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The Gathering Storm

Page 30

by Chris Hechtl

  “They probably already have. Remember that attack last year at the refinery?” she reminded him.

  “Point,” he admitted. He waited a moment, then shrugged internally. “I'm just saying, I'm a target and so are you. Not just from Imperial, but also anyone they hire—the guilds.”

  “Guilds?” she asked, turning over to look at him. He could detect her concern from her vital signs.

  “Guilds. As in the Assassin's Guild and Thieves Guild,” he replied. She raised an eyebrow up to him as if to ask if he was serious. He smiled at her. “Yes, I'm serious. I am aware of both.” She blinked at him and then got a wary expression ever so briefly.

  “I ran into an assassin on Epsilon Triangula, one of the Assassin Guild's high-end members named Ole Blue. He was a Veraxin cyborg. He was pretty blatant about whom and what he was I have to admit. And then there are the attacks on Warrant Officer McClintock,” he said with a darker tone of voice.

  Based on what Monty had put together from the Neocat and what Gunny Schultz had provided, it was now clear April had turned over the initial warning to the guild that had put a target on his back.

  “Oh,” she said softly, turning away and biting her lip ever so slightly.

  “So, yes, I am aware of the guilds. It was a dirty but relatively open secret back in …,” he grimaced and ran a hand through his hair. “I was about to say my day, but I guess you could say the old Federation. And yes,” he said, looking at her steadily as she looked up at him once more. “I am aware they still exist.”

  She sucked in a breath, using her implants to keep it even. “Are you telling me this for a story?”

  “No,” he said; looking at her for another moment, long enough for her to have doubts and to start to think he knew. He finally looked away. “Just … confiding I guess you could say,” he said quietly as she turned away.

  “John, there are some stories that are too dangerous to run. Even I know that,” she finally said after a few minutes.

  He stroked her hair. “I know. But, there are some things I won't tolerate. Attacks on my friends and especially on my people are one of those things. I'm aware that the guild has put a block on any attacks on me,” she turned to look at him again, this time in wonder. He snorted internally. “And that they are even trying to protect me. I admit; that is one reason I haven't pushed anyone to do anything about them. But, if the Justice Department does turn their attention to them, I'm not going to interfere either. And if they keep going after Jethro and his family, well, I just might make a couple calls and damned the consequences,” he said.

  Her eyes stared into his for a while then they cut away. His fingertips stroked her hairline and temple. “But, let's not worry about that,” he said softly. “We've got all weekend for once. There isn’t any crisis on the horizon as far as I know, so we can relax and enjoy.”

  “Okay,” she murmured. He could tell from her vital signs that she was still deeply troubled however. There was an easy fix to that. His right fingertips caressed her hair, then cheek, then chin and neck. Then they kept moving down until his fingertips gently brushed the open top near her breasts, making her breath quicken ever so slightly. She looked up to him, green eyes speculative, but his fingertips kept moving on to her side before they dug in and he began to tickle her mercilessly. She guffawed then grabbed a pillow and tried to pummel him into submission with it.

  After that they were having too much fun with each other to think about dark conspiracies.

  Chapter 23


  “Please tell me you don't want to open up another front,” Phil said, opening the next senior officer ansible meeting. They were down several flag officers. Phil insisted he was the only one who should attend in Pyrax. Besides, the commodores there were too far away from the ansible to communicate in real time anyway. His voice was stripped of inflection, but those who knew him could hear the exasperation in his voice anyway.

  To say that he was a bit pissy about the recent round of promotions was putting it mildly. Not only had Nara Thornby and John Montgomery been promoted to flag rank even though they'd never held a ship command, but Admiral Irons had slipped Renee Mayweather back on the list. She had been promoted back to senior grade. She would get the news when it caught up with Second Fleet eventually.

