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The Empress’s New … Rod (Futanari Erotica Fairy Tales Book 15)

Page 3

by Julie Law

  The witch froze almost immediately, like a rabbit that had seen a wolf far closer than it expected to, and then slowly a blush graced her cheeks, and she jerkily turned around, once more trying to ignore the empress’s presence.

  Isolde simply raised an eyebrow. She couldn’t expect that to work, could she? If the next minute was any indication, she had expected it to work, but soon the empress got bored of the whole charade and coughed again.

  Daisy refused to turn and look at her, and Isolde grew annoyed. She started gritting her teeth, then tapping her foot on the ground, and when that didn’t seem to work she stepped forward and grabbed Daisy’s shoulder, forcing the witch to face her. The moment her eyes met the witch’s, her courage seemed to flee, and the two remained in silence, simply looking at one another.

  During the last days, Isolde had thought about so many things she wanted to say or do to the witch. The more vengeful ideas involved punishing the witch for the whole ordeal between them, but for the most part she didn’t consider harming the witch. She wanted to talk, and didn’t know if she would like to maybe repeat it all.

  It was a first, in a way. She had never been hesitant about wanting anyone before.

  She didn’t know if she still wanted Daisy’s help in conceiving a child, or if she would prefer to simply have the witch at her side for some time longer.

  Her loneliness, and the need to continue her bloodline, had led her to the dream of having a child, and she didn’t want to give it up, not after so much effort, but she also didn’t want it to come between her and the witch. And it shouldn’t, not really, but Isolde had never quite felt like she was feeling at the moment, and she could admit she wasn’t thinking completely rationally. “We need to talk.” She let out, eventually.

  “What about?” Daisy questioned, and turned away once again.

  She seemed focused on her potions, but Isolde knew better. The woman was just trying to avoid her. She narrowed her eyes and started tapping with her foot once again, but all that did was make the witch more withdrawn. “What do you think I want to talk about?”

  “I have no idea.”

  Daisy seemed as clumsy in avoiding a conversation as she was in everything else, and Isolde didn’t enjoy it at all.

  She breathed deeply. If the other woman wanted to play like that, then she would. “What else could I possibly want to talk to you about? Your inability to get me pregnant, obviously.”

  Daisy startled so hard that the empty bottle in her hand fell to the floor and broke. Isolde looked at it and then at the blonde, raising an eyebrow.

  The witch’s face was red, and she seemed to have some difficulty breathing. “I-Inability … to get you pregnant?” Her stuttering almost brought a smirk to Isolde’s lips, but the empress retained control at the last moment.

  Her eyebrow simply raised even further. “Isn’t that why you were brought before me? To use your knowledge and ensure I would get pregnant?”

  “Well, yes, but I thought…” Daisy colored even further, and her eyes were unable to meet Isolde’s.

  The empress frowned. “You thought what?”

  “Nothing.” The witch replied quickly, once more trying to look away. She did turn and started grabbing some of the ingredients on top of her working table, but Isolde wouldn’t let her escape that easily.

  “Tell me, what did you think exactly?”

  Daisy’s voice was hesitant, and her hands were trembling. “I … I thought you wanted to talk about you-know-what…”

  Isolde shook her head. “No, I don’t know what. What did you mean?”

  “… Nothing.” The blonde mumbled under her breath.

  “This is why I don’t like you.”

  Daisy stumbled back at the words, and looked at Isolde’s face, surprised. Her eyes were wide, and her mouth was open, and Isolde had to resist the temptation to reach forward and pressed her lips against it, continuing with the charade.

  “You’re clumsy, you can’t do your job, and now you’re speaking nonsense.”

  “You’re the one speaking nonsense.” Daisy shot back, then remembered who she was talking to and took another step back, only stopping when the empress narrowed her eyes at her. Something told her she shouldn’t hold back now, and say what needed to be said. “You’re the one behaving as if nothing happened between us.”

  “I have no idea what you mean.” Isolde smirked, and her eyes glittered.

