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Pleasure Point: The Complete Series

Page 7

by Evans, Jennifer

  “Oh, come off it, baby. You know you want it just as much as I do. Remember how much you used to like it?” He licked his lips. “I love the way you suck me off.”

  A dark anger rose up my spine. I stood up fast and jabbed a finger in his face. “Don’t you ever speak to me that way again. I’m not your playmate, and I want you to forget I ever was.”

  He laughed. “How can I ever forget you? You’re the best lay I’ve ever had.”

  My body shook with fury. Through clenched teeth, I said, “Shut up.”

  “And who’s going to make me? You? Or maybe your boyfriend?” He gestured around the food court. “I don’t see him anywhere. Oh, that’s right. He’s in Spain.”

  I wanted to scream at James. I wanted to knock his chair over and grind his face into the ground. “Leave me alone. I’m sorry I ever did what I did with you.”

  “You didn’t seem too sorry at the time. Seemed like you liked it.” Tears burned my eyes. I spun on my heel. “Hey Rosalyn, calm down. I’ll call you later, okay?”

  Did the guy not get it? “Stay away from me,” I called over my shoulder.

  Carissa caught me halfway between the restroom and where James sat. She grabbed my arm, a look of concern on her face. “What’s wrong?”

  My breathing was erratic. I jerked a thumb over my shoulder. “I suddenly lost my appetite.” We left my unfinished baked potato next to my half-baked ex.

  * * *

  The next day, the phone rang, and Mom picked it up. “Roz! It’s for you.” She held the phone at arm’s length. “I don’t even know why I pick up the phone anymore.”

  “Who is it?”

  “I’m not your secretary. It’s a boy.”

  I snatched the phone out of her hand. “Hello?”

  Dominick’s sexy voice drawled. “Hey, baby. I miss you.”

  Heat suffused my body. “How’s the contest going?”

  I heard the smile in his voice. “I placed. Came in second.”

  I forced enthusiasm into my voice. “That’s great!” I whispered. “What about the probation? You’re being good, right?”

  He chuckled. “So far, so good.”

  Hearing Dominick’s voice filled me with excitement. “Hey, guess what? Our painting’s going to be in the art fair. Mr. Thomas loves it.”

  “That’s fantastic! I’ve got more good news. The next stop on the tour is the Oceanside contest.”

  Oceanside was only thirty minutes away. “Really? You’re coming home?”

  “You got it. I’ll be back this Thursday.” I heard music, laughter, male voices shouting and even what sounded like a couple of females. Jealousy engulfed me, and I forced it down. “I can’t wait to see you, Rosalyn. I can’t stop thinking about you. About us.”

  Relief flooded through me. Dominick was saying the words I so desperately needed to hear. “I’ve been thinking about you too.” And the fact that I hope you get kicked off the tour. I knew that thought was unfair. But how would we ever be together if Dominick was always gone?

  “When I get home, will you go on a date with me?”

  “Dominick Cortes, I would love that.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The day Dominick returned, I took a shower, washed and conditioned my hair, slathered my body with coconut body lotion, took extra care with my makeup, not too much, just enough to make me look like I’d been in the sun, and sat by the phone.

  When it rang, I picked it up before the first ring completed.

  His voice sounded like luxurious velvet. “Is this that woman I can’t stop thinking about?”

  My face felt happily warm. “You’re home!”

  We talked for a few minutes, and Dominick told me he’d pick me up in an hour. “I have a surprise for you.”

  When he came to my house, I thought my heart was going to burst from happiness. Dominick looked more handsome than I remembered as he sauntered to the front door. His body stood erect, his broad shoulders thrust back, his long, dark hair cascading over his back. I raced to the door, greeting him with a breathless, “Welcome home.”

  We left for our date, and when he bade my mother goodbye, she stared at me. “Have a good time you two.”

  When we were one block away from my house, safe from my mother’s prying eyes, Dominick pulled the car to the side of the road, rammed it in park, leaned over, and kissed me with intensity. His hands grabbed the back of my head, his tongue darted in my mouth with urgency, his strong hands roaming over my back, my breasts, and between my legs. “Jesus, I missed you.” He smiled broadly. “And I’ve got you all to myself tonight.” His eyes held a devilish glint.

