Play for Me
Page 5
“Ouch,” said Sam shaking her head. “That’s not right. You mean they don’t even call or anything?”
“Every once in a while,” said Ian. “When it’s convenient for them. Maybe once or twice a year.”
“Oh boy. Nothing like my family,” explained Sam. “Except for Jordan’s traveling, we’re pretty close.”
“Well, I envy you.” Ian smiled seductively at Sam. “Let’s get back to you being one of the guys.”
“I am,” said Sam returning the smile.
“I disagree,” said Ian seriously. “You are every bit of a woman. Every single guy in this place has had his eye on you.”
“Get out!” said Sam. “I didn’t notice.”
“Well, I have. Finish up, so I can take you to Venice Beach.”
“I can’t guzzle this drink,” said Sam and she pushed it away. Ian pushed it back.
“We’ve got time.” He smiled lazily at her. “So, I’ve told you about me, what about you?”
“Let’s see,” thought Sam for a moment. “As you can figure out, I’m from Chicago, born and raised there. It’s only me and my brother. According to my mother, we were more than she could handle, but she survived.” Sam made a face at Ian. “Since you know nothing about East of Vegas, I went to school at Northwestern and majored in business with a minor in music. Jordan went to school at DePaul and majored in music, obviously. Being a twin, they have a tendency to think you’re alike, so Mom and Dad made sure we followed our own dreams.”
“Do you have any musical talent?” asked Ian. Something told him she did.
“Well, yeah. Mom made sure we both took piano lessons. Jordan and I are very competitive with each other. When he took up guitar, so did I. I tried to be better than him, but I didn’t want to be a performer.”
“Why not? You two could’ve been the next Carpenters or something,” joked Ian. He kept getting lost in her green eyes. Ian loved the way she gestured when she talked. Her hands were slender and strong. If he didn’t know any better, he thought he might be coming infatuated with her. Obviously, she didn’t seem to feel the same way and this frustrated him. Why couldn’t she?
“No, thanks,” said Sam with a wave of her hand. “Let me finish!”
“Okay, okay,” surrendered Ian, and slouched in his seat and stared at Sam intently.
“I wanted to be in the business. At first, I wanted to be Jordan’s agent, but I really didn’t know the business. So, when I was a senior, I started working at this life insurance company. When I graduated, they offered me a full-time position and I just loved it.”
“What position did you hold? Seems like such a difference. Music to life insurance?” Ian cocked his head in confusion.
“They placed me in marketing, so I did get to use my creative nature. I worked my way to the top and became their first woman Vice President.”
“And?” Ian saw a shadow cross Sam’s face and he could’ve sworn he saw tears in her eyes.
“This is the hard part,” said Sam not looking at Ian.
“What?” asked Ian softly, and he leaned forward and cupped her chin forcing Sam to look into his eyes.
Sam’s eyes widened in surprise at Ian’s touch. “They laid me off,” answered Sam Oh, she could get used to his touch. It felt like a caress. Sam focused back on the conversation. “I poured my heart and soul into that company and just like that, it’s gone.” Sam snapped her fingers.
“But you’re here?” Ian reluctantly let go of Sam’s chin. Her skin felt like porcelain and he wanted to touch her all over. No way would he let Jett lay a hand on her.
“Yeah,” said Sam taking a sip of her drink. “I went home in tears, totally bummed out. Then, Bunny, my mother…”
“Your mom’s name is Bunny? Now, that’s funny,” laughed Ian.
“Her real name is Barbara, but she’s always been called Bunny. Well, anyway she’s quite the character. She came knocking at my door dragging me out of my condo and that’s when Jordan called. Which is how I found out about Jett, and that’s why I’m here.”
“So, Miss Corporate? What plans do you have now? Obviously, this is a temporary gig for you, is it not?” asked Ian. If he had to give up his love of designing and building houses, he would be lost. He really felt for Sam.
“My mother wants me to stay in Chicago so I can be close by. She still wants to run my life.” Sam made a face and Ian laughed. “Jordan thinks it’s a good idea for me to break away.” Sam looked away, somewhat embarrassed “I’m boring you, I’m sorry.”
