The Viscount's Bride (The Radcliffe Family Book 2)

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The Viscount's Bride (The Radcliffe Family Book 2) Page 22

by Lindsay Downs

  Could this man be passing information to Jonas Ringer as to when and where he along with Kathleen would be? This he’d have to also present to Simon then have Rick and Toby, if need be, tell him what they knew of Thomas.

  “Thank you.” With a nod, Matthew dismissed the butler.

  After shrugging into his black jacket, Matthew took a final look at himself in the mirror, smiled, and then strolled out into the hall, there to be met by his parents and Kathleen. “This is a pleasant surprise or should I be worried?”

  “No, husband. Your mother and I were talking about when everything is settled here and we stop in London to see the townhouse. She was suggesting a ball in our honor instead of a wedding breakfast.”

  “I do like the idea.”

  Matthew suspected with the new information he had just received from Connor the end, thus the beginning of his life with Kathleen, would come sooner than expected.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  From the top stoop Kathleen watched Matthew march across the courtyard to the stables. With Simon at his side, she could tell no words were being exchanged which came as a surprise. What had amazed her even more was that when her husband hinted at having some interesting information, no one pressured him into revealing what that was. At her side, wearing a matching brown riding habit, stood Emma.

  Turning to the duchess, Kathleen smiled. “Shall we make sure everything is ready for the picnic? I also need to order up another basket for the grooms.”

  “Last night, when we retired for the evening, were you able to learn more about what Matthew had learned, or were you both too occupied?”

  “Oh, between you and His Grace I don’t know which one of you is the most impossible. And to answer your question, no he wouldn’t tell me.”

  “I would have to say Simon could be the most dreadful in that regard,” Emma declared.

  Kathleen turned and reentered the manor and headed directly to the kitchen. Stepping in, she noticed three wicker baskets covered with clothes. This told her they were all set to be loaded onto the dog cart when it arrived.

  Cook turned and gave a deep curtsey. “How may I be of assistance?”

  “I’m sorry to spring this on you, but we’ve decided to take along two grooms to help with the horses, so we’ll need another container for them.”

  “That shan’t be a problem, m’ lady. I was in the process of making sandwiches for them. I will wrap them and add an ale each for the men. If you’ll give me ten minutes, everything will be ready.”

  “When we return this afternoon we should have a great number of trout. Hopefully, enough for not only our dinner but the staff also,” Emma told the cook.

  “Thank you. I’m sure those here will be very appreciative. I should warn you, Your Grace, Lady Kathleen more often than not out fishes anyone in the district.”

  “On that you are correct,” Kathleen said, then gave Cook a nod and with Emma at her side left for the parlor.

  Walking in, she was greeted by Serena, in a green walking dress. “Ladies, are we ready for our little adventure? I don’t know about either of you, but it will be nice to get away for a few hours.”

  “Most definitely. There’s nothing more fun than dipping a fly in the river,” Kathleen uttered.

  “Except maybe dining on the fish you caught,” Emma added.

  Hearing footsteps coming toward the room, Kathleen glanced over her shoulder to see her husband and Simon stroll in.

  “Ladies, I’m pleased to see you are all ready as I just saw Roger and Elsie in the cart, coming down the drive. They should be entering the courtyard by the time we get out there,” Matthew stated.

  “Wonderful, and the extra basket has been ordered up. Matthew, which grooms will be accompanying us?” Kathleen inquired.

  “I selected Toby and Rick.”

  Now this Kathleen found highly interesting. Toby would be her coach driver, thusly very skilled at handling a team of horses. Another part of his job was to protect her when Matthew couldn’t go with them. Rick, leader of the Radcliffe crew, was very familiar with most of the other smugglers and their members. She wondered if what he’d uncovered might have to do with bringing in illegal goods.

  “Then, shall we be off? I’ve a feeling today will be very interesting and exciting.” Accepting a nod from Matthew, she settled her hand in his, once again getting a warm tingle shooting up her arm. This made her wonder if the emotion would ever stop.

