The Viscount's Bride (The Radcliffe Family Book 2)

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The Viscount's Bride (The Radcliffe Family Book 2) Page 21

by Lindsay Downs

  “Is something bothering you about Ringer?”

  As much as he wanted to tell her the truth, Matthew decided not to until having spoken with Simon.

  “Yes, I’m wondering who could be helping him slip away. Hopefully, soon we will have an answer,” he told her.

  Granted, part of what was disconcerting him was that, but that frustrated everyone. His only hope was that she’d believe him.

  “But, that’s not all which is troubling you, is there anything I can do to help?”

  “There is. Once I speak with Simon I’ll tell you, which will be shortly as we’ve arrived at the manor.”

  Assisting the ladies down, Matthew glanced over his shoulder and watched as Simon and Jeffrey marched across the courtyard from the stables. Turning back to Kathleen as the others had already stepped inside, he smiled.

  “I’ll meet you in the parlor after I talk with Simon. I promise you that what’s unsettling me, you will learn. The last thing I wish is to keep secrets from each other,” he declared.

  “On that point, you are correct. I look forward to hearing what you have to say.”

  With a smile and bow to her, Matthew waited until Kathleen had stepped inside then turned to meet his father and Simon.

  “Shall we take a walk? I always find discussing serious subjects easier to handle when out in the air,” Simon suggested.

  “Yes, and father, would you care to join us?”

  “Thank you, but no. I have a feeling I am aware of the topic, and as I have never experienced what the two of you went through, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be of any assistance.”

  “I understand. Once we finish talking we’ll meet up in the parlor,” Matthew directed.

  Matthew gave his father a nod then turned to the duke.

  “Shall we visit the garden?”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “So, as you see, even though the wound might have healed, the mind can, in some cases, take longer,” Matthew said, finishing to explain the private meeting with Simon.

  “Kathleen, what he didn’t point out is his great concern for your safety. Please accept this overprotectiveness until Ringer is brought to justice,” Simon declared.

  Fearing his wife might become angry at him, Matthew braced himself for the possible onslaught from her. Glancing to her, he became disarmed by the smile she gave him.

  “Yes, with the codicil that once the man is caught you don’t hover over me,” Kathleen requested.

  “Agreed. Now, as Roger has arrived, shall we see what, or better still, who is helping to hide Ringer away?” Matthew announced before standing and offering Kathleen his hand.

  Following the others into the office, Matthew settled Kathleen on the settee then joined the gentlemen at the table where the map was spread out.

  “To help, we need Toby, Rick, and the groom from today. They can show us were they lost track of Jonas,” Matthew said.

  “I have already thought of that. When I turned my horse over to King I asked him to send the men over and to come up the rear stairs. On entering, I informed Connor of their impending arrival. He is to keep them there and only have them come here one at a time,” Roger uttered.

  “Good. Then let’s start with where Ringer was spotted each time and by which one of us. Then have the groom come in and show us the route he took and where they lost sight of the man,” Matthew suggested.

  “As I was the first to see him, I’ll start,” Kathleen said.

  Matthew started to walk over to help her rise but saw her stand and glide over to him. He waited while she studied the map then pointed to a spot across and just down the street from the dress shop.

  “This is where I noticed him, and he raced off in that direction toward this street. After that I lost sight of him. Rick then went after him,” Kathleen told the men.

  Simon glanced to the door and nodded to Connor to bring the groom into the office. When Rick walked in, Matthew watched as he bowed deeply.

  “Son, step over here,” Simon directed to the young man. “We have learned where Lady Kathleen spied Jonas Ringer and in what direction he took. What we need from you is to find were you lost him.”

  “Yes, Your Grace.”

  In minutes Matthew observed the leader of the Radcliffe crew point to a small building.

  “Right there, Your Grace. I was only a few steps behind him when he turned the corner, when I did he was nowhere in sight.”

  “Thank you. Remember you aren’t to say anything to the others about where you lost him,” Matthew declared.

