Her head came up and she cried out.

  “Head back down!” Caleb ordered.

  She looked back at him, her eyes glazed with pleasure. She lowered her head and took Bran back into her mouth. By the fifth spanking, Bran pulled her off him, panting loudly. He pulled her body up his until she straddled his waist. She eagerly lowered her dripping pussy onto his massive dick. Caleb traced his fingers up her spine before wrapping his hands in her hair and pulling her head backward. Her head tilted back as she moved her body over Bran’s. She closed her eyes and lifted her lips. Caleb leaned down and struck hard. His lips were relentless as they tugged and pulled hers into submission. When they broke apart, he was breathing hard. He took the tube and poured the clear gel over his fingertips. He pulled her ass cheeks apart and gently rubbed the gel over her dark hole. He poured more on his fingers and eased two fingers into her tight channel. Her body stilled.

  “Too much?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “It’s perfect, but I would prefer your cock.” She rocked her hips. He smiled.

  “Soon, lovely baby.”

  When two fingers became three and she still hadn’t protested, he knew she was ready. Placing one knee on one side of Bran’s and Kate’s legs and the other between them, he eased his body forward until the head of his cock popped past the inner muscles of her ass.

  “Please!” she begged.

  “Please what?” he asked as he held his body still.

  “Please fuck me,” she said.

  He put his hand flat on her back and pushed her forward. She lay her head down on Bran’s chest. He pulled out and hammered into her. He grabbed her hips with both hands and simply let his wolf loose. He rode her hard, moving her body so that she rode Bran hard as well.

  “Caleb!” Bran breathed out, letting the man know he was about to go.

  Caleb reached forward with his right hand and bowed Kate’s body backward by pulling her hair. Bran leaned forward and took her left nipple in his mouth and sucked the hard flesh in between his teeth. Kate screamed as her body exploded and both men gave low groans as both of her needy holes milked their cocks. Bran released her breast with a loud pop of his lips and collapsed back against the couch. Carefully, Caleb eased his softening prick from her body. When he slipped out, she gave a sigh and relaxed on top of Bran. Caleb sat back on the couch, his legs shaky.

  “I can’t believe that. It’s getting better,” Kate said.

  Caleb smiled and headed to the tiny half bath attached to the office. He quickly cleaned up before returning with a washcloth and gently began to clean Kate. He leaned down and kissed her at the base of her spine. Bran sat up and moved Kate to one side so he could stand. He headed to the bathroom and nodded to Caleb for him to take his place with Kate on the couch. Caleb smiled his thank you and sat down on the couch and pulled Kate on top of him like a blanket. He kissed the top of her head.

  “Bran, please close the window. I’m freezing,” Kate grumbled into Caleb’s chest.

  “I suppose you’re hungry, too,” he said, walking out of the bathroom. He closed the window. Her head snapped up and she gave him a sad-eyed, boo-boo face. He sighed.

  “I guess we could head to town for lunch. I know that Rian and Damian planned on taking the twins to the diner for ‘socialization.’” He made air quotes and then pulled his clothes back on. Kate snuggled down against Caleb.

  “Just a few more minutes,” she said kissing his chest. She hadn’t had much time alone with Caleb. It felt really good to just be with him. Bran grabbed their clothes and laid them over the arm of the couch before heading to the desk to pick up a file folder.

  “We didn’t get anywhere with the interviews,” Bran said, taking his seat behind the desk.

  “I could smell pack at the entry point, Bran. It was one of us, not anyone from town,” she said quietly.

  Bran slammed his fist down onto the desktop.

  “Goddammit!” He stood and walked to the window.

  Caleb looked at Kate and nodded. She slid off his body and walked up behind Bran to wrap her arms around him. Even after the through pounding they had given her, she felt deliciously wicked standing behind him naked, pressing her breasts against his clothed back. He let out a breath and laid his arms over hers and intertwined their fingers.

