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The Viscount's Bride (The Radcliffe Family Book 2)

Page 11

by Lindsay Downs

  “Thank you. Now, may I escort you to luncheon then mayhap a chaperoned stroll about the garden?” Matthew requested.

  “That would be lovely.”

  After a pleasant luncheon and walk through the garden, Kathleen watched Matthew, on Devil, leave for Radcliffe Hall.

  Chapter Eleven

  After giving Devil a good grooming, Matthew went and hunted down the stable master. Finding him in the tack room repairing a harness, Matthew walked over.

  “Do you know where Rick is? I need to speak with him. I can assure you he’s not in trouble, but I need him to do something from me.”

  “Yes, m’ lord. I sent him into Cornwall to the apothecary for spirits of clove. We’re close to running out of liniment, and I need to make more. When he returns I’ll send him over.”

  “Thank you.” Matthew started for the manor, stopped, and turned back. “Are you aware the Duke and Duchess of Kettering will be arriving today?”

  “Yes. Her Ladyship personally told me, and I look forward to seeing that rapscallion after all these years.”

  As much as Matthew wished to ask what Simon had done and when, he decided not to but would instead find out from the duke himself. Whatever he’d done must have been horrific to say the least. Matthew quit the stable and strolled over to the manor. Walking in, he was of course met by Connor. With a nod, Matthew strolled down to the office only to have his plans interrupted when his mother stepped from the parlor further down the hall.

  “Son, I need to speak with you. At once.”

  From her tone, Matthew suspected this wasn’t a request but an order. Doing as directed, he marched down the hall and entered the sitting room. Not sure of what was going to be said, Matthew decided to stand until he watched his mother point to a chair opposite from where she was sitting. Taking a seat, he studied her face but wasn’t able to decide if she was mad at him or not. After several heart beats he took a breath, then smiled. “What might I do for you?”

  “Answer me this. When you spoke to Kathleen about last eve, I pray you didn’t threaten or bully her? As you well know that’s not the Radcliffe way.”

  “No, mother, I didn’t. When I spoke with Roger and he explained what she was doing had not only his, but Elsie’s blessing, at first I was confused. He went on to tell me being one of the crew, on certain jobs, was part of the Ashburn tradition dating back for several generations.”

  “Son, that I find very interesting and enlightening. Over the years I’ve heard of families having certain customs, but this is the first time to hear one was aiding smugglers.”

  “I am aware. What makes everything even more interesting is that once Roger and Elsie married she joined in on some of the runs. As for Kathleen I requested, when she partakes in assisting the crew I accompany her to which she agreed.”

  “I’m very pleased to hear that.”

  “Shortly, I be will talking with the leader, even though Kathleen realizes he’s a groom here and tell him when she goes out to make me aware. Also, as I mentioned earlier, Kathleen was able to obtain a beautiful bolt of dark-blue silk. I’m sure the gown will be lovely.”

  “I can’t wait to see the material, and while we are on the subject of gowns, have the ones from Plymouth arrived?”

  “Yes. As I was leaving to return here the dressmaker, herself, brought them. Shall I order up the landau?”

  “Please do. I just need to get my bonnet and parasol. Will you be joining me?”

  Now this was an interesting question for him. Matthew suspected he’d not be allowed to see the gown Kathleen had made. At least not until day after tomorrow eve when Roger and Elsie hosted a small dinner for Simon and Emma. However, the added time would allow him and Roger to continue discussing the marriage contract.

  “I will. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll have King get the coach ready with Toby at the reins. Would fifteen minutes be sufficient?”

  “That will be fine, but I shan’t need all that time,” Serena teased.

  With a nod, Matthew stood, assisted his mother to her feet, and led her to the stairs. He then retraced his steps to the stable. Strolling in, he saw Rick coming toward him which reminded Matthew of the meeting he was supposed to be having with the young man.