  With Matthew at her side, this time they led the party out to the front step where they were joined by Jeffrey.

  “M’ lord, we were wondering if you were going to be joining us or not,” Kathleen said.

  “I was talking with King about Satan. From what I understand the Hall will be losing yet another horse. I plan on taking him to the estate and putting him out to stud with the hopes of improving some of my riding stock.”

  Kathleen turned on hearing laughter coming from Simon, then realized the reason. The subtle reference to breeding. This made her wonder if the hint was for Matthew or Simon. Glancing over to the duchess who had a pink hint to the color of her cheeks, Kathleen suspected Emma.

  “Connor, there are four baskets in the kitchen. Send two footmen to collect them,” Kathleen directed.

  “Yes, m’ lady.”

  Ten minutes later, mounted on Marigold and with Matthew riding Devil, she led the party down the path toward the river. As they approached the clearing, she stopped and studied the area.

  “Yes, dear. I was thinking of suggesting to Simon to have a small cottage built here. The building could be used for guests.”

  “Matthew, I do like the idea. Can you draw up the plans?”

  “Most certainly.”

  A short while later, assisted down by her husband, Kathleen buttoned the left side of her skirt up then swept over to the cart. There, she smiled on seeing her favorite rod. Taking it out, she then selected the fly she always used and easily fastened the lure to the string.

  When they took a break for luncheon Kathleen held up her string of eight trout, smiled, then set the fish back in the water to keep them alive. Glancing over to Emma, she noticed the same number on hers. On seeing both mothers with six each, Kathleen looked to the men and wanted to giggle as between the four of them they had a total of seven.

  “We’ll do better after we eat,” Simon declared.

  “I think not, dear husband. Remember who caught the most and largest when we fished at the ducal estate?”

  “You did, darling, and the dowager duchess came in second.”

  Kathleen had an idea as to why the ladies where so much luckier than the men.

  “Matthew, simply put, we are much more delicate when handling the line than you gentlemen. Now, as I see the grooms have finished setting out our luncheon, shall we enjoy the repast?”

  Seated on a blanket, as were the others, Kathleen glanced across to Matthew and smiled.

  “Now, as the only ears who can hear what you have to say are the two select grooms, can you tell us what you learned?”

  “Last eve, while talking with Connor, I learned something interesting which leads me to think we might have a spy in Radcliffe Hall. From what I was told the senior footman, Thomas, resented being passed over for the butler position in favor of Connor.”

  Carefully, Kathleen studied the others for their reaction to this news. Not surprisingly she saw Simon curl his lips in a silent growl and panic in the eyes of both mothers. She knew the first two dead bodies had occurred before she and Matthew had met but not Paul Newcomb. Then the attempted murder of her husband. Add to that, every time they went into the village Jonas Ringer appeared.

  “So, you believe this man could be getting a message to Ringer somehow?” Kathleen said.

  “Yes, and that’s why I asked for Toby and Rick to join us. This way they can talk without anyone, except us, knowing what was said.”

  “I know what I’m about to suggest could be considered highly irregular, but I believe we allow the two yo
ung men to use our Christian names,” Simon stated.

  Much to her surprise, Kathleen along with the others nodded their agreement to the recommendation. She waited while the men were waved over by Simon.

  “Gentlemen please take seats with us and you have permission to use our Christian names. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Your…sorry, Simon. How can Rick and I be of assistance?”

  “Matthew, since you were the person who learned of this new information, I’ll turn this gathering over to you,” Simon declared.

  “Thank you. Toby, Rick, as you’ve both been employed at Radcliffe Hall for quite a few years, you are aware the late duke promoted Connor over Thomas to the position of butler. Do either of you have any idea why?”

  “From what I learned after the fact, Thomas liked to gamble sometimes a little too heavily. He had wanted to join one of the smuggling crews, but his wife wouldn’t let him,” Rick uttered.

  “Why wouldn’t the man’s wife allow him to help with a crew? Surely the extra monies would have helped with keeping creditors at bay?” Kathleen said.