  Daisy swallowed, understanding what the other woman was doing. “You’re teasing me.”

  “And you were avoiding the conversation, I think that’s only fair. I don’t like people to ignore, or try to make a fool of me.” Isolde’s rebuke was gentle, not something exactly normal in her, but then nothing in this situation was.

  Daisy tried to look away once more, but the empress’s hand coming to rest on her cheek stopped her. The two women looked into each other’s eyes, and shared a moment of silent understanding. Then their embarrassment took hold, and Isolde stepped back, and Daisy once more turned her back on the other woman.

  The empress just looked at the blonde, and wondered what to do. Deep down, the problem was that she didn’t know what she wanted to come from this. Did she want Daisy to turn around and kiss her? Did she want to feel the other woman’s body against hers, to have the blonde’s arms around her? The sudden pressure between her thighs indicated that yes, she would enjoy that very much, but she didn’t know if that was all she wanted.

  She wouldn’t mind just having a conversation with Daisy, and learn more about her. She was intrigued about the woman, had been since she met her. It wasn’t what she truly wanted – she wasn’t sure about that either – but it was something she could do without regretting it later. “Who are you?”

  Daisy turned to her, confused if the raised eyebrows were any indication.

  Isolde shook her head and tried to focus. “I mean, it’s not exactly common for someone from the northern kingdoms to travel our way, not if they aren’t merchants. Why are you here?”

  The witch hesitated, it was clear, and then licked her lips and forced Isolde to resist the temptation to kiss her once more. “I was hoping to find someone that could help me, or ingredients that would allowed me to make a potion that would solve my problem.” She fidgeted, and tried to look away from Isolde.

  “What problem?” The empress asked, curious.

  Daisy smiled sadly. “I’m sure you noticed it, but sometimes I … become a klutz. I stop being able to focus on anything, I just can’t think straight. It doesn’t always happen, and it’s pretty arbitrary, but it’s there.” She seemed to struggle to get the words out.

  Isolde remembered the first time the witch was brought before her, and how she had flitted from shiny bauble to shiny bauble in her throne room, unable to pay attention to the woman that could have ordered her death so easily. Her seneschal told her the woman had some kind of accident with a potion. She asked her about it.

  The witch nodded. “I was trying to develop a panacea, a potion to cure all ailments, but I ended up doing something that only harms the mind. I didn’t even mean to use it, but unfortunately I wasn’t as careful with one of the bottles as I thought I was, and here I am.”

  The manner in which she fidgeted, her being unable to hold Isolde’s eyes; all of it made the empress realize just how embarrassed the other woman was about her mistake, and part of her wanted to reassure Daisy. She didn’t know how, however.

  She couldn’t imagine how it must have felt to lose capabilities, to sometimes lose the ability to even focus on what was going around you. In her thoughts, she let her eyes wander about, and stilled when they fell upon the cauldron besides Daisy’s table. The almost turquoise potion inside was easily recognizable, and Isolde swallowed without quite meaning to, another bout of lust making her breathe a little deeper.

  She took a step in its direction, then one back before Daisy noticed it. She tried to focus on the conversation. “You seem to be better.” She said after a while, a questioni
ng tilt to her words.

  Daisy paused and seemed to blush. “It’s not always the same, but lately I seem to be more focused.”

  Something about the way she said it made Isolde narrow her eyes. “Since when, exactly?” Daisy’s blush answered for herself, and the empress took a step forward, getting closer to the other woman. She glanced once more at the potion, and wondered. “That is the one that affected you the other day, correct?”

  Daisy glanced at it and colored further. “Yes, it is.”

  “What is it supposed to do?”

  The witch shrugged. “It wasn’t supposed to be able to affect a woman. It was purely for a male to drink, and to enhance his ability to both perform and impregnate a woman. The effects it had on me were … unpredictable.” Her cheeks were so red by now that Isolde doubted her blush would ever vanish, but she didn’t mind.

