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Tattooed Emotions

Page 10

by Alicia Rae

  Even if I’d tried, I had no words at his revelation. So, when he set his arm around my shoulder and repositioned himself to lean back against the lounge chair, I put up no resistance. I fell willingly into his arm and snuggled into his side.

  It wasn’t until I drifted to sleep that I realized I was in grave trouble.

  I was falling into Damien’s arms in more ways than one, and I wanted to scream for help, yet I seemed to be the one throwing myself over the edge. And only I could save myself.

  My eyes began to flutter, and I was pulled out of my deep slumber against my wishes. I was so tired, yet as I fidgeted in my sleep, I became achingly aware that my surroundings were different. The mattress and pillow beneath me were both far too soft for a lounge chair.

  I bolted upright, startled. My eyes rapidly assessed the room where I immediately realized I was in a bedroom. I grasped at the comforter and hauled it to my chest while hastily casting my eyes to either side of me. I exhaled on a whoosh when I learned I was unaccompanied.

  I took in the rest of the room once again. There was a dresser and armoire, both solid wood, illuminated by a light. My gaze followed where the rays were coming from, and I saw what I assumed was a bathroom entrance. There was a large antique walnut chair with white upholstery that resided just outside the doorframe. A dress shirt and pair of slacks had been casually tossed over the top of the furniture. Those clothes looked like they’d been worn, and it was becoming clear that this was not a guest room. This had to be Damien’s bedroom.

  An overwhelming urge to flee took over. I leaped from the mattress and nearly staggered on my feet from rising too fast. There was no lingering sleepy haze to shake away though. I was wide-awake and mad, fuming mad.

  Where is he?

  My hair fell forward onto my face, so I elevated my arm to swipe it away. Only, my hand was buried in a sleeve that was far too long and baggy to be my own. I gaped at it in horror. It was a white dress shirt made of fine threads, and it belonged to a certain individual.

  Before I knew what was happening, I was stomping toward the doorway where I breezed through it and ran down the hallway in a fury. Damien Heathman was going to have a piece of my mind when I laid eyes on him. He’d put me in his bed, and worse, he’d changed my clothes.

  This was wrong on so many levels.

  I came to an abrupt halt at the end of a landing. There was a curving staircase made of dark iron with small lights at the base of each step, giving them a soft glow. I would have found it a rather intricate touch to the house if I wasn’t boiling to the brim with frustration. I tuned out my observation and flew down the stairs.

  After several minutes of searching where I came across an office, kitchen, great room, sunroom, and two spare bedrooms—that I duly noted were crammed with an array of belongings—I headed for the terrace, only to find that empty, too.

  I released an exasperated sigh and collapsed on the patio lounge. I just needed to take a few calming deep breaths to gather my scattered wits, so I could figure out what to do next. My cell phone along with my purse were in Damien’s car. I’d have to go grab them and call a cab because there was no way I’d feel comfortable staying here by myself.

  I rose from my position and started to pivot toward the door. From the corner of my eye, I spotted Damien slowly walking up the beach in the direction of the house. His hands were tucked into the front pockets of his slacks that he was still wearing from last night. The way he was staring down at the sand gave me the impression that he was lost in thought.

  He was halfway to the house when he finally chanced a glance up, and his steps briefly faltered at the sight of me. He smiled a warm tender smile as he began to close the distance between us. “You’re awake,” he said with that handsome expression still in place.

  But I refused to be deterred by his sweet, dazzling charm.

  “What is wrong with you?” I verbally lashed out at him, unable to keep my cool. “What, in your right mind, would make you think it was okay to put me in your bed?” I simply couldn’t reciprocate his sentiments and think this was okay. It wasn’t.

  “You looked uncomfortable sleeping on the lounge chair. Both of my spare bedrooms are jam-packed with shit, so I put you in my room.” He came closer. His gaze roamed over my body, instantly glazing over with appreciation. “And because I wanted you there. It felt like that was where you belonged.” He set his hand on my waist and gradually glided his palm up my side.