  “They would have, as you are aware, Kathleen. And by the way, we’ve missed you.”

  “Thank you, but the crew might not have me around much longer.”

  “Excuse me, but I believe I know why Thomas’s wife wouldn’t let him run with a gang. If I remember correctly, her father died at sea, and she didn’t want the same to happen to her husband. That, plus Thomas had been suspected of stealing from the Hall, but the accusation turned out to be false when the real thief was caught,” Toby added.

  “And all of this is why my father wouldn’t promote Thomas? That being said, do either of you believe he could, to pick up a little extra blunt, be selling information to Jonas Ringer?”

  Kathleen noticed the two grooms lean closer to each other and start whispering. What was even more interesting, the look on Simon’s face, not to mention Emma’s and her parents. For some reason Matthew took everything in stride.

  “We don’t believe so. As the man weighs in the range of seventeen stones, riding would be out of the question and forget about running. If he is getting word to Ringer, he must have someone helping him. Then again, as grooms we’d learn from King when a horse was taken, and to the best of our knowledge that hasn’t happened,” Toby stated.

  “As for the night when you were shot, Matthew, we’d out bid the Redditch crew for the goods coming in. I suspect Ringer was angry and attacked us to retrieve what they thought should have been theirs,” Rick added.

  From the disgusted expressions on everyone’s faces and hers, she suspected, Kathleen guessed they were nowhere nearer to catching the man than before. There had to be someone someplace who would be able to give them the lead they needed.

  “Rick, as you haven’t alerted us to the fact Ringer has been spotted in the village, I’d hazard your people haven’t seen him?” Kathleen said.

  “On that, you are correct.”

  “If that’s the case, then I have a suggestion. Granted, Kathleen, you said we wouldn’t be returning until day after tomorrow, why not go in tomorrow?” Matthew suggested.

  “I don’t know about you ladies, but I would love to return to the dressmaker,” Serena declared.

  “Yes, I do love your idea as I’ve a design in mind, based on several of the plates,” Elsie, quiet until now, said.

  “Then, my dear, you won’t have me along as I have to meet with my estate manager in the morning. How long that will take, I’ve no idea,” Roger spoke.

  Sitting up straight, Kathleen wondered if the spy might not be at Radcliffe Hall but from Ashburn estate. Thinking back, every time she or someone had seen Ringer, her mother was in the group.

  “Mother, stay home with father. I’ve had a thought which might involve the staff at the estate,” Kathleen requested.

  “Dear, I don’t understand but will do as you request. I do hope you’ll explain everything over dinner tomorrow eve. And yes, this is an invitation for you all to join Roger and I.”

  “I am going to answer for all, when I say we accept. Now, can we return to see who can catch the most trout this afternoon?” Kathleen said.

  “M’ lady, Rick and I will clean up your picnic so you can win,” Toby announced.

  “Thank you.”

  By mid-afternoon Kathleen lifted her line from the water and started to take the fly off. Having added another five trout to her total, she watched as Matthew landed another fish with a smile.

  “So, how many does that make for you?”

  “Seven, and I believe I might have the largest,” he declared.

  “Bigger than this one?” Emma held up one.

  From what Kathleen could guess, the trout had to be at least three pounds which brought a groan from Matthew who hung his head in shame.

  “I do believe, Emma, this is the last time the gentlemen will fish with us,” Simon declared.

  Finally, with a total of thirty caught, more than enough for dinner and the staff, Kathleen let her husband carefully lift her onto Marigold’s back. A short while later, after riding into the stable yard, she allowed Matthew to help her down when she noticed him wince in pain.

  “Darling, you need to rest,” she said softly.

  “I agree.”

  With their horses turned over to King and a groom, she, with Matthew at her side and the others following, save her parents who started for their estate with ten of the trout, stepped into the manor.

  “You go get settled while Simon and I turn our fish over to Cook. I’ll also instruct her to make sure the staff have one each as there are too many for us to dine upon,” Kathleen suggested.

  “Agreed, on both points. Will I see you soon?”