  “I understand, m’ lord.”

  Next, Matthew found the route he’d seen Jonas Ringer take, not having seen Kathleen’s. This way he hadn’t been influenced by her.

  “Now, we need Toby as I sent him after the man,” he told Simon.

  Stepping back from the table, he watched his future coachman for Kathleen point out the same direction Rick had. When the groom showed the same paths, Matthew now knew the house or building were the same. Glancing over to Roger who was smiling, Matthew suspected the man was aware who occupied the structure.

  “Are you going to keep us in suspense as to who owns the building?” Matthew asked.

  “You’re not going to believe what I tell you. As you are aware, the Redditch’s have limited access to the ocean. Much of what comes in is through Cornwall. The earl is the building’s landlord.”

  For Matthew, this was more than good news, it was great news. Peering over to his father and Simon, both who were smiling, he next turned his attention to the ladies, in particular Kathleen.

  “Simon, might I suggest we set a watch over the building? This way we will learn when Jonas Ringer comes and goes through it,” Emma suggested.

  “I agree, and we can have some of the crew handle that task. I know they are upset over the attack on you, Matthew,” Simon stated.

  “Your Grace, pardon me for listening in, would you like Rick to return?” Connor asked.

  “Yes,” the duke ordered, then turned to Matthew. “As you were the one Jonas Ringer tried to kill, would you care to explain to Rick what’s needed of him and his men?”

  “It would be my pleasure. If you don’t mind, I’ll explain everything to him. That way, he’ll better understand the need for the assistance.”


  What did surprise Matthew, he watched as Simon and both fathers took seats beside their wives. That gave him an idea. He stepped over to Kathleen and held out his hand which she took and stood with a mildly confused look in her eyes.

  “With you beside me Rick will understand the great importance of what I’ll be asking of him.”

  “Showing him we stand as one to defeat Ringer,” she stated.

  Seeing the groom standing in the doorway, Matthew couldn’t answer. He nodded for Rick to enter and held up a hand to halt him from bowing as he’d already paid his respects to everyone.

  “From you and the other two, who confirmed where you lost sight of Jonas Ringer, we know where he disappears. Right here,” Matthew pointed to a building on the map. “What we, Lady Kathleen and I, are requesting of you could be dangerous for you and the Radcliffe crew.”

  “M’ lord, having seen him attempt to murder you, I’ve been assailed by requests from the men to step in to help. We as a whole stand in your service.”

  “Thank you and the crew for us. We need to have a watch set over the Redditch warehouse so the comings and goings of Jonas can be monitored. By doing that we might be able to learn not only who is helping him but where he goes when he leaves,” Kathleen explained.

  “M’ lady, consider that done as one of my men works in the building across the street. It will be very easy to keep a pair of eyes on the building.”

  “We will leave the details up to you,” Matthew said, then nodded to dismiss the young man.

  Once Rick was out of the office, Matthew waved Connor in.

  “Have a tea tray with whatever Cook has ready brought to the parlor,” he ordered.

  “Yes, m’ lord.”

  “Son, if you don’t mind me asking why gather in the sitting room for tea?”

  “Simply put, being here is where we discuss Ringer and the earl and countess. Both of which are unpleasant. In the parlor, we may relax and talk about more casual and pleasant topics,” Matthew said in reply.

  Seeing his father nod his understanding, Matthew offered Kathleen his hand then, as they were the most junior in rank followed the others down the hall. In the comfortable room he guided her to a settee. Once she was settled, he joined her just as Connor entered with the tea tray.

  “Lady Kathleen, would you do the honors?” Emma inquired.

  “Your Grace, thank you for the privilege.”

  While the tea was poured and passed along with the biscuits, a pleasant silence filled the room which gave Matthew the chance to think how to keep his wife occupied, other than in bed, for the next few days. Then he remembered there had been talk of fishing, of which his father also enjoyed. Matthew, as he’d thought earlier, needed time to finish the sketches.