  His touch made me crazy and delirious with an all-consuming passionate desire. I needed to keep a clear head, so I put some space between us, and his hand was forced to drop to his side.

  Narrowing my eyes at the latter part of his speech, I said, “That’s ridiculous. You don’t even know me.” I stepped forward to poke an accusing finger against his solid chest. “We shared a few kisses, Damien. That doesn’t mean we’ll share a fucking bed.” I was on a roll, so I kept going, “And you changed my clothes. How dare you!”

  “It’s not like you were naked. I was a gentleman and left your undergarments on,” Damien retorted in his defense, gently shooing my hand away.

  Then, he advanced with determination. One hand came to the small of my back where he flattened his palm and pressed me flush against his body. I stifled a moan at feeling his generous hard length rubbing against my stomach.

  “And do not fucking lie to me, Raelyn. You can’t deny this attraction between us any more than I can.” His free hand ran up my side once again before he softly took my nape to tilt my head to the side, giving him access to my throat. His hot mouth connected with my bare skin, nipping and kissing and sucking a trail to my jaw. “You feel it, too. Don’t you?”

  Oh God. My head fell backward on a hushed whimper, and my knees nearly buckled. The air was coming and going from my lungs with erratic breaths while a delicious warm heat pooled between my thighs.

  He was a shock to my system.

  “I asked you a question, Raelyn.” His lips delicately brushed along mine, and he gently tugged on my lower lip before releasing it. “And I want an answer.”

  His eyes bored into mine with a scorching passion that sent my pulse rate skyrocketing.

  “I wasn’t expecting you either, Raelyn.” His earlier admission washed over my skin like a soothing soft caress, and it seized all of my rational logic away with it, overpowering my senses.

  “Yes,” I whispered on a defeated cry, caving to my body’s demands. I wanted him. I was desperate for him to make me feel.

  I’d barely voiced my answer when Damien’s mouth crashed down on mine again. He grabbed either side of my hips and hoisted me up into his arms.

  I linked my legs around his back to snugly hold on to him while still kissing him as he journeyed into the house. Our tongues clashed and stroked one another. He kicked his foot on something and grunted a string of curse words into my mouth, making me laugh. Then, he caught himself by spinning around before pressing my torso against the nearest wall.

  Damien resumed kissing me with urgency. He used his upper thighs to leverage me as his hands fumbled with the buttons on the front of his white dress shirt that I was wearing.

  He must have lost his patience because he grabbed the shirt with his hands and unexpectedly ripped it open. I gasped along his lips as the pieces of circular plastic went flying before scattering across the hardwood floor.

  His hands glided around my center and unclasped my bra, baring my breasts to his hungry gaze. He flung the lace off to the side without a backward glance.

  “God, Raelyn. You’re even more beautiful than I imagined.” His voice was raw with appreciation and lust.

  Bending at the waist, he leaned forward and captured my left nipple where he licked a perfect circle with his tongue. It instantly hardened, and my head fell back against the wall with a soft thud. I moaned out in pure pleasure when he drew the stiff peak into his mouth and sucked.

  “Fuck,” Damien grunted. He gave my nipple a gentle tug and then released it. “I want you in my

  Then, his lips were on mine again, and we were moving through the house. He climbed the staircase with purposeful strides. Each of his muscles flexed beneath me as he effortlessly carried me in his arms.

  He entered his room, carried me to his bed, and lowered me onto his mattress. His expression went serious as he climbed over me and straddled my waist, perusing me. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” I nodded, reaching for his belt to remove it.

  I unfastened his pants, and he helped me guide them down his toned long legs. He grabbed a condom out of his pocket before tossing the material aside. As he sheathed himself, I went to unbutton the front of his shirt.

  He finished his task and lightly pushed my hands away. “Not the shirt.”

  Completely hurt by his demand, my brows drew together. “But I want to see you—all of you.”

  “No.” His tone was absolute.

  My frown deepened. I desperately yearned to make my feelings known. I would never judge him for the markings on his body. I’d simply been saddened to feel them.