  He put the car in gear, and we drove a few miles, drifting past the beach town panorama. Palm trees swayed in the early evening breeze, kids on skateboards jetted down streets, and surfers with their boards strapped to the roofs of their cars made their way to the ocean for the perfect surfing conditions of an evening glass off.

  We arrived in La Jolla beach just before the sun set. It’s one of the prettiest areas on the Southern California coast with its romantic coves, bright red bougainvillea cascading over sheer cliffs, and palm trees rising majestically next to Torrey pine trees with their gnarled branches. We exited the car and with a sly smile, Dominick removed a picnic basket along with a backpack from the trunk.

  “What’s this?”

  “You’ll see.” We held hands and walked to the shore. Dominick chose a secluded spot at the end of the beach, near a profusion of boulders that jutted out of the ocean. He placed the basket on the sand and removed a blanket from the backpack. I helped him lay it out, then he removed several candles of various sizes and arranged them in the sand. There was an intensity about Dominick as he readied our spot. He gave me a crooked smile. “Want to check out the cave?”

  He held my hand in his and ushered me to the rocky area. I said, “I didn’t even know this was here.” One rock formed a graceful archway. We ducked underneath the arch, crossed over water rushing underneath our feet, and into a tiny private beach.

  Dominick said, “I checked the tide, and we’ll be safe.” We stood to face each other as the sun dipped into the sea. “Come here.” He pulled me toward him. His kiss was frantic, his tongue salty, like the ocean. His hands slid down my waist and roughly squeezed my butt through my skimpy sundress. He pressed his body into mine, and I felt his swollen cock. It felt like forever since I’d touched him there. I reached down, my hand moving under his jeans. My fingers closed around his engorged shaft and his pelvis tilted. He groaned against my mouth. “Grab it.” His hands dug into my hair, his mouth kissing my neck. I unzipped his jeans and wrapped my hand around his shaft and felt it twitch. “Jack me off baby.” He kissed my mouth as I tightened my hand and stroked it up and down. “Faster.” I moved my hand rhythmically, hoping I pleased him as much as he did me.

  He lifted my dress, his green eyes focused on mine. A flat rock stood behind us, and Dominick lifted me up and placed me on the boulder. He yanked at my panties, pulled them down and threw them in the sand. He forced my knees apart. He kneeled down and pulled me toward his face. “Open your legs. Wider.” The way he looked at me, his eyes burning with desire made me want to spread my legs, made me want to grab his hair and pull him into me. “Look how pink and swollen you are.” He dipped two fingers inside and licked the juice. “You’re always so wet for me.” His thumb grazed my clit. “Your little pearl is hard and ready.” He spread the lips wider. “I can see your swollen clit. I love that hot little ball.” He squeezed it gently, and I let out a gasp. “You want me to lick it, baby?” My heart beat wildly, and I nodded. He groaned, and his tongue dipped into my dripping hole, then trailed up to my clit, the hot bud growing under his heavenly touch. His eyes closed in bliss. “I love your creamy pussy.” His hands slid up my thighs, massaging. I lost myself in the sensations as my hotter than hell Brazilian devoured my sweetest spot. When I climaxed, I screamed his name.

  In the midst of my orgasm, he stood up, removed a condom from h
is jeans pocket, ripped it open, slid it over his swollen cock and pushed himself inside me. He pumped his hips quickly, with deep, furious strokes that nearly pushed me off the rock. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and his wet mouth kissed mine, his tongue exploring. I wound my feet around his back and held on while my gorgeous Brazilian surfer fucked the hell out of me right there, the salty breezes of the sea caressing our bodies. When he came, I felt the hard pulsing of him emptying his hot juice. He gasped and shuddered, letting out a stream of incoherent words in Portuguese as his arms locked around me. We collapsed against each other, the only sounds we heard were the ocean slamming the shore and our panting breaths.

