Book Read Free

Deadly Christmas Duty

Page 17

by Virginia Vaughan

  He stood, and Peterson leaned in to speak so the boy couldn’t hear. “Was she there? Did you see her?”

  “Yes, he has her tied up on the bow. Told her he wants to give her time to realize everything he’s taken from her.”

  “So she doesn’t know you have Ramey?”

  “No, I couldn’t get close enough to tell her without Ray seeing me.” It had broken his heart to hear her cries and not be able to reassure her, but if he could help it, she would soon be reunited with her son. “Hopefully, I can get back to her before Ray decides she’s had enough.”

  “Harbor Patrol has a boat on the way. I told them to come in with their lights off when they reached these coordinates.”

  “Hold them off until I can get Melinda out safely.”

  “How will I know when that is?”

  “If I’m not back with her in ten minutes, send help.”

  He winked at Ramey to assure him everything was fine, then jumped from the boat back into the water and started swimming in the direction of the boat that held Melinda.

  His heart beat a steady thump in the water. He stopped as the boat came into view. Melinda was still on the bow alone. Ray was nowhere in sight. That was good news. He swam the rest of the way under water so he wouldn’t be detected by Ray if he happened to step out of the cabin.

  He reached the side of the boat and found a place he could climb aboard. The moment his feet hit the floor, he pulled his gun. He hurried toward the front and saw her, duct-taped to a railing, slumped over and sobbing.

  He rushed to her and put away his gun, taking out his knife instead. “Melinda, it’s me.”

  She glanced up at him through red eyes and wet hair.

  “It’s me, Noah. Are you okay?” He used his knife to slice through the tape and free her hands.

  “He killed Ramey,” she cried as she fell into his arms.

  “Ramey’s fine. I was in the water when he threw him overboard. He’s on a boat behind the rocks.”

  She stared into his face and saw doubt and suspicion, but also a ray of hope. “Ramey’s alive?”

  “Yes. I promised you I would keep him safe.” He touched her face as all the love he felt for her surfaced. “I love you, Melinda. I know I don’t deserve you, and you can never trust your heart to someone like me, but I do love you.” He watched her face for some sign that she felt the same way he did, but her face morphed and her eyes widened. He heard the movement behind him, but it was too late to do anything about it.

  He spun around just as Ray swung a crowbar and hit him in the head. Melinda screamed as Noah hit the deck and pain radiated through him. He resisted the urge to lose consciousness. If he did, they were both dead. Instead, he tried to push himself up, but Ray swung at him again.

  Darkness fell over him, and the last things he heard were the gentle lap of the lake and the sobs from the woman he loved.

  * * *

  The elation she’d felt only a moment before when Noah had told her Ramey was safe dissipated as she saw Noah collapse on the deck.

  Ray threw down the crowbar and heaved until he had Noah over his shoulders.

  Her heart stopped when she heard the splash of his body hitting the water. She ran to the edge and saw him floating facedown. He was unconscious and wouldn’t last long without air.

  Ray turned to her, fire in his eyes. “Now you,” he sneered.

  But she had a newfound reason to fight. Her son was alive, and it was because of Noah. And he’d said he loved her. He’d come for her despite how she’d pushed him away, and he’d rescued Ramey. How could she have ever doubted him? She had to do whatever she could to protect the man she loved.

  She looked at Ray, who was laughing over killing someone else she loved. His cruelty sparked a newfound fire inside Melinda. She wasn’t going to allow another man to try to take her family from her without a fight. She swooped up the crowbar he’d just used to attack Noah and swung it at him, hitting him over the head while his back was turned. Ray screamed then hit his knees. She reared back again and brought it down on his head. He hit the floor and sprawled out, unconscious.

  She tossed the crowbar and ran to the edge. Noah wasn’t moving. He was still facedown in the water, and the waves were taking him farther away.

  God, please don’t take him now! Not before I get the chance to tell him how sorry I am and how much I love him!