  She just nodded, then let her gaze move around, trying to find the other potion, the one she drank. She encountered it soon enough. “And this is the one you fed me, correct?”

  “No.” Daisy shook her head, reaching out to point at the correct one. They were both the same color. “That was the cure I was supposed to give you; this one is the one you ended up drinking.”

  Looking from one potion to the other, Isolde could understand how the other woman gave her the wrong one. They were almost indistinguishable after all, and she narrowed her eyes.

  Daisy took that gesture as some kind of condemnation. “I usually label them, but I had just finished a batch, and seeing as the other one had a fairly indistinguishable color I hadn’t bothered before.” She explained, then her eyes widened when she saw the empress reach for one of the potions. “What are you doing?”

  Isolde raised an eyebrow at her, but didn’t stop, and picked a bottle of the potion the other woman fed her. “I just figured something.” She started, opening the bottle and inhaling, recognizing the scent. “You haven’t been doing that good of a job with me, have you?”

  “What?” Daisy seemed confused by Isolde’s statement, and shook her head. “I mean, I don’t know. I told your men it would take time to find a solution, you can’t blame me for being right.”

  “I can blame you for failing.” Isolde ignored Daisy’s spluttering and moved closer to the turquoise potion, still holding onto the green one in her hand. “And I can blame you for what happened between us.”

  The blonde swallowed.

  “Fortunately for you, I just had a great idea. One that might benefit us both.” Her smirk sent a shiver of need racing down Daisy’s back.

  “What idea?” The blonde knew she should have remained silent, maybe try to flee, but something in Isolde’s eyes told her that wouldn’t have helped. And part of her didn’t want to. Whatever the empress was cooking up would be something the woman in her would end up liking very much, and after their previous night together she didn’t know if she would be able to deny her instincts.

  And the empress might be right, in more than one manner. Daisy still wasn’t certain about what had allowed her to improve in these last days, but she narrowed it to only two causes. Either it had been the potion she ended up bathing in, or the sex that had made her feel better, and she wouldn’t mind having a clearer answer.

  Isolde glanced at the caldron, noting that the fire used to cook the potion was extinguished, and slowly let one of her hands get submerged in the liquid within.

  Daisy swallowed when the empress turned to her and offered her the green potion. “Drink.” Isolde ordered, and the witch grabbed the potion without really thinking about it. “If you’re unable to make me have a child, then I figure you’ll have to carry my child.”

  Daisy understood what she meant almost immediately. “We can’t, I mean…” She trailed off at the empress’s look, and swallowed, glancing down at the potion in her hand. “There’s no reason to assume it will work, the potion was designed for a man.”

  Isolde rolled her eyes. “And we saw the effect it had on a woman. Something tells me it will probably work.” She let her gaze wander over Daisy’s body. “And something tells me we’ll enjoy it very much.” A groan escaped her after those words, and she removed her hand from within the caldron, grabbing the edge of her dress.

  Only then did Daisy actually pay attention to what the empress was wearing, and she swallowed again. The other woman was using a silk dress, a very short one, ending just beneath her thighs. It was also thin, so thin she could see the curves the woman sported underneath the dress, and the sight incited something inside of her.

  Without really thinking about it, she drank the potion, and moaned when the effects started getting to her.

  Isolde watched as the other woman moaned and threw her head back, and smiled. A pained sound escaped her when she started to feel her flesh change, a pulse within her sex making her perfectly aware of what was happening. She raised her dress and watched as a cock grew above her slit, and groaned in desire.

  She threw her dress aside, baring herself completely, and glanced down, waiting until her cock finished growing, marveling a little when it did so. It was dark, far darker than the one Daisy had sported, and bigger as well. Isolde giggled slightly when she grabbed her rod and mentally compared it with others she had seen before, and realized she was bigger than many of the men she had been with.

  A moan called her attention back to Daisy. The witch was panting, and her eyes were fixed on Isolde’s rod. The empress enjoyed the attention, and started shifting from side to side, giggling when Daisy’s eyes followed her new cock as a dog would follow a bone. Her amusement managed to get through to the witch, and she looked up at her.

