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69 SHADES OF RED: Femdom Stories of Spankings and Other Sexual Punishments - Bend Over! You Know You Deserve It! Volume 2 of the Collection

Page 4

by Nika Bella Dea

  Peter, still hanging and blindfolded, was waiting to see what she would do next, excited that he might finally get to fuck her.

  She came up behind him, reached up, unlocked his wrists, and removed his blindfold. He turned toward her, intending to take her in his arms. V pushed him away, and said, "Leave now. I will call you if I ever need you again."

  Where An Indistinct Conversation Can Lead

  by Josh

  It’s how so many of us pass our time, catching only snippets of a conversation—even just seeing flittering movement out of the corner of our eyes—we piece together what we want, keep what we like, and then fashion whole fantasies, concepts, or even battle plans to what we hope we might have caught. We try to interpret, and will fight to the death defending that we heard correctly.

  This is what happened to Janine that night, she said in the circle of her friends. She thought Ben was revealing a sexual secret just to her. Seven friends sitting around a black, semi-round table at their local coffee shop. It could muster up quite the din, and Janine, Brett, Samuel, his wife Kathy, Ben and his brother Jake, and the eldest of the group, Nicole, the actual English professor, who the six had during sophomore year of college, met there frequently.

  It had started easily enough, with Ben adding to Janine’s observation of Nicole’s latest come-on to Brett: “Shit, teacher, you should be taking cold showers more than once a week I think.”

  “She could probably use a good spanking,” Ben muttered in passing.

  Half the table listening had giggled, but Janine was fixed so deeply in Ben’s stare she'd lost the conversation for a second, and had to wiggle her little bottom closer to the edge of her chair.

  Ben added. “You know, a good over-the-knee one; those feel best.”

  Again, Janine felt the hot sandblast of the man’s stare as she lifted her medium latte to her thin lips, and stared at the handsome man staring as intently at her.

  Indistinct conversation or something more, she couldn’t tell. But suddenly, the petite blonde with the double D cups she kept as discreetly covered as she could, flashed on the image of Ben being bent across her lap, his magnificent ass (an ass she had never actually seen naked) up high, receiving her loud, bouncing hand swats.

  Just what the fuck was her friend going on about? How could two statements like that get her mind reeling when she had never thought of spanking anyone, man or woman, before? And, why was she suddenly feeling very hot indeed under the stare of a man she felt as close to as her brother and, as with everyone else at this table, had never shared any intimacy with, let alone ever considered any?

  The conversation then split between sips, lips smacks, a good natured argument between Sam and Nicole, and someone having the gall to get up, and buy an overly large sticky cinnamon bun that everyone helped to devour.

  “So, you coming over or what?” Ben asked as he and Janine walked to their two cars, parked side by side in the eastern corner of the lot. She had not been so aware of parking right next to Ben when they had pulled up two hours ago but she was damn well aware of it now.

  And, certainly, she was acutely aware with this question.

  “I mean, how obvious do I have to be here?” the lanky man continued, finally turning to Janine as she stepped as carefully as she could, not able to find her voice yet.

  “I just think it might be an interesting experiment,” he added.

  Janine finally stopped, and awkwardly turned to the smiling man.

  “You wanna clue me in to what the fuck is going on here?”

  “I have been entertaining a very wicked fantasy of you lately, and want to try it.”


  “Caught that, huh?”

  “Hard not to, but Ben…you and me? And spanking?”

  “The idea's not hot to you?” Ben said, and took three big steps into Janine that backed her up against her car. Pressing himself into what Janine first thought was going to be a hug, but suddenly found was a full out grope, she felt the unmistakable rounded front of the man’s hard cock against her crotch. Her knees weakened as Ben’s heat enveloped her.

  “I…I just never…” Janine tried just before Ben’s lips were on her own, and they lipped locked there in the parking lot.

  “So, follow me home?” Ben asked ten seconds later, after releasing his lips from Janine’s.