  Damien appeared to sense my distress. He took my hands in his, linked our fingers together, and kissed both sets of my knuckles. “Take me as I am, Raelyn,” he murmured, looking me straight in the eyes.

  He raised our joined arms above my head. His movements pressed our bodies flush against one another as he braced most of his weight on his forearms. I could feel his heart slamming against his rib cage along my breasts while his rock-hard erection pulsated against my core.

  But all that mattered in this moment was his plea. It was nearly my undoing. I wanted to tell him that I did accept him—scars and all—that we all had them, whether they were visible or not. But instincts told me not to push him, not today.

  “Please let go of my hands,” I said, studying his features with beseeching eyes.

  “Don’t take off my shirt.” His own gaze was impassive, but he couldn’t conceal his underlying fear from me. He was so tense.

  “I won’t,” I promised.

  He hesitated a brief second before letting go of me. I lowered my elbows to my sides and then reached forward to cup both of his cheeks. He closed his eyes as I stroked them, reveling in the scruffiness of his facial hair.

  It was an intimate act, yet I was trying to silently show him that I was not judging the markings on his flesh, that I accepted all of him, and that he could trust me, all without using my voice. His body relaxed under my touch, and he seemed content.

  Once I felt I’d conveyed my feelings, I brought his face toward mine and told him, “Take me, Damien.”

  It was all he needed because, in the next second, our mouths were on each other. I’d expected fireworks and the earth to tilt on its axis with a burst of pent-up lust, but neither happened. Instead, our passionate embrace was so much more powerful. My heart shifted, and the shield I’d worked so hard to build around it completely shattered and obliterated into dust.

  My lips molded to his. They were a perfect fit. An insatiable need and longing spread through every nerve ending inside me. I was aching for him to fill me.

  He broke our kiss and slightly scooted his way down the bed. The pad of his index finger lazily traveled from my collarbone to my breast. He was taking his time, as if he were memorizing every inch of me. An endless array of sparks ignited in the wake of his touch, only to be soon replaced with his mouth. My back bowed off the bed, and I cried out.

  “Your body is incredibly responsive to my touch.” His voice was low and rough as he continued his descent to the center of my stomach. The tip of his tongue expertly swirled around my navel. “It’s so fucking sexy to watch.”

  “Damien.” I fought for air and clenched at the satin bedsheet around me as I writhed with pleasure, hoping he’d get the hint of what I was asking for.

  “Not yet,” he replied throatily, reaching the apex of my thighs. “I have to taste you first.”

  His tongue connected with my clitoris, and he began a torturous, languid pace of teasing and lapping at the most sensitive part of my body. Each and every muscle in my abdomen tingled and tightened with anticipation. He gently pressed a finger inside me, stretching me slightly, before sliding in a second, as if preparing me for what was to come. My inner walls instantly clenched around him, milking him, with my arousal.

  He moved in and out of me as his tongue continued to make slow, sensual sweeping passes over my pulsing nub. My skin broke out in a light sheen of sweat. My hips had a mind of their own as I rocked my pelvis up to match his movements.

  When he curled his finger along my sensitive spot and softly drew my clitoris into his mouth, I had no choice but to let go. I cried out as my orgasm rushed through me, coating me with a warm essence.

  Rising to his knees and lifting his shirt out of the way, Damien took his impressive length in his hand and leisurely stroked himself from root to tip, once and then a second time. His eyes were glazed over with pure want and unrequited hunger. I was riveted by the sight of him.

  The sexual tension in the air was thick.

  My heart was drumming in my chest at a dangerous speed, my blood was thrumming forcefully in my veins, and my core was pulsing with a blistering need all over again.

  He nudged my thighs apart with his own. The head of his thick cock gently brushed along my clitoris before he glided it between my folds and all the way down to my sex with deliberate teasing movements. Ever so leisurely, he pushed into me and filled me one sensational inch at a time, stealing my breath.