  She searched for something to grab him with and pull him back to the boat. She found a net and tried to reach him, but it was too far.

  Finally, she knew the truth. She had no choice but to go in after him.

  Fear gripped her at the thought of entering the water. She wasn’t sure she was going to be able to do it, but Noah’s life depended on her reaching him in time, and she wasn’t giving up on him again. She thought about Peter, the apostle of Jesus, stepping out onto the water in faith. He’d believed so strongly that Jesus was there with him that he’d walked on the water.

  She wasn’t asking for nearly as much. All she wanted was to reach Noah in time and have faith enough to know that God would protect her while she did so. If he’d been there with Peter, he was surely there for her, too.

  She held on to that faith and gathered up her courage as she slipped into the water. Melinda held on to the boat as panic threatened to paralyze her. She couldn’t allow it to get the better of her. She had to reach him. She pushed off the boat and slowly, cautiously, moved toward Noah.

  She pushed through the fear in the knowledge that God was with her. Despite all she’d been through, He’d been with her, fighting for her, giving her the strength to survive Sean’s attack on her life, the strength to go through law school and raise a child on her own. He’d even sent her a warrior when she’d needed one. He had never abandoned her, and He never would.

  She reached Noah and raised his head from the water. He was bleeding and unconscious. She had to get him back to the boat. She pulled him back, but even with the water sustaining his weight, it wasn’t easy. But before she reached the boat, she heard the engine start up and saw Ray speed away.

  Her heart dropped. What would they do now? Noah had mentioned a boat hidden behind the rocks. But she wasn’t sure she had the strength to pull him that far.

  Suddenly, he roused and opened his eyes. When he realized where he was and what was happening, he quickly came back to life.

  “What happened?”

  “Ray attacked you. He threw you overboard. Now he’s gone.”

  He touched her face. “You came after me? In the water?”

  She nodded.

  “How did you do that?”

  “I couldn’t let you die. I love you. I would do anything to save you.”

  He stared at her. “Did you say you love me?”

  “I did. I do. I’m sorry, Noah. I’m sorry for what I said to you. I do trust you. I trust you with my life and with Ramey’s.”

  “But I—I let you down.”

  “No, you didn’t. You’re the only one who’s been there for me.” She reached out and stroked his face, basking in the feel of his strength and endurance. “There’s no one in this world I trust more than you, Noah Cason. I love you.”

  He kissed her, and his arms went around her.

  Suddenly, she was fine, all her fear vanished. She was safe in the water, safe in his arms, and she wasn’t afraid.

  “Melinda, will you do something for me? Will you marry me?”

  She looked at him, so full of love and hope after what they’d just been through. “You have a head wound. I think you’re delirious.”

  “I’m not delirious. I’m in love. With you. Melinda Steele, will you be my wife?”

  She laughed at the silliness of it all, but she’d never known a love like Noah’s. If it was her lot to die in this water, at least she would die happy in his arms. “Yes, I will marry you, Noah. I love

  He kissed her long and hard, and she basked in his embrace as they treaded water together.

  Suddenly, a noise grabbed her. She heard the thump thump and saw a light hit the water, sweeping over the area. They both looked up at a helicopter hovering over them.

  “Who is that?”

  “Harbor Patrol. They were waiting behind the island until I rescued you. They would have activated when Ray tried to motor away.” He waved up to them.

  A boat sped up beside them, and life preservers were thrown off. Noah grabbed one and wrapped it around her, then swam to the boat. She saw Chief Peterson leaning over the side, reaching down for her.

  “I’ve got you,” he said as he grabbed her arm and lifted her over the side. She spotted Ramey as her feet touched the floor. He was huddled in the front by the steering wheel, a life preserver wrapped around him and his arms and knees huddled together.

  She called his name, and he looked up. His face lit up and he jumped to his feet and ran to her. She held him tightly, so thankful he was safe.

  “Are you okay?” she asked him.

