Play for Me
Page 24
“That’s cool,” said Sam, trying hard to swallow the lump in her throat. “I’ve got go. Good luck with the author.” The words were rushed as she disconnected the call.
Ian swore and slammed his fist into the bed. That didn’t go well.
Sam decided she needed to clear her head by doing some strenuous exercise. Grabbing Cracker’s leash, she hooked him up and they went to the beach. At first, Sam ran, but it hurt to run in the sand and then her feet burned so she slowed down to a stroll, catching her breath. She bent over and unleashed Cracker and watched as he bounded into the waves, sheer joy and exhilaration shone on his face. Sam sat down in the sand and put her face in her hands. Sam had always schooled herself never to be a quitter and she would let things work out. Time had a way of doing that to a situation. She needed to concentrate on her job and her music.
A movement in the shadows of the beach caught her eye, and all of a sudden Sam didn’t feel comfortable anymore. She started to walk away trying to stay calm. She looked around and found the beach area totally deserted. Even her parents weren’t home, but what could they do? Cracker was nowhere in sight, making Sam even more nervous. Who would help her if she needed it? She looked around and saw a looming shadow of a man, quickly striding her way. She measured the distance to her house and felt that if she broke into a dead run, she could make it. The figure came menacingly closer and Sam knew she was the target.
Turning around, Sam saw the figure closing in on her and she broke into the fastest run of her life. Her legs hurt but she pushed on. Her lungs screamed for oxygen but she didn’t stop. Just as she reached the path to her house, her attacker lunged at her and knocked her down, falling on her, overpowering her. He brought her to a standing position so she was face to face with him, but he still held her tightly.
“Well, look what I found in the ocean.” The voice made Sam’s skin crawl.
“What are you doing here?” Sam asked Drew. She tried not to show her fear because he had trespassed on her beach area. Knowing that there were no private beaches, it still freaked her out that he had followed her here.
“Just watching the waves in the ocean,” said Drew as he took Sam’s arm. “Come, take a walk with me. I know lover boy is out of town and you must be very lonely.”
“Get your hands off of me,” said Sam as she broke free. She glared at him after she had shaken him off. “Don’t you get it? I want nothing to do with you.”
“I told you I don’t take no for an answer.” Drew lunged for Sam, but she anticipated his move and dodged out of the way. “You’re making this difficult, Sam.”
“Oh, you don’t know difficult,” said Sam through gritted teeth. Drew made another move on Sam, but Sam went into her karate mode and the next thing Drew knew he fell flat on the ground with Sam on top of him. Drew clawed at her face and Sam tightened the grip she had on him. She could feel the blood trickle down her face.
“Let me take over, Sam.” A man who Sam had never met appeared out of nowhere.
“Who are you?” asked Sam stared at this hulk of a man and she felt so relieved to see him.
“Rock. A friend of Ian’s and the Hawaii five oh unit. We’ve been watching Drew for a while.” Rock tasered Drew and put handcuffs on him.
“A friend of Ian’s?” Sam repeated dully. “Why, what? You just tasered him?”
“We’ve had a feeling that he’s responsible for the vandalism to Jett’s house as well as yours and Ian’s. Besides, Ian asked me to keep an eye out for him hanging around your house.” Rock sat back on his haunches and called the police. “Are you okay?” Rock stared at her bruised face and noticed Sam’s right eye starting to swell.
“I’ll be okay. I grew up with a brother.” She shook her head. “Are you a Seal with Ian?” asked Sam putting two and two together.
“Ian and I go way back,” said Rock smiling. “Is that your dog?”
“I completely forgot about Cracker,” said Sam as she whistled for him to come. Cracker came over and growled at Drew, but wagged his tail at Rock.
“Your dog has good taste,” laughed Rock. “Why don’t you go back inside while I wrap this up?”
“Good idea and thanks.” Sam shook his hand, leashed Cracker and literally ran home. She still trembled as she closed and locked the door.
Her first instinct told her to call Ian, but no, she wouldn’t. Sam sat down at her desk. She had to get out of here for a couple of days. Maybe even a week. Would Jett mind? Between, Drew, Jennifer, and Ian, they were all driving her crazy. She reached for her phone and called Marvin.