  When he was buried to the hilt, he stilled, and a violent shudder raked through him. “Fuck, you’re so tight, Raelyn,” he groaned, heady and deep. His upper body fell forward. He caught himself with his palms on the mattress.

  The fullness of him was incredible, and I lost all sense of reason.

  “Move,” I begged along his lips. “Please move.”

  Without thought, my hands went to his shoulders, but he didn’t seem to mind me touching him there with his shirt separating us.

  Damien receded to the tip of his length and then thrust back inside me, emanating a moan from both of us. He repeated his motions again. This time, I lifted my hips to meet him, and my muscles begin to adjust to his thick girth.

  Our labored breaths mingled together, and our bodies quickly became attuned with one another as we fell into a steady rhythm. As he pushed and pulled against my tender tissues, with each pass, a delicious friction built inside me.

  With his face and mine only a few centimeters apart, we looked deep into one another’s eyes. I bared myself to him and let him see my true emotions as we moved together. I felt as if he could see into my soul, see the real me, and it made my heart expand more in my chest.

  Nothing had ever felt so right. With him, for the first time in my life, I felt like I was where I was supposed to be. I felt like I was his even if only for this moment.

  I came closer and closer to the brink of another impending release when Damien gently seized my hip and shifted his angle. His mouth sealed over mine, and he tenderly kissed me, as if I were a delicate possession.

  My orgasm took hold of me, and I tipped over the peak, spiraling out of control. I was all sensations from head to toe. He swallowed my cries and groaned out his own release.

  We each took a few minutes to catch our breaths, revealing in the afterglow. When Damien rolled onto his back and pulled me into his chest, I went willingly into his arms.

  It was there I fell into a peaceful slumber while hearing the steady beat of his heart beneath me.

  There was nowhere else I wanted to be.

  As I came to, I saw the sun beaming brightly into the room. A warm body was wrapped around my own, caging me in.

  All too soon, the aftereffects of what I’d done last night came crashing down on me. I shouldn’t be here, cuddling in bed with a man I barely knew. It had been reckless and foolish. I had been foolish.

  Plus, I’d broken the ultimate golden rule of not mixing business with pleasure. Damien and I
had a complicated road ahead of us with Cale’s betrayal of embezzlement. I couldn’t allow myself to further tangle my emotions with Damien beyond our working relationship.

  So, I gave myself one more minute to relish in the feel of Damien holding me before I caved to the overwhelming urge to flee. I gingerly lifted Damien’s arm from my waist and returned it to his side. Then, I maneuvered myself to the edge of the bed where I rose to my feet. I found my clothes neatly folded on top of his dresser and slipped them on.

  I made my way to the door where I glanced over my shoulder and saw Damien still fast asleep. His hair was ruffled with sleep, and his face wore a peaceful and tranquil expression. I bit my lip and resisted the urge to crawl back into his arms.

  I left his bedroom, and I went down the staircase, through the kitchen, and across the breezeway to Damien’s garage where I opened his passenger door to retrieve my belongings. I slid my finger across my screen and saw that I had missed two texts from Iris.

  The first was from last night.

  Iris: Are you coming home soon?

  And the second had been sent an hour ago.

  Iris: Where are you? Are you okay?

  I typed out a reply.

  Me: Yes, I’m fine. Can you pick me up?

  Her response was immediate.

  Iris: Sure. Where are you?

  I opened the Find Me app on my iPhone, took a screenshot of my location, and forwarded it to her.

  Iris: K. I’ll be there in thirty.

  I let out a relieved sigh.

  Me: Thank you.

  I slipped my phone back into my bag, exited the garage, and backtracked inside to the kitchen, knowing exactly what needed to be done.

  I couldn’t risk losing my company, so I did what I felt was right and pulled out my checkbook and pen from my purse. I addressed the check to Damien Heathman for forty thousand dollars while making a mental note to transfer the money from my savings to my checking account first thing on Monday morning. It would be nearly everything I had left from the inheritance from my mother. On the memo line, I wrote that I’d pay him the remaining balance as soon as I could.


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