  Isolde saw the struggle in Daisy’s eyes, the urgency to step forward and fulfill her need, but the witch held back. She almost pouted. That wouldn’t do, she wanted Daisy, wanted to hear the blonde scream in pleasure, wanted to own her. And she would.

  She stepped forward. “Come here,” She called to the witch, and the woman obeyed. “Let me see you.”

  Daisy swallowed, but stayed still, even when Isolde reached out and grabbed her upper clothes and started pulling them off. The lust running through her mind was too great, and she wanted nothing more than to satisfy it.

  Eventually, she started helping the other woman, and soon both stood naked. Daisy let her eyes rove over Isolde’s body, but more often than not they strayed to the woman’s rod.

  The previous day they had been together, she had been too confounded by the sensations coursing through her body to study her rod, but now, even though there was plenty of lust running through her veins, she could focus somewhat. Isolde’s cock was long, dark, and it seemed to be pretty hard. Without really thinking about it, she reached out and touched it, then drew back when the empress giggled at her.

  “Go on,” Isolde said with a smile. “You can touch it. You can do more than that.”

  Daisy only bit her lower lip and looked at the rod, and the sight almost made Isolde’s rod jerk. She needed to have the other woman, and looking at those lips there wasn’t anything she would like more than to feel them around her rod, but the reason why she had called for the other woman, the only reason why this had started, was her desire to have a child, and now she had a chance. There was only one place where the first drops of her seed would end on, and that was on Daisy’s womb.

  “Turn around,” She whispered, but it was still loud enough for the other woman to hear her. “And bend over the table.”

  Daisy looked at her with wide eyes, and for a moment she feared the witch would fight her, wouldn’t obey, but all the blonde did was shudder, and then did as commanded. Isolde groaned at the sight.

  Daisy’s bottom looked like the most precious thing she had seen in her life, and she wasn’t able to resist reaching out with her hand and running it over those globes, hearing the other woman moan under her breath as it happened. The blonde’s skin was soft, softer than that of any lover she had before, and Isolde wondered if the pale color had anything to do with it, or if that wa
s simply something about Daisy.

  She wanted to prolong that moment for as long as she could: she had never been in that position before, hadn’t ever been the one about to sink her length into anyone, but unfortunately her lust was too great. She stepped forward almost without meaning to, and pressed her rod against Daisy’s buttocks, and when the woman moaned grabbed it and used it to tease the blonde’s sex.

  Lust overwhelmed Daisy easily enough, and she started moving against the empress, trying to get just a little bit of friction in the right place, but the other woman made her wait.

  Isolde teased the blonde, first with her rod, then with her fingers, waiting until the only thing that came out of Daisy’s mouth were mewls and pleading, and then aligned herself with the blonde’s opening and thrust. It was a little awkward, there was no denying it, but it was worth it.

  Daisy was tight, and Isolde shuddered as her flesh became imprisoned within the blonde’s depths. It was hard to describe how it felt. Isolde had sex many times before, but never like that, never being the one fucking someone. That, together with the lust the potion provoked in her, made sure she didn’t last long.

  She thrust and thrust, becoming more used to the motions with every second that passed, and eventually reached her limit, feeling her cock starting to jerk, and groaning when her seed started escaping. It was too soon, they had barely started, but Isolde coming was enough to trigger Daisy’s own orgasm, and the two of them came together.

  Orgasm allowed them to regain some measure of focus, and Isolde shivered, and made to move back, then stopped and groaned. She was still hard, the potion made sure of it, but Daisy’s walls felt far more pleasurable right now. Her rod was far more sensible.

  She started thrusting once more. It was slower than before, more contained, but both of them were still reeling from their first orgasm, and it was far more enjoyable. Isolde grasped Daisy’s hips, and used that grip to coordinate her thrusts, never letting her rod fully escape the other woman.


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