  “M’ lord, I apologize for not coming sooner, but I only now returned from the village, and King told me you wished to speak with me.”

  “That’s quite all right. All I wanted to discuss with you was when you include Lady Kathleen in a run to inform me so I may accompany her. There’s another point needing to be talked about, but we’ll have to wait until Her Ladyship and I return from the Ashburn estate.”

  “Certainly, m’ lord. Also, please inform Lady Kathleen the bolt of silk is an early wedding gift from the crew.”

  “I will, and I thank you for her.”

  What Matthew didn’t say was that he had planned to offer to pay for the silk.

  “Now, if you can find King, I need the landau with the blacks between the shafts. Have Toby handle the reins.”

  “Yes, m’ lord. I’ll take care of telling King and will help Toby get the horses in harness.”

  With a nod, Matthew dismissed the young man and returned to the manor. Walking in, he went to the office and noticed a letter on the desk. Looking down at the direction, he noticed his father was the sender. Taking a seat, he opened the missive only to have a separate sheet fall out.


  By now your mother is with you and unaware that I was able to obtain a special license for you.

  Use it if you wish.

  Your father.

  “Thank you father, but that won’t be necessary as I’ve already promised Kathleen and her mother I wouldn’t use one nor hie off to Gretna Green,” he mumbled, again not aware someone had heard him.

  “I see you’re still talking to yourself and driving the staff mad at times,” his mother declared from the doorway.

  “Yes, I suppose so. And I am aware of the fact I’m going to need to somehow break the habit. This letter is from father. See what he included?” Matthew help up the license.

  “Oh. And from what I heard you say, you don’t plan on using it?”

  “You’re correct. Now, as I hear the landau in the courtyard, shall we depart?” He stood and then escorted his mother out and into the coach.

  Once settled on the squabs, Matthew nodded to Toby who set the horses in motion. As they made their way to the Ashburn estate he wondered if, among other things, he should discuss a date for the wedding. This way, when the duke and duchess, particularly her, ask he would have an answer.

  As they rolled into the Ashburn courtyard, Matthew looked ahead and saw not only Kathleen but Elsie standing on the top stoop. When the landau came to a halt, he climbed out then helped his mother down. It didn’t surprise him when she went right up to the ladies then with one on each side swept into the mansion. With a mental shrug he followed, nodding to Brown then continued on to the earl’s office.

  “Welcome back. I’m not surprised you accompanied Serena. I’m guessing you returned so we can continue with the contract?” Roger said.

  “If you don’t mind. I also wish, at some point, to speak with Elsie and Kathleen about the date. This way we can arrange for Reverend Kent to read the banns.”

  “I agree. Now, I do have a question. Your estate, is it titled?”

  “No, for which I’m pleased. I wish to include the estate in the contract so she will have a place to live if I die before becoming the earl or having a male heir. In my will I’ll leave it to her also. That way she won’t have to worry.”

  “Excellent, I’ll insert this into the contract but leave the will, obviously, up to you.”

  “Thank you. As a matter of fact, I will be posting a letter to my man of business about the upcoming marriage, once a date has been settled on. I’ll have him rewrite my will and arrange for the different accounts to be set up for Kathleen. The monies will become available when we wed. Would you object if I took care of the cost
of any gowns, dresses, or riding habits she purchases?”

  “Not at all. As a matter of fact, the one Kathleen bought in Plymouth, you did say to have the bill sent to you.”

  “On that you’re correct.”

  “Let’s return to the funds for her. Besides a monthly allowance, how will she handle the estate? Will she have direct access to the money?”

  “As Kathleen will be meeting with my housekeeper, butler, and Cook that would make sense. From what I’ve seen of her, I don’t feel a need to periodically examine her accounting books either. When we visit London, since we’ll be staying at the earl and countess’ townhouse, Serena will be handling those.”

  “If Serena is anything like my late mother, Kathleen will be put in charge of the townhouse as was Elsie with ours when we married.”