  “Well hello and good morning to you too, Phil,” Admiral Irons quipped before he took a sip of coffee and then set the cup down. He was aware that the ansible translation package took a lot of the punch out of that statement, as it had with Phil's complaint. “No, we're not planning anything else beyond what you know. Of course, you and I both know shit happens and plans change.”


  “Besides, we don't know which way things will blow with the Eastern Front at this time,” General Forth said, interjecting himself into the conversation as he logged on. His avatar appeared seated at the conference table with Admiral Irons and Admiral Subert. “Gentlemen,” he said with a nod to each.

  “I think we need some ladies to join us. We're going to get accused of sexism soon,” Admiral Irons said.

  “Is that why you pushed for Thornby and Richards to be promoted? Equality?” Phil asked in annoyance.

  “No, I noticed we are lacking in the medical flag officer department. I want one of them to run BuMedical properly. Nara is tied up in the Resurrection Project as well as teaching and other things.” He left unsaid her work with the cadre. “Helen on the other hand could easily do it since she's running the medical administration on ET. Prying her away from it might be difficult, but she might be interested in the challenge.”

  “I see.”

  “I've gone over Admiral V'r'z'll's plan. I wish we'd sent more tin cans with her, specifically Arboths, but we didn't have many available. The cupboards are a bit bare at the moment; it's even put the Ptah mission behind schedule again. I hate the idea of tying down a cruiser on picket duty.”

  “But, they have to be able to handle anything that they run into. And it's a little late to start second-guessing the decisions made months ago, Admiral,” General Forth reminded him just as General 101011 logged on and appeared across from him.


  “She is going to need to scout her flanks. Based on the plans she left behind, she's going to keep her main firepower concentrated and hit the star systems that are occupied with CEVs,” Phil said with a shrug.

  “She is going to need to scout and then picket B-103c5, B-88R, B-87R, and three other star systems that connect to B-87R. Her CEV strike groups are going to have to hit OTBP, Konahagakure, New Horizon, and Hinata. Once she gets to those last two, she's going to need substantial pickets in each.”

  “Nothing from the wolf packs that passed that way I presume?” General 1010111 asked.

  “No. They had orders to pass through and only hit targets of opportunity. Oh, they were supposed to dump their intel in select drop sights, but they were to keep on mission and head into Sigma to cut the Horathians up there,” Phil replied. “What brought this on?” he asked.

  “This on?” Admiral Irons asked.

  “This recap?”

  “Oh. I was trying to game out where she'd stop. The obvious one is B-87R since it is a crossroads, but that opens her up from attacks from multiple vectors. There is also nothing there to supply her fleet.”

  “She didn't say either way?” the army general asked.

  “She left it optional since we don't know a lot at the moment about conditions in the area,” Phil replied.

  “Standard picket for each star system is a division. She's going to run out fast,” General Forth said.

  “Agreed. I'm debating in priorities here. Should we send her reinforcements first or Amadeus?” Admiral Irons asked.

  “Ah, the light dawns,” Phil said.

  “Something like that,” Admiral Irons replied. “I'd like to prioritize the future construction, and that requires planning and a budget. Hence this conversation.”


sp; “How far are you with prepping for an invasion force to follow her?” Admiral Irons asked, directing his question to the two ground force commanders.

  “It depends on the target and what intelligence we get back. OTBP is an agro world. After our experiences in Destria and Hidoshi's World, we can't take them as cake walks. Don't get me started about Konahagakure,” General Forth said.

  “Why? What's wrong there?” Phil asked.

  “Are you serious? Even though they were light on space defenses the planet is a haven for mercenary groups. They are very martial since they based their culture on Asian influences. We don't have a lot of intel on them, but I can tell you just from the scuttlebutt I've heard over the years that they aren't pushovers,” General Forth stated.

  “He is correct. ONI has confirmed that. We've also found at least two POWs who came from the star system. Neither of them talked and both committed suicide when pressed,” Commodore Montgomery stated as he came into the room. “Sorry, sirs, I was delayed in transit. Protector echoed the meeting so far however, so I'm up to speed.”