  Dominick smoothed my hair against my sweaty forehead, kissing it gently. He gazed at me with love. “It’s so good to be back. To see you again. To feel you. Are you hungry?” I smiled, nodding in affirmation, my legs weak from one of the best fucks I’d ever had. We rearranged our clothing and went back to the picnic area.

  I was still breathless from the sex, and I couldn’t take my eyes off Dominick. He worked efficiently, lighting the candles, laying out cheese, grapes, a loaf of bread, and a roasted chicken. He fixed me a plate and poured us both sparkling cider. “You know how to woo a lady,” I said.

  He raised his glass in a toast. “To us.”

  Dominick watched me while I ate. “I love the way your mouth moves when you chew.”

  “Now, that’s romantic.”

  He set his plate down. His piercing eyes met mine. “I had a chance to think in Spain.” His hands shook slightly, and he took a deep breath, then let it out. “What would you think about going on the pro tour with me?”

  What? My heart beat a little harder. “Did they lift your probation?”

  He gazed at the ocean. “Not yet. But I’m hoping.”

  “When will you know?”

  His lips formed a firm line. “I’m kind of at the mercy of the ASP committee. But I did so well in the last contest, I’m confident. You should’ve seen me surf.” He gazed at me and gave a shy smile. His hand reached for mine. “What do you think?”

  I took a sip of my drink. My hands shook at the thought of Dominick wanting me so much he’d be willing to travel the tour with me. “Me on tour? What’s it like? Where do you stay? Who do you travel with?”

  “Unfortunately, it’s not very romantic. Some of the stops have houses that the sponsors own. The one at Pipeline’s right on the beach.” His face lit up, and he squeezed my hand. “You can feel the house shake when the waves are big.” He looked down. “The bad part is that most of the guys don’t bring their girlfriends on tour.” His grip on my hand lessened.

  The vision that sprang to mind was of a bunch of surfers waking up at dawn for a surf session, staying out until the sun set, eating junk food, playing cards, and talking trash about the females. I knew this because I’d been around surfers all my life. Most of them were sexy and hot, but their main love was the ocean. How long would it be before Dominick tired of having me as an albatross around his neck? “Don’t you move every couple of weeks?”

  He folded his arms over his legs and stared at me. “Yeah, we do.”

  “How do you stand all that moving around? Don’t you want roots?” As much as travel seemed like an exciting idea, the thought of packing up every time I got settled did not appeal.

  Dominick placed one hand on the sand. “These are my roots. The ocean is my home. Don’t you want an adventure? What have you got here in Point Loma?”

  “I have my painting. In fact, I’ve been thinking about studying art after high school.”

  “Art? What kind of life is that? Rosalyn, you’re a great painter, but what kind of living would that be?”

  The hair on the back of my neck raised. “You think it’s all about money? What about creative expression? And while we’re on the subject, what kind of living is pro surfing?”

  His eyes grew dark. “The best can make a great living. Do you have any idea how much money the best in the world make?”


  He leaned forward. “Sponsors beg athletes like me to promote their clothing, surfboards, sunglasses, and a lot of other stuff that you have no clue about.”

  “I … I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound dismissive.” I looked at my hands. “Why would you even want to be with me if you’re busy with traveling, surfing, and sponsors? When would you even have time for a girlfriend?”

  He stood up fast and kicked the sand. “Dammit! This isn’t about money or sponsors.” He dragged a hand through his long hair as he looked toward the ocean. “What if I want to be with you? What if I think I might care about you?” He fell to his knees before me and placed shaking hands on my shoulders. “I made a promise to my father. I am going on the tour. That’s my life.” His voice softened. “What I wasn’t expecting was that I’d meet you.”

  I was totally unprepared for this speech. How could we ever make this work? “I just don’t know if I could live a life of insecurity. Maybe you’ll have your expenses covered, but what am I supposed to do? Live off your kisses?”

  “What would be wrong with that?”

  I smiled and touched his face. “Maybe nothing.” I stroked his cheek. “This is a lot to swallow. You don’t even know if you’ll be back on the tour. What if they don’t take you back?”