  Matthew nodded his agreement to Roger’s statement then said, “He isn’t aware yet, but I’m thinking of stealing Toby away from King. The young man handles the horses very well, and Kathleen will need her own coachman not only at my estate but in town as well.”

  “That’s something I never thought of since we’ve been here for the past several years. I believe you’ve made an excellent choice with the young man. As you are aware, Kathleen loves her little mare Marigold. Will you wish to take the horse or leave her here?”

  “That, Roger, is up to Kathleen. As the mare is used to being ridden astride, if needed, Toby could take her to the estate.”

  Hearing the ladies talking in the hall and coming toward the office, Matthew wondered where they would go, the parlor or here. Hopefully, the sitting room so he and Roger could finish their discussion.

  “Matthew, as I’ve not been involved in doing a contract in years, but did review the one between myself and Elsie. From what I can tell, we’ve covered all the points. I’ll have the final copy drawn up so everything will be in place for the signing.”

  “And as I’ve never been involved in one, I will trust your judgement. Now, shall we join the ladies and see if we can get a wedding date settled upon?” Matthew said.

  “Yes, and may I say, good luck with getting any of them to agree on the same date.”

  As much as Matthew didn’t want to admit Roger was correct, in his heart he suspected the earl was. Standing and with Roger at his side, they made for the countess’ sitting room. At the door they waited to be invited in which came from a smiling Kathleen.

  “Thank you ladies,” Matthew said, taking a seat beside her.

  “Father, did your meeting go well, and is everything settled in regards to the marriage contract?”

  “Yes, my dear. The only thing Matthew needs to do is inform his man of business as to your wedding date.”

  Matthew then took over. “As accounts need to be set up for you, and since letters take a week, at the earliest, to travel from here to London, we should settle on a day now, if possible,” he stated.

  “We were discussing this during the final fittings of our gowns. As most of yours and our friends will be in London during the small season, we thought to have the wedding breakfast there. For the actual ceremony would three weeks from now be suitable to you Matthew?” Elsie said.

  He tried, but failed miserably, to school his expression. After a heartbeat, he peered to Kathleen.

  “Are you agreeable to this arrangement? If you are, then so am I. You do realize we will be causing quite a stir within the ton. If anything, those ladies, and a few gentlemen who love to spread gossip, will be at a loss for words,” Matthew uttered.

  “I am and do love my mother’s suggestion. Which, I should point out has the endorsement of Serena.”

  “Then, might I add son, when you send the announcement to The Times and The Tattler you make mention of those facts. In doing so, my dear Kathleen, this will ensure a huge stack of invitations to the proper balls when we return. Don’t forget, you’ve been hiding here for the past several years,” Serena stated.

  “And by wearing a ball gown made from the deep-blue silk, which by the by the crew has gifted to you, you will make the statement of a lifetime,” Matthew announced.

  “Please thank them for me if you meet any of them before I do.”

  “I already have. My next question, would any of you object if I notified the broadsheets when I send my man of business a letter informing him of our wedding date?”

  Of the three Matthew was most concerned as to Kathleen’s reaction. Seeing her bestow him with a warm smile was all the answer he needed. Since he’d learned earlier from Rick no runs were scheduled for the next few weeks he’d once again call on him to deliver the letters.

  “Then as we seem to have decided on almost everything, daughter, I’ve a question for you. Marigold. Will she be staying here or would you prefer her at Matthew’s estate?”

  “As she’s been with me for several years, and as you are aware can be ridden astride I would like to have her with me.”

  “Wonderful. If you don’t mind, I will arrange for the mare to be taken to my estate. Before you ask how, I need to speak with someone once we return to Radcliffe Hall,” Matthew said.

  “Then, shall we return as I’ve a need to rest before dinner, and tomorrow we’ve guests arriving,” Serena pronounced.

  “And Kathleen and I have a few final details to look over for the party the next night.”