“No, you’re not. Not at all, Sam,” he said softly and took her hand. “I mean I really feel for you because if I had to give up doing what I love, I, too, would be lost.”
“Thanks for understanding,” said Sam softly and she squeezed his hand affectionately. “I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.”
“I really hope you find out, and if you ever need someone to talk to about it, I’m here for you.”
“In Maui,” said Sam pointedly. “Not Los Angeles.”
“Isn’t that what cell phones are for?” Ian held his out. “What’s your number?”
“You really want it?” Sam felt amazed and flattered. Greek God, Ian wanted her number! Maybe just as friends, but that’s better than nothing.
“Yeah, I do. Do you want mine?” asked Ian.
“Sure.” Sam sounded doubtful. “You really don’t mind?”
“Not at all. Look! We both have the same phone.” Ian grabbed her phone and entered his number. He shoved his phone over to Sam. “Go ahead and program it in.”
“Wow, you have a lot of contacts,” commented Sam with a smile as she worked the phone.
“Now, don’t get too nosy,” joked Ian. “Remember I have a lot of business clients.”
“Yeah, right,” drawled Sam a smile back on her face. “Are we ready to go?”
“Yup,” said Ian as he stood up and Sam followed him.
“Man, it’s bright out here,” said Sam, realizing that the sun shone in full view. She reached for her sunglasses while her phone rang. “Excuse me,” she said to Ian and answered the call. “Hello?”
“Just checking to make sure I have the correct number,” laughed Ian as he disconnected the phone.
“Cute, real cute,” said Sam. Why is it that guys always teased her? Someone on inline skates just whizzed right by them, causing Sam to almost lose her balance.
“Careful there,” said Ian as he grabbed Sam’s elbow. “Word of warning, watch your step. People here are in their own world, population one. Here, take my hand so I can hang on to you.”
“Ian, look at that guy over there. He has no clothes on?” Sam looked away quickly, but curiosity won her over.
“Yup,” laughed Ian. “He’s getting ready to take a bath in the ocean.”
“Oh, that is just too gross. Now I don’t want to go in the water.”
“You will,” laughed Ian. “California. Land of fruits and nuts.”
“Hey, watch it there, bucko. Aren’t you from California?” Sam gave Ian a playful shove.
“Which is why I live in Maui,” said Ian shoving her back. They strolled together holding hands in comfortable silence as Ian pointed out various landmarks.
“I’m exhausted,” said Sam as they found a park bench and sat down. “Between all of this fresh air, exercise and the interview with Jett…”
“And don’t forget the Margaritas,” said Ian. Sam leaned back and Ian put his arm around her shoulders. “What do you want to do now?”
“I could fall asleep,” murmured Sam as she leaned in on Ian’s rock hard, muscled body and it felt wonderful.
“Well, gee, I guess I’m no fun to be with.” Ian pretended to sulk.
“Yeah, I guess so,” laughed Sam.
“Should we head back to the hotel or what?”
“I could use a nap,” yawned Sam.
“With me?” Ian wiggled his eyebrows provocatively.
“You wouldn’t get any sleep. I snore.” Sam sat
up, her radar on high alert. She wasn’t ready to sleep with Ian just yet. Nope. Way too soon.
“You don’t trust me,” said Ian evenly.
“It’s not that I don’t trust you, I just don’t know you well enough,” admitted Sam. She looked at the ground before she continued on. “I guess I’m old-fashioned. I’m not into casual sex.”
“I appreciate your honesty,” said Ian. “As a young man, you probably wouldn’t have approved of my behavior, but I agree with you. I’m a more selective now than ever. How about we take a cab back?”
“I don’t think I can move,” moaned Sam. “You’re going to have to carry me,”
“Come on, lazy bones.” Ian took her hand and pulled Sam to a standing position. He then put his arms around her, holding her close and whispered in her ear, “How many hearts have you broken, Samantha Stevens?”
“I don’t know,” Sam whispered back her faces inches from him. Their eyes were locked in a quiet conversation and Ian bent down and gently kissed her lips. It felt so nice Sam didn’t want him to stop, but he did.