  “Yes, but you will sleep alongside of me.”

  Once Kathleen and Simon turned the trout over to Cook, with directions to make sure everyone had one for dinner, Kathleen swept up to her suite. There she was met by Patty.

  “Welcome back, m’ lady. The rumor is you and Her Grace caught the most trout. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you. Did you also hear even the entire staff of the manor will be enjoying the fruits of our labor this evening?”

  “No, and thank you.”

  “Help me out of my habit, then I wish to wash up and nap in the next suite with His Lordship. And don’t even say what you’re thinking, I’m going to make sure he sleeps as he over-tired himself today.”

  A few minutes later, refreshed and wearing a dressing gown, Kathleen slipped into the suite she and Matthew slept in. Quietly she stepped up to the bed and saw him sleeping peacefully. With a soft smile to him, she tip-toed back to her suite.

  “Don’t even say a word. Seems I’ll be resting in my bed. Make sure His Lordship’s and my bath water are ready at six of the clock,” Kathleen ordered, then regretted her tone. “I’m sorry for snapping, it’s just Jonas Ringer. Every time we think we have an idea where he might be hiding, we can’t find him.”

  “That’s quite all right, m’ lady. Let’s get you settled, then I’ll make sure yours and His Lordship’s bath water is ready. Which gown would you like to wear this eve?”

  Considering the fun she’d had out fishing with the others, this was something she hadn’t thought about, which was the norm. Until she’d met then married Matthew, wearing the proper gown, especially for the evening meal, hadn’t been all that important, where now it was.

  “Patty, I’ve no idea. As we have been invited to my parents for dinner tomorrow eve, let’s go with something simple tonight.”

  “Then I’d suggest the pink gown.”

  “Perfect. Now, I need to rest.”

  Shedding her bathrobe, Kathleen slipped between the sheets and almost before her head touched the pillow felt her lids close.

  Kathleen woke do to a gentle shaking on her shoulder. Opening her eyes, she sort of smiled at seeing her maid looking down at her.

  “Has the time passed so quickly?”

  “Yes, m’ lady. Whil
e you napped, I had your gown ironed out then watched over you. Fear not, for His Lordship only woke moments ago, as I heard from the grumblings coming from the adjoining suite.”

  Hearing this little piece of news in regards to Matthew brought a frown to her lips, then a smile. Kathleen knew he’d been able to sleep undisturbed and promised herself that would never happen again. Yes, she’d had a peaceful sleep, though dreaming of Matthew making love to her had frequently entered her dreams, but it wasn’t the same.

  Bathed and dressed in the gown and with her hair simply done, Kathleen stepped from her suite into the hall where she was met by an unhappy husband.

  “My darling, I know you wished me to join you in bed, but you were sleeping so peacefully I didn’t want to disturb you,” she proclaimed in her defense.

  “My dear, you are then forgiven. After all, we’ll have many years of sharing the same bed.”

  “While creating a brood of children, with the first being a girl,” she countered.

  “Correction, we will have a son so he may carry on the Rathbourne viscount title when I, many years hence, become the Earl of Stratham.”

  “Son, I do hope you won’t take up the title, as you said for years. I wish, as does Serena, to enjoy our grandchildren.”

  “Yes, and watch them grow. As for if they be a boy or girl, there is no way of knowing which until the child is born,” his mother stated.

  “Then shall we join Simon and Emma in the parlor for a drink before dinner?” Kathleen said.

  Accepting Matthew’s offer of his arm, once again she chose to entwine her fingers with his, bringing a smile to his lips. Lips which she loved kissing and now did with wild abandon at every possible chance.

  Settled on her settee, Kathleen patted the cushion next to her for Matthew to join her. Accepting the tiny glass of sherry, she took a sip then glanced to Simon, who was wearing a wondering look in his eyes.

  “If you are curious as to why I requested mother not join us tomorrow, with Thomas ruled out could someone from Ashburn estate be passing along information as to when we are in the village? If this is so, then Jonas Ringer won’t be making an appearance as he has in the past,” she explained.


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