  With nods, Matthew helped Kathleen stand then with their parents following, made for the front door to be met there by Brown.

  After saying good bye but without any promise as to coming by in the morning, Matthew assisted his mother into the landau and gave Toby a nod.

  At the Hall, Matthew handed his mother down then turned to Toby. “Once the horses are looked after, I need to speak with you, King, and Rick in the office.”

  “Yes, m’ lord.”

  With that taken care of, Matthew retreated to the office as he had several letters, or more correctly one missive and two announcements, to write. Taking a seat at the desk, he withdrew several sheets of foolscap and started composing the post for his man of business. Completing that one, he was about to start on one for The Times when Connor appeared in the doorway.

  “M’ lord, the stable staff you requested to speak with are here.”

  “Thank you. Have King come in, but make sure the other two aren’t within earshot.”

  “As you wish, m’ lord.”

  Setting the post to The Times aside, Matthew waited while the stable master entered then bowed.

  “You wished to speak with me, m’ lord?”

  “Yes, and you might not be pleased at what I’m going to ask of you. As you are aware I drove my bays down, then through you I have Toby drive me and Her Ladyship around. The young man is very skilled with teams of horses. When Lady Kathleen and I return to my estate I wish him to come along as my wife’s coachman.”

  “I’ll lose a good groom, but I’m happy he will be improving his station. I’m guessing you’ve not spoken with him yet?”

  “No. I wished to make you aware first.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Please send him in,” Matthew directed.

  “Yes, m’ lord.”

  Much to Matthew’s pleasure, the interview with Toby went more easily than he’d thought. Toby hadn’t had to think about his answer, and before Matthew had barely finished speaking agreed to be Lady Kathleen’s coachman both at the estate and in London. What had made Matthew even happier was when the young man agreed to ride Marigold to the estate. After dismissing him, Matthew waited for Rick. This was going to be the most interesting and difficult.

  Matthew watched the leader of the Radcliffe crew walk and bow.

  “M’ lord, what may this humble groom do for you?”

  “Actually, once again I need your assistance, but first, Lady Kathleen thanks you for the gift.”

  “I’m happy she is and know the silk will make a wonderful gown. But, that’s not why you wished to speak with me again.”

  “No. As the head of the crew based here, do you
talk with other leaders from crews in the area?”

  “On occasion, yes. This way we make sure we don’t step on the toes of each other. Why?”

  Now the gamble to find out if a certain individual might be living in the next district.

  “What about the adjoining lands which is under the control of the Earl and Countess of Redditch.”

  “Meaning no disrespect, m’ lord, but don’t you mean the countess. From what I and others have heard, she actually controls the entire district, even the smuggling crew.”

  For Matthew this was excellent news. Now, finally they could bring to justice the murderer of the two Welsh people. But, would Rick have the necessary information, or if not would he be able to obtain what was needed, without coming to danger himself. This was a risk worth taking.

  “Before you answer my next question, I need you to think carefully. Have you heard of or seen a young man, possibly bearded with black eyes? By that I don’t mean as if he was in a fight. But black, cold, and with no emotion behind them.”

  “Yes, m’ lord. I do remember seeing someone as you describe. He gave me the chills. You know those drawings of the devil, and not that beast you ride but the other one? This man reminded me of those paintings.”

  “What do you know of him? Where he lives? Does he have a job or live off the largess of the countess?”

  “M’ lord, all I know is he lives someplace on the Redditch estate, but I have no clue where. He’s the leader of the smuggling crew out of that district. If rumors are to be believed not only is he strict but harsh to anyone who disagrees with him.”

  Somehow this all made since to Matthew. The only problem he had was how would they be able to apprehend Jonas Ringer?

  “Thank you for this information. I don’t want you or any of the Radcliffe crew to do any digging into what I asked of you. If this man is as you say, someone could get hurt. I’ll have to work with the Earl of Ashburn in figuring out a way to bring him, if he truly did kill those people, to justice.”


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