  “Good,” Admiral Irons stated.

  “Okay, so, back to the subject at hand, they are most likely fighting the Horathian occupiers?” Phil asked. “Some of them at any rate? Or did the entire planet go over to them?”

  “No idea. They could be, they could have thrown in with them, or they could have half their planet sterilized in orbital strikes. Or hell, all of it for that matter. No idea,” Monty replied as he took his seat.

  “What is the latest intel?” Phil asked.

  “According to what we picked up from B101a1, it has been captured and occupied. The information is over six years old however. I can rule out a burn for that time period. What has happened now …?” Monty shook his head and then realized the others couldn't see it. “I don't know.”

  “When Admiral V'r'z'll sets up her first ansible and gets intel back, we will know one way or another. For the moment Colonel Pendeckle is prepping Second Division to move on OTBP,” General Forth stated.

  “We're looking forward to the intel from that ansible,” Monty stated.

  “Understood,” Phil said grudgingly.

  “I've got one battalion ready to go with them,” General 1010111 stated.

  “Also good.”

  “I honestly think V'r'z'll will try to make a run at Garth if she can swing it. Cut off the Retribution Fleet's logistics and line of retreat and force them to fight on another axis. But, coordinating the forces will be rough. That's a long logistics tail too,” Admiral Irons mused. “Unless she goes the other route and tries to punch Finagle.”

  “That is a possibility. But, she'd leave herself vulnerable through Garth to be flanked. The same if she hits Garth with Finagle.”

  “I ordered her not to go further than B-87R with her full fleet for the moment. I want to know what she's encountered and I want her up-to-date before she goes in any further.”

  “Agreed,” Phil said.

  “Sir, we've got a situation,” Protector stated on the Admiral's HUD. His image was immediately replaced by Captain Sprite's.


  “A transmission from B-102c. A ship has arrived from the jump chain to Bek,” Sprite stated.

  “Captain Sprite just informed me that a ship has just been reported arriving from Bek,” Admiral Irons echoed.

  “It's about time,” General 1010111 stated.

  “But, they are not transmitting an IFF nor are they answering hails according to the latest report,” Captain Sprite stated.

  “Excuse me?” Admiral Irons asked, blinking in consternation. “Is it too soon or is there a problem?”

  “I don't know, sir. Wait, we are getting a transmission from the ship. It is Ilmarinen. But, sir, something is very wrong …”



  Seventeen weeks after departing Bek, Ilmarinen jumped into the outskirts of the B-102c star system. They hadn't set any records, but they'd gotten to the star system safely.

  The computer program embedded in the ship's computer network established the fact that they had arrived in the Sargasso star system and that the crew had not transmitted an IFF as protocol dictated. It scanned the log and found the orders from Admiral Childress to Captain Clayton. It opened a port and established a link to the dongle buried in the guts of the communications system.

  The computers within the communications system opened the script and followed its directives. It took the hundred-megabyte data file, processed it, and then compressed it for transmission. The file was loaded into a whisker laser and transmitted to the station's known location as well as the ansible platform.

  On top of that, an audio transmission began to play out over the radio. “To all ships. A state of mutiny continues to exist in Bek. Admiral Childress remains in command and Admiral Logan has been arrested and is on trial for his life. Captain Clayton has orders to use Ilmarinen to first destroy the ansible platform, then evacuate the station and destroy it. He is authorized to use lethal force to achieve his mission and will not answer hails to stop. Beware. Message ends,” a robotic voice said over every audio channel.


  “Sir, an unauthorized radio transmission has just been broadcast from the ship,” the sensor officer reported stiffly.

  “Who authorized it?” the captain demanded, glaring at the communications tech. The tech put her hands up and shook her head. “Arrest her,” he said, pointing to the tech. “Get her off my bridge.”

  “Sir, you've got to hear this,” the sensor officer stated. Before the captain could object, he put it up on the bridge PA.

