Play for Me
Page 15
“Jordan is lucky to have you as a sister.” Jett smiled back at her.
“Stop! You’re giving me a big head.” Sam nudged Jett in the shoulder and they settled in comfortably for the trip.
Chapter Thirteen
“Where’s my Cracker,” called Sam excitedly as she entered her apartment.
Cracker howled in delight when he saw Sam. He ran circles around her and licked her hand.
“Now, I know where I stand,” said Toby dejectedly. “He and I had a good time. I thought I rated.”
“You do” said Sam. “But I’m his mommy. Thanks so much for watching him for me, Toby. I really appreciate it.” Sam beamed at Toby.
“You’re stocked up for the week, but let me know if you need anything.” Toby pointed to the overflowing pantry stuffed with food. “Did you like Hawaii?” Toby sat down on the couch, and looked expectantly at Sam.
“You are way too good to me, Toby. Thanks! I loved it.” Sam looked at him pensively, not knowing how much to tell him. “It’s beautiful there.”
“Did you have time to surf?” asked Toby.
“No. I only splashed in the ocean. I need to get back there to take full advantage of it,” said Sam.
“Jett told me you were going to watch the progress of his house. He said you’d be taking Cracker there with you,” said Toby.
“So he did tell you?” Sam breathed a sigh of relief. “He wants me down there by the weekend so I have to talk to Marvin.” Sam opened up the kitchen cabinets. “Hey, Toby? How about I make us dinner?”
“Sounds great. What are you going to make?” Toby already had an apple in his hand.
“Spaghetti and meatballs.” Sam got out the pots and pans while Toby made himself comfortable on the couch watching the Lakers’ game on television. The phone rang and Toby lowered the sound as Sam answered the phone, hoping for Ian.
“Hi there, Sam,” boomed Marvin. “How are you?”
“Just the man I wanted to talk to,” replied Sam.
“Rumor has it, you’re going to be Maui bound for a while. Just wanted to let you know, I’ve secured a house for you on the beach and the use of a brand new BMW. Your flight with Cracker is all arranged. Toby will take you to the airport on Saturday and I’ll have a ride provided for you from the airport to your rental.”
“Just like that?” laughed Sam, amazed.
“Just like that. You do have Jett’s personal number, don’t you?”
“Yeah, I have it somewhere. He said he’d call me when he got a chance.” Sam shook her head as her life become surreal.
“Sounds like you’re all set, kid. Have fun!”
“Thanks, Marvin.” Sam disconnected the call and smiled at Toby. “So, you and I have a date for Saturday?”
“I reckon we do. Hey, the sauce smells good. When’s dinner?” Toby sniffed the air appreciatively.
“Right now.” Sam removed the garlic bread from the oven, sliced it and put it on the table. She poured the gravy into a pitcher, the meatballs in a bowl and filled two plates full of spaghetti. She then filled two glasses of wine and invited Toby to sit down.
“To you,” toasted Toby as they clinked glasses.
“Thanks. Enjoy.” They both dug into their plates and Sam felt a little apprehensive because Ian had not called her.
“You know what part of this job sucks?” said Ian miserably to his partner Rock.
“Is it the part where you’re under surveillance and you’re bored stiff?” Rock gingerly shifted his weight, his binoculars dangling from his neck.
“Besides that.” Ian felt frustrated. “It’s about not being able to tell someone the truth because it could hurt them.”
“I thought you broke up with that lady, Jennifer, right?” Now, Rock showed interest.
“Yeah, I did break up with her, but I met someone new. This one is pretty special. I had to tell her this weekend I used to be a Navy Seal, but I didn’t tell her I’m still on assignment. I think she would freak out if she knew. Besides, I’m not supposed to say anything.”
“Well, who is this special lady? Where did you meet her?” pried Rock.
“You know Jordan Stevens, the guitar player?”
“It’s his sister. She just started working for Jett Robinson.” Ian glanced through his binoculars and saw some movement. He put his fingers to his lips to silence Rock and they both watched as a small helicopter landed on the deserted beach. Two men got out of the aircraft and were soon joined by three other men. Ian swiftly took pictures of the men for identification, but could not hear the conversation. The three men got into the helicopter and the five of them took off heading west.