“I couldn’t resist,” admitted Ian as he fondly tucked a strand of hair behind Sam’s ear. “I think you’re kind of nice. Very nice.”
“You’re very determined,” said Sam ruefully and she broke the hold he had on her. Ian refused to let go of her hand.
“Jordan has done a great job in raising his little sister.” Ian was smiling. “You’re no pushover and I like that.”
“No, I’m not a pushover, even though you did see me with half my clothes off.” Sam would not let Ian see the emotions he had just stirred up. She would always remember that kiss. If he kissed her again, there could be a problem. It could be the one kiss that would lead her over the edge and she’d do something she would regret.
“No,” admitted Ian. “I won’t ever forget that. But when you wear a bikini…”
“I don’t do bikinis,” said Sam rather sharply. “Not unless I drop a couple hundred pounds.”
“Get serious,” scoffed Ian. “You’re too skinny as it is. What is it with women and their bodies? I’ve never met a woman who liked her body.”
“Women are like that,” explained Sam. “We see all of these magazines with models who are picture perfect…”
“You mean airbrushed,” finished Ian.
“Whatever, but we grow up thinking in order for a man to like us, we have to look like that.”
“So, you still believe that crap?” asked Ian, amazed. “Why would you think that?”
“Because I’m thirty-years-old and I don’t have a boyfriend?”
“It’s not due to your looks.” Ian glanced at her before continuing on, “I think you’re afraid to get close to anyone.”
“Is being a shrink your second profession?” The words were out before Sam could stop them, but Ian had hit on the truth.
“Touché,” whispered Ian. They walked on without saying anything.
“You’re right,” said Sam finally. “I’ve been hurt one time too many. Damn, I hate it when you’re right.”
“So, Miss Uptight,” drawled Ian as he put his arm around her waist. “What does it take for you to get over this, um, problem?”
“Someone I can trust. Someone who really likes me for me. Someone who isn’t after my older brother.”
“Trust can take time,” admitted Ian. “But so far, I like you, and believe you me, I am not after your brother.” Sam rolled her eyes.
“Whew, two out of three isn’t bad,” laughed Sam.
“Let’s just say, and you know this is hypothetical.” Ian stopped to face Sam. “How can I gain your trust?”
“First off, it’s a cosmic thing. I read people really well,” explained Sam.
“Do you think we have this ‘cosmic’ thing?” Ian looked at her closely.
Sam studied him for a moment. “Yeah, I think we do. But then I’d want to know you better, see how you act in several situations. If you beat kids and run down old ladies. Or better yet, you can be charming and lovely to me, but kick dogs and cats.”
“My dogs would be very upset with me if I did that,” offered Ian. “My cats would scratch me alive.”
Sam chuckled. “Okay, you pass on that one. What about old people?”
“My granny would kill me.” Ian chuckled and then turned serious. “But I do have some issues with my parents, which I’m working on.”
“I can understand that,” agreed Sam. “I’m in the same boat.”
“So, how am I doing?” Ian looked at her with a beseeching gaze.
“Pretty good so far, but I’m not going to bed with you tonight,” laughed Sam.
“I didn’t expect you to. Which is why I like you. A woman with morals.”
“But I don’t surf.” Sam looked over at Ian.
“Would you watch me surf?” asked Ian.
“Of course I would,” offered Sam.
“You’d have to wear a bikini,” said Ian with a straight face.
“Ugh. I knew there was a catch to this whole thing.” Sam threw her hands up.
“What part of your body are you ashamed of?” asked Ian in disbelief. He could not find a thing wrong with her. From what he saw, she had no ugly scars or anything to be ashamed of.
“It’s embarrassing.” Sam turned red.
“What? Why are you blushing?” asked Ian, puzzled. “From my point, of view there is absolutely nothing wrong with your body.” He squeezed her shoulders. “Nothing at all.”
“Let’s change the subject, please?” Sam tried to pull away, but Ian held her fast as they walked to the street.