  “… He is authorized to use lethal force to achieve his mission and will not answer hails to stop. Beware. Message ends,” the robotic voice said.

  “Sir? What are we doing? Why are we attacking a naval installation and our own personnel?” a tech demanded.

  “As you were,” the captain snarled.

  Captain Clayton stood on his bridge, furious at how things had turned out. He should have known better; he should have given it up before he'd even gotten into the star system. But, they'd gotten him this far. He had a duty to perform he thought with a corner of his mind. Bleakly, he realized there were more ships in the star system than anticipated.

  “Sir? What do we do?” his XO asked carefully.

  “We have our orders. We carry them out. Ignore all hails from the station and ansible until we are in the inner star system.”


  “Set course for the ansible platform.”


  “You heard me. Don't answer any calls from the station or anyone else,” the captain said, addressing the bridge. “I'm logging that order now.”


  “Commander Lafleur, we're getting some sort of transmission from Ilmarinen,” Echo reported.

  The station commander frowned as she got out of the shower and began to dry off. She hated having only a two-minute shower; it was barely enough time to wet down, soap up, rinse, and then shampoo her hair. But, she'd rather do it the old-fashioned way than with a sonic shower. The sonic thing set her teeth on edge, and she never felt completely clean anyway. “Define some sort of transmission. Are they in trouble?”

  “No, but it appears we are,” the A.I. replied, “or to be more precise, the ansible is.”

  “What the devil are you talking about, Echo?” the commander said as she paused in drying off to look at the screen on the wall nearby.

  “Play the damn message,” the commander growled as she snagged her uniform and began to put it on.

  “Playing message now.”

  The commander listened with growing consternation. She shook her head. “Is this some sort of prank? What the devil is going on over there! Have you tried to radio them again?”

  “Yes, ma'am. No response.”

  “Well, keep trying.”

  “Yes, ma'am.

  “And get me Captain Sharp Wit. We've got to figure
something out. And send a report off to the ansible in care of the Admiralty.”

  “Aye aye, ma'am.”

  “It's like the entire damn universe is off its rocker all of a sudden,” she muttered as she ducked her head into her turtleneck.



  Word of Ilmarinen's arrival and transmission was reported through the ansible to the Federation Admiralty. News of the potential attack was picked up by Captain Sprite who broke into a meeting to report the news to Admiral Irons.

  “Are you serious?” Admiral Irons demanded as he sat back in consternation.

  “Yes, sir. Ilmarinen is on a course for the ansible platform. She is ignoring all hails from the station as well as the ansible,” Sprite stated.

  “And this transmission?”

  “Unauthorized, sir, obviously,” Sprite replied.

  “I gathered that. Someone tried to help. What about Rolling Thunder?” Admiral Subert asked.

  “They've got her torn up, sir. Her bow right up to her midships line is open. Most of her systems are down.”

  “So, you are telling me she's helpless too?” he demanded.

  “Commander Lafleur and Captain Sharp Wit reported they are working as fast as they can to get the ship back into space. She's not completely helpless however. She has her chase armaments and some of her broadside armaments. However, her drive was being repaired. She also has extensive frame damage.”

  “So, she has some weapons but she can't move. She's at the station, too far to do the ansible any good.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “What the devil is going on there?” Admiral Irons stated. “And by there, I mean Bek.”

  “Obviously, Admiral Logan's mission was a failure. The good news is we know Ilmarinen got back to Bek now. The planned mission with the freighters can be put off.”

  “Right. Ever the silver lining.”

  “I'll take what I can get. And, I now have some more information. There was a second transmission from Ilmarinen, also unauthorized. It was compressed and encrypted. The computer in the ansible didn't know what to do with it, so it stuck it in the buffer. I've gotten an abbreviated log. It is from Rear Admiral Zekowitz. It is still in the platforms buffers being transmitted in small packets. I can tell you Bek is a mess.”


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