“Finally, some action,” breathed Rock excitedly. He watched as Ian sent the pictures to their contact, Terri at headquarters for identification.
“Got the photos,” Terri, his contact replied. “Stay put while I run some identification on them.”
“You know they’re going to come back. Do we have any backup here?” asked Ian
“No. You’re under observation only. Don’t go in unless you’re threatened. There hasn’t been any sign of drugs or arms, and no money has been exchanged. You guys are always in a hurry.”
“Okay,” sighed Ian dejectedly. “Waiting for you.”
“So, this chick is Jordan’s sister?” persisted Rock.
“Yeah. She’s really great. She’s so honest and open. It’s kind of nice. She’s originally from Chicago, so this was her first time in California and first time in Hawaii.”
“What’s her name and does she have a sister?” Rock started to chuckle.
“You’re out of luck. She only has Jordan. Her name is Samantha. Let me tell you, her legs are a mile long.” said Ian dreamily thinking about last night.
“Sounds like someone got lucky last night. When am I going to meet her? You know I’m your best friend.” Rock’s smile appeared a bit dopey.
“I don’t know since she’s probably mad at me, thinking I’m two-timing her.” Ian frowned.
“Call her when you get a chance. Hell, I’ll call her for you,” offered Rock.
“When hell freezes over, you horny old bastard.” Ian glared at his friend and Rock burst into laughter and then Ian’s phone buzzed.
“We got the four-one-one on the photos,” commented Terri. “You and Rock can leave. It’s the Mexican cartel, the Garcias. We’ve got the copter’s number and the locals have it all under control. Good work, guys.”
“Whew.” Ian shut down his phone and picked up his personal one to see if he had a message from Samantha. Nothing.
“Dude, do you want to go surfing?” asked Rock. They had posed as surfers in the first place, so it wouldn’t be too much out of character.
“Sure, why not? Just let me call Sam, and I’ll be right down on the beach.” Ian quickly dialed her number. Rock stood there with a stupid smile, looking at Ian. “I said you can go now,” said Ian irritably. Ian walked away and Rock started towards the beach.
“Sam? Hey, it’s Ian. Sorry it took so long to call.” Ian said a prayer under his breath hoping Sam wouldn’t be mad.
“No problem. How’s the surfing?” Sam felt a tad miffed and she didn’t understand why. It’s not that she owned him. Maybe it’s because she really couldn’t define their relationship.
“Rock and I are still here,” answered Ian truthfully. “We got held up for a while, but now we’re good to go. Your flight landed on time?”
“Yes. Jett certainly moves fast. I already have a rented house and a BMW at my disposal. I’m coming back down on Saturday and staying for a while.” Sam didn’t know what Ian would think.
“Awesome.” Ian sounded really pleased. “Where’s the house at?”
“Don’t know. Marvin got it for me and he said it’s on the beach. There will be a limo to pick me up once I’m there. It’s a little overwhelming sometimes.”
“Get used to it if you’re working with Jett. Time does not sit s
till for that man. Listen, thanks for the good news. Rock is glaring at me, so I’ve got to go. I’ll talk to you soon!” Ian thought better of it. “Hey,” he added intimately. “I thought last night was fantastic.”
“I did, too,” responded Sam feeling all warm inside. Okay, maybe she would forgive him.
When Toby picked up Sam, Jett tagged along for the ride, as well. Cracker, seeing his buddies, jumped into the limo as if he belonged there.
“You know, that dog is getting used to the lifestyles of the rich and famous,” groused Sam. “Just look at him. You’d think he’s the star.”
“You mean he’s not?” Jett looked at Sam, trying hard not to crack a smile.
“Funny, real funny, Jett.” Sam made a face at him, and Jett burst into laughter.
“Now, let’s make sure we have all of our ducks in a row.” Jett handed her a list of tour dates that Marvin had given him. “This is where we will be staying in case you need to reach me, but you have my private cell phone.”
“Thanks,” said Sam as she glanced at the information. She noted gaps in the dates and turned to Jett. “Is this when you think you’ll be coming home?”