  “I was so scared, Mommy, but Noah saved me.”

  She turned and saw Noah climbing over the side of the boat. Blood was gushing from the wound on his head, and he was wet from head to toe, but he looked strong and virile. He’d saved them both.

  She went to him and slid into his embrace, and he closed his arms around her. Ramey ran to them, pushing himself between them and into their hug. They both laughed, and Noah looked down and kissed her.

  “I love you, Noah Cason,” she told him.

  She basked in the warmth of his arms, content in never leaving them.

  * * *

  Noah readied his weapon as Chief Peterson motioned for his team to move in on the bakery. He wasn’t an official member of Peterson’s team, but there was no way he was going to miss out on taking Ray Steele down.

  The Robin’s Nest had been found abandoned onshore an hour ago, and Noah figured Ray would return to a place he was familiar with. He proved correct when a shadowed figure entered the back door of the bakery. He stumbled through the room and went straight for the cash register, opening it and yanking out the cash.

  Noah flipped on the light and Ray spun around, his eyes now looking down the barrel of Noah’s gun.

  Ray sneered at him. “You going to shoot me now? Go ahead and get it over with.”

  Part of him wanted to take the shot and rid the Earth of one more weed. This man had terrorized Melinda and Ramey all because his brother had failed at killing them.

  “He’s all yours,” Noah said as Peterson and his team appeared and surrounded Ray. One of them stepped forward, grabbed his arms and cuffed his hands behind his back. “Ray Steele, you are under arrest for kidnapping, murder and attempted murder.” Noah heard him issuing his Miranda rights as they led Ray Steele away and out of their lives.

  “How is Melinda?” Peterson asked. “Still at the hospital?”

  “Yes, but they’re not keeping her. In fact, I’m supposed to be picking her up and taking her home right now, but I had to be here. I had to make sure this man was out of our lives for good.”

  Peterson clapped his shoulder. “He is, and he won’t be getting out anytime soon. We have enough physical evidence from Dawn Littlefield and Susan Campbell’s crime scenes to convict him. And of course, we have Melinda and Ramey’s testimonies about the kidnappings.”

  “What about the Danbars?”

  “He’s facing money laundering charges, but I doubt we’ll be able to pin anything on Robin. We’ll have to let her go soon.”

  “I hope she has the good sense to stay away from Melinda.”

  “My guess is she’ll grab her son and sneak quietly out of town to start over.”

  Noah said his farewells and left Peterson to finish booking Ray Steele. He didn’t need to be there for that part. Just knowing that man was being locked up for good was enough for him.

  He drove to the hospital, then stopped by the gift shop and picked up a bouquet of flowers for Melinda and a stuffed toy for Ramey. He took the elevator to the third floor and headed for her room at the end of the hall. As he entered, he saw her sitting on the sofa, Ramey curled up in her arms as she read a story to him.

  She smiled when she saw him, and he walked over and leaned down to kiss her. Ramey grabbed the stuffed animal and pressed it to him, then prodded his mom to keep reading.

  “Go ahead,” Noah told her, taking the spot next to her on the sofa and wrapping his arms around them both. She leaned into him, and Ramey lay against her.

  All was right in his world.


  Melinda heard squeals of delight from outside the cabin. She recognized Ramey’s voice and glanced out the window. Noah and Ramey were untying a Christmas tree from the top of his car. She pushed open the door and made room for them to enter.

  They were still at the cabin. She’d made arrangements to rent it out through the holidays, or until her house could be rebuilt. And Noah, being the sweet man he was, decided the place needed a Christmas tree.

  She had to admit she’d experienced a moment of fear when she’d watched Ramey hop into the car with Noah and disappear down the road, but she had faith in Noah, and that feeling of fear soon passed. She was learning to trust again, but it didn’t come easily. Noah was patient with her, and understanding, willing to give her the time she needed to recover.