“Sam? What’s wrong?” asked Marvin. He sounded concerned because Sam only called with bad news.
“There’s nothing wrong,” said Sam “I have a favor to ask of you. Is it possible for me to come back to California for a week or two? “
“I don’t see why not, since the house is progressing nicely,” said Marvin. “How long would you stay?”
“About a week or ten days. I’d leave here on Sunday and then come back in time to check on the house.”
“Do you miss the mainland?” asked Marvin, concerned.
“Yes and no. I’ve been writing some songs and I’d like to record them for Jett. I would need his studio, if that’s okay.” Sam kept her fingers crossed.
“Sounds good. I’ll have the plane ready for you on Sunday. I take it Cracker is coming with you?”
“You are correct,” laughed Sam. She disconnected the call, relieved.
Sam went to her bedroom and pulled down her suitcase. She realized she would have to hide this from her parents. No way would she let on that things were not good with Ian. She stopped packing when the door opened and her parents walked in.
“Sam? Where are you?” asked Bunny as she walked into the house,
“Here, Mom. What’s up?” Sam quickly shoved the suitcases under the bed.
“Since we only have two more nights here, we would love to take you and Ian out to dinner,” said Bunny proudly and then she noticed Sam’s face. “Sam, what happened?”
“Sam versus surf board and the board won.” Sam tried to change the subject. “That’s great, Mom. Ian is still away on business, though,” said Sam slowly.
“Are you sure you’re feeling well?” asked Bunny. “How did you get the scratches and look at your eye!”
“Mom, I’m okay. Really.” Sam’s cell phone rang and she glanced to see Ian’s number flash on the display. She didn’t want to talk to him. She didn’t want to talk to anyone.
“Aren’t you going to answer that?” asked Bunny suspiciously.
“Nope. I’m good. I’ve got some stuff to do tonight, so how about we go out to dinner tomorrow night? I’ve got a long way to work on my surfing.” Sam made her way back to the kitchen with Bunny right behind her. “Jesse, my instructor, told me to put ice on this.” Sam rummaged through the freezer.
“No, it’s meat,” said Bunny and she reached into the meat drawer with a thick steak. “I bought this for your father, but I don’t think he’ll mind.”
“Thanks, Mom. You and Dad enjoy your evening. I’m just going to work for a while,” said Sam, trying to dismiss her mother.
“How can you work with one eye? Sam, aren’t you a little too old to be surfing?”
“It’s Hawaii, Mom. You’re a loser if you don’t surf. So I got banged up a little bit.” Sam shrugged her shoulders, walked away so Bunny could not read Sam’s angry expression.
“Damn it, Sam. Answer the phone,” swore Ian. He had just gotten off the phone with Rock who assured him Sam seemed to be fine. Rock had been impressed with Sam’s karate skills and let Ian know. Ian didn’t buy that for a minute. The fact the Drew had hurt Sam cut him like a knife. Add to the fact, he hadn’t really been nice to her made him feel worse.
“Call me!” texted Ian. The phone lay silent. He ran his hands through his hair, frustrated. He couldn’t leave until Saturday at the earliest. Maybe if he told this author there
had been an emergency. No, he couldn’t do that. He tried calling again and left another message. Ian paced rapidly, beside himself. He made his decision and called in on some favors due to him.
“I’m ok. Need some down time,” read Sam’s message as she finally answered Ian back. He felt somewhat relieved, but hurt, even though he deserved it. By God, he would make this up to Sam.
While her parents were gone to enjoy their last day on the island, Sam sat down at the piano and played her heart out. It had been an emotional night, trying to decide what to do with her life. She knew she had been skating for the last couple of months just taking one day at a time. Sam had made her decision. When Jett’s house was finished, she would go back to Los Angeles and try to sell her work. If she cleared it with Jett and Marvin, she would try and ease back into commuting back and forth to make the separation easier. Sam’s hand flew over the keyboard, pleased with what she had written.
I have now loved and felt the pain of losing someone.