“I hope so. That could always change.” Jett glanced at the paper before Sam put it in her briefcase.
“I have the laptop, phone, Ian’s schedule, so I’m good to go.” Sam smiled at Jett. “Do we know how long you want me out there?”
“When it’s done.” Jett tousled Cracker’s ears and the dog licked him in the face. “I’m going to miss my buddy.”
“I am, too,” said Toby from the front seat.
“Well, you can always come down to see him.” suggested Sam. “Are you going to miss me?”
“I don’t know, what do you think, Toby? Are we going to miss Sam?” Jett smiled broadly.
“Gee, I don’t know. Well yeah, maybe,” said Toby, playing along.
“I am so loved,” commented Sam and rolled her eyes. Jett squeezed her hand.
“I want you to practice every day, too. You did bring your guitar, right?”
“Yes, Dad.” Sam pointed to the trunk.
“I think there’s a piano in the house too,” said Jett. “I did tell Marvin to put one in.”
“That’s cool. Thanks, Jett.” Sam smiled at Jett. The car came to a stop and all of them got out. Sam checked her bags and waved goodbye to Jett and Toby. Cracker looked on confused why his buddies weren’t following him, and gave some resistance to Sam. “It’s okay, Cracker, just you and me.” Sam tugged again at the leash and Cracker followed her out to the plane. She and Cracker settled in and Sam took out her phone to call Ian.
“I’m so glad you called,” said Ian. “Where are you?”
“I just boarded the plane. I still don’t have the address so why don’t I call you when I get to the house? I mean, if that’s okay with you.” Jeesh, she didn’t want to sound too forward.
“No, that’s fine. I’ve got some stuff I have to take care of. What time does your flight get in?”
“Sometime around three.” Sam looked at the papers. “It says three-twenty.”
“If I don’t answer, just leave a message. Sam, this is really great you’re coming.”
“I’m not used to this,” said Sam shaking her head. “Nothing is ever carved in stone, is it?”
“Live life minute by minute,” urged Ian.
“A gal has to do what a gal can,” said Sam laughing. “Talk to you later.” Sam sat back and enjoyed the flight.
As Sam and Cracker deplaned, Sam looked around to figure out how to get to the terminal. She found her way while everyone stopped and stared at Cracker. Cracker enjoyed the attention and received first class treatment through the customs line. Waving at the limo displaying her name, Sam got her bag and Cracker into the back before letting out a sigh of relief.
“I’m Kehli, and you are Sam?” a portly, gray haired man smiled graciously at Sam His cheeks were so plump, his eyes disappeared when he smiled.
“Yes. Pleased to meet you Kehli,” said Sam gratefully. “I hope I can find my way around here.”
“Island is easy. Just follow the signs. Marvin told me you have your own car, which is good. First time to Maui?” asked Kehli jovially.
“No, second, actually. But the first turned out to be a whirlwind tour. Now, I get a chance to explore on my own.”
“If you need help, you let Kehli know!” He smiled triumphantly, and he pulled into a gated driveway. Unlocking the gate, he drove up the circular driveway and stopped at the front door.
“Look at this place!” exclaimed Sam a little breathless. The house, a two-story stucco, boasted four thousand square foot.
“Nice place, huh?” asked Kehli as he took out the bags and strode to the front porch to open the door. He handed Sam the keys and she took them but her eyes were wide in awe.
“This is beautiful! I feel like I’m in paradise,” gushed Sam.
“You are, my friend. Welcome to Maui. I go now, but here’s my card. Call me if you need anything.” Kehli bowed gracefully.
“Thanks,” said Sam still awestruck at the luxuriousness of the home.
“I took the liberty of stocking it for you, but if you want anything else, there’s a store a few miles down the road. Also, here are the keys to the car in the garage.”
“Thanks,” said Sam again, somewhat stunned. She let go of Cracker’s leash and he sniffed around wildly.