  Caleb came up behind them. He, too, was now fully dressed and pressed himself against her body. Kate shivered.

  “Baby, are you horny again?” Bran asked.

  “I can’t help it! You two are so hot I should just stop wearing panties altogether. I’m always soaked around you two.”

  They both whimpered. She dipped her hand and grazed Bran’s bulge as she wiggled her ass against Caleb. She then stepped away from them to pull on her clothes. Both men were swallowing hard and adjusting their jeans.

  “That wasn’t nice,” Caleb said.

  “Neither was squeezing me between the two of you. Now let’s go get lunch! I’m freaking starving.” She turned and unlocked the door. She opened it before turning around with an impish smile. She cocked her arm back and threw a tiny ball of lace at Bran, which hit him in the face before falling open on the desk.

  “Can’t cream my panties if I’m not wearing any!” She stuck her tongue out at them and ran giggling to the front door.

  Caleb looked at Bran as they both stood stock-still.

  “Toys?” Caleb asked casually.

  “Under the bed and most untried,” Bran said, picking up the panties and inhaling her scent.

  Caleb took the lace from Bran and tucked it into his pocket.

  “You know she’s doing this so she will get punished,” Bran said as they made their way to the car.

  “Yes, but what we have to do is come up with a punishment she wasn’t planning on, something that pushes her limits and arouses her at the same time.”

  “I can’t wait to get even,” Bran said.

  “Me either,” Caleb said and they headed outside.

  Chapter 9

  “Let’s just say that the man has a new appreciation for cake.” Rebecca waggled her eyebrows. Kate and Ashby laughed.

  “Are you kidding? I have a new appreciation for cake. That coconut dream cake was divine. I want to incorporate something like that into my ice cream,” Ashby said, wiggling around in excitement.

  “I have some saved for you at the house. I wasn’t sure if ya’ll would make it to town today. It really worked in getting more sexcapades. That man cannot resist my cake.” Rebecca sipped from a travel mug.

  Kate pointed to it. “What’s that?”

  “It’s that amazing ginger-mint tea that Caleb made me. It is working wonders at keeping the nausea at bay. He needs to show Aleks how to make it. I can never get the quantities right.” Rebecca took another sip.

  Kate dug into her bacon barbecue burger and sighed happily. Her men had been keeping her so busy that she felt as though she was losing weight from all the exertion.

  “Where’s Nic?” Kate asked, looking around.

  “He had to do some stuff at The Grind, but he said he would be over later,” Rebecca said.

  Kate nodded and took another huge bite.

  “Whoa there, Cujo, what did that burger do to you?” Rian asked as he and Damian brought the boys over.

  “Those men of mine are using up all my energy. How are the boys doing today?” Kate asked, picking at her fries.

  “Lucas and Landon absolutely scandalized Mr. Gilberton at Bobbles and Things. I swear that cranky old bastard has no right running a toy and candy store,” Rian said, taking a sip of soda.

  “What did they do?” Kate asked, looking at the boys, who were enraptured with what looked like their new stuffed toy lions.

  “Gilberton was giving us shit, per usual, about being ‘fags’ and ‘does that child’s mother know you’re queer?’ When all of a sudden Lucas looked him right in the eye and released one of the most impressive growls I have heard. Gilberton jumped back, surprised, then disappeared into the back. The girl at the counter was trying her hardest not to laugh. Damian and I didn’t try. Just when Gilberton was coming back out of his office, Landon threw his head back and howled. Back into the office, the old bastard went. I swear I hurt something laughing so hard.” Rian looked like a proud parent.

  Kate scooped Lucas up and kissed him all over his face. Landon started whimpering so she reached down and picked him up with her right arm and balanced the boys on either hip. They snuggled down against her neck and cooed nonsensical babblings. She smiled and hugged them close. She sat down and kept them in her lap.

  “What were you doing back at Bobbles and Things? Weren’t you there yesterday?” Kate asked.


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