  On the 10-minute ride to Ben’s condo, a comfortable, 4-room place she had visited with the gang plenty of times before, Janine tried to keep her mind from spinning out of control, and will her little nipples from full erection. She couldn't seem to stop wiggling her pelvis to try and relieve the wetness she felt in her thong. This spanking thing unnerved Janine as much as it excited her.

  “It’s really not that big of a deal, baby,” Ben said.

  He had let Janine into his driveway first, then parked behind her, got out of his car, came round to her driver’s side door, and helped her from the seat. Taking her hand without a word, they had “be-booped” their car alarms, then climbed the cement steps to his upstairs condo. It was only when Ben had his front door open that he began to speak.

  “It’s just a little fantasy and you have the starring role.”

  “Why?” the girl mewed as she entered Ben’s house, and watched him flick on lights.

  “I think it has to do with the fact that I have no real desire for the classic, leather-clad dom beating my ass.”

  “Okay,” Janine said, smiling at the image. They came into Ben’s living room, and sat on his low leather couch.

  “So, therefore, it would have to be someone the opposite of that,” he continued, turning to Janine, and taking her hand. "Ya know, someone sweet…but sexy. Like you.”

  “And, this has always been a fantasy?”

  “Ya know, something on the back burner; I’m sure you have a few.”

  Janine didn’t dare even tickle a moment of thought about hers…one of which was having a man’s cock fuck her mouth very hard.

  “So…” Ben said, and stood.

  “You really want me to spank you?”


  Janine gulped, and tried to keep her eyes on Ben’s as he peeled his chinos down his legs, and faced her with a considerable tent in his boxers.

  “I, um…up and over?” she asked, sitting back, suddenly realizing that she was very interested in getting Ben across her lap, as the image of him doing so would not leave her mind.

  Ben smiled, stood to her side, and got across Janine. On contact of his heavy, hard cock on her legs, Janine gulped, looked down to his covered ass, and pulled the back of Ben’s underwear down to his mid thighs. He readjusted himself, and literally flumped his cock and balls between her open, bare legs.

  How many, how hard, where exactly? Janine would let the answers to those questions come to her as she got into this. But, what she did know was that, for her, tickling this man’s balls, and touching his cock was something she needed to do as much as Ben seemed to need her to spank him. In fact, if Ben wanted a spanking, this is what Janine wanted. So, with her right hand, Janine reached down under the squirming man atop her. Ben realized quickly what she was after, and opened his thighs even more. Janine took hold of the man’s warm balls, and began to stroke the very root of what she could feel was quite the thick shaft. With her other hand, she gave Ben’s right cheek a good, hearty smack.

  Ben moved only slightly, and said, "You can do better than that, can't you? That didn't even hurt."

  Janine removed her other hand from his cock, moved it across his back, and used it to steady herself and him as she raised her hand to effectively meet the challenge.


  He seemed to relax against her as if he'd finally received something he'd been waiting for...for a very long time. The more she smacked his cheeks, the more he seemed to melt into her, writhing with pleasure.

  "Harder, please, Janine!"

  She acquiesced, picking up the pace, and hitt
ing him repeatedly, harder with each strike. He was wiggling more on her lap and she was having a hard time holding him still with her other hand.

  Her palm was getting quite sore. She didn't know where this was going but she knew she didn't want it to end anytime soon. She paused for a moment, pushed her right foot sideways just a bit, leaned down, and slipped her heel off. Grabbing the heel of the shoe itself, she brought the toe part down on his reddened skin. A triangle-shaped mark quickly started to form.

  Ben yelled, "Ow!! Janine! That hurt!!"

  Janine didn't hear him. She launched into a frenzy of release, pouring out her sexual energy onto Ben's ass. The more she spanked, the more he writhed, his hips seeming to buckle into her with each strike, his hard cock sliding between her thighs.

  His protestations stopped as he seemed to join in her rhythm and, within a moment, she felt him tense up, and then bellow relief as he came. Warm liquid ran down her thighs, dripping onto her calves.