I was so cautious to make sure you were the one, really the one.
But you aren’t ready to settle down and maybe neither am I.
What hurts is even though what we have is good,
Since you are ready to say goodbye, so will I.
It’s a hard road to travel, but now I must go alone.
I know I must move on, though my heart is heavy as stone.
I will only remember the good times, forget about the bad.
I will not think of you when I’m sad because it’s not worth it.
I gave you all I had and it wasn’t enough for you,
Even though I thought we fit.
Since you are ready to say goodbye, so will I.
Sam smiled as she wrote the music and words down, pleased with the end result. She could just imagine the guitar she would add while at Jett’s studio.
Her parents came home and washed up before approaching Sam about dinner. While they did that, Sam confirmed plane reservations to go back to Los Angeles. She then joined her parents for a cocktail.
“To your last day,” said Sam, smiling as she looked at her parents.
“Oh, Sam,” said Bunny softly. “After being here a week, I can see why you don’t want to come back to Chicago. It’s just beautiful here.”
“One thing I’ve learned, Mom is to never say never,” said Sam wistfully. “Now, what do you want to do for dinner?”
“I just loved that restaurant, Roy’s.” said Bunny. “Can we go there?”
“Let me make some phone calls.” Sam got up from the couch and dialed the restaurant. Using some clout, she booked a nine pm reservation.
“We’re in,” said Sam to her parents. “I’m going to get ready myself.” She left the room to change clothes when her phone rang.
“It’s Bryce, Sam. Is everything okay?” asked Bryce, sounding concerned.
“I think so,” said Sam cautiously. “Why are you asking?”
“I heard about your run in with Drew,” said Bryce carefully.
“Word certainly gets around,” said Sam ruefully. “I’m fine, just a little banged up, but I’ll live.”
“Are you still on the island?” asked Bryce.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Sam knew he had asked because of Ian. “I have a job to do, and I plan on making sure it’s done before I leave.”
“So, you do plan on leaving after this?” Bryce held his breath. Ian would not be pleased.
“There’s no reason for me to stay when it’s done,” said Sam firmly.
“Well, I’ll miss you,” said Bryce shaking his head. “Um, have you heard from Ian at all? I don’t think he’s in town.”
“No, he’s not in town. He’s working on a house for some author. Not real sure when he’s coming back.”
“Do you want to go out to dinner or something?” asked Bryce and hurriedly corrected the statement. “As friends.”
“I’m taking my parents out for dinner tonight because it’s their last night here. Would you like to join us?”
“Sure. That sounds like fun. Where are you going?”
“Roy’s. I’ll call them and add you on. It’s at nine.” Sam smiled warmly.
“See you then.” Bryce ended the call and immediately called Ian.
“Just got off the phone with Sam. Sounds fine, but she didn’t mention you at all,” explained Bryce.
“So, she’s still on the island?” asked Ian. He sat on the hotel bed feeling drained and miserable.
“She’s still here and didn’t mention anything about Drew. I had to bring it up. It’s her mom and dad’s last night here and she’s taking them out to dinner. I’m going with them.”
“See if you can find anything out. I can’t get out of here until Sunday. For the record, she’s not talking to me,” said Ian despondently.
“What are friends for?” laughed Bryce. “I’ll help bail you out.”
“Thanks, Bro.” Ian disconnected the call, his mind racing.
Chapter Twenty-One
“Mom, Dad, this is Bryce; a friend of Ian’s.” Bryce shook Artie’s hand and kissed Bunny’s.
“You are a musician, aren’t you?” asked Bunny, recognizing Bryce’s face.
“Yes. I just recently played with your son, Jordan. Or should I say, he toured with me.”
“It’s a small world,” said Bunny, trying to add things together. “Sam keeps meeting all of you musicians.”
“It’s because Sam is a musician herself,” explained Bryce. “She’s very good.”
“So you’re a friend of Ian’s? Does he always travel this much? Poor Sam has been all alone most of the week and look what happened to her. She got into a fight with a surfboard and guess who lost?” Bunny tried hard to form a case against Ian.