  He carried the tree inside and placed it in an empty corner he’d cleaned out earlier. The smell of pine filled the house, and the scent was uplifting and familiar.

  “You didn’t happen to pick up any ornaments for it, did you?” she asked. “You know all of ours got lost in the fire.”

  He smiled and turned to her, and Ramey laughed like they both had a big secret. “Actually, I thought we might go into town together and get some. They’re having the official lighting of the Christmas tree downtown. We can grab some ice cream and shop for decorations. How does that sound?”

  “It sounds great!” Ramey exclaimed. “I want ice cream.”

  She laughed. “Now you’ve left me no choice. He won’t stop talking about ice cream until he gets some.”

  Noah put his arm around her waist and kissed her. “Then let’s go get some.”

  By the time they reached downtown, the tree and lights had already been lit, and the downtown center was aglow with Christmas lights and people swirling around. This really was a beautiful place, and the town went all out at Christmas.

  As Ramey and Noah chomped down on ice cream cones, Melinda opted for hot chocolate. The night was colder than she could remember it being in a long time, and the forecast was even teasing about snow, something that rarely ever happened in Alabama.

  She spotted Chief Peterson approaching them and waved. “Hi, how are you?”

  He looked pensive and tired. This entire episode had taken a toll on him. “I have news. I didn’t know whether I should wait or not, so I’m just going to tell you. I sent Wayne’s GPS records to a tech guy in the Birmingham PD, and he was able to triangulate where Wayne was the night before Nikki disappeared. We coordinated a search party.” He glanced at Noah. “We recovered her body an hour ago.”

  She glanced at Noah and could see this news hit him hard. He’d been prepared for this, expected it even, but how did someone ever really prepare for news like this? She put her arm around him.

  “Thank you for letting us know, Chief.”

  He looked at Noah. “I’m sorry for your loss. If it makes you feel better, I’m on my way to arrest Wayne for her murder.”

  “It does.” Noah took a deep breath. “I wish I could be there to see his face, but I have other—” he pulled Melinda and Ramey tight against him “—more important plans tonight.”

  “Understood,” Chief Peterson said. “Have a good night.”

nbsp; She glanced up at Noah to see how he was processing all of this. “Are you okay? It’s big news.”

  “Yes, it is. Very big. But Wayne will get his due justice for what he did to her. Now at least we can have a funeral.”

  She smiled up at him. “That’s true. Many people will be happy about that. She was loved here. Will you bury her here in town?”

  He nodded. “This was her home. She belongs here.” He glanced down at Melinda and Ramey. “And now so do I...if you’ll have me.”

  He pulled a box from his pocket and opened it, then knelt on one knee. It was like a fairy-tale moment. The lights, the music playing in the square, even Ramey standing there with a big, silly grin on his face.

  “I love you, Melinda. Ramey and I have been talking, and we were hoping we could all be a family. You made me a promise out there in the water. I hope you haven’t changed your mind about it. Will you marry me?”

  She glanced down at the two most important men in her life and realized how God had truly blessed her.

  “I would love to marry you, Noah. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  She walked out into the night, hand in hand with every Christmas wish she’d ever dreamed of.

  * * * * *

  Read on for an extract from CHRISTMAS UNDER FIRE by Michelle Karl

  Christmas Under Fire

  by Michelle Karl


  Cally Roslin stepped out of the small airplane and shivered as a blast of icy northern wind cut through the dampness in the air. It seemed to slice into her heavy winter coat and snow pants and cling to her skin like a layer of frost. She’d experienced a Canadian winter before, but the late December temperatures in Toronto had felt nothing like this introduction to the climate of northern British Columbia. It made her miss the dry warmth of her homeland, the Kingdom of Amar. She clutched the edges of her puffy jacket’s hood around her face to keep her cheeks from taking the full brunt of the cold and gripped the railing with her other hand. The thick glove she wore squished against the metal, and she had to squint to keep her eyes open as she descended the metal staircase to the tarmac.


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