  Janine realized she had experienced an incredible rush of power...that she wasn't yet ready to relinquish!

  As Ben still lay there, panting and sweating, Janine said, "Stay right where you are, Ben. In a few moments, we're starting all over..."

  A Cuckold's Captured Cock

  by Steven

  “Yes, honey, sure sure, I’ll tell him, yes. Well, does he have a choice?” Jenny finished up, and placed her smart phone on the table, her tiny blue eyes all a twinkle.

  “That was Jack. He’s on his way over,” the petite blonde said, literally bouncing on the dining room chair. “He wants you in the cock cage again. He says it’s our one-month anniversary of when he bought it for you. It’s so sweet of him to keep track of things like that, isn’t it?”

  Stewart gently placed the unwieldy sports section of The Times to the right of his coffee cup. Showing fear or arousal—both of which were creeping up his spine right then in a rush—would not serve him, he knew. His wife and her lover loved nothing more than to shock him with their cuckolding games. But, what they loved even more was recognizing the slow roll of dreaded anticipation breaking up through Stewart’s lanky frame, the blush of that which he could neither stop, nor wanted to, as he imagined the sexual tortures awaiting him.

  True, though it had been Jack who'd had the presence of mind to present the cock cage into the mayhem that was this unique threesome, Stewart had been quietly thrilled the tall man had done so. He had masturbated over video clips of men with captured cocks his entire adult life. After learning what he had about his wife’s heavily beating dom heart, he knew she would come to truly enjoy his chastity if they ever got around to it.

  “Remember how surprised you were that I even knew what it was?”

  “Yes, silly me, thinking you were the innocent country girl, huh?” Stewart said, standing and making his way into the kitchen for more coffee. “Want a refill?”

  “Oh, baby,” Jenny cooed, sliding back her chair, standing, and walking to her hubby. "Are you scared? We all know what it did to you having your cock caged.”

  Yes, they all three knew full well how Stewart had twisted and flayed, tied down as his wife and boyfriend encased his cock after he had dumped a load of come due to a deep prostate milking from Jenny. Jack had watched, and laughed.

  Then came cold compresses to his balls, Jenny carefully shaving him close, and then Jack securing the straps tight to Stewart on Jenny’s high, four-poster bed. The "man of the house" lay on that bed, watching his wife manipulate, lube, and first fit the Lucite ring round his balls, and then the clear tube over his flaccid shaft. It wasn’t until Stewart heard the pieces click into place that he began to buck. It was when his wife handed the chastity cage lock’s key to her lover that Stewart actually began to cry.

  Jenny's words brought him back from the erotic memory. “It’s only right that a bad boy like you pays for his shortcomings,” she said, standing on tiptoe, and smacking her hubby’s right cheek hard. “Maybe we’ll keep it on longer this time.”

  “Ho…how long?” Stewart asked, adopting that stuttering speech that always served this trio’s gaming so well.

  “What was it, a couple days last time?” Jenny asked, moving past him to the coffee pot.

  “Three actually.”

  “Figured you’d have kept count,” she snickered, while refilling her cup. “Maybe you’d like a longer time in?”

  With Jenny, Stewart looked down to the front of his sweats. He was already sporting a hard-on. When let free from chastity after those three days, Stewart had fallen to his knees, routing, huffing, and basically fist-fucking his cock very fast. Jenny made him stop, and later punished him for losing control of himself like that, whipping him, and then withholding his orgasm for days on end.

  Standing there then, facing his pretty, teasing wife, and refilling their Sunday morning coffees, it appeared chastity was something they got into every day. The pretty, fresh-faced blonde's continued mulling about her wish for a longer cock-caging was making Stewart feel faint. He couldn’t imagine how hard he’d be by the time Jack finally arrived.

  “So, honey,” Jenny said, finally turning to him. “Maybe a week this time, two even?”