“I can see that,” commented Bryce as he looked at Sam who just shrugged her shoulders and took a sip of wine.
“That’s quite a bruise you have there, Sam. All from a surf board?” Bryce lifted his eyebrows and stared a hole into Sam.
“I told you I am a klutz,” said Sam nervously, trying to get the subject off of her. “So, Bryce, when do you go on tour again?”
“Not for a while. Did you send Ian a picture of your bruise?” Bryce eyes never left Sam’s.
“Uh, no. Why would I do that?” Sam glared at Bryce whose hand rested lightly on his phone.
“Because.” Bryce quickly snapped a picture of Sam’s bruise.
“Bryce! Why did you do that?” asked Sam angrily. “Did you think I didn’t want Ian to see how clumsy I am?”
“Sam, what’s going on?” asked Bunny sensing something appeared not to be right. “You did get that from the surfboard, didn’t you?”
“Yes, I did,” said Sam loudly, and continued to glare at Bryce. “Let’s get started with our dinner.” Sam picked up the menu and hid her face. She turned to Bryce and snarled, “So help me God if you show that to Ian I will personally tear you limb from limb.” Bryce ignored her.
“Ian is a busy man,” explained Bryce turning his attention back to Sam’s parents. “He works almost all over the world. Have you seen his house?”
“Why yes,” replied Bunny. “It’s beautiful and so is Jett’s house. Too bad he won’t come to Chicago.”
“Have you asked him?” Bryce’s challenge hung in the air.
“He did tell me he’s never been east of Denver,” laughed Sam. “He hasn’t even seen snow.”
“I doubt that, Sam. When he used to be…” Bryce stopped short realizing he almost let it slip about the Navy.
“When he, what?” asked Bunny trying to read Sam and Bryce’s expressions.
“I think I’m ready to order,” said Bryce. “How about you?”
“I’m not ready yet,” said Bunny. “There’s something you two aren’t telling me about Ian.”
“Mom, why is it important to you? It’s not important to me. What Ian does is his business. If you wanted him to build a house in Chicago, why don’t you just ask him?”
Samantha. I didn’t deserve that.” Bunny glared at Sam.
“Ian and I are just starting out on our relationship. Please don’t jinx it.” replied Sam.
“This is our last night here, Bunny. Can we not fight?” Artie had spoken up, tired of the conversation.
“Personally, I think you and Ian had a lover’s quarrel,” said Bunny. Bryce choked on his drink and Sam’s face went white.
“Nothing like that,” assured Sam as she studied the menu.
“Bunny,” warned Artie and put his hand on Bunny’s. “I think you’ve said enough.”
“If you will excuse me for a minute,” said Bryce politely. “I have to make another call. Sam, would you order me another beer?”
“Sure, Bryce.” Sam waited until Bryce was out of earshot and turned to her mother. “Why do you do this to me, Mother? You have just mortally embarrassed me in front of Ian’s best friend. Why?”
“Because I want you back in Chicago. I don’t want you living here where you could drown in the ocean nor do I want you living in California. You belong in Chicago, sweetie.”
“Well, it’s having the opposite effect. I want to stay as far away from Chicago as possible if you continue to harass me like this.”
“Now, you two, simmer down,” said Artie firmly and turned to Bunny. “One more word out of your mouth like that, I’m not going back to Chicago either. Bunny, pull your claws in.” No one said another word and Sam refused to acknowledge her mother.
“Did I miss anything?” asked Bryce noticing the tension so thick you could cut if with a knife.
“We’re good,” replied Sam smoothly. “Are you ready to order?”
“Yes, I am,” said Bryce and signaled for the waitress. The rest of the evening, the conversation flowed politely. After the meal had ended, Bryce thanked Bunny and Arte. He then turned to Sam. “Call me if you need anything.”
“I’ll be fine, but thank you.” Sam smiled wanly.
No one said a word on the ride home and Bunny and Artie went respectively to their room. Sam stayed behind in the kitchen and poured a hefty glass of wine. She checked her phone and noticed another message from Ian.
“Please call L.” Sam smiled at the icon on her phone.