Kehli left and Sam wandered around the house. The master bedroom had been decorated in dark mahogany just like Ian’s and sported a huge king sized bed. The master bathroom had all modern appliances, with a Jacuzzi and walk in shower. It had been filled with towels of all shapes and sizes. The kitchen had dark wood cabinets with granite countertops and a huge island which contained a gas range and sink. The table and chairs matched the cabinets and the dishes were of an island theme. The other two bedrooms were large; one had twin beds while the other had a queen sized bed. They both had their own bathroom and that finished just the downstairs. The living room faced the beach and just as Jett promised, a Yamaha baby grand piano graced the room.
Going out to the patio, Sam looked around. It had no pool but it did have an outdoor kitchen and apparently, access to the beach. Cracker tried to follow Sam out but Sam wouldn’t let him. She’d never see him again. As she stepped back in, her phone rang.
“Hey! Where are you?” Ian sounded upset that she hadn’t called.
“Oh, Ian. I’m just getting ready to call you. You will never believe this house. It’s beautiful. I mean not like yours, don’t get me wrong, but wow. Jett is way too good to me.”
“Where is it, and what are you doing for dinner?” Ian had a big smile on his face.
“Um, I don’t know.” Sam felt silly. She had been so busy looking at the scenery and talking to Kehli, she didn’t pay attention to her whereabouts. She ran outside to look at the house number and the street sign and read it off to Ian.
“I know exactly where it is. Why don’t I come by in about an hour and we can go out to dinner?”
“Sounds great,” agreed Sam. “I’ll need to do some shopping so you can show me where.”
“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you,” growled Ian which made Sam shiver in anticipation.
“Yeah, I know,” said Sam, still in awe. How she ended up in a beautiful home in Maui and had a hunk of a gorgeous boyfriend, she didn’t know. She needed to call Deb to catch up, but first of all she needed to call her parents.
“Hey, I’m in Maui and you just wouldn’t believe the house where I’m staying. I think I died and went to heaven.” Sam plopped herself on the couch, dangling her legs over the arms of the sofa.
“How long are you going to be staying there?” Bunny asked. “Actually, I’m surprised you called me. Usually, I have to track you down.”
“See? I’m improving!” said Sam to ward off any of Bunny’s scolding.
“Your father and I have decided to come see you in Maui.
We’ve made our plane reservations. Does your house have extra bedrooms?”
“What?” Sam sat up, jolted by this news. “When are you coming?”
“Two weeks. We plan on spending a week there,” said Bunny.
“Oh.” Sam turned white, panic spreading throughout her entire soul. “A week?”
“Why? Don’t you want us to come?” Bunny sounded hurt pulling her guilt card.
“Of course I want you to come. It’s just that I’m not really familiar with the area since I’ve only been here once before.”
“Good, then we will explore it together. Maybe we can meet your architect boyfriend,” hinted Bunny.
“Um, gee. I guess so if he’s not busy. He does travel quite a bit.” Sam stalled for time.
“Don’t you want us to meet him, Sam? You sound like you’re hedging.” Bunny’s voice came across as cool.
“No, Mom. Not at all. Make sure you email me your flight information so I can pick you up at the airport. Two weeks, right? It will be fun.” Sam had buried her head in her hand, her mind racing with all she had to do.
“Good. I’ll be in touch.” Bunny smiled as she hung up the phone. “I’ll get her to come back to Chicago if it’s the last thing I do!” She smiled at her husband while he just shook his head in exasperation.
Chapter Fourteen
Sam went around the kitchen, taking inventory of what she needed in the way of groceries. She had packed enough food for Cracker, who seemed content in his new digs. He discovered the air vent and lay on top of it, cooling his body. He watched Sam as she tried to get organized before Ian rang the doorbell.
“Hey, this is nice,” said Ian as he stepped into the house. “But you’re way nicer.” He kissed Sam hungrily, his hands roamed her body and settled on her waist. “You’re such a pretty sight for sore eyes.”
“Aw, you say that to all the girls, don’t you?” Sam kissed him sensuously on the tip of his nose before she settled her lips on his.
“Hey, Cracker,” smiled Ian as Cracker pushed between the two of them. “How’s my buddy?”
“Watch your manners, Cracker,” said Sam as she pushed Cracker’s muzzle out of the way.