  “Matthew, you seem a bit pensive. Would you care sharing your thoughts with us?” Elsie asked.

  “Not at all. As we will be here for the next few days I was thinking of different ways to keep our minds off the previous subject.”

  “I believe we ladies had planned on visiting the river for fishing, but now I would feel safer if you gentlemen joined us,” Emma suggested.

  “And as the path is wide enough, for those choosing not to ride, we can take the dog cart as we would need it to carry lunch baskets,” Roger said then added. “If we don’t take a groom, I’m more than willing to handle the reins.”

  “As much as I do enjoy sitting a horse, I believe you will have myself to keep you company,” Elsie uttered.

  “And I as well,” Serena spoke.

  Matthew peered over to his wife and raised a brow.

  “I’ll take Marigold, and I’m sure Emma you will wish to ride Rose.”

  “Yes, most definitely. Of course when Simon and I return to our estate, she will most likely be going with us.”

  “As both of you are riding, mayhap I’ll bring my sketch pad and continue working on the renderings,” Matthew suggested.

  “I don’t think you will have the opportunity as for myself once I get to the river I’ll be spending time fishing,” Kathleen declared.

  “As will I,” Emma added.

  As much as Matthew wanted to grin on hearing this, he didn’t since he’d now be able to work on the drawing back here in the paddock.

  “My only question now is, do we have enough equipment for everyone or will we need to buy a few more rods?” Simon asked.

  “I think we have four over at Ashburn,” Roger said.

  “And there are the same number here. They’re in the gardeners shed and in excellent condition,” Matthew exclaimed.

  “Wonderful. Shall we plan on the excursion for tomorrow? That should give Cook enough time to prepare several baskets,” Simon suggested.

  “Ladies, shall I speak with Cook and see what she would recommend we take?” Kathleen solicited.

  “Yes, and tell her we desire foods we can eat with our fingers. This way, we won’t have to worry about silverware only glasses for the wine,” Emma recommended.

  “Then, if you’ll excuse us, Roger and I need to return to Ashburn so we may start getting everything ready for the morrow. Simon, if you don’t mind, we’ll bring our cart over as that will make the most sense,” Elsie uttered.

  “Just remember to have several grooms along as guards.”

  “No, I won’t,” Roger said.

  Matthew stood and assisted in helping Kathleen up then he escorted her out so she could say her adieus to her parents. He wasn’t surprised when the others also joined in the procession. As he stepped out, he noticed the earl’s carriage waiting. Standing to the rear were Toby and another groom both with a brace of pistols fastened to the front of their saddles. After seeing Roger and Elsie off, he turned to his wife.

  “As I’ve been laid up with the wound, I’m sure Devil hasn’t received any exercise. As we’ve several hours before needing to dress for dinner, I’ll have King saddle the beast while I change into boots and britches.”

  “If you don’t mind the company in the paddock I’ll put my mare through her paces.”

  “Not at all.”

  “And I’ll lean on the rail and watch you both to make sure you, Matthew in particular, behave,” Simon teased.

  With a nod to the duke and Kathleen, Matthew marched over to the stable. Walking in, he was greeted by King.

  “Afternoon, m’ lord. What can this old man do for you?”

  “Since I’m sure Devil hasn’t had any real exercise, and racing around the pasture not counting, would you saddle him? Also, Her Ladyship has requested Marigold so make sure she’s ready as well, with the sidesaddle.”

  “Certainly, m’ lord. I’ll also make sure the mounting steps are by the gate.”

  “Thank you, as I don’t know if the shoulder is strong enough to lift Lady Kathleen onto the saddle.”

  Turning on his heel, Matthew made his way back to the manor and their suite, all the while wondering which habit Kathleen would be wearing. Stepping in, he found the room empty while voices came from the adjoining one. Then he remembered she washed and dressed there, which was going to change when they retired to his estate. Quickly, he changed from trousers and shoes into boots and britches.

  Stepping into the hall, he was met by his wife in his favorite riding outfit-blue with the low cut bodice.