Sam followed Ian as he flagged down a cab. They sat close to one another still holding hands
“What are you doing tonight?” asked Ian.
“I promised Jett that I’d look at his computer, and set up some sort of strategy. But right now, that doesn’t sound like much fun.” Her phone rang and she checked the display and smiled. “It’s Jordan.” She answered the call, “Hey bro? What’s up? Where are you?”
“I’m in Los Angeles, and will be for a couple of days. What are you up to? How did your interview with Jett go?” asked Jett.
“Actually, it went pretty well,” said Sam trying hard to ignore Ian’s hand on the back of her neck, his fingers casually caressing her. “I really think he liked me. But I met another friend of yours.” Sam turned to look at Ian’s smiling face. “Ian Andrews.”
“Ian? He’s a really nice guy. How did you run into him?”
“We both had appointments with Jett. Me, for my interview, and Ian for Jett’s house in Maui. As a matter of fact, I’m with him now. We’re on our way back to the hotel.”
“Put him on,” asked Jordan. Sam handed Ian her phone.
“What’s up, Ian? How long are you in town?”
“I’m leaving tomorrow morning. Jett’s got all these changes he wants done. How long are you in town?”
“Until Friday. How about dinner tonight? I hope my little sister isn’t pestering you too much. Do you think you could put up with her a little longer?”
“No problem. Meet us at the hotel and we can decide where to go.”
“Sure thing. But, really, Is Sam doing okay?” asked Jordan.
“Yeah, she’s cool.” Ian handed the phone back to Sam.
“I’ll meet you and Ian around seven for dinner. I’m pretty tired so we won’t stay out long.”
“Sounds good to me,” said Sam cheerfully. She ended the call and turned to Ian. “You okay with me hanging around for dinner?”
“I’d hoped you would,” said Ian as he smiled. “It’s that trust thing I need to work on with you.”
Sam glanced at her watch and saw the time read five o’clock. “Tell you what, Ian. I’m going to my room to change and maybe catch some winks. Why don’t I meet you and Jordan in the lobby?”
“I don’t get to take a nap with you?” Ian looked disappointed.
“You know better,” laughed Sam. They emerged from the cab and were swiftly
escorted inside. Ian kissed Sam’s forehead as he dropped her off at her room. Sam went inside with a big smile on her face. This had been an almost perfect day. Could she be falling in love? She couldn’t wait to tell Deb!
Chapter Five
Ian watched as Sam closed the door and lingered for a few minutes. Half tempted to knock on her door and plead to come in, Ian sighed. He knew he had a way with women and could usually score really well, but Sam appeared to be different. He wanted to treat her with the respect that she so deserved. Whistling softly, he entered his room and his phone rang. Hoping for Sam on the other end, Ian cringed in disappointment to hear Jennifer’s voice on the other end.
“You never called me back,” said Jennifer, her voice low.
“I’ve been busy with Jett.” Ian’s voice sounded flat. “As a matter of fact, I’m going out to dinner with friends tonight, so I can’t talk long.”
“Did Jett like your plans for the house?” Jennifer tried to keep him on the phone.
“Yeah, he did. Look, I have to go. As a matter of fact, I’m checking to see if I can change my ticket to come home on Friday instead of tomorrow.”
“But Gayle and Tim’s party is tomorrow night, and you promised you would go. Ian, please.”
“I’m sorry, but I’ve got business here I have to take care of. Besides, I never promised I’d go. You were the one who made the plans without asking me.”
“But they’re our best friends.” Jen’s voice grew louder.
“No, they are your best friends, not mine. We’ve been over this a million times,” stated Ian angrily.
“But I thought you liked them. Ian, what is going on with you? You probably didn’t have time to think about what we talked about, did you?”
“I have,” said Ian no longer cared about being kind. “I like you as a friend, but that’s it.”
“But I thought you really loved me. We see each other almost every day. Why are you trying to run away from me? Look at all we’ve been through!” cried Jen.
“We see each other every day because you come over all the time, even while I’m working.” Ian did not need this conversation now. “Listen. Please. We are just friends. I like you but I don’t love you.”