  Jack retreated from the kitchen door as his wife methodically stepped back into the dining room. His stare was as much running from Jenny's mischievous, thin-lipped grin to her hard nipples just pushing through her thin t-shirt. Stewart knew enough to stay quiet and quaking, to let his wife lead in what she said and did, and to appear as nervous as he could when, in actuality, he was aching to be put into that chastity cage for even longer than two weeks.

  Within the confines of limits discussed and safe words agreed over, Stewart knew Jenny was ultimately controlling the game. But, Stewart played a roll, too, with his acquiescence at the very things he seemed to almost be able to will his wife into, like having an overly-hung lover with which to cuckold him, buying and beating his bottom with various implements in and out of Jack’s presence, and somehow even influencing Jack to buy a cock cage chastity device for him.

  He was rock hard as he sat across from his wife again, sipping his coffee in shaking hands, and watching her watch him.

  The Apple Men and the Dragon Lady

  by Sue

  I knew of Andrea’s Apple Men way before I met them. Simply said, she put men through sexual endurance tests, one of which was her apple tests.

  Her descriptions of the scenes always got me so horny I couldn’t do much more then squirrel away in my tiny little dorm bedroom, or take to the back of the computer store I worked in part-time, and masturbate furiously over the scene.

  That she’d actually invited me to a session had me so dripping with anticipation, I actually drove into the donut shop halfway between campus and her house to sneak a diddle in the parking lot. Then, I continued on my way, sans panties, legs spread, and skirt up just so I could cool my puss-puss before I got to her house. If I passed a truck driver on the way, he'd sure have a story to tell!

  We have all enjoyed Andrea’s folk’s wealth. She lives in what pretty much amounts to a mansion two towns over from the college. It was many a night that Bill, Steve, Jean and I found ourselves partying here. And, though Andrea was generous to a fault, she had not invited me here on one of her ‘session-ing days’ until now.

  Of course, I’d be the only one of our merry little five-person band she’d dare invite, or even tell about her full dragon-lady like dom practices. Still, by the time I parked the car in the east end of a driveway, which was so big it actually had an east end, nervousness was mixing with my arousal to what I was imagining I’d find.

  Simply put, Andrea would invite a sampling of men over after engaging each in separate moments of skilled love-making. The guy, who usually thought he was the only one boning Andrea, assumed he would be getting more of the same fucking the girl had just given him.

  Instead, Andrea’s Apple Men found themselves usually one of a trio of other equally surprised guys waiting on her front porch. She then assured th
em her parents were out of town before inviting them inside.

  Of the three separate trios that had visited her this year so far, Andrea claimed only one guy had actually left when faced with Andrea’s rivals on the porch. Of those men who stayed, my brunette friend knew she had specimens of young college guys who either enjoyed the challenge of having to best a contemporary for a lady’s hand or, in some cases, hetero-flexible gentlemen who were up for whatever she wanted.

  The guys never counted on the Apple.

  It was a devilish, simple, and quite perverse test. Andrea had the trio strip, and stand side by side before her and she would then push a whole, unpeeled, red ruby apple into each man’s mouth. Why Apples? Andrea never said but I liked the idea as much as she of filling naked men’s mouths so they couldn’t talk.

  I also liked what she did next.

  Ordered to stand there with the fruit locked in their lips, held by their front teeth, Andrea would then kneel before each guy, fashion a condom on what she assured me was always at least a partial erection, and then proceed to suck, lick, and tickle each cock for two minutes each. Whichever man dropped the apple first, she’d bade to her bedroom while asking the others to leave…making them dress in front of her, keeping the condom on their dicks for an extra special embarrassment.

  The guys who dropped the apples, one or more (and in one case it had been two men), Andrea got across her bed on their stomachs, promising as good a fucking as she had already given them (and from what I've heard tell, Andrea's petite, alabaster body is very adept at humping), after they took as many hits from her belt snapping across their naked behinds as they could stand.


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