  “As you can see, I chose not to wear that ridiculous cap and won’t tomorrow. Then though, I’ll be in my brown habit.”

  “I agree with you, about the hat that is and the color of the habit for the excursion.”

  He offered her his hand, which she took and together they went out to the stable. En route, they were halted when Matthew heard his name being called out. Glancing over his shoulder, he watched as Simon and Emma walked up.

  “Your Graces, out for a stroll?” he teased.

  “If you consider walking from the manor to the paddock so we may observe you ride, Lord Matthew, then yes. I wish to see how that beast you like so much goes,” Simon declared.

  “Having seen Lucifer go, I’d hazard just as him. Don’t forget they are half-brothers and trained by King.”

  “And I hope you’re not going to try lifting Lady Kathleen onto the saddle. Don’t forget, you’ve only been recovering for really the past ten days,” Emma asserted.

  “No. King is having the mounting steps set up by the stable.”

  “Of that I’m happy to hear. Mayhap in a week or so you will have full use of the arm so then you will be able to,” Kathleen said.

  “At least the wound won’t interfere with riding or casting a fly.”

  With that, Matthew turned and continued to escort Kathleen around to the back of the barn, pointedly not listening to the grumblings about fishing coming from behind him. Glancing down to Kathleen, he noticed she was giving him a coy smile, as if she knew something none of them did.

  At the stairs he held her hand as she took the four steps, waited for her to get settled, and then stepped over and climbed onto the back of Devil.

  “Go easy with me, as you are aware, I’ve not been well,” Matthew spoke to his beast then gave Devil a pat on the neck.

  After about half an hour Matthew could feel himself tiring. Informing his wife, he rode over to the gate which was opened by Simon then dismounted. Much to Matthew’s surprise, Kathleen followed him out and with a groom holding Marigold’s head used the steps to get down.

  “Will I have time to lie down for a few minutes before bathing and dressing for dinner?”

  “I think you will have about an hour to rest,” Kathleen told him.

  Now, he wondered if she’d be joining him under the covers. As much as he wished to inquire, he decided not to but let her decide on her own without being
pressured. Making their way back to the manor, Matthew happened to glance down in time to see her attempt to stifle a yawn. This little act told him she might share the bed and hopefully not fall asleep at least until they’d made love.

  Walking into the manor, Matthew guided Kathleen upstairs to the suite but stopped when she shook her hand free from his.

  “I need to change and refresh myself. Would you mind company in the bed?”

  “Of course he wouldn’t. In fact, I’d wager he’s counting on you joining him,” Emma announced in jest.

  Feeling his face warm at the duchess’ comment, Matthew glanced down and saw Kathleen’s cheeks had pinked as well. As much as he wished to reply to the comment, he suspected his words wouldn’t do any good except to tempt Emma or Simon to tease him even more. With a nod to Kathleen, he watched her slip into her room, turned and glowered at the duke, and then went to his suite.

  Later, having only closed his eyes for a short period of time, now bathed and dressed, with his wound tended to by Mrs. Swithin, Matthew sat in a chair.

  “Let’s go to the Coachman again as Her Ladyship seems to appreciate that one on me,” Matthew directed.

  “Yes, m’ lord.”

  When Connor finished and was about to depart, Matthew held up a hand to halt him from leaving.

  “I’ve several questions for you. Since I don’t know you outside Radcliffe Hall, do you have family? By that I mean a wife and children.”

  “No, m’ lord. My wife died from scarlet fever several years ago. As for little ones, no. Might I inquire why?”

  “As you know, I don’t have a valet and wondered if you might be interested in filling that position?”

  “If His Grace gives his permission that I leave his employ, then yes. As you are an architect, will I be traveling with you?”

  “Yes. I’ll speak with the duke and hopefully get an answer for you in a few days. Do you have an idea who might replace you as butler?”

  “I do, m’ lord. Thomas, he’s been here as senior footman for years, even before me and resented my being given the post over him by the late duke.”


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