  “They will. They have to.” His gaze dropped to the sand. “I don’t know what I’ll do if I can’t compete. This is my life.” His hand flew to the crucifix. “I have to be on the tour.”

  “So you’re supposed to follow your dream while I follow you around with a sketch pad and colored pencils? What kind of life would that be for me?”

  His fists clenched and unclenched. “God damn it, Rosalyn, I’m opening my heart to you here, and you’re making it sound like I’m nothing but an impulsive surfer.”

  “I just don’t know if I could live that kind of life. Me with a bunch of sweaty guys?”

  He grinned. “I know of one sweaty guy you’d like to be with.”

  Dominick dove on top of my body knocking me back onto the blanket. His fingers wound their way into my hair, and his lips crushed mine so hard I could barely breathe. He kissed me hard, his breath hot. When he pulled away, he said, “Tell me you’ll think about it.”

  I smiled. “I’ll think about it.” I rolled him over, so I was on top of him. I reached down and unzipped his jeans. His erection popped out, and I softly stroked it. “I’ll think about it real hard.”

  His breath sped up, and he relaxed against the blanket as I moved my mouth to his glorious hard-on and gave him a blowjob right there in the dark of night as the waves crashed on the shore.

  Chapter Twelve

  I didn’t get much sleep that night. After our romantic date, Dominick drove me home where I curled up in a tight ball in bed; thinking about his proposal, sleep eluding me.

  The following day, I strolled the walkway above the ocean so I could think.

  Did he really want me on the tour or was he like all the others, just wanting a quick lay, then to cast me aside? Would he tire of me in a couple of months and send me packing?

  Did Dominick care about me? We’d only known each other a short time. Was it possible his feelings were deep enough for a future together?

  More importantly, how did I feel? Yes, he was hotter than hell and made all the local surfers look like children in comparison, but was that enough? My face grew hot when I thought about the guys I’d allowed to take advantage of me. Would the entire town gossip if I took off to travel with Dominick? I could just hear them now. There she goes again, falling for some guy who’s going to screw her brains out and kick her to the curb.

  I loved Dominick. He had an intensity, a caring side, a passion for his profession. I had no doubt he would excel on the pro tour if they accepted him full time.

  Maybe going on tour would be an adventure. But who would pay my plane fare? Certainly not the ASP. Had Dominick thought about any of the technicalities? I suppose I could work part
time wherever our travels took us. There must be work, cleaning houses, waiting tables or I could sell my paintings or sketches. Or maybe Dominick had money?

  I leaned over the railing of the walkway, gazed at the ocean and inhaled deeply. The fresh sea air hit my nostrils, bracing my senses. The Pacific Ocean stretched out before me like one huge living panorama of sea life. The sun hit the water creating a dazzling display of millions of diamonds, the gentle crashing of the waves on the rocks below a soothing melody. I lifted my face to the sun, allowing the healing warmth to caress my skin.

  A hand touched my shoulder. “Hey, sexy.” I snapped my eyes open and whirled around to find James, in all his blond surfer boy glory staring down at me.

  I shrugged away. “Hi, James.”

  He placed his elbows on the railing, standing entirely too close. “The surf looks fun today.” He shielded his eyes with one hand. “I don’t see your boyfriend out there in the lineup. I heard he was back in town.” He exhaled audibly. “When are you going to come to your senses and come back to me?” He faced me and his blue eyes held mischief. “You know we’re good together.”

  I moved my body away from his. “Let’s not go there. Can’t you see I’m with someone else now?”

  His eyes grew wide in mock surprise. “Are you in love?”

  “It’s none of your business.”

  “I say it is.” He moved closer. “How long have we known each other? Pretty much all our lives? I don’t care how many guys you’ve been with. You know you want me. Besides, your Brazilian lover boy’s going back on tour again.”

  My blood grew hot. I couldn’t wait to get away from James. “Listen to me because I’m only going to say this once. What you and I had is in the past. I would appreciate it if you act like a man and leave me alone.”

  His laugh was shrill. “A man? Is that what you want? Then what are you doing with that freaky looking Latin boy with his long hair and girly shirts?”

